This is the ToDo list for the HITRAP control system. The order is random, no priorities has been added until now.

  • Add people the the CSDeveloperGroup
  • Usage of the CS- error code convention. Replacement of all old "error Codes", like "1234" and "9999"
  • Dokumentation an Bakup of all .exe Versions from the Hitrap Control System. As Dokumentation System a MS-Exel-Table can be used. (Look at ...\LVSCC\binaries\CS )
  • No code inside of ProcCases ... there only Sub-ViŽs should be called (Has to be changed in most of the Hitrap classes)
  • New Classes should be written using the CS- DeviceBase class-model. Also the two old classes: "FUG_PowerSupply" and "Stahl_PowerSupply" should be re-designed, using the PSChannelBase? (or a similar, if existing) class for inheritance.
  • FUG_PowerSupply and Stahl_PowerSupply
    • class should inherit from DIMPowerSupply or HVChannelBase (ask Dietrich)
    • publicated DIM-Services do not follow the conventions, which will be given by the base-class. Here some work will be to do, also in other involved classes, and inside the DSC-configuration.
    • ProcCases: Code should be stored in seperate method
    • All values (set and get values) should be stored inside the I-Attrib. of the device class. The reason for that is, that on pressing "save/load current configuration" the specific command to save can be given to these objects.
    • The NOLINK- handling inside the ProcCases is missing.
    • One should also save the link-state, the quality of a service and the timestamp, inside the i-attribute.
    • CLASSNAME_SVTemplate.csv (ask Dietrich, what that file should do)
    • On both classes, all calculating values should be stored inside the DB
  • Specs_Ion_Source
    • class should inherit from "DeviceBase" class.
    • "i ref in" are not "required"
  • Setting (and check of) the DIM-quality could be added (for example, set to "bad", if the data is out of range, or use, to display errors.
  • Setup of a New User-Account (currently in work by F.Herfurth)
    • should be acessable only from appc191, appc188, appc187
    • These pcŽs should be removed from the Std. Windows update procedure
    • As soon, as the user profile is modified to a satisfying state, the profile should be saved as "fixed".. so, that nobody can change it any more.
    • Call Wolfgang Rhein for support on these issues.
  • SPECS Ion Source Installation
    • The SPECS Ion Source has to be installed inside the Reinjection Channel
    • 2 SubD Plugs have to be attached to the Cable (a unused Cable from the small Container to the Reinjection Channel already exists)
    • The Executables for the Ion Source on appc187 have to be tested, and also have to be presented to the users.
  • Beckhoff RS232 Interface Module KL6001
    • A Labview class for this device has to written (not a driver, since the DSCInt Processs is required to drive the module)
    • As soon as the Beckhoff 19" Rack in the Reinjection Channel is installed, all Serial devices could than be connected to the interface modules.
  • Observation and configuration of the CS-Data Aquisition.
    • Configure the Logging:Deadband Limits of all services inside the CSV file (depends on range? ask Dietrich on questions)
    • Observe the size of the Database on disc. If it is growing to fast, one has to think about solutions.
    • ArchiveDSCFiles could be such a solution to Limit the DB-Size
  • Two Lenses (TR5ME1, TR5ME2) should by usable by the Hitrap Control AND the Acc. Control System ... how this could be archieved, will be recherched by al.Schwinn in October 2008.
  • The classes for the Cryo-Compressor has to be finished, tested and included to the Framework (currently m.vaupoutis is doing that)
  • In the Grid Control the following commands have to be tested (compile at first the newest source code to the GUI PC and the Core PC.)
    • save parameters
    • save parameters as default
    • load parameters
    • A first prototype for the FUG Power Supplys and the Stahl Power Supplys is finished. Please note, that the System only work, when saving Data on an Network disc, which is accessable from the GUI PC AND the Core PC. This disc should be called "Q:" and should let to the "Winfilesvb\APTR$Root\Hitrap" folder. See below for more information. * The HV-Cage computer has to be added into the Hitrap Control System
    • The GSI-HVSwitch2 - Class has to be used to get control of the Trap-Elektrodes.
    • The current class can switch between 2 Voltage levels.
    • The desired class should be able to switch between 50 voltage levels.
  • The Moritz II Controllers have to been added to the control System
    • All Pumps, Valves, Vakoum-Gauges should be controllable from the IC-Automation TFT display AND from the Hitrap Control System.
    • Classes for Communication, etc. should be build ... Labview VIŽs and librarys for all components do exist, and are available on the IC_Automation CD in the Heckhalle.
    • Also on appc183 an Example (The Magnesium Target-Step Motor) is currently runnging with these VIŽs
  • Diagnostic Box Camera System
    • As soon, as the New Camera System works, the C++ GUI from Rainer Haseitl has to be modified so, that all information from it is also available as DIM-Service. And also all Controlling components should be Accesable from DIM. Also a CS-Class for this Task is needed later.
  • Diagnostic Box Stepmotor System
    • A C++ Nanotec Programm to control several Nanotec-Motors inside a R2485 Bus exists. It would be nice, to have a driver in Labview, which does the same. Also a class for this Task is needed later.
  • The Magnet Power Supply (The Big 90° Magnet at the beginning of the vertical beamline)
    • One should check out , how to connect this Power Supply to the CS-System.
    • A driver/class has to be written and added to the existing control system.
  • The TempScanK2700 class has to be tested, and has to be added to the current control system
  • The Power Supply for the corrector coil (ask F.Herfurth for details)
    • One should check out , how to connect this Power Supply to the CS-System.
    • A driver/class has to be written and added to the existing control system.
  • As soon, as the control of all vacoum components is clear, a interface to the CS-Framework has to be build, to control also the Pumps and Valves near the Cooler trap, inside the reinjection channel.
  • Create a Control-System Folder on "Winfilesvb\APTR$Root\Hitrap"
    • every control-System Computer should have this folder available as Q - Drive.
    • All executables and dokumentation should be stored there
    • This should be the only location to store setting-Files.
  • Timeout Handling of the I-Attribute inside all classes: The "Is timed out?" indicator, togehther with an specified timeout should be used instead of an general "-1" timeout.
-- AlexanderSchwinn - 23 Sep 2008
Topic revision: r5 - 2008-10-01, AlexanderSchwinn - This page was cached on 2024-10-06 - 08:55.

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