HITRAP Slow Control System Meeting, June 17, 2008, 14:00

room: AP seminar room.


Status of the CS-Framework components until now, and further approach.


HolgerBrand, OliverKester, AlexanderSchwinn, MartinVaupotits, FrankHerfurth, DietrichBeck


After an overview of the existing/planned system was given by AlexanderSchwinn, we agreed to use the following computers in the control system:

  • 1 GUI PC (big Hitrap container)
    • running CS GUI Executable
    • running DMS Client
  • 1 Hardware PC (small Hitrap container)
    • connection to Profibus
    • running a CS system with DIM-DSC Interface
    • running an OPC Server
    • running Beckhoff TwinCat Software
    • running DMS Client
  • 1 High Voltage Cage PC (Hitrap beamline)
  • 1 Core PC (small Hitrap container)
    • running CS Main Executable
    • running DMS Server
    • running DMS Client
    • running DIM-DNS Server
    • running SQL Server

Further we agreed that the Diagnostic Box-Camera System should be completly inside the GSI Network, and not the Sys Network. The C++ Software from the diagnostic group also should have the possibility to publish camera data via DIM and to recieve commands via DIM. To implement this functionallity AlexanderSchwinn will talk to Rainer Haseitl.

Also all cameras should now be connected to the same optical transmitter. So no acc-network computer from the diagnostic group is needed to read out the cameras. (Should also be discussed with Christiane Andre)

One should talk to the people from the acc-control system (Wolfgang Schiebel, Ralph Bär, Volker Schaa..) according to the control of the two lenses in front of the cooler trap.


The two existing power supply classes should inherit from the Power Supply base class, and also all funktions & services should use the convention of this class.

On programming GUIŽs one should keep in mind, that the possibility to open the same device GUI twice should exist, without causing trouble.

Each Bunch of Parameters in GUIŽs should have a button: "save as default" and "load default" ...or maybe similar buttons, like in the UserGOG.

further approach

Until the next beamtime all work will be done to produce a stable control system. After that, all minor important tasks will be done.

The next meeting will be announced in time.

-- AlexanderSchwinn - 18 Jun 2008
Topic revision: r2 - 2008-06-19, AlexanderSchwinn - This page was cached on 2025-02-12 - 17:36.

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