The Next ObjectNet release should contain the following features:
Feel free to add/change requests, please do that with name-remark.
- all Net Objects should also publish a Status Array, where you can see the quality of all services. (Idea from Holger Brand, posted by Alexander Schwinn)
- all Lauch.viŽs should have a DataIn - Input (Idea from Stefan Goette, posted by Alexander Schwinn)
- The change to use the DIM Indicator-Library should be checked, and maybe implemented.(Idea from Alexander Schwinn)
- Dot-convention ( e.g. Netname.Object ) will be enforced in the next version, to make all Net-Object names unique (if more than one instance of a Net is running) (Idea from Holger Brand, posted by Alexander Schwinn)
- The Local Controler restarts its objects more often, than necessary. Tests on that should be done and if the source is found, the bug should be fixed (Alexander Schwinn)
AlexanderSchwinn - 06 Aug 2007