HITRAP Slow Control System Meeting, August 21, 2007, 13:00

room: AP seminar room.


Start with the implementation of the HITRAP slow controls after the RFQ into CS.


HolgerBrand, OliverKester, AlexanderSchwinn, MartinVaupotits, FrankHerfurth


We agreed that ProfiBus is a good choice to control the power supplies of at least the HITRAP low energy beam line (LEBT). Some of the FUG power supplies will already have a ProfiBus interface when delivered (i.e. their own bus coupler). The others will be controllable with analog and digital signals. For that we need to setup a bus coupler with some DA, AD and DIO interfaces.

The GSI standard for ProfiBus is based on Beckhoff components, hence we will use them. Since we need no deterministic timing behavior (the availability of the ion signal determines the time constant, i.e. 1 s) we will use the standard Beckhoff PCI interface card together with its software (TWINCAT) and the delivered OPC server.

MartinVaupotits will prepare a list of neccessary components to control the LEBT section (i.e. bus coupler, DA, AD, DIO ...) and FrankHerfurth is then going to create the BANF to initiate the order.


All parts of HITRAP after the RFQ Buncher will be controlled using the CSFramework of GSI. In our discussion it was not considered necessary to prepare an interface to allow the accelerator control system to access the LEBT components. CS is a distributed system and is easily accessible from any computer. Furthermore all data are published using DIM. This could be used to access the LEBT from the accelerator side, if they prepared a DIM - Corba interface.

Much emphasis was laid upon the design of a user friendly and easy to modify graphical interfaces (GUI). The GUI should be flexible and this means ideally even adjustable/changable during run time but at least without new coding. Examples to look at are the therapy project and the ISOLDE controls synoptic. Several possible solutions have been discussed based on picture controls or dynamic front panels.

AlexanderSchwinn is going to prepare a graphical illustration in LabVIEW and a concept until the end of next week.

Next meeting: Friday, August 30, 2007

-- FrankHerfurth - 24 Aug 2007
I Attachment Action Size Date Who Comment
HITRAP_Lowenergysection_controls.docdoc HITRAP_Lowenergysection_controls.doc manage 85 K 2007-09-05 - 18:26 FrankHerfurth List of the beam line elements
HiTrap_LE_slowcontrols.pptppt HiTrap_LE_slowcontrols.ppt manage 121 K 2007-09-05 - 18:25 FrankHerfurth Powerpoint file with HITRAP LEBT controls
Topic revision: r3 - 2007-09-06, HolgerBrand - This page was cached on 2025-02-22 - 09:45.

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