GSI Wiki's CSframework web The CSframework web of TWiki. TWiki is a Web-Based Collaboration Platform for the Corporate World. en-us Copyright 2025 by contributing authors GSI Wiki Administrator [] The contributing authors of GSI Wiki GSI Wiki GSI Helmholtzzentrum für Schwerionenforschung GmbH.CSframework CsWorkshopApril2023 Experiment Control System Workshop, April 2023 Invitation Dear Colleagues, we, the experiment control system group @ GSI, would like to invite you to our annual ... (last changed by AlexanderKessler) 2023-05-02T10:16:25+02:00 a.kessler CsWorkshops * CsWorkshopFebruary2006 @ GSI * CsWorkshopFebruary2007 @ GSI * CsWorkshopFebruary2008 @ GSI * CsWorkshopFebruary2009 @ GSI * CsWorkshopFebruary2010 @... (last changed by DennisNeidherr) 2022-12-16T10:13:11+01:00 d.neidherr CSPetriNet In front of a diploma work, Alexander Schwinn has to implement the Object and Petri NetŽs into the CS Framework. Here all CSPetriNet relevant documentation is co... (last changed by HolgerBrand) 2020-04-10T11:57:23+02:00 h.brand CSObjectNet CS ObjectNet Within this subproject ObjectNetŽs will be developed based on the CS framework. Kickoff / Project On July 19, 2006 it was decided to develop a frame... (last changed by HolgerBrand) 2020-04-10T11:53:08+02:00 h.brand CsWorkshopMarch2020 CANCELED: CS Workshop, March 2020 Invitation Dear Colleagues, we, the experiment control system group @ GSI, would like to invite you to a joined CS framework ... (last changed by DennisNeidherr) 2020-03-12T08:39:29+01:00 d.neidherr CsWorkshopMarch2019 CS Workshop, March 2019 Invitation Dear Colleagues, we, the experiment control system group @ GSI, would like to invite you to a workshop dedicated to the CS fr... (last changed by HolgerBrand) 2019-03-18T18:05:17+01:00 h.brand BenediktWiegert Das ist nur eine erster Eintrag. Main.HolgerBrand 2019 02 21 (last changed by HolgerBrand) 2019-02-21T11:11:31+01:00 h.brand CsWorkshopMarch2018 CS Workshop, March 2018 Invitation Dear Colleagues, we, the experiment control system group @ GSI, would like to invite you to a workshop dedicated to the CS fr... (last changed by DennisNeidherr) 2018-03-13T16:18:18+01:00 d.neidherr WebHome CS A Control System Framework for Experiments CS is a framework that can be used by many experiments. CS is a multi threaded, event driven, object oriented and di... (last changed by DennisNeidherr) 2017-07-11T15:35:26+02:00 d.neidherr CsWorkshopMarch2017 CS Workshop, March 2017 Invitation Dear Colleagues, we, the experiment control system group @ GSI, would like to invite you to a workshop dedicated to the CS fr... (last changed by DennisNeidherr) 2017-03-09T08:20:14+01:00 d.neidherr FrsControlSystem FRS Control System The control system for the Fragment Separator will start to upgrade by using the CS framework in January 2006. This wiki web contains the exper... (last changed by StefanHaller) 2016-09-30T17:02:00+02:00 s.haller CsFPGA-PPG Using an NI FPGA card as Pulsed Pattern Generator (PPG) This class allows producing sequences of bit patterns at well defined times with a precision down to a few... (last changed by DennisNeidherr) 2016-07-28T11:17:07+02:00 d.neidherr MM9 Purpose This Webpage should summarize our efforts to include new and modern detection techniques into MM6. MM6.cpp is a C /QT graphical UI used by different trap ... (last changed by DennisNeidherr) 2016-07-15T09:44:35+02:00 d.neidherr Documentation Documentation * HOW TOs * FAQs * Convention on Using Colors * Documents and Publications * Object Orientation * Class Documentation * A list of... (last changed by DennisNeidherr) 2016-07-15T08:58:08+02:00 d.neidherr CSWorkshopFebruary2012Results Attendees Below is a photo of the workshop that was taken by Sandra Hundack and manipulated by Main.AlexanderKessler : ). From Left: Matt Redshaw and David Lincol... (last changed by DennisNeidherr) 2016-05-18T09:44:08+02:00 d.neidherr CsWorkshopMarch2016 CS Workshop, March 2016 Invitation Dear Colleagues, we, the experiment control system group @ GSI, would like to invite you to a workshop dedicated to the CS fr... (last changed by DennisNeidherr) 2016-03-23T19:54:58+01:00 d.neidherr
Topic revision: r1 - 2003-01-30, PeterThoeny
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