Archive DSC Files
The DSC Engine saves the trend data and all alarms and events in a dedicated, user specific directory. The trend data files are saved in Citadel 5 format, the alarms and events in a special MS-SQL database (file: mssql.mdf). While the Citadel files have a maximum size of 1 Mb, the mdf-file grows and grows with time (>Gb). In some cases MAX can't handle this file anymore and hangs up. Therefore it is necessary to remove/backup the TrendData-files or at least this mdf-file from time to time.
This can be done in the following way:
- Open MAX.
- Click in the left tree to MySystem->HistoricalData->Citadel5Universe.
- Rightclick in the central window onto the database, you want to remove or update (in the SHIPTRAP case usually: Universe -> MyComputer -> E__Program_Files_National_Instruments_LVDSC_Run_Time_System_TrendData).
- Choose Detach/Delete from the menu.
- Choose Detach.
- Now you can delete/archive the files in the directory (in the example case: E:\Program Files\National Instruments\LVDSC Run-Time System\TrendData) manually (Windows Explorer/WinZIP) without further problems. Don't delete the folder itself!
- Rightclick in the central window onto Universe->MyComputer.
- Choose Create/Attach database.
- Browse for the directory that was detached in step 3.-5. and your done.
Note that the all events and alarms are also saved in a text file in the SysLog directory of the current DSC-Installation (here: E:\Program
Files\National Instruments\LabVIEW DSC Run-Time System 7.1\SysLog). With each start of the DSC Engine a new file is created, so there is no pile up to be worrierd about here.
ChristianRauth - 04 Aug 2005