
All the following scripts are located in /usr/local/bin/ and can be run just as command

[mole@scuxl0xyz] $ script.sh

Scripts with Load parameters
  • PC_stf_shortcircuit.sh (for the usage with current leads)
  • PC_stf_dipole.sh (for the usage with magnet)
  • PC_stf_dipole_trig.sh (for the usage with magnet)
  • PC_stf_testload.sh (for the usage with the dummy load)
  • PC_300A.sh (for the 300 A power converter)
  • PC_zora.sh (for the calibration magnet)
  • PC_ptf_shortcut.sh (for the PTF)
  • power_converter_labview_test.sh
  • power_converter_labview_test_ttl.sh
All these scripts can be used as command line like

$ PC_stf_dipole.sh -c1 -t0 -t200

Scripts for Cycles:
  • MCL_DC_A.sh (for current leads: DC cycle (type A))
  • MCL_cycle_B.sh (for current leads: AC cylcles (type B))
  • MCL_Train_C.sh (for current leads: training cycle C)
For a description of the cacle types A, B, C please see
I Attachment Action Size Date Who Comment
MCL-cycles-typeABC.pdfpdf MCL-cycles-typeABC.pdf manage 70 K 2017-11-02 - 16:03 FlorianKaether Description of current cycles for current lead tests
Topic revision: r1 - 2017-11-02, FlorianKaether
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