HITRAP Control System

HITRAP has started to develop the control system in May 2006. This wiki-web contains the experiment specific documentation.


Following links are pointing to the current configurations


Manuals of most used devices can be found on the netstorage: Winfilesvb\APTR$Root\Hitrap\_Operations

Kickoff / Project (old)

In May 2006 it was tentativly decided to introduce the CS framework for the HITRAP control system to profit from the existing developments and know-how. It is a good idea to follow the Siemens standard System Development Methode, stdSEM. Please request permission from HolgerBrand. (You can have a look at the initialization phase at stdSEM Demo Version. This Web is accessable from within GSI only.)

-- DennisNeidherr - 16 Apr 2014
Topic revision: r9 - 2014-04-16, DennisNeidherr
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