Testing Environment for the power converter control program
Using the test rack
Testing the program with a real power converter could be a bit troublesome. Therefore a separate rack was set up, which consists of
It generates an output of -10 to 10 V. This voltage is generated using the DAC'S of the ACU. These are of limited accuracy (compared to the accuracy power converter for accelerator magnets provide). Therefore the allowable current and voltage tolerances have to be increased for this test. So user should start the following script:
$ power_converter_test_rack.sh -P 1234
Executing labview test procedures
Simple labview tests were implemented. Note these are not fully fledged unit test test cases and just test a limited space of all possible options. Here a Startup script is used, which ensures that the Parameters are set, so that every Parameter is different from all other Parameters. It is started by
$ power_converter_labview_test.sh
Please note, that this script will always open port 8128. It is expected that this port is not used by any no testing program at the STF.
PierreSchnizer - 2016-11-08