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Ongoing activities

Meetings of the research division

  • Meetings of the department heads, the technical and research coordinators of the four FAIR collaborations, the coordinators of the graduate school HGS-HIRE and the Extreme Matter Institute EMMI and members of the staff of the scientific director usually take place on every 3rd Mondays at 10:00. An Outlook invitation with a tentative agenda is send usually on Wednesday before, the final agenda will not be available before Friday. The group of people who are regularly invited are on the mailing list FBL.
  • Meetings of the department heads usually take place on every 3rd Monday at 10:00 a.m. An Outlook invitation with a tentative agenda is send usually on Wednesday before, the final agenda will not be available before Friday. The group of people who are regularly invited are the department heads of the research division and IT and their deputies.

Documents for personnel hirings

Calendar of events in 2021


Calendar of events in 2021


Center Evaluation POF

Strategic Evaluation POF4

Topic revision: r17 - 2023-02-01, AndrewMistry
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