

CS has been triggered by the need of a control system for SHIPTRAP. The architectural requirements have been put to paper in December 2001. The ideas that led to the development of CS are described in the

Although these documents are not quite up to date, they are recommend as an introduction. An update and an overview about the CS is given in the following presentations

Prior using the software, please read the release notes contained in the software.

Publications (Preprints)

F. Ziegler, D. Beck, H. Brand, H. Hahn, G. Marx, L. Schweikhard, Nucl. Instrum. Meth. A, 679 (2012) 1-6

D. Beck, H. Brand, H. Hahn, F. Herfurth, S. Koszudowski, G. Marx, L. Schweikhard, and F. Ziegler, Proceedings of ICALEPCS2009, Kobe, Japan, ISBN 978-4-9905391-0-8 (2010) 215-217 PDF.

D. Beck and H. Brand, Proc. "SEI Frühjahrstagung 2007", Rossendorf, Germany, Editor F. Wulf, ISSN 0936-0891 (2007) 191-193. PDF

D. Beck et al., GSI Scientific Report 2007, ISSN: 0174-0814 (2008) 258. PDF

D. Beck et al., GSI Scientific Report 2006, ISSN: 0174-0814 (2007) 214. PDF

D. Beck et al., IEEE Transactions on Nuclear Science, Vol. 53, Issue: 3, Part 1 (2006) 930-935. PDF.

P. Koczon et al., GSI Scientific Report 2005, ISSN: 0174-0814 (2006) 273. PDF

C. Yazidjian et al., Proc. "ENAM'04" Eur. J. Phys. A 25, s01,(2005) 67-68. PDF.

D. Beck et al, Proc. "SEI Frühjahrstagung 2005", Darmstadt, Germany, Editor F. Wulf, ISSN 0936-0891 (2005) 14-17. PDF

D. Beck et al., Proc. "Virtuelle Instrumente in der Praxis 2005", VIP 2005, Fürstenfeldbruck, Germany, Editors R. Jamal and H. Jaschinski, ISBN 3-7785-2947-1 (2005) 20-26. PDF

D. Beck and H. Brand, GSI Scientific Report 2004, ISSN: 0174-0814 (2005) 342. PDF

D. Beck et al., Nucl. Instr. Meth. A 527 (2004) 567-579. PDF.

D. Beck et al., Proc. "Virtuelle Instrumente in der Praxis 2004", VIP 2004, Fürstenfeldbruck, Germany, Editors R. Jamal and H. Jaschinski, ISBN 3-7785-2932-3 (2004) 250-254. PDF

D. Beck et al., Proc. "The IX International Conference on Accelerator and Large Experimental Physics Control Systems", ICALEPCS 2003, Gyeongju, Korea. PDF

D. Beck and H. Brand, Proc. "Virtuelle Instrumente in der Praxis 2003", VIP 2003, München, Germany, Editors R. Jamal and H. Jaschinski, ISBN 3-7785-2908-0 (2003) 30-34. PDF

D. Beck and H. Brand, GSI Scientific Report 2002, ISSN 0174-0814 (2003) 210. PDF

D. Beck et al., GSI Scientific Report 2001, ISSN 0174-0814 (2002) 207. PDF

D. Beck et al, Proc. "SEI Frühjahrstagung 2002", Darmstadt, Germany, Editor F. Wulf, ISSN 1438-496 (2002) 1. PS


A CS Framework HandsOn-Course could be arranged on request. The training will basically follow the HOW-TOs to setup a distributed control system in the class room, learn how to create new classes and to integrate them into the framework. Please register for this training via eMail to HolgerBrand.

-- DietrichBeck - 08 Nov 2006
Topic revision: r12 - 2012-05-02, DietrichBeck
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