Configuring FOPI - Slow Control Version 3.1

In the following documents one can find a short (but hopefully complete) description what is necessary to configure for the FOPI Slow Control based on CS 2.10d4. Please refer to the Configuration Instruction in FopiCsComputers first!

Where to start?

  1. CS Developer should refer to the CS 3.1 Documentation first.
  2. Next one should read the configuration instruction in FopiCsComputers and FopiDataLoggingSupervisoryControlModule as well as FopiCs210Configuration.
  3. Then you can come back here.

Installation and configuration of CS 3.1 for FOPI

The following list item refer to the CS 3.1 Documentation. FOPI details are added in subsequent sections.
  1. Getting Started - Basic Level
  2. Getting Started - Medium Level
  3. Getting Started - Advanced Level
  4. Getting Started - Profibus, OPC, ...
  5. ODBC Data Source
  6. Database and Tag Tools
  7. Linux
  8. Real-Time
  9. Archive DSC Files


DIM configuration details:
  • PATH
    • Windows:
      E:\Program Files\dim\bin
    • Linux: ?
  • FOPI central control system server:
    In principle DNS.exe has to be started. I put a symbolic link in the Autostart menu.

CS 3.0 Executables

  1. The production executable programms are installed in:
    • PATH = F:\CS30_Applications\Production\bin
      • CS30.exe;
      • CSSQLServer.exe
      • CSDBTools.exe
      • DMSClient.exe
      • DMSServer.exe
      • DMSViewer.exe
      • NodeMon.exe
    • PATH = E:\Program Files\National Instruments\LabVIEW DSC Run-Time System 7.1
      • CS_DSC_P3.exe: The DSC-DIM-Gateway is installed on the FOPI central control system server. This is the executable that contains Patch 3.
  2. Enter a unique text string in systemID in the startup dialog, if not corrreclty preconfigured.

Database & CSSQLServer

  1. The ODBC data source name is CS3DB_FOPI and refers to F:\CS30_Applications\Production\config\CS3DB_FOPI.mdb
  2. CSDBTools.exe can be used to edit the database entries
  3. The CSSQLServer should be started on the FOPI central control system server


  1. The CSDomainName for the FOPI control system is FOPI_CS.
  2. The DMSClient.exe should be started on all FOPI CS computer
    • Commandline paramater: -- FOPI_CS kp1pc065
    • I created a sympolic link with correct commandline parameter: DMSServer_FOPI in the Autostart
  3. The DMSServer.exe should be started on the FOPI CS central control system server
    • Commandline paramater: -- FOPI_CS
    • I created a sympolic link with correct commandline parameter: DMSServer_FOPI

DMSServer Configuration

The configuration for the DMSServer is stored in F:\CS30_Applications\Production\config\DMSServer_FOPI.XML

CS Systems

All PC names are volatile. Use the DMSViewer to get the correct node information. Following CS systems are designed to perform a specific task.


This system is designed to run on KP1PC065. It is the central FOPI CS system. It can be used for monitoring and supervisory control. Its system name is now LV_RPCT_CAMAC.


This system is designed to run on DEPC221 during upgrading to CS 3.0, later it will be moved to KP1PC065. It is the gateway between DIM and the DSC SCADA backend for alarming and trending.

Current desired config: DSC-Dim_FOPI_20080229.xml. Please check the FOPI_CS Database for the real value!


This system is designed to run on KP1PC065. It is the gateway between DIM and OPC.


This system is designed to run on KP1PC077. It is used for monitoring and control of the Brook0154 gas mixer which is connected to COM1.


This system is designed to run on KP1PC087. It is used for monitoring the parameter (ppmV, T/°C, RH/%) measured with a Viasala device which is connected to COM1.


This system is designed to run on KP1PC058. It can be used for monitoring and control.


This system is designed to run on KP1PC085. It will be used for local development and bug fixing.


This system is designed to run on DENBG014. It will be used for monitoring only.


This system is designed to run on DEPC221. It will be used for development.

Where to go next?

Control the FOPI detector. Good Luck!

-- HolgerBrand - 02 Nov 2006
Topic revision: r13 - 2008-02-29, HolgerBrand - This page was cached on 2025-02-22 - 09:39.

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