Acting on Objects in a Distributed System General Remarks CS applications often require to act on other objects. Using one node, it is sufficient to know the...
APESR Control System AP ESR will start to develop the control system. This wiki web contains the experiment specific documentation. Kickoff / Project On 13 Septe...
AP ESR Introduction There is an increasing demand for monitoring and slow control of modules, power crates, cameras etc. during the setup and actual experiments a...
Primary requirements * monitor the status Wiener NIM and VME creates via CAN bus Secondary requirements * control and monitor from outside ESR cave Future...
Short term solution * NI PXI 1033 Chassis with integrated MXI express controller, PCIexpress card and 3m cable * NI PXI 8464 CAN Bus controller with 2 ports...
September 13, 2006, 15:00 Room: DVEE Diskussionsraum, GSI Agenda * Visison of the ApEsrControlSystem * Control of Wiener crate power supplies via CAN bus a...
Archive DSC Files The DSC Engine saves the trend data and all alarms and events in a dedicated, user specific directory. The trend data files are saved in Citadel...
First open the "CSON Examples\a very basic Object Net" folder. Here you can see some Classes, two CSON Example Classes (1 and 2) and a "CSON Example Net" class. ...
First open the "CSPN Examples\a very basic Petri Net" folder. Here you can see the components of the netclass.The net itself is stored inside the "a very basic P...
Migration of a class from CS CLASSNAME.ProcCases: The format of the "Data" control has changed from string to "CoreDefs.rawDataType.ctl". A. CLASSNAME.ProcE...
Migration of a class from CS version 3.00 to CS version 3.10. General things 1. Using CS version 3.10 requires using LabVIEW 8.20. 1. In case this is you...
Migration of a class from CS version 3.1X to CS version 3.20. General Things In principle, class (im)ported from CS version 3.1X (LV8.2.1) will work with CS v...
Handling of and Building of Applications. Due to some changes in LabVIEW for versions newer than 2010, some changes had to be implemented within the C...
Migration of a class from CS version 3.20 to CS version 3.30. In LabVIEW 2012 NI made some changes which also affects CS classes. In fact, classes from CS versi...
CS Access System Introduction The CS Access System (CAS) provides the possibility to lock (and unlock) objects or sub systems for exclusive use. As an example, i...
Understanding Colors and Styles This How To aims at describing how colors are used within the CS framework. From the users point of view... The image below expla...
CS Communication Layer Introduction Starting with release 3.0, the communication layer of CS has been redesigned. CS prior version 3.0 Older versions of CS use...
ControllerBase Class This class is intended for application layer objects. Within a control system, each sub system is supposed to have one object of this class. ...
Creating a Patch for a Package Introduction This HOW TO describes how to create a patch for a package. The following should be considered. * Patch files have ...
Documents Overview CS has been triggered by the need of a control system for SHIPTRAP. The architectural requirements have been put to paper in December 2001. Th...
CS Download Links This page has been created to provide download links to CS software. It is mainly intended for internal usage. Current for LV2009 (Un)Packagin...
What is the CSGrid GUI? The GUI Structure provides an possibility to develop an compact and stable control system GUI for larger experiments, which includes the m...
HITRAP Slow Control System Meeting, June 17, 2008, 14:00 room: AP seminar room. Agenda Status of the CS Framework components until now, and further approach. Pa...
Getting Started Advanced Level This How To aims at describing how to set up many CS system on many PCs. Before starting do the following: 1. Install a minima...
Getting Started Profibus, OPC, ... This How To aims at describing how to set up one PC for usage of Profibus and OPC stuff together with CS. Before starting hav...
Milestones of the CS Framework Important dates and release history of the CS framework, given in reverse order. * Development Version CS V2.10d4 (August 4, 200...
CS ObjectNet Within this subproject ObjectNetŽs will be developed based on the CS framework. Kickoff / Project On July 19, 2006 it was decided to develop a frame...
Object Orientation with CS Prior to LabVIEW version 8.0, object orientated techniques were not available in native LabVIEW. Therefore, CS uses/implements an objec...
Older News * 11 Nov 2010: CSMain 3.20 will be released soon. This is your last chance to test your code against the new version before it is released. * 11 ...
* What is a Petri Net ? I think a good reference to answer this question is the wikipedia link * Which type of PetriNet's is used inside the CS Frame...
The Next CSPetriNet release should contain the following features: Feel free to add/change requests, please do that with name remark. * A Debug mode could be a...
Here some helpfiles are colleted, which should make the use of the CSPetriNetŽs more comfortable. * A very basic Petri Net * Dinner of philosophers ...
* The periodic loop of a object, which has inherited from the Place class will not be stoped, if no markers are on the place ! If the user desires this, he can do...
CS Packaging System Introduction A package is a collection of files and has a responsible maintainer. It does not matter, whether the files are text files or bin...
In front of a diploma work, Alexander Schwinn has to implement the Object and Petri NetŽs into the CS Framework. Here all CSPetriNet relevant documentation is co...
Reentrant VIs versus VI Templates Introduction Up to version 3.20, CS was heavily using VI templates for instanciating new objects and "threads". With version 3....
CSSeqArchitecturalDesignSpecification The following UML diagrams should serve as documentation for the current design of the CSSequencer class package. Moreover I...
CSSequencer Introduction The talk concering sequencers held by Main.HerbertPichlik, Systec, during the CsWorkshopFebruary2006, provides a good starting point as i...
Meeting for the CSSequencer Project * Date: April 4, 2006, 1:30 am * Room: KP1 Besprechungsraum (SB2 4.140) Agenda * Discussion of first ideas Particip...
Meeting for the CSSequencer Project * Date: March 7, 2006, 2:00 pm * Room: TBH 3.014 Agenda * Presentation of more CSSeqPrimaryRequirements * Discuss...
Meeting for the CSSequencer Project * Date: March 9, 2006, 8:15 am * Room: TBH 3.014 Agenda * Presentation of more CSSeqPrimaryRequirements * Discuss...
CSSequencer Primary Requirements The CSSeqKickoffMeeting was based on some very preliminary requirements, AllgemeineTestumgebung.ppt. They will be elaborated duri...
CSSequencer Proposed Solution The following class descriptions represent a first design approach for the CSSequencer package: * CSListObj * Handles hiera...
CSSequencer ToDo List Following Tasks have to be done: * Collection of CSSeqPrimaryRequirements * Collection of Use Cases * Development on a CSProxy cl...
Computer of the SHIPTRAP control system Central computer (APPC118) Backend computer (APPC177) Old Central computer (APPC105) (now only used for serial interfac...
Configuration of the SHIPTRAP control system This page should be the entry to the complete configuration of the SHIPTRAP control system. It is especially thought ...
PPG 100 Installation @ SHIPTRAP This page describes how to install the PPG100 at SHIPTRAP. It is a detailed version of CsPpg100. Installation 1. Install PPG W...
CS SQL Server Introduction Many parameters of a configuration are stored in a database that is accessed via SQL. The "CS SQL Server" allows one to connect to a c...
Sub Projects within CS The following links are pointing to specific sub projects within CS . * Domain Management System * CS Access System * CS SQL Se...
CS Test System This CS installation serves for the following: * Test software prior to releasing it. * Long term (months) stability test of a distributed co...
Attendees Discussion Notes * There were some new feature requests from the trap experiments to be implemented in CS and MM8: * FT ICR support: Lebit, CM...
Results of the CS Workshop 2008 Some Attendees Below is the official photo of the workshop, which we made quite late on the second day. Please note that our phot...
Results of the CS Workshop 2009 Some Attendees Below is a photo of the workshop that was taken by our photographer, Gabriele Otto. Discussion Notes FPGA as Pat...
Results of the CS Workshop 2010 Attendees Below is a photo of the workshop that was taken by our photographer, Gabriele Otto. Discussion Notes LabVIEW Version ...
Results of the CS Workshop 2011 UNDER CONSTRUCTION Attendees Below is a photo of the workshop that was taken by our photographer, Gabriele Otto. Discussion Note...
Attendees Below is a photo of the workshop that was taken by Sandra Hundack and manipulated by Main.AlexanderKessler : ). From Left: Matt Redshaw and David Lincol...
Results of the CS Workshop 2013 * 17 Attendees from 14 Experiments of 5 countries Responsibilities * Responsible class developers/maintainers were defined...
Existing Classes CS Framework 16 February, 2011 11:03 AM This table contains a list of all classes, where authors and/or maintainers have agreed to publish the...
Existing Classes CS Framework 18 May, 2010 11:29 AM This table contains a list of all classes, where authors and/or maintainers have agreed to publish the name...
Configuration of HITRAP * The used HITRAP database can be found at appc191 at D:\HTCS\database\CSDB_Hitrap.mdb * The settings for the DMSServer are on appc1...
Class AG33XXX Class supporting for arbitrary function generators AG33XXX from Agilent. Usage This class supports all devices compatible with the agilent_33xxx_s...
Building Applications Why building an application. For the end user, one would like to run CS in the LabVIEW runtime environment rather than in the development e...
Building Packages Introduction A package is just a collection of files. It serves to group files together and to distribute those files. Of course, a package can...
Class NanotecSMCPD Class for serial step motor controlers from Nanotec. Supports SMCI32, SMCI47, PD4 I and PD6 I. This class uses the instrument driver NanotecSMC...
CS changes after version 1.20 This How To describes the changes for CS for versions 2.00 and newer. In version 2.00, the whole core of the CS framework has been r...
Coding Conventions This How To aims at describing some coding conventions that should be used by CS developers. This is just a list of things, each developer and ...
Datalogging Supervisory Control (DSC) module Introduction The DSC module of LabVIEW provides SCADA (Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition) functionality like ...
Configure ODBC data source Very important for CS is a database, which stores configuration data of all objects of class (or child class of) BaseProcess. There are...
Class DIM_DIO This class handles one pair of digital input/output that is connected via DIM. A typical use case are digital I/O on a Profibus. Typically, The link...
Class DS345 Arbitrary function generator DS345 from Stanford Research Systems. This class uses an instrument driver to communicate with the hardware. Usage The d...
Class Some Classes for Handlich of Data EventBuilder An event builder that collects data from DAQ devices and publishes them via DIM together with a description ...
CS Parameter Database Main.AliBabaei starts to develop a parameter database with version control in November 2006. This wiki web contains the project specific doc...
Comparison of Databases Following table compared several databases available at GSI with respect to requirements concering the CS framework etc. Requirement A...
Debugging an application This is a collection of possibilities on debugging a CS application. 1. Use the "Inspector" and select the property "condition". If t...
DIM Interface Introduction The DIMIntProc class is an alternative to the DSCIntProc class. It provides no trending and alarming but makes all "tag values" availa...
Class DIMPowerSupply Handles powersupplies that are controlled via analog voltages. The values for those voltages are received and sent via DIM. Usage Typically...
Distributed Systems Three classes serve to build distributed systems based on CS. The communication is based on TCP/IP. 1. QueueListener 1. QueueClient ...
HOW TOs This is a collection of HOW TOs in order to give useful information. See the navigation bar (left). In case of problems, check the requirements as well. ...
Frequently Asked Questions Introduction This document serves for providing answers to frequently asked questions. This document is frequently subject to changes....
Using an NI FPGA card as Multi Channel Scaler (MCS) A mutli channel scaler (MCS) can be used for time resolved counting of ion or photon signals. One application ...
Using an NI FPGA card as Pulsed Pattern Generator (PPG) This class allows producing sequences of bit patterns at well defined times with a precision down to a few...
Using the GSI HVSwitch2 Class Class for a six channel fast switching power supply. Such a switch can be used to switch between two programmable voltages depending...
General Object GUI The General Object GUI (GOG) is a class that is designed for easy communication with the system. It can be used interactively as well a program...
CS HandsOn Course We provide a CS Framework HandsOn Course on request. When at least 6 Persons have applied for it, we will make a reservation for the classroom. ...
IEF Stepper FAQ for step motor control in Cave A 1. Q: Why does the IEF GUI always yield an error when talking to the hardware? A: There is a communication p...
CS Ini File There are no ini files with CS, except one: cs_start.ini. That ini file is located in the directory of the (development system) or the CS....
Install Binaries This How To is meant for people who would like to try the basic features of CS. For further details have a look at the How To for installing the ...
Install Sources (outdated) An overview about the installation is given in CS_readme.txt. More input from your side is required to prepare a good "How To"! For Li...
Getting Started Medium Level This How To aims at describing how to set up one normal CS system on one PC. Before starting, install a minimalistic CS system acco...
Getting Started Basic Level This How To aims at describing how to set up one minimalistic CS system on one PC. Install Third Party Software (on all PCs) 1 D...
Linux Amongst our users MS Windows is the primary operating system. Linux is only used in rare cases. The main reason for supporting Linux is to improve the confi...
Multi Threading When speaking of multithreading in LabVIEW, one must not confuse two things. First, there are the "real" threads of LabVIEW system within the oper...
Object Inspector The Object Inspector is a class for easy viewing and cleaning up the objects that have been created. At present, it's functionality is limited. A...
To build a ObjectNet able object you have to inherit form "CSON BaseClass" Now your class has a "" and further the old BaseProcess functionallity, as Proc...
The Next ObjectNet release should contain the following features: Feel free to add/change requests, please do that with name remark. * all Net Objects should a...
Here some helpfiles are colleted, which should make the use of the ObjectNetŽs more comfortable. * A very basic Object Net * How to give ObjectNet fun...
In front of a diploma work Alexander Schwinn will implement the ObjectNets and, if the time allows it, the PetriNets too. As Mentors Dr. Holger Brand and Dr. Diet...
ObjectNets, corresponding to the CS Framework are structures of Launch.viŽs, which are able to start several Objects on different Nodes and in different CS System...
11.09.06 CSON Meeting 1 attendants: * Dietrich Beck * Holger Brand * Alexander Schwinn Alexander Schwinn shows his work on Object NetŽs within a first ex...
A ObjectNet should fulfil some primary requirements: * Within the Launch.viŽs ObjectŽs can be started * The data flow inside ObjectNetŽs the must be observa...
The proposed solution was the ObjectNet, coded by "vogler automatisierungstechnik". We want to have a simmilar version for the cs framework. Mabe with some improv...
Quality assurance is given mainly by Dr. Holger Brand and Dr. Dietrich Beck. If anything is not atisfying, they will contact me. Main.AlexanderSchwinn 29 Sep ...
* If you use a ObjectNet, you have to care for unique Object names, especially if you use sub netŽs. Maybe the dot convention of the NetŽs could save you much wor...
The ObjectNetŽs itself are working fine. At the moment the only risk is, that the connection to the PetriNetŽs could take some time. It is not sure, if thr diplom...
Decisions made in the CSON Meeting 11.09.06 * no use of any CreateEvent viŽs, only optional use, to observe the Data flow //done * The only communication ...
Class PIMercuryStep This class supports the C 663 Mercury Step stop motor controller from Physik Instrumente (PI). Up to 16 controllers can be connected to one i...
PPG 100 This page describes how to install and set up the PPG100 pattern generator. Installation 1. Buy the dll from Becker Hickl. Install the dll using the...
Practical LabVIEW Details Some LabVIEW hints Clusters When creating a Cluster, create it by using a strict typedef inside a control file *.ctl. If you change ...
Class RS_AM300 This class is intended for used an aribtrary function generator from Rohde Schwarz, RS_AM300. The class uses an instrument driver from Rohde Schw...
CS for Real Time Systems Introduction Starting with release CS V2.10, CS is also supported on LabVIEW RT, which is based on the real time OS Pharlap. An overview...
Requirements Hardware * PC: RAM is more important than a fast CPU. CS runs fine on a 700MHz, PIII and 1024Mb with Windows XP or Linux. Although CS also runs ...
Class SR430 Multi channel scaler SR430 from Stanford Research Systems. This class uses a dedicated instrument driver. Usage The communication with the instrument...
CS Sequencer Package A general sequencer package was developed by using the CS framework. This wiki web contains the Package specific documentation. The CSSequenc...
Singleton Functionality General Remarks CS applications often require that objects are instantiated only once. Using one node, the SuperProc inhibits to star...
Start CS To start CS, run the (development system) or CS.exe (run time system). By this, the Super process is started. If there are problems, check th...
CS2Java Sourcecode/UML Generator Main.MartinFeldmann developed the CS2Java UML Generator in 2007 within the scope of his Bachelor Thesis. This wiki web contains t...
CS Workshop, April 2014 Results The results of the workshop are available here. Invitation Dear Colleagues, we, the experiment control system group @ GSI, would...
Experiment Control System Workshop, April 2023 Invitation Dear Colleagues, we, the experiment control system group @ GSI, would like to invite you to our annual ...
_CS_ Workshop, February 2006 Results The presentations given at the workshop can be found at the bottom of this page. The results of the workshop are summarized ...
_CS_ Workshop, February 2007 Results The results of the workshop can be found here. Invitation Dear Colleagues, we, the experiment control system group @ GSI, w...
_CS_ Workshop, February 2008 Results The results of the workshop can be found here. Invitation Dear Colleagues, we, the experiment control system group @ GSI, w...
_CS_ Workshop, February 2009 Results The results of the workshop can be found here. Invitation Dear Colleagues, we, the experiment control system group @ GSI, ...
_CS_ Workshop, February 2010 Results The results of the workshop are available here. Invitation Dear Colleagues, we, the experiment control system group @ GSI, ...
_CS_ Workshop, February 2011 Results The results of the workshop are available here. Invitation Dear Colleagues, we, the experiment control system group @ GSI, ...
_CS_ Workshop, February 2012 Results The results of the workshop are available here. Invitation Dear Colleagues, we, the experiment control system group @ GSI a...
_CS_ Workshop, February 2013 Results The results of the workshop are available CSWorkshopFebruary2013Results. Invitation Dear Colleagues, we, the experiment con...
_CS_ Workshop, April 2014 Invitation Dear Colleagues, we, the experiment control system group @ GSI, would like to invite you to a workshop dedicated to the CS ...
_CS_ Workshop Dear Colleagues, we, the experiment control system group @ GSI, would like to invite you to a workshop dedicated to the CS framework. Please feel fr...
CS Workshop, March 2015 Invitation Dear Colleagues, we, the experiment control system group @ GSI, would like to invite you to a workshop dedicated to the CS fr...
CS Workshop, March 2016 Invitation Dear Colleagues, we, the experiment control system group @ GSI, would like to invite you to a workshop dedicated to the CS fr...
CS Workshop, March 2017 Invitation Dear Colleagues, we, the experiment control system group @ GSI, would like to invite you to a workshop dedicated to the CS fr...
CS Workshop, March 2018 Invitation Dear Colleagues, we, the experiment control system group @ GSI, would like to invite you to a workshop dedicated to the CS fr...
CS Workshop, March 2019 Invitation Dear Colleagues, we, the experiment control system group @ GSI, would like to invite you to a workshop dedicated to the CS fr...
CANCELED: CS Workshop, March 2020 Invitation Dear Colleagues, we, the experiment control system group @ GSI, would like to invite you to a joined CS framework ...
Domain Management System (HOW TO) Please have a look at the main web site of the Domain Management System (DMS) as well Introduction DMS is a tool for managing p...
CS Database and DIM SharedVariable Tools Two things should be kept in mind. * There are two tools ("DB and SVCreate", "DB Conversion") which can be used to edi...
CS Database and Tag Tools There are two tools which can be used to edit the configuration of objects in the CS Database. Until now both are only working with an O...
First open the "CSON Examples\Use of a existing deviceclass in the net" folder. The class you can see here (ON Example DeviceClass) is a device class, which is gi...
Domain Management System Have a look at the dedicated How To as well. Introduction The Domain Management System (DMS) allows to start, kill and view processes wi...
DuT = Device under Test in general: any hardware which can be tested. Typical examples in our environment: Cable sets; PCBs of all kinds (Analog and digital I/O,...
Purpose In the next few years it is planned to integrate new features within MM6. In the end MM9 should also support advanced detection techniques like FT ICR and...
Finding Objects in a Distributed System General Remarks CS applications often require to act on other objects. Using one node, it is sufficient to know the n...
FOPI Control System The control system for the FOPI detector will be upgraded by using the CS framework. This wiki web contains the experiment specific documentat...
Configuring FOPI Slow Control In the following documents one can find a short (but hopefully complete) description what is necessary to configure for the FOPI S...
Configuring FOPI Slow Control Version 3.1 In the following documents one can find a short (but hopefully complete) description what is necessary to configure fo...
Configuration Mappings Please refer to the Configuration Instruction in FopiCsComputers first! * FopiCs210Configuration : Configuration of the FOPI control ...
FOPI Detailed Design Specification This page will describe the detailed design specification for the FOPI Control System. 1 Low Voltage Power Supplies 1 ...
External Interfaces and device Following interface are already known. Software * Beckhoff TwinCat OPC Server with no PLC, depricated * 1 item delivered ...
FOPI Implementation This page contains at least the list of produced and released executables. FOPI Teperature Control with Beckhoff PLC Documantation and progra...
FOPI Control System Operation This and subsequend pages will describe the operation of the FOPI Control System (FOPI_CS). Intended Users This pages are addressed...
Primary Requirements * Control and monitoring of CAEN HV power supplies * Control and monitoring of Agilent LV power supplies * Monitoring of Wire Chamb...
Proposed Solution * LabVIEW based CS framework and LabVIEW DSC module will be used. * Integrate CAEN power supplies via CAEN OPC Server * Temperature mea...
FOPI Requirements Specification On this page the primary requirments will be specified in details. Low Voltage Power Supplies 1 The status of the Low Voltage ...
Risk Analysis * In general if any of CS running PCs doesn't work anymore the systems front end should not be influenced in any sense. * A startup of any...
Configuration of the Data Logging and Supervisory Control Module Please refer to the Configuration Instruction in FopiCsComputers first! Documentation: * DSC...
* FopiMeeting1 22. September 2005 Temperature Monitoring Maintance of CEAN Agilent power supply classes * FopiMeeting2 26. September 2006 Discussion concer...
ToDo list. Step1 upgrade to CS.v3.10 based on LabVIEW 8.20 Since all student asigned to FOPI have quit the original plan to upgrade to CS 3.00 until November h...
FRS Control System The control system for the Fragment Separator will start to upgrade by using the CS framework in January 2006. This wiki web contains the exper...
External Interfaces and device Following non NI software and hardware interface are already known.(This is just an example to propose a possible structure of this...
This apparatus consists to mix gases of some quantity.The necessary gas data for the mixture has been sent with the Computer to the Interface .It is possible to k...
Proposed Solution * LabVIEW based CS framework and LabVIEW DSC module will be used. Gas System * The Gas measurements will be set via busterminals * Ga...
License Agreement for the Control System Framework (CS) By downloading or using software contained in CS, a general control system developed at GSI, the followin...
HITRAP Control System HITRAP has started to develop the control system in May 2006. This wiki web contains the experiment specific documentation. Configuration F...
This is a collection of external Interfaces and device for the HITRAP control system. * Digital Multimeter Prema 5000 * A LabVIEW intrumentent driver was...
HITRAP Implementation This page contains at least the list of produced and released executables. HITRAP CS Releases All Releases have a Version Major_Minor_Fix_B...
Das HITRAP Kontrollsystem umfasst zwei unterschiedliche Sektionen. Den Hochfrequenzlinearbeschleuniger un der HITRAP Niederenergiebereich mit Kühlerfalle, vertika...
This page contains a collection of primary requirements for the HITRP control system. * email from Main.OliverKester: Hallo Holger, im Rahmen der Zusammenarbei...
This page contains a solution proposal for the HTCsPrimaryRequirements. Motion This section will propose a solution concerning the Motion Requirements. Here are ...
HTCsSubsystems HITRAP Nomenklatur Die aktuelle Nomenklatur der HITRAP Strahllinienkomponenten findet man in den folgenden Dateien. * Nomenklatur_HiTrap_...
March 23, 2007, 9:30 Room: Vorraum der Atomphysik, GSI Agenda * Interface between accellerator and experiment control system Participants: Main.HolgerBrand,...
HITRAP Slow Control System Meeting, August 21, 2007, 13:00 room: AP seminar room. Agenda Start with the implementation of the HITRAP slow controls after the RFQ ...
March 23, 2007, 9:30 Room: Vorraum der Atomphysik, GSI Agenda * Klärung Bereich Beschleunigerkontrollsystem und CS, bzw. des Überlappbereichs von beiden Syste...
This is the ToDo list for the HITRAP control system. The order is random, no priorities has been added until now. * Add people the the Main.CSDeveloperGroup ...
The HITRAP logbook can be found at The logbooks are saved at \\Winfilesvg\APTR$root\ELOG\logbooks\ and the config file is saved on the hard ...
Only use this Example, if you have completely understand all coherences in the first Example "a very basic Object Net"!! First open the "CSON Examples\Example of ...
Package Names and Links for LabVIEW 2009 SP1 (Un)Packaging (Un)Packaging: utility for packaging and unpackaging/installing of CS packages, release notes Core Sy...
Package Names and Links for LabVIEW 7.1 (Un)Packaging: utility for packaging and unpackaging of CS packages, release notes Core System * CSMain: core of CS, r...
Package Names and Links for LabVIEW 8.2.1 (Un)Packaging (Un)Packaging: utility for packaging and unpackaging/installing of CS packages, release notes Core Syste...
LabVIEW DIM Interface This document refers to package DimWrapper version = 1.00 and package LVDimInterface version = 1.10. Introduction DIM is a communication ...
Source Code Control CS now uses Subversion as source code control system. At GSI, a Subversion server has been set up. This repository is meant for daily use for ...
FAQ condering Lambda Genesys LV Device What is a Lambda Genesys LV Device?? The Lambda Programmable DC Power Supplie is a crate of the Lambda Genesys Series. 25 ...
FAQ concerning LeCroy 140 and 2132: What is a LeCroy1440 Mainframe or a LeCroy 2132 Interface? The Lecroy1440 Mainframe has 16 Cards with 16 HV Channels per Card...
Meeting on the Future of the MM6 GUI, February 3, 2011 The meeting will take place on February 3, 2011, from 0900 to 1200 at GSI in the "Seminarraum Theorie", SB3...
Purpose This Webpage should summarize our efforts to include new and modern detection techniques into MM6. MM6.cpp is a C /QT graphical UI used by different trap ...
The Graphical User Interface for Mass Measurements The user interface is the MassMeas.exe program. It is encoded using C in conjuntion with a Borland compiler (p...
MATS Control System The control system for MATS will be implemented using the CS framework. Background information can be found via the technical design report. T...
NodeMon Introduction NodeMon is a tool allowing for local and remote CPU monitoring. Two things are provided * libNodeInfo: A library providing inforatation a...
An ObjectNet, dedicated to the CS Framework, is a Labview VI in which many instances of different classes can be generated. The objects, names, etc. which are cre...
Types of Executables This table shows the different executables used at HITRAP and the compiled classes as well as the nodes the executables are running on. Exe...
Downloading and Installing CS CS consists of various packages from different developers and maintainers, similar to a Linux distribution. In the following a few m...
First open the "CSPN Examples\Dinner of philosophers" folder. Here you can see the components of the netclass. The net itself is stored inside the "Dinner of phi...
Projects Using CS The following links are pointing to project specific control system documentation. Active Projects Control Systems in Production or in Commiss...
* If you use a ObjectNet, you have to care for unique Object names, especially if you use sub netŽs. Maybe the dot convention of the NetŽs could save you much wor...
Requested features Bugs Implemented features and fixed bugs are marked as done/fixed and once they are released in a new version, the changes can be found in th...
Labview Installation for the Rising Autofill System To run the System the following packages from NI have to be installed : * Labview 7.1 Professional Developm...
Twincat Setup for the Rising Autofill System First install Twincat and the Twincat OPC Server. How to configure the OPC Server and make the OPC items accessible i...
Preconfiguration of the Rising Autofillsystem * Check wether the following attributes have the correct values. (See OPC mapping) All other settings can be done...
Upgrade to V4.0 S2 There will be an additional pipline leading from the S4 to the S2 area. There will be placed one tank with 8 detectors attached. The tank fill...
/risingtransparent.gif Rising Autofill System The Rising Autofill System, formerly running as a Labview Application using ObjectView, was redesigned by using the...
The SHIPTRAP control system The SHIPTRAP double Penningtrap setup is located after SHIP at GSI. It is controlled using the CS framework in combination with a user...
Open the "CSPN Tools" folder. Here you can see the "CSPN Tools.clearing", the "CSPN Tools.inhibitor", the "CSPN Tools.test" and a folder, ...
Graphics of diagnostic boxes * KVI_diagnostics.pdf: Design of the diagnostics boxes at KVI Groningen Information about the diagnostic boxes * The System is...
Virtual Conferencing VRVS VRVS is a Virtual Room Videoconferencing System, It is already in use in the HEP and GRID community. May...
CS A Control System Framework for Experiments CS is a framework that can be used by many experiments. CS is a multi threaded, event driven, object oriented and di...
Meeting on FPGA card programming, 14 April 2008 aim: The aim of the meeting was to discuss the future of the programming required for using an NI FPGA card as pat...
This is a subscription service to be automatically notified by e mail when topics change in this CSframework web. This is a convenient service, so you do not have...
GSI Wiki.CSframework Web Preferences The following settings are web preferences of the GSI Wiki.CSframework web. These preferences overwrite the site level prefer...
X0 Probe Control Material Research operates an experiment at X0. In the past a LabVIEW based automation to control the irratiation of probes was developed in coop...