-- PiotrSzwangruber - 27 Nov 2015

Magnet current data acquisition using DCCTs and DVMs

Equipment for magnet current measurements at the dipole series test facility is located in room SH5/2.001 (magnet power supply room). Two magnet power suppplies and accordingly two magnet current measurement devices (DCCTs) are available, providing a voltage of +10Vdc @ 20kA each to the input of a digital voltmeter (DVM).
  1. LAN-Switch at network socket SH1A01 (supported by CSCO 2345)
    • Dedicated connector: 01X05 (marked with blue dot)
    • IP-Name: NWE41Em
  2. GPIB to LAN-Converter/Controller type NI-GPIB-ENET/1000; registered at ACC and GSI network
    • MAC: 00-80-2F-21-A8-A7
    • IP:
    • IP-Name: MTDEV008
    • Default Hostname: NIENET1A98F55
  3. Two DVMs type Keysight 3458A; 8.5digit; accessible via GPIB
    1. QuD1+3, Serial No. MY45052070; GPIB-Addr.: 13 - dedicated to DCCT1 (Feedbox 1 & 3)
    2. QuD2+4, Serial No. MY45051842; GPIB-Addr.: 24 - dedicated to DCCT2 (Feedbox 2 & 4)
  4. Two DVMs type Keysight 34470A; 7.5digit; accessible via LXI-Interface at LAN-Switch; registered at ACC and GSI Network
    1. QuD1+3, Serial No. MY54701233; GSI-ID: 08492; MAC: 80-09-02-02-9D-C8; IP-Addr.:; IP-Name: MTDEV012 - dedicated to DCCT1 (Feedbox 1 & 3)
    2. QuD2+4, Serial No. MY54701382; GSI-ID: 08493; MAC: 80-09-02-03-28-54; IP-Addr.:; IP-Name: MTDEV013 - dedicated to DCCT2 (Feedbox 2 & 4)
Each DVM in SH5 is connected to a trigger line (SYNCx, Coax RG58, currently available at the QuD -cabinets) for synchronization of measurements with another DVM at the testbenches in SH2. The two 7.5 digit DVMs are terminated by an external 50 Ohms resistor each at their trigger Input.

Convention: DCCT-DVM is trigger slave (Input - EXT. TRIG), testbench-DVM is trigger master (Output - EXT. OUT).

DCCT-DVM_Config_STF_2017-June-09.pdf: DCCT-DVM configuration for dipole series testing in STF
Topic revision: r8 - 2017-06-09, WalterFreisleben - This page was cached on 2025-02-07 - 19:40.

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