Requested features & Bugs

Implemented features and fixed bugs are marked as done/fixed and once they are released in a new version, the changes can be found in the VersionHistory.

  • The status of the tank and the pipeline should be visible in the online information & pressure of the tanks(done)
  • a system restart should be logged(done)
  • BUG : the new 'power shutdown' message feature didnt work (fixed : Power
  • BUG : The two tanks (A&B) were empty and 'waiting for filling' and the pipeline was 'offline'. After activationg the pipeline it was not possible to start the tank filling ('fill tanks now' @ pipeline / 'fill this tank now' @ tank had no effect, pipeline was still 'online')
  • There are several popup windows which occur when starting or shutting down the system. This should be avoided.
    • -> automatic shutdown of the DSCEngine when LV exits
    • there is a unavoidable(?) system error when starting. the message box should be blocked
    • inspector/cs_start -> minimize
    • ..?..
  • The watchdogs on/off bit has to be set to false when the system starts. Because when the system got shutdown in case of a DSCError this cant be done.
  • The ping to the watchdog doesnt work as it should. (done)
  • When saving the settings this is only written to the database, when the system is shutdown correctly. This leads to wrong settings when the system crashes. So the settings should be written to the database (or maybe to ini files instead) instantly. (done)
  • Webupdate of GUI and HV have to be synchronized
  • After a restart all information about the last filling is lost.
  • The 'cooled Det' shows wrong values in some cases
  • ...

-- TobiasHabermann - 13 Apr 2006
Topic revision: r8 - 2007-03-02, TobiasHabermann
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