External Interfaces and device
Following non NI software and hardware interface are already known.
(This is just an example to propose a possible structure of this page.)
- Beckhoff TwinCat OPC-Server
- Installation
- Install tcat_290_1030.exe, Beckhoff TwinCat System Software , attached below
- Install TcInfosys.exe, Beckhoff TwinCat Documentation, not attached sine it is too large. Please ask HolgerBrand.
- Install TcOpcSvr410.exe, Beckhoff TwinCat OPC Server , Attached below
- Reboot
- Configuration
- Configure your Beckhoff system with the System Manager and activate the configuration
- Configure the OPC server
- Start TwinCat OPC Configurator
- Select your device in the I/O Devices tree and select the Device tab and specify
- Name
- AutoCfg = 5
- Ads Port = Port of the task as specified in the System Manager
- AdsNetId =
- Save the configuration
- Test the OPC configuration with the TcOpcClient.exe. Do not forget to Login
- Beckhoff busterminals
- Ethernet Bus coupler
- BC9000 with PLC
- could be used to perform emergency actions
- BK9000 without PLC
- Busterminals
- KL3204, 4 channel, to connect PT100 sensors via 2-wire
- KL3202, 2 channel, to connect PT100 sensors via 2/3-wire
- KL9400, Netzteilklemme zur K-Bus-Auffrischung
- KL9010, Endklemme
- NI GPBI-ENET Gateways
- FlowBus interface
HolgerBrand - 06 Jan 2006