Getting Started - Basic Level

This How-To aims at describing how to set up one minimalistic CS system on one PC.

Install Third-Party Software (on all PCs)

  1. Download and install DIM. You should do this on all PCs you are using
    1. Install DIM as described by the DIM documentation.
    2. Set the environment variable "DIM_DNS_NODE" (node running dns)
    3. Include in the EnvironmentVariable "PATH":
      • Windows: ".../dim/bin".
      • Linux: ".../dim/linux".
    4. If the account to be used for CS has no administrator priviliges, you may want to give that account full access to the .../dim folder. This avoids difficulties and pop-ups when using DIM tools.
    5. On the node specified in "DIM_DNS_NODE", start dns.exe (Windows) or dns (Linux)
    6. Start the DIM tool DIMTree (or DID) and check, if you see the DIM name server "DIS_DNS".
  2. Install National Instruments software
    • For software development you need to install at least the LabVIEW full development system.
    • For runtime systems you need to download and install the LabVIEW runtime engine from National Instruments. Important: If the account to be used for CS has no administrator priviliges, you may want to give that account "modify access" to the .../National Instruments folder. This prevents nasty error messages during runtime, especially when using dlls.

Installation of package CSPackaging (not up to date anymore, use Git!)

  1. Download the package CSPackaging from the download site.
  2. Install the package by unzipping it to a root path of your choice.

Installation of package CSMain (not up to date anymore, use Git!)

  1. Download the package CSMain from the download site (you may download CSMain also by using the Unpackager ).
  2. Install the package by using the binary Unpackager from ROOTPATH/binaries/Packaging


Check for DIM installation and configuration before you continue!
  1. For runtime systems:
    1. Browse to "ROOTPATH\binaries\CS"
    2. Run CS.exe
    3. Clear all text fields like "domainName"
    4. Enter a unique text string in "systemID"
    5. Press "Set"
    6. CS will now start, you may get some errors, since their is no connection to a configuration database defined.
    7. Have a look at the Object Inspector
    8. Have a look at the General Object GUI
  2. For development systems
    1. Download and install, in the same way as CSMain, the following packages
      • DimWrapper
      • LVDimInterface
      • CSSqlServer
      • LVNodeInfo
      • UtilityLib
    2. Open LabVIEW
    3. Adjust the VI search path
      • On the menu bar of LabVIEW select Tools->Paths->VI search path
      • Add your ROOTPATH\LABVIEWVERSION to the list of search paths
      • Example "F:\LVSCC\LV820\*"
      • Note the "\*" at the end. This indicates to include all sub-folders to the search path
      • Press OK and maybe restart LabVIEW to make sure that changes are taken into account
    4. Open the project "ROOTPATH\LV820\GPL\Projects\cs-framework\cs-framework.lvproj"
    5. IMPORTANT: Do all actions like opening VIs from the project explorer!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    6. In the project, browse to "CSMainAndLibs_DontTouch\CSMain"
    7. Open the VI "" and make sure it is executable.
    8. Close the VI "" and acknowledge to save all changed VIs.
    9. Start CS by using the "" from the project explorer.
    10. Clear all text fields like "domainName"
    11. Enter a unique text string in "systemID"
    12. Press "Set"
    13. CS will now start, you may get some errors, since their is no connection to a configuration database defined.
    14. Have a look at the Object Inspector
    15. Have a look at the General Object GUI

-- DietrichBeck - 15 Sep 2006
Topic revision: r10 - 2015-09-29, DennisNeidherr
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