Meeting on FPGA card programming, 14 April 2008 aim: The aim of the meeting was to discuss the future of the programming required for using an NI FPGA card as pat...
Getting Started Advanced Level This How To aims at describing how to set up many CS system on many PCs. Before starting do the following: 1. Install a minima...
FAQ condering Lambda Genesys LV Device What is a Lambda Genesys LV Device?? The Lambda Programmable DC Power Supplie is a crate of the Lambda Genesys Series. 25 ...
FAQ concerning LeCroy 140 and 2132: What is a LeCroy1440 Mainframe or a LeCroy 2132 Interface? The Lecroy1440 Mainframe has 16 Cards with 16 HV Channels per Card...
Results of the CS Workshop 2008 Some Attendees Below is the official photo of the workshop, which we made quite late on the second day. Please note that our phot...
HITRAP Slow Control System Meeting, June 17, 2008, 14:00 room: AP seminar room. Agenda Status of the CS Framework components until now, and further approach. Pa...
Migration of a class from CS version 3.00 to CS version 3.10. General things 1. Using CS version 3.10 requires using LabVIEW 8.20. 1. In case this is you...
CS2Java Sourcecode/UML Generator Main.MartinFeldmann developed the CS2Java UML Generator in 2007 within the scope of his Bachelor Thesis. This wiki web contains t...
External Interfaces and device Following interface are already known. Software * Beckhoff TwinCat OPC Server with no PLC, depricated * 1 item delivered ...
FOPI Control System The control system for the FOPI detector will be upgraded by using the CS framework. This wiki web contains the experiment specific documentat...
Configuring FOPI Slow Control Version 3.1 In the following documents one can find a short (but hopefully complete) description what is necessary to configure fo...
What is the CSGrid GUI? The GUI Structure provides an possibility to develop an compact and stable control system GUI for larger experiments, which includes the m...
_CS_ Workshop, February 2008 Results The results of the workshop can be found here. Invitation Dear Colleagues, we, the experiment control system group @ GSI, w...
Getting Started Profibus, OPC, ... This How To aims at describing how to set up one PC for usage of Profibus and OPC stuff together with CS. Before starting hav...
Install Sources (outdated) An overview about the installation is given in CS_readme.txt. More input from your side is required to prepare a good "How To"! For Li...
Linux Amongst our users MS Windows is the primary operating system. Linux is only used in rare cases. The main reason for supporting Linux is to improve the confi...
Getting Started Medium Level This How To aims at describing how to set up one normal CS system on one PC. Before starting, install a minimalistic CS system acco...
Creating a Patch for a Package Introduction This HOW TO describes how to create a patch for a package. The following should be considered. * Patch files have ...
Computer of the SHIPTRAP control system Central computer (APPC118) Backend computer (APPC177) Old Central computer (APPC105) (now only used for serial interfac...
_CS_ Workshop, February 2006 Results The presentations given at the workshop can be found at the bottom of this page. The results of the workshop are summarized ...
_CS_ Workshop, February 2007 Results The results of the workshop can be found here. Invitation Dear Colleagues, we, the experiment control system group @ GSI, w...
_CS_ Workshop Dear Colleagues, we, the experiment control system group @ GSI, would like to invite you to a workshop dedicated to the CS framework. Please feel fr...
CS Test System This CS installation serves for the following: * Test software prior to releasing it. * Long term (months) stability test of a distributed co...
Virtual Conferencing VRVS VRVS is a Virtual Room Videoconferencing System, It is already in use in the HEP and GRID community. May...
This page contains a solution proposal for the HTCsPrimaryRequirements. Motion This section will propose a solution concerning the Motion Requirements. Here are ...
This page contains a collection of primary requirements for the HITRP control system. * email from Main.OliverKester: Hallo Holger, im Rahmen der Zusammenarbei...
Configuration Mappings Please refer to the Configuration Instruction in FopiCsComputers first! * FopiCs210Configuration : Configuration of the FOPI control ...
First open the "CSPN Examples\a very basic Petri Net" folder. Here you can see the components of the netclass.The net itself is stored inside the "a very basic P...
X0 Probe Control Material Research operates an experiment at X0. In the past a LabVIEW based automation to control the irratiation of probes was developed in coop...
Open the "CSPN Tools" folder. Here you can see the "CSPN Tools.clearing", the "CSPN Tools.inhibitor", the "CSPN Tools.test" and a folder, ...
HITRAP Slow Control System Meeting, August 21, 2007, 13:00 room: AP seminar room. Agenda Start with the implementation of the HITRAP slow controls after the RFQ ...
11.09.06 CSON Meeting 1 attendants: * Dietrich Beck * Holger Brand * Alexander Schwinn Alexander Schwinn shows his work on Object NetŽs within a first ex...
FOPI Control System Operation This and subsequend pages will describe the operation of the FOPI Control System (FOPI_CS). Intended Users This pages are addressed...
The Next CSPetriNet release should contain the following features: Feel free to add/change requests, please do that with name remark. * A Debug mode could be a...
First open the "CSPN Examples\Dinner of philosophers" folder. Here you can see the components of the netclass. The net itself is stored inside the "Dinner of phi...
Here some helpfiles are colleted, which should make the use of the CSPetriNetŽs more comfortable. * A very basic Petri Net * Dinner of philosophers ...
The Next ObjectNet release should contain the following features: Feel free to add/change requests, please do that with name remark. * all Net Objects should a...
Migration of a class from CS CLASSNAME.ProcCases: The format of the "Data" control has changed from string to "CoreDefs.rawDataType.ctl". A. CLASSNAME.ProcE...
CS Database and Tag Tools There are two tools which can be used to edit the configuration of objects in the CS Database. Until now both are only working with an O...
Only use this Example, if you have completely understand all coherences in the first Example "a very basic Object Net"!! First open the "CSON Examples\Example of ...
* The periodic loop of a object, which has inherited from the Place class will not be stoped, if no markers are on the place ! If the user desires this, he can do...
* What is a Petri Net ? I think a good reference to answer this question is the wikipedia link * Which type of PetriNet's is used inside the CS Frame...
Here some helpfiles are colleted, which should make the use of the ObjectNetŽs more comfortable. * A very basic Object Net * How to give ObjectNet fun...
* If you use a ObjectNet, you have to care for unique Object names, especially if you use sub netŽs. Maybe the dot convention of the NetŽs could save you much wor...
ObjectNets, corresponding to the CS Framework are structures of Launch.viŽs, which are able to start several Objects on different Nodes and in different CS System...