External Interfaces and device

Following non NI software and hardware interface are already known.
(This is just an example to propose a possible structure of this page.)


  • Beckhoff TwinCat OPC-Server
    1. Installation
      1. Install tcat_290_1030.exe, Beckhoff TwinCat System Software , attached below
      2. Install TcInfosys.exe, Beckhoff TwinCat Documentation, not attached sine it is too large. Please ask HolgerBrand.
      3. Install TcOpcSvr410.exe, Beckhoff TwinCat OPC Server , Attached below
      4. Reboot
    2. Configuration
      1. Configure your Beckhoff system with the System Manager and activate the configuration
      2. Configure the OPC server
        1. Start TwinCat OPC Configurator
        2. Select your device in the I/O Devices tree and select the Device tab and specify
          1. Name
          2. AutoCfg = 5
          3. Ads Port = Port of the task as specified in the System Manager
          4. AdsNetId =
        3. Save the configuration
      3. Test the OPC configuration with the TcOpcClient.exe. Do not forget to Login


  • Beckhoff busterminals
    • Ethernet Bus coupler
      • BC9000 with PLC
        • could be used to perform emergency actions
      • BK9000 without PLC
    • Busterminals
      • KL3204, 4 channel, to connect PT100 sensors via 2-wire
      • KL3202, 2 channel, to connect PT100 sensors via 2/3-wire
      • KL9400, Netzteilklemme zur K-Bus-Auffrischung
      • KL9010, Endklemme
  • NI GPBI-ENET Gateways
    • ???.gsi.de
  • FlowBus interface

-- HolgerBrand - 06 Jan 2006
Topic revision: r1 - 2006-01-06, HolgerBrand - This page was cached on 2025-02-12 - 18:46.

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