50 recent changes in STF Web retrieved at 05:42 (Local)

Serial Test Facility This wiki contains the documentation for the Serial Test Facility for the superconducting SIS 100 dipole magnets. Important Links * Netwo...
SCU's for the power converters used at the magnet test stations The SCU's at the test station are SCU's as they will be used in the FAIR machine. These boot from ...
Overview: All the following scripts are located in /usr/local/bin/ and can be run just as command mole@scuxl0xyz $ script.sh Scripts with Load parameters * P...
Power converter control program documentation The power converter is documented in different files. * Description of the command line and server interface to...
How to install the STF Teststand Software You need local admin permission to install software on GSI Windows PC's. 1 Mount network disk: \\winfilesvh.gsi.de\M...
Main.PiotrSzwangruber 27 Nov 2015 Magnet current data acquisition using DCCTs and DVMs Equipment for magnet current measurements at the dipole series test facili...
Load parameters used for the power converter SIS100 dipole Main parameters The load maximum current was currently set to FMT_LOAD_MAXIMUM_CURRENT='17e3' The po...
Main.RobertJaeger 21 Jul 2016 This section describes how to modify and adjust a STF.ini file for specific purposes. 1 There are three versions of the STF.ini fi...
Installing STF Software on Linux The STF software was tested with LV2015 on Linux. The used box was a virtual machine running Labview 2015 with patch3. Unfortunat...
Power converter control software The magnet power converters at the test station are controlled by a software package, which enables the user to steer it by: *...
Testing Environment for the power converter control program Using the test rack Testing the program with a real power converter could be a bit troublesome. There...
Using the general input output of the SCU for TTL triggers Introduction The SCU provides 2 groups of lemo inputs. At the stage of this writing only two of them a...
Highcurrent PowerConverter Networkinterface The power converters are driven by a C program. This used libfesl to address register in the Accu thereby drive the d...
Starting power converter software on LynxOS sytem The power converter control program was originally operated on a LynxOS system using a pci card that would send ...
r2 - 2016-11-30 - 09:29 by PierreSchnizer
Hochstrom Netzgerät Networkinterface Die Netzzgeräte werden von eim C Programm angesteuert. Dieses verwendet libfesl um die Register im Accu anzusprechen und dad...
r12 - 2016-11-24 - 11:08 by PierreSchnizer
Documentation of Device used at STF * Table of device used at STF * Documentation of the (main) power converters * DCCTs DVMs
r12 - 2016-11-08 - 11:33 by PierreSchnizer
Main.RobertJaeger 23 Sep 2016 In this section it is described step by step how you can modify and adjust Shared Variables (SV) / Process Variables for the "Citade...
How to ... The following sections describe how to do something, e.g. installing the STF Teststand software. * How to monitor Shared Variables and Historical Da...
How to monitor Shared Variables and Historical Data You need to install the LabVIEW Data Logging and Supervisory Control Module 1 Login with localadmin permiss...
STF Device List Following table contains devices used (or to be used) at STF. Name CID S/N Inventar # Type Description Keysight 3458A CID MY4...
How to export historical Shared Variable data using MAX MAX is the Measurement Automation eXplorer which becomes installed together with the DSC Runtime Modul, ...
How to get the STF Teststand Software Sources Following section describes what you need to do in order to create your own project. This is necessary to avoid prob...
* Main.HolgerBrand * Main.PierreSchnizer * Main.PiotrSzwangruber * Main.WalterFreisleben * Main.RobertJaeger * .WikiGuest * .WikiGuest example...
STF Computer Configuration This page contains Information about the PC's at STF. All Computers * All STF control system computers should be configured to auto...
STF Requirements Collection Requirements for the Serial Teststand for the SIS 100 Dipole Magnets will be collected here. Main.HolgerBrand 02 Jun 2016
Operation at STF This page provides information about the operation of the Serial Test Facility at GSI. General remarks The STF control system computer should be...
Magnetic Measurement Documentation Current status This page is dedicated to document the current stage of the measurement of the multipoles using the combination...
r3 - 2016-01-08 - 09:07 by PierreSchnizer
STF System Configuration This page contains information about the system configuration at STF. STF PC Folder structure Following folder structure is setup on all...
STF Web Preferences Appearance * Set WEBBGCOLOR = #efefef * web specific background color, current color * Set SITEMAPLIST = on * set to off ...
GSI Wiki's STF web
" warn="off"}% * ** * * * * * * * *
" else="GSI Wiki's STF web"}% /STF
Number of topics: 38

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Topic revision: r1 - 2014-07-08, StefanHaller
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