
Configuration of the FOPI controls computers

  • KP1PC065 (PC)
    • Operation system: Windows XP SP2, CPU: Pentium 4, 3.2 GHz1, 2.8 GByte RAM
    • Group & Security Policy:
    • Software: Software downloads are stored in F:\Software sorted by company name.

    • Hardware
      • Check Measurement & Automation Explorer, MAX, for NI hardware configuration
  • FOPI CS Configuration as of 20.11.2006
    • The following table shows present configuration of the FOPI CS (still 2.1):
PC Name Location Tasks Notes
KP1PC065 Messhuette Cave B Main CS System Main CS Server
KP1PC058 Messhuette Cave B Low Voltage(standalone),
Temperature Sensors
Main CS GUI  
KP1PC077 Tent Cave B Gas Mixer Brooks & Drift Time Monitor  
KP1PC079 Cave B Viasala Gas Hygrometer  
KP1PC076 Messhuette backup not configured for fopi_cs user
KP1PC087 Cave B backup Viasala not configured fir fopi_cs user

  • KP1PC058 (PC)
    • Operation system: Windows XP SP2, CPU: AMD Athlon, 900 MHz1, 768 MByte RAM
    • Software:
      • Local installation
        • LabVIEW 7.1 Development System and Device Driver
        • LabVIEW 7.1 DSC Module
        • Agilent IVI Treiber for Agilent E3633A and 6031A
        • CS-V2.10d4 --> latest Download on CSDownload
          • CAEN SY 1527 classes (Crate/Board/Channel/ChannelGUI)
          • IVIDCPowerSupply classes (Device/Channel/GUI)
      • MAX (Measurement and Automation Explorer) configured for all existing Agilent E3633A and 6031A
  • KP1PC077 (PC)
    • Operation system: Windows XP SP2, CPU PIII 500MHz 768MB
    • Foreseen for Gas Mixing system in the tent (valves, hygrometer, air pressure)
  • KP1PC079 (PC)
    • Operation system: Windows XP SP2, CPU PIII 500MHz 512MB

Embedded Systems

  • Beckhoff BC9000 bus terminal controller
      • MAC: 00-01-05-00-A4-6F
      • IP:
    • KL3204 (3* PT 100)
    • aktuelle Konfiguration:
      \\KP1PC065\F:\FOPI\configuration Files\FOPI_Beckhoff_V1_0.tsm
      • Only on Channel configured.
      • FOPIBECK1.temperatures.temp1 corresponds to "alu plate" position (white)
      • FOPIBECK1.temperatures.temp2 corresponds to "LAPD" position (blue)
      • FOPIBECK1.temperatures.temp3 corresponds to "outgoing hot air" position (green)
      • FOPIBECK1.temperatures.temp4 corresponds to "ingoing cool air" position (red)
  • CAEN SY1527 HV Power Supply
      • IP:
    • includes 3 CAEN HV Boards (A1526/6 Ch Neg. 15KV 100uA)
      • IP:
    • includes 3 CAEN 8fold HV Boards (A1526/8 Ch Neg. 15KV 100uA)
  • Agilent E3633A / E6031A
    • GPIB0: IP: (, SN: 11dcec3
      • 1: LAMBDA, GEN8-180
      • 2: LAMBDA, GEN8-180
      • 3: LAMBDA, GEN8-180
      • 4: LAMBDA, GEN6-200
      • 5: unknown
      • old config
    • GPIB1: IP: (, SN: 11f4d34
      • 1: LAMBDA, GEN8-180
      • 2: LAMBDA, GEN8-180
      • 3: LAMBDA, GEN8-180
      • 4: LAMBDA, GEN8-180
      • 5: LAMBDA, GEN8-200
      • 6: LAMBDA, GEN8-180
      • 7: LAMBDA, GEN8-180
      • 8: LAMBDA, GEN8-180
      • 9: LAMBDA, GEN8-180
      • 10: LAMBDA, GEN8-180
      • 11: LAMBDA, GEN8-180
  • ESONE / CAMAC Hardware
    • Esone Servers
      • x86-29
      • e7_15 (inside the Cave)
      • e7_6
    • Constant Fractions
      • CountingHouse:
        • connected to x86-29
        • 9 Sectors, a 16 Constant Fractions
        • C=Crate. C1 - C8 Slot 1 - 16
        • C10 + C11 Slot 2 - 17
        • C10/N12 is dead, C11/N10 Channel 1 is dead
      • Cave:
        • connected to e7_15
        • 2 Sectors, a 23 Constant Fractions
        • C=Crate. C2 + C3 Slot 1 - 23
    • LeCroy HV
      • CountingHouse:
        • connected to: x86-29
        • Controller: Crate 9, Slot 21
        • Mainframe 1-5
      • Cave:
        • connected to: e7_15
        • Controller: Crate 1, Slot 19
        • Mainframe 4+5

Encountered Problems

  • The main server KP1PC65 crashed for unknown reasons. It can happen of course during the developement phase but it has to be observed.
  • The net connection between the PCs residing in the counting house and the server in SB 4.140 is quite slow (retardation of the order of several seconds). It has to be tested if an improvement can be achieved by placing the server in the counting house.
  • TwinCAT software (for communication with the Beckhoff HW) doesn't work anymore. Already during the installation some months (a year) ago there was not possible to install our own SW!!!

Where to go next?

Continue with FopiDataLoggingSupervisoryControlModule.

-- HolgerBrand - 03 May 2007
I Attachment Action Size Date Who Comment
CAENServer.zipzip manage 133 K 2005-09-29 - 13:43 HolgerBrand CAEN OPC Server for SY1527 HV PowerSupply
GroupPolicyFOPIControls.pdfpdf GroupPolicyFOPIControls.pdf manage 30 K 2007-05-03 - 08:48 HolgerBrand Group Policy for FOPI Controls
SecurityPolicySingelUserLoginFOPI.pdfpdf SecurityPolicySingelUserLoginFOPI.pdf manage 32 K 2007-05-03 - 08:49 HolgerBrand Security Policy for FOPI Controls
Topic revision: r33 - 2015-08-10, IlonaNeis - This page was cached on 2024-07-26 - 22:04.

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