Feb 2014 |
27 |
0 |
0 |
9 NIUser 6 LabVIEWInstrumentDriver 4 NISoftwareInstallation 2 NIUserLabVIEW 1 LVMobileAgentSystem 1 LabVIEWObjectOrientedProgramming 1 NILicenseManager 1 SourceCodeControl 1 BioProjekts |
Dec 2013 |
127 |
0 |
0 |
48 NIUser 25 NISoftwareInstallation 15 NIUserLabVIEW 15 NILicenseManager 6 LabVIEWObjectOrientedProgramming 5 LabVIEWInstrumentDriver 4 LVMobileAgentSystem 3 SourceCodeControl 1 NIUserDiadem 1 LVOOProgrammingRecommendations 1 LVOOPDesignPatterns |
Jan 2014 |
209 |
0 |
0 |
91 NIUser 34 NISoftwareInstallation 28 NILicenseManager 26 NIUserLabVIEW 13 LabVIEWInstrumentDriver 7 SourceCodeControl 3 WebSearch 1 NIUserDiadem 1 HGFBaseClassLibrary 1 LVMobileAgentSystem 1 LabVIEWObjectOrientedProgramming |
Sep 2023 |
759 |
0 |
0 |
113 NIUser 47 HGFBaseClassLibrary 38 LabVIEWInstrumentDriver 33 NIUserLabVIEW 28 WebSearch 27 SpartanStarterKitFPGA 25 SourceCodeControl 24 WebStatistics 23 DiaDemDSCViewing 23 WebChanges 22 Obtaining and Installing NI-Software |
Feb 2024 |
834 |
0 |
0 |
154 NIUser 77 LabVIEWInstrumentDriver 52 Obtaining and Installing NI-Software 36 WebChanges 32 WebSearch 32 NISoftwareInstallation 27 HGFBaseClassLibrary 22 DiaDemDSCViewing 21 NIUserLabVIEW 21 NILicenseManager 21 SpartanStarterKitFPGA |
Nov 2020 |
848 |
1 |
0 |
151 NIUser 78 LabVIEWInstrumentDriver 64 HGFBaseClassLibrary 64 SpartanStarterKitFPGA 47 NISoftwareInstallation 45 NIUserLabVIEW 36 NILicenseManager 32 SourceCodeControl 24 LabVIEWWebinarMay2020 20 NIExceptionalLicense 19 InstituteCampusLicenseAgreement |
1 HolgerBrand |
Aug 2023 |
860 |
0 |
0 |
88 NIUser 43 WebSearch 35 HGFBaseClassLibrary 33 LabVIEWInstrumentDriver 32 WebChanges 29 Obtaining and Installing NI-Software 29 SpartanStarterKitFPGA 28 WebStatistics 26 DiaDemDSCViewing 26 NISoftwareInstallation 25 NIUserLabVIEW |
Jan 2024 |
868 |
0 |
0 |
101 NIUser 54 LabVIEWInstrumentDriver 44 NISoftwareInstallation 40 WebSearch 33 Obtaining and Installing NI-Software 33 LabVIEWObjectOrientedProgramming 31 Enterprise Agreement 30 DiaDemDSCViewing 30 NIUserLabVIEW 29 WebChanges 27 NILicenseManager |
Dec 2023 |
913 |
0 |
0 |
93 NIUser 57 NIUserLabVIEW 43 LabVIEWInstrumentDriver 38 WebSearch 38 NISoftwareInstallation 37 WebChanges 36 LVMobileAgentSystem 31 HGFBaseClassLibrary 31 SourceCodeControl 31 Enterprise Agreement 28 LabVIEWCommunityEdition |
May 2023 |
945 |
0 |
0 |
91 NIUser 62 LabVIEWInstrumentDriver 55 WebChanges 49 WebStatistics 46 NIUserLabVIEW 44 NILicenseManager 40 Obtaining and Installing NI-Software 39 DiaDemDSCViewing 36 Enterprise Agreement 31 WebSearch 30 WebNotify |
Jul 2023 |
952 |
0 |
0 |
107 NIUser 88 WebSearch 64 Enterprise Agreement 61 WebStatistics 59 NIUserLabVIEW 49 Obtaining and Installing NI-Software 39 WebChanges 36 NISoftwareInstallation 30 HGFBaseClassLibrary 29 LabVIEWObjectOrientedProgramming 26 DiaDemDSCViewing |
Jun 2023 |
954 |
0 |
0 |
152 NIUserLabVIEW 83 WebChanges 82 WebStatistics 70 NIUser 57 WebSearch 39 Obtaining and Installing NI-Software 31 LabVIEWInstrumentDriver 27 DiaDemDSCViewing 26 HGFBaseClassLibrary 23 XRayBolometerReadout 23 NISoftwareInstallation |
Jun 2013 |
958 |
2 |
0 |
331 LabVIEWInstrumentDriver 284 NIUser 50 HGFBaseClassLibrary 48 SourceCodeControl 35 LabVIEWObjectOrientedProgramming 32 NIUserLabVIEW 31 NISoftwareInstallation 23 NILicenseManager 20 GSICampusLicenseAgreement 14 WebTopicList 14 SpartanStarterKitFPGA |
2 HolgerBrand |
Apr 2014 |
986 |
17 |
0 |
166 NIUser 153 HGFBaseClassLibrary 116 LabVIEWInstrumentDriver 76 NIUserLabVIEW 70 WebSearch 64 SpartanStarterKitFPGA 47 SourceCodeControl 37 LabVIEWObjectOrientedProgramming 35 NISoftwareInstallation 35 NILicenseManager 21 LVOOPWorkshopApril2014 |
17 HolgerBrand |
Jan 2017 |
1029 |
0 |
0 |
169 NIUser 169 LabVIEWInstrumentDriver 112 HGFBaseClassLibrary 87 SpartanStarterKitFPGA 81 NISoftwareInstallation 65 NIUserLabVIEW 51 SourceCodeControl 39 WebStatistics 36 WebSearch 34 NILicenseManager 18 GSICampusLicenseAgreement |
Feb 2016 |
1031 |
2 |
0 |
222 WebStatistics 209 LabVIEWInstrumentDriver 106 HGFBaseClassLibrary 98 NIUser 53 NIUserLabVIEW 51 SpartanStarterKitFPGA 41 NISoftwareInstallation 40 SourceCodeControl 28 WebSearch 25 NILicenseManager 17 WebChanges |
2 HolgerBrand |
Oct 2023 |
1048 |
0 |
0 |
90 NIUser 71 LabVIEWInstrumentDriver 58 HGFBaseClassLibrary 47 WebSearch 41 WebChanges 40 SpartanStarterKitFPGA 37 WebStatistics 35 LabVIEWObjectOrientedProgramming 33 NISoftwareInstallation 30 Enterprise Agreement 29 NILicenseManager |
Sep 2021 |
1060 |
1 |
0 |
275 NIUser 65 HGFBaseClassLibrary 40 Obtaining and Installing NI-Software 37 NISoftwareInstallation 37 LabVIEWInstrumentDriver 34 Enterprise Agreement 34 NIUserLabVIEW 31 WebSearch 29 Boolean2PB1I 28 SpartanStarterKitFPGA 26 DiaDemDSCViewing |
1 HolgerBrand |
Nov 2021 |
1077 |
2 |
0 |
157 NIUser 92 HGFBaseClassLibrary 50 SourceCodeControl 45 NIUserLabVIEW 44 LVOOPDesignPatterns 43 LabVIEWInstrumentDriver 42 WebSearch 36 NIExceptionalLicense 28 Obtaining and Installing NI-Software 27 LabVIEWObjectOrientedProgramming 26 NISoftwareInstallation |
2 HolgerBrand |
Aug 2012 |
1078 |
3 |
0 |
302 LabVIEWInstrumentDriver 218 NIUser 74 HGFBaseClassLibrary 74 LVOOPWorkshopAugust2011 40 LabVIEWObjectOrientedProgramming 29 NIUserLabVIEW 26 LVMobileAgentSystem 25 NISoftwareInstallation 23 WebNotify 23 WebPreferences 23 SourceCodeControl |
3 HolgerBrand |
Aug 2021 |
1081 |
4 |
0 |
243 NIUser 185 WebSearch 52 HGFBaseClassLibrary 46 LabVIEWInstrumentDriver 42 Obtaining and Installing NI-Software 40 DiaDemDSCViewing 39 SpartanStarterKitFPGA 32 NISoftwareInstallation 31 NIUserLabVIEW 22 Enterprise Agreement 21 LVOOPWorkshopMarch2007 |
4 HolgerBrand |
Mar 2025 |
1085 |
0 |
0 |
78 NIUserLabVIEW 65 WebSearch 64 LabVIEWInstrumentDriver 60 NIUser 45 HGFBaseClassLibrary 39 Enterprise Agreement 39 NISoftwareInstallation 38 Obtaining and Installing NI-Software 34 LabVIEWWebinarMay2020 34 WebChanges 28 WebStatistics |
Dec 2021 |
1088 |
0 |
0 |
117 NIUser 73 HGFBaseClassLibrary 68 WebSearch 46 LabVIEWInstrumentDriver 32 ObtainNISoftwareAtGSI 30 NIExceptionalLicense 30 LabVIEWObjectOrientedProgramming 28 WebChanges 28 NIUserLabVIEW 27 SourceCodeControl 24 NISoftwareInstallation |
Oct 2022 |
1091 |
0 |
0 |
205 WebSearch 140 NIUser 56 LabVIEWInstrumentDriver 45 NIUserLabVIEW 42 Obtaining and Installing NI-Software 31 NISoftwareInstallation 28 LabVIEWObjectOrientedProgramming 25 SpartanStarterKitFPGA 23 AFWorkshopDecember2015 23 WebChanges 23 Enterprise Agreement |
May 2013 |
1146 |
19 |
0 |
426 NIUser 332 LabVIEWInstrumentDriver 65 LabVIEWObjectOrientedProgramming 60 HGFBaseClassLibrary 55 SourceCodeControl 38 NIUserLabVIEW 35 LVOOPWorkshopMay2013 23 NISoftwareInstallation 11 LVMobileAgentSystem 9 WebSearch 8 SpartanStarterKitFPGA |
16 HolgerBrand 3 PeterZumbruch |
May 2022 |
1211 |
0 |
0 |
112 NIUser 74 LabVIEWInstrumentDriver 62 NIUserLabVIEW 55 WebSearch 48 HGFBaseClassLibrary 43 LVOOPDesignPatterns 42 LVMobileAgentSystem 33 WebChanges 32 LabVIEWObjectOrientedProgramming 32 SourceCodeControl 31 XRayBolometerReadout |
Oct 2021 |
1211 |
7 |
0 |
174 NIUser 77 HGFBaseClassLibrary 44 WebSearch 43 NIUserLabVIEW 36 LabVIEWObjectOrientedProgramming 36 LabVIEWWebinarMay2020 33 Obtaining and Installing NI-Software 33 Enterprise Agreement 31 SourceCodeControl 31 LVMobileAgentSystem 30 WebChanges |
7 HolgerBrand |
Nov 2023 |
1218 |
0 |
0 |
113 NIUser 63 LabVIEWInstrumentDriver 62 WebSearch 52 WebChanges 49 NIUserLabVIEW 46 HGFBaseClassLibrary 44 WebStatistics 40 LVOOPDesignPatterns 39 LabVIEWObjectOrientedProgramming 34 Enterprise Agreement 31 NISoftwareInstallation |
Jul 2021 |
1226 |
0 |
0 |
227 NIUser 94 WebSearch 87 HGFBaseClassLibrary 74 NIUserLabVIEW 53 LVMobileAgentSystem 52 LabVIEWInstrumentDriver 46 NISoftwareInstallation 44 XRayBolometerReadout 43 WebChanges 41 SpartanStarterKitFPGA 31 SourceCodeControl |
Aug 2024 |
1231 |
0 |
0 |
130 NIUser 94 NIUserLabVIEW 78 LabVIEWInstrumentDriver 72 WebSearch 70 NISoftwareInstallation 68 Obtaining and Installing NI-Software 66 NILicenseManager 63 SpartanStarterKitFPGA 55 HGFBaseClassLibrary 38 LVOOPDesignPatterns 36 DiaDemDSCViewing |
May 2014 |
1243 |
3 |
0 |
242 HGFBaseClassLibrary 182 LabVIEWInstrumentDriver 178 WebSearch 135 NIUser 68 WebStatistics 66 SourceCodeControl 63 SpartanStarterKitFPGA 43 NISoftwareInstallation 42 NIUserLabVIEW 36 LabVIEWObjectOrientedProgramming 20 DiaDemDSCViewing |
3 HolgerBrand |
Apr 2022 |
1271 |
3 |
0 |
150 NIUser 57 LabVIEWInstrumentDriver 53 WebSearch 52 HGFBaseClassLibrary 50 NIUserLabVIEW 45 WebChanges 38 LabVIEWWebinarMay2020 36 Obtaining and Installing NI-Software 35 LVOOPDesignPatterns 32 NISoftwareInstallation 31 LabVIEWObjectOrientedProgramming |
3 HolgerBrand |
Mar 2022 |
1271 |
9 |
0 |
167 NIUser 71 WebSearch 56 LabVIEWInstrumentDriver 49 NIUserLabVIEW 38 Obtaining and Installing NI-Software 38 LabVIEWObjectOrientedProgramming 34 WebChanges 33 SourceCodeControl 32 HGFBaseClassLibrary 32 Enterprise Agreement 31 DiaDemDSCViewing |
9 HolgerBrand |
Apr 2023 |
1284 |
0 |
0 |
108 NIUser 83 WebChanges 75 HGFBaseClassLibrary 70 LVMobileAgentSystem 68 WebStatistics 65 LabVIEWInstrumentDriver 56 NIUserLabVIEW 54 Obtaining and Installing NI-Software 42 WebSearch 38 LabVIEWWebinarMay2020 37 DiaDemDSCViewing |
Aug 2013 |
1303 |
13 |
1 |
556 NIUser 316 LabVIEWInstrumentDriver 65 SourceCodeControl 61 HGFBaseClassLibrary 49 NILicenseManager 38 NIUserLabVIEW 34 NISoftwareInstallation 31 LabVIEWObjectOrientedProgramming 15 GSICampusLicenseAgreement 12 WebSearch 12 WebPreferences |
14 HolgerBrand |
Mar 2024 |
1316 |
0 |
0 |
135 NIUser 94 LabVIEWInstrumentDriver 71 HGFBaseClassLibrary 67 NIUserLabVIEW 64 NISoftwareInstallation 60 NILicenseManager 46 WebSearch 41 SourceCodeControl 38 DiaDemDSCViewing 33 Obtaining and Installing NI-Software 32 WebChanges |
Sep 2015 |
1325 |
0 |
0 |
373 WebStatistics 217 LabVIEWInstrumentDriver 152 HGFBaseClassLibrary 125 NIUser 83 SourceCodeControl 79 SpartanStarterKitFPGA 59 NIUserLabVIEW 25 WebSearch 20 NISoftwareInstallation 18 LabVIEWObjectOrientedProgramming 13 WebNotify |
Jun 2015 |
1333 |
0 |
0 |
208 LabVIEWInstrumentDriver 109 HGFBaseClassLibrary 107 NIUser 102 NIUserLabVIEW 100 WebStatistics 91 SpartanStarterKitFPGA 89 SourceCodeControl 63 WebSearch 56 InstituteCampusLicenseAgreement 46 LabVIEWObjectOrientedProgramming 45 LVOOProgrammingRecommendations |
Sep 2014 |
1343 |
0 |
0 |
246 LabVIEWInstrumentDriver 204 NIUser 161 HGFBaseClassLibrary 116 SpartanStarterKitFPGA 87 SourceCodeControl 67 WebStatistics 61 NIUserLabVIEW 57 WebSearch 48 LabVIEWObjectOrientedProgramming 46 NISoftwareInstallation 36 LVMobileAgentSystem |
Mar 2023 |
1378 |
0 |
0 |
623 WebSearch 132 NIUser 53 WebStatistics 44 Obtaining and Installing NI-Software 41 LabVIEWInstrumentDriver 34 HGFBaseClassLibrary 33 WebChanges 33 DiaDemDSCViewing 32 NIUserLabVIEW 25 SpartanStarterKitFPGA 18 LabVIEWCodeReview |
Dec 2016 |
1379 |
0 |
0 |
255 HGFBaseClassLibrary 188 LabVIEWInstrumentDriver 127 NIUser 108 SpartanStarterKitFPGA 101 SourceCodeControl 97 NIUserLabVIEW 88 WebStatistics 64 WebSearch 52 NISoftwareInstallation 26 DiaDemDSCViewing 25 LVMobileAgentSystem |
Aug 2022 |
1389 |
0 |
0 |
263 WebSearch 131 NIUser 96 LabVIEWInstrumentDriver 65 NIUserLabVIEW 56 SpartanStarterKitFPGA 48 WebChanges 37 Obtaining and Installing NI-Software 31 NISoftwareInstallation 29 SourceCodeControl 26 LabVIEWObjectOrientedProgramming 26 NIUserDiadem |
Oct 2015 |
1405 |
1 |
0 |
257 LabVIEWInstrumentDriver 204 WebStatistics 154 NIUser 151 HGFBaseClassLibrary 104 NIUserLabVIEW 91 SourceCodeControl 71 SpartanStarterKitFPGA 58 NISoftwareInstallation 28 WebSearch 28 NILicenseManager 26 WebNotify |
1 HolgerBrand |
Mar 2013 |
1406 |
5 |
0 |
514 NIUser 333 LabVIEWInstrumentDriver 61 HGFBaseClassLibrary 55 SourceCodeControl 52 NIUserLabVIEW 50 NISoftwareInstallation 47 NILicenseManager 41 LVOOPWorkshopAugust2011 37 LabVIEWObjectOrientedProgramming 26 LVMobileAgentSystem 21 WebRss |
5 HolgerBrand |
Jun 2022 |
1430 |
0 |
0 |
195 WebSearch 115 NIUser 111 LabVIEWInstrumentDriver 99 SpartanStarterKitFPGA 50 NIUserLabVIEW 37 HGFBaseClassLibrary 35 Obtaining and Installing NI-Software 35 Enterprise Agreement 34 LabVIEWWebinarMay2020 34 LabVIEWObjectOrientedProgramming 27 WebChanges |
Jan 2013 |
1436 |
5 |
0 |
660 NIUser 267 LabVIEWInstrumentDriver 52 SourceCodeControl 50 NIUserLabVIEW 49 HGFBaseClassLibrary 40 LabVIEWObjectOrientedProgramming 39 NISoftwareInstallation 35 LVOOPWorkshopAugust2011 28 NILicenseManager 18 WebTopicList 18 GSICampusLicenseAgreement |
5 HolgerBrand |
Jul 2015 |
1439 |
0 |
0 |
240 LabVIEWInstrumentDriver 160 WebStatistics 149 NIUser 148 HGFBaseClassLibrary 86 SourceCodeControl 63 NIUserLabVIEW 62 SpartanStarterKitFPGA 57 InstituteCampusLicenseAgreement 55 LabVIEWObjectOrientedProgramming 48 LVOOProgrammingRecommendations 44 WebSearch |
Nov 2014 |
1459 |
0 |
0 |
211 HGFBaseClassLibrary 205 LabVIEWInstrumentDriver 159 NIUser 129 WebSearch 124 WebStatistics 91 SpartanStarterKitFPGA 90 SourceCodeControl 72 NIUserLabVIEW 57 NISoftwareInstallation 41 LabVIEWObjectOrientedProgramming 28 NILicenseManager |
Mar 2021 |
1471 |
0 |
0 |
221 NIUser 107 HGFBaseClassLibrary 106 LabVIEWInstrumentDriver 72 SpartanStarterKitFPGA 65 NIUserLabVIEW 56 WebSearch 54 WebStatistics 47 LabVIEWObjectOrientedProgramming 44 NISoftwareInstallation 38 Enterprise Agreement 35 Obtaining and Installing NI-Software |
Aug 2014 |
1485 |
4 |
0 |
258 NIUser 212 LabVIEWInstrumentDriver 179 HGFBaseClassLibrary 138 SpartanStarterKitFPGA 93 WebSearch 85 SourceCodeControl 80 NIUserLabVIEW 69 NISoftwareInstallation 53 LabVIEWObjectOrientedProgramming 32 LVMobileAgentSystem 29 WebStatistics |
4 HolgerBrand |
Jan 2022 |
1505 |
0 |
0 |
163 NIUser 79 WebSearch 76 LabVIEWInstrumentDriver 76 HGFBaseClassLibrary 67 NIUserLabVIEW 59 WebStatistics 56 WebChanges 53 LVOOPDesignPatterns 48 LVMobileAgentSystem 45 LabVIEWWebinarMay2020 36 Obtaining and Installing NI-Software |
Oct 2014 |
1512 |
0 |
0 |
305 LabVIEWInstrumentDriver 243 WebStatistics 233 HGFBaseClassLibrary 166 NIUser 97 SpartanStarterKitFPGA 56 NIUserLabVIEW 49 SourceCodeControl 40 WebSearch 36 LabVIEWObjectOrientedProgramming 35 NISoftwareInstallation 27 WebNotify |
Feb 2015 |
1517 |
1 |
0 |
233 LabVIEWInstrumentDriver 215 WebStatistics 193 HGFBaseClassLibrary 181 NIUser 109 NIUserLabVIEW 92 SourceCodeControl 67 SpartanStarterKitFPGA 66 NISoftwareInstallation 39 WebSearch 38 NILicenseManager 33 WebPreferences |
1 HolgerBrand |
Dec 2022 |
1528 |
0 |
0 |
535 WebSearch 117 NIUser 62 HGFBaseClassLibrary 60 WebChanges 56 LabVIEWInstrumentDriver 53 NIUserLabVIEW 32 LabVIEWWebinarMay2020 30 SourceCodeControl 29 SpartanStarterKitFPGA 28 Obtaining and Installing NI-Software 28 WebStatistics |
Nov 2015 |
1530 |
17 |
0 |
388 WebStatistics 271 LabVIEWInstrumentDriver 214 HGFBaseClassLibrary 130 NIUser 89 NIUserLabVIEW 66 SourceCodeControl 64 SpartanStarterKitFPGA 43 NISoftwareInstallation 30 AFWorkshopDecember2015 25 WebSearch 23 NILicenseManager |
17 HolgerBrand |
Sep 2012 |
1563 |
1 |
0 |
521 NIUser 341 LabVIEWInstrumentDriver 113 HGFBaseClassLibrary 74 LVOOPWorkshopAugust2011 56 NISoftwareInstallation 47 SourceCodeControl 37 LabVIEWObjectOrientedProgramming 36 NIUserLabVIEW 33 WebPreferences 32 WebSearch 31 WebNotify |
1 HolgerBrand |
Nov 2013 |
1579 |
2 |
0 |
737 NIUser 169 LabVIEWInstrumentDriver 83 SourceCodeControl 49 HGFBaseClassLibrary 35 ObtainNISoftwareAtGSI 29 NISoftwareInstallation 28 NIUserLabVIEW 24 WebPreferences 24 LabVIEWObjectOrientedProgramming 22 NILicenseManager 22 WebChanges |
2 HolgerBrand |
Jun 2024 |
1585 |
0 |
0 |
171 NIUser 125 NIUserLabVIEW 116 LabVIEWInstrumentDriver 83 WebSearch 63 SpartanStarterKitFPGA 63 NISoftwareInstallation 58 WebChanges 58 HGFBaseClassLibrary 55 NILicenseManager 42 Obtaining and Installing NI-Software 37 LVOOPDesignPatterns |
Jul 2012 |
1601 |
2 |
0 |
556 NIUser 357 LabVIEWInstrumentDriver 105 HGFBaseClassLibrary 100 LabVIEWObjectOrientedProgramming 70 LVOOPWorkshopAugust2011 41 NIUserLabVIEW 38 SourceCodeControl 35 LVMobileAgentSystem 29 NISoftwareInstallation 24 WebChanges 22 WebPreferences |
2 HolgerBrand |
Jul 2022 |
1610 |
0 |
0 |
297 WebSearch 157 LabVIEWInstrumentDriver 127 NIUser 121 SpartanStarterKitFPGA 71 NIUserLabVIEW 38 HGFBaseClassLibrary 36 Obtaining and Installing NI-Software 36 Enterprise Agreement 33 WebChanges 32 LabVIEWObjectOrientedProgramming 25 AFWorkshopDecember2015 |
May 2015 |
1628 |
0 |
0 |
192 LabVIEWInstrumentDriver 176 NIUser 142 WebStatistics 128 HGFBaseClassLibrary 113 NIUserLabVIEW 108 WebSearch 95 SourceCodeControl 82 SpartanStarterKitFPGA 55 NISoftwareInstallation 39 LVOOPWorkshopMay2013 39 LabVIEWObjectOrientedProgramming |
Nov 2022 |
1662 |
0 |
0 |
601 WebSearch 133 NIUser 91 WebChanges 59 LabVIEWInstrumentDriver 57 NIUserLabVIEW 42 HGFBaseClassLibrary 36 Obtaining and Installing NI-Software 29 NISoftwareInstallation 27 Enterprise Agreement 26 LabVIEWWebinarMay2020 23 SourceCodeControl |
Dec 2020 |
1682 |
5 |
0 |
234 NIUser 113 NIUserLabVIEW 108 LabVIEWInstrumentDriver 93 SpartanStarterKitFPGA 83 HGFBaseClassLibrary 70 LabVIEWObjectOrientedProgramming 63 DiaDemDSCViewing 61 NISoftwareInstallation 49 WebSearch 46 LabVIEWWebinarMay2020 42 WebStatistics |
5 HolgerBrand |
Aug 2015 |
1691 |
9 |
0 |
310 WebStatistics 287 LabVIEWInstrumentDriver 157 LabVIEWObjectOrientedProgramming 139 NIUser 136 HGFBaseClassLibrary 125 NIUserLabVIEW 121 SourceCodeControl 82 SpartanStarterKitFPGA 45 NISoftwareInstallation 43 LVMobileAgentSystem 28 WebSearch |
9 HolgerBrand |
Mar 2015 |
1720 |
0 |
0 |
306 LabVIEWInstrumentDriver 254 WebStatistics 235 HGFBaseClassLibrary 141 NIUserLabVIEW 137 NIUser 105 NISoftwareInstallation 89 SourceCodeControl 86 SpartanStarterKitFPGA 69 WebSearch 39 ObtainNISoftwareAtGSI 39 WebPreferences |
Feb 2023 |
1742 |
0 |
0 |
878 WebSearch 228 NIUser 40 Obtaining and Installing NI-Software 39 LabVIEWInstrumentDriver 38 WebChanges 33 NISoftwareInstallation 30 HGFBaseClassLibrary 27 NIUserLabVIEW 23 LVMobileAgentSystem 22 DiaDemDSCViewing 21 Enterprise Agreement |
Sep 2016 |
1743 |
0 |
0 |
320 LabVIEWInstrumentDriver 237 HGFBaseClassLibrary 186 SpartanStarterKitFPGA 131 WebStatistics 121 NIUser 100 NISoftwareInstallation 93 NIUserLabVIEW 91 SourceCodeControl 71 DiaDemDSCViewing 50 LabVIEWObjectOrientedProgramming 49 WebSearch |
Sep 2024 |
1744 |
0 |
0 |
142 NIUser 138 LabVIEWInstrumentDriver 109 Obtaining and Installing NI-Software 98 NIUserLabVIEW 97 NISoftwareInstallation 78 NILicenseManager 76 WebSearch 75 HGFBaseClassLibrary 64 DiaDemDSCViewing 61 XRayBolometerReadout 56 LVMobileAgentSystem |
Nov 2024 |
1748 |
0 |
0 |
165 NIUser 99 NIUserLabVIEW 95 LabVIEWInstrumentDriver 68 WebSearch 67 Obtaining and Installing NI-Software 67 NISoftwareInstallation 59 HGFBaseClassLibrary 58 DiaDemDSCViewing 55 Enterprise Agreement 54 LabVIEWWebinarMay2020 48 NILicenseManager |
Sep 2022 |
1752 |
0 |
0 |
270 WebSearch 95 NIUser 72 Obtaining and Installing NI-Software 66 NIUserLabVIEW 59 LabVIEWInstrumentDriver 58 WebChanges 54 HGFBaseClassLibrary 48 LabVIEWWebinarMay2020 41 WebStatistics 39 Enterprise Agreement 36 SpartanStarterKitFPGA |
May 2016 |
1757 |
1 |
0 |
301 LabVIEWInstrumentDriver 249 WebStatistics 205 HGFBaseClassLibrary 163 NIUser 151 NIUserLabVIEW 137 SpartanStarterKitFPGA 87 SourceCodeControl 67 NISoftwareInstallation 43 LVOOPWorkshopMarch2007 37 LabVIEWObjectOrientedProgramming 33 WebSearch |
1 HolgerBrand |
Jan 2025 |
1762 |
0 |
0 |
137 NIUser 122 NIUserLabVIEW 120 WebSearch 104 LabVIEWInstrumentDriver 103 Obtaining and Installing NI-Software 81 LVMobileAgentSystem 79 HGFBaseClassLibrary 75 NISoftwareInstallation 51 DiaDemDSCViewing 47 NIExceptionalLicense 43 Enterprise Agreement |
Jul 2014 |
1769 |
2 |
0 |
265 LabVIEWInstrumentDriver 232 NIUser 225 HGFBaseClassLibrary 182 WebSearch 123 NIUserLabVIEW 121 SpartanStarterKitFPGA 88 NISoftwareInstallation 83 SourceCodeControl 50 LabVIEWObjectOrientedProgramming 48 WebStatistics 41 LVMobileAgentSystem |
2 HolgerBrand |
Feb 2017 |
1781 |
0 |
0 |
273 LabVIEWInstrumentDriver 238 HGFBaseClassLibrary 201 WebStatistics 173 NIUser 114 SpartanStarterKitFPGA 92 WebSearch 90 NISoftwareInstallation 82 NIUserLabVIEW 64 DiaDemDSCViewing 63 SourceCodeControl 44 LabVIEWObjectOrientedProgramming |
Jun 2016 |
1809 |
1 |
0 |
365 WebStatistics 272 LabVIEWInstrumentDriver 188 HGFBaseClassLibrary 161 NIUser 145 NIUserLabVIEW 114 SpartanStarterKitFPGA 85 SourceCodeControl 68 NISoftwareInstallation 44 LabVIEWObjectOrientedProgramming 40 NILicenseManager 39 LVMobileAgentSystem |
1 HolgerBrand |
Oct 2024 |
1825 |
0 |
0 |
154 NIUser 119 LabVIEWInstrumentDriver 89 NISoftwareInstallation 88 Obtaining and Installing NI-Software 82 HGFBaseClassLibrary 79 WebSearch 70 NILicenseManager 70 NIUserLabVIEW 64 Enterprise Agreement 58 DiaDemDSCViewing 57 LVOOPDesignPatterns |
Jan 2021 |
1847 |
106 |
3 |
328 NIUser 140 HGFBaseClassLibrary 139 Enterprise Agreement 138 LabVIEWInstrumentDriver 92 Obtaining and Installing NI-Software 70 NISoftwareInstallation 69 NIUserLabVIEW 57 NISWFuture 50 WebSearch 48 SpartanStarterKitFPGA 47 LabVIEWObjectOrientedProgramming |
107 HolgerBrand 2 DennisNeidherr |
Jul 2018 |
1867 |
0 |
0 |
266 LabVIEWInstrumentDriver 254 HGFBaseClassLibrary 237 NIUser 184 LVMobileAgentSystem 124 NIUserLabVIEW 93 WebStatistics 90 SourceCodeControl 84 SpartanStarterKitFPGA 76 NISoftwareInstallation 68 LabVIEWObjectOrientedProgramming 46 NILicenseManager |
Nov 2016 |
1885 |
14 |
0 |
441 WebStatistics 324 LabVIEWInstrumentDriver 181 NIUser 179 HGFBaseClassLibrary 118 SpartanStarterKitFPGA 108 NIUserLabVIEW 94 SourceCodeControl 62 NISoftwareInstallation 61 LabVIEWCodeReview 58 DiaDemDSCViewing 43 WebSearch |
14 HolgerBrand |
Apr 2015 |
1891 |
6 |
0 |
382 WebStatistics 239 LabVIEWInstrumentDriver 215 HGFBaseClassLibrary 200 NIUser 117 NIUserLabVIEW 116 WebSearch 93 SourceCodeControl 92 SpartanStarterKitFPGA 45 LabVIEWObjectOrientedProgramming 38 InstituteCampusLicenseAgreement 30 WebChanges |
6 HolgerBrand |
Dec 2014 |
1910 |
0 |
0 |
423 WebStatistics 286 LabVIEWInstrumentDriver 230 NIUser 200 HGFBaseClassLibrary 109 SpartanStarterKitFPGA 95 NIUserLabVIEW 83 SourceCodeControl 79 WebSearch 47 NILicenseManager 46 NISoftwareInstallation 45 LabVIEWObjectOrientedProgramming |
Jun 2021 |
1918 |
5 |
0 |
293 NIUser 94 HGFBaseClassLibrary 91 LabVIEWInstrumentDriver 75 WebStatistics 70 WebChanges 68 NISoftwareInstallation 68 SpartanStarterKitFPGA 63 WebSearch 61 NIUserLabVIEW 51 InstituteCampusLicenseAgreement 50 LabVIEWWebinarMay2020 |
5 HolgerBrand |
May 2017 |
1928 |
0 |
0 |
511 WebStatistics 278 LabVIEWInstrumentDriver 182 NIUser 177 HGFBaseClassLibrary 103 SpartanStarterKitFPGA 67 SourceCodeControl 63 NISoftwareInstallation 54 WebSearch 50 DiaDemDSCViewing 49 NIUserLabVIEW 41 WebChanges |
Aug 2017 |
1935 |
0 |
0 |
392 WebStatistics 314 LabVIEWInstrumentDriver 160 HGFBaseClassLibrary 135 NIUserLabVIEW 107 NIUser 81 SourceCodeControl 80 SpartanStarterKitFPGA 70 NISoftwareInstallation 64 WebSearch 63 LabVIEWObjectOrientedProgramming 55 DiaDemDSCViewing |
Feb 2013 |
1936 |
0 |
0 |
634 NIUser 320 LabVIEWInstrumentDriver 93 NISoftwareInstallation 89 NIUserLabVIEW 79 LVMobileAgentSystem 65 LabVIEWObjectOrientedProgramming 58 HGFBaseClassLibrary 48 WebStatistics 48 NILicenseManager 48 SourceCodeControl 47 LVOOPWorkshopAugust2011 |
Apr 2021 |
1939 |
0 |
0 |
217 NIUser 120 LabVIEWInstrumentDriver 116 HGFBaseClassLibrary 110 WebStatistics 94 NISoftwareInstallation 93 NIUserLabVIEW 88 SpartanStarterKitFPGA 76 WebSearch 68 InstituteCampusLicenseAgreement 60 DiaDemDSCViewing 46 LVMobileAgentSystem |
Jul 2024 |
1941 |
1 |
0 |
185 NIUser 119 NIUserLabVIEW 112 LabVIEWInstrumentDriver 99 WebSearch 96 HGFBaseClassLibrary 79 NISoftwareInstallation 77 Obtaining and Installing NI-Software 76 NILicenseManager 71 LabVIEWWebinarMay2020 52 DiaDemDSCViewing 50 LVMobileAgentSystem |
1 HolgerBrand |
Jan 2023 |
1942 |
0 |
0 |
680 WebSearch 226 NIUser 100 NIUserLabVIEW 69 LabVIEWWebinarMay2020 59 HGFBaseClassLibrary 47 WebChanges 44 LabVIEWInstrumentDriver 43 NISoftwareInstallation 38 NILicenseManager 35 NIUserDiadem 34 GSICampusLicenseAgreement |
Dec 2018 |
1950 |
0 |
0 |
278 NIUser 257 LabVIEWInstrumentDriver 220 LVMobileAgentSystem 147 HGFBaseClassLibrary 100 NIUserLabVIEW 89 WebStatistics 82 SourceCodeControl 80 NISoftwareInstallation 71 SpartanStarterKitFPGA 70 DiaDemDSCViewing 65 WebSearch |
Apr 2016 |
1959 |
7 |
0 |
409 WebStatistics 251 LabVIEWInstrumentDriver 173 NIUser 158 HGFBaseClassLibrary 156 SpartanStarterKitFPGA 133 NISoftwareInstallation 117 NIUserLabVIEW 76 SourceCodeControl 73 WebSearch 67 NILicenseManager 52 DiaDemDSCViewing |
7 HolgerBrand |
May 2024 |
1965 |
0 |
0 |
340 NIUser 115 LabVIEWInstrumentDriver 110 HGFBaseClassLibrary 91 NIUserLabVIEW 83 WebSearch 72 WebStatistics 65 XRayBolometerReadout 62 LVOOPDesignPatterns 59 NISoftwareInstallation 59 LVMobileAgentSystem 57 SpartanStarterKitFPGA |
Jan 2015 |
1974 |
1 |
0 |
608 WebStatistics 246 LabVIEWInstrumentDriver 229 HGFBaseClassLibrary 186 NIUser 92 SpartanStarterKitFPGA 82 NIUserLabVIEW 72 WebSearch 66 SourceCodeControl 60 NILicenseManager 42 NISoftwareInstallation 39 LabVIEWObjectOrientedProgramming |
1 HolgerBrand |
May 2021 |
2010 |
0 |
0 |
270 NIUser 133 HGFBaseClassLibrary 124 LabVIEWInstrumentDriver 104 WebStatistics 81 SpartanStarterKitFPGA 77 NIUserLabVIEW 75 LVMobileAgentSystem 74 NISoftwareInstallation 60 WebChanges 54 Boolean2PB1I 52 WebSearch |
Sep 2013 |
2023 |
3 |
0 |
1093 NIUser 401 LabVIEWInstrumentDriver 94 SourceCodeControl 77 NIUserLabVIEW 50 HGFBaseClassLibrary 41 NILicenseManager 40 NISoftwareInstallation 26 LabVIEWObjectOrientedProgramming 23 GSICampusLicenseAgreement 21 SpartanStarterKitFPGA 20 WebSearch |
3 HolgerBrand |
Dec 2024 |
2026 |
0 |
0 |
199 NIUser 111 Obtaining and Installing NI-Software 92 WebSearch 87 NIUserLabVIEW 85 LabVIEWInstrumentDriver 66 NISoftwareInstallation 59 HGFBaseClassLibrary 59 LVOOPDesignPatterns 56 SpartanStarterKitFPGA 53 DiaDemDSCViewing 53 LVMobileAgentSystem |
Jul 2013 |
2027 |
0 |
0 |
1008 NIUser 358 LabVIEWInstrumentDriver 92 SourceCodeControl 54 HGFBaseClassLibrary 52 WebChanges 48 NIUserLabVIEW 40 WebTopicList 40 WebSearch 39 NILicenseManager 37 NISoftwareInstallation 36 LabVIEWObjectOrientedProgramming |
Jul 2017 |
2041 |
4 |
0 |
433 WebStatistics 314 LabVIEWInstrumentDriver 265 HGFBaseClassLibrary 173 NIUser 103 NIUserLabVIEW 84 SpartanStarterKitFPGA 82 SourceCodeControl 77 NISoftwareInstallation 57 LabVIEWObjectOrientedProgramming 47 DiaDemDSCViewing 43 WebSearch |
4 HolgerBrand |
Jan 2016 |
2045 |
1 |
0 |
573 WebStatistics 381 LabVIEWInstrumentDriver 193 HGFBaseClassLibrary 184 NIUser 106 NIUserLabVIEW 85 SpartanStarterKitFPGA 60 SourceCodeControl 52 NISoftwareInstallation 41 WebSearch 38 NILicenseManager 37 WebChanges |
1 Christo |
Jul 2016 |
2055 |
2 |
0 |
563 WebStatistics 266 LabVIEWInstrumentDriver 177 NIUser 159 HGFBaseClassLibrary 135 NIUserLabVIEW 116 SpartanStarterKitFPGA 108 NISoftwareInstallation 92 SourceCodeControl 62 WebSearch 37 LabVIEWObjectOrientedProgramming 33 DiaDemDSCViewing |
2 HolgerBrand |
Jun 2012 |
2084 |
0 |
0 |
850 NIUser 368 LabVIEWInstrumentDriver 87 LabVIEWObjectOrientedProgramming 79 SourceCodeControl 72 HGFBaseClassLibrary 64 LVOOPWorkshopAugust2011 51 NISoftwareInstallation 45 NIUserLabVIEW 41 NILicenseManager 39 SpartanStarterKitFPGA 34 LVMobileAgentSystem |
Jun 2017 |
2119 |
3 |
0 |
553 WebStatistics 324 LabVIEWInstrumentDriver 180 NIUser 167 HGFBaseClassLibrary 85 SourceCodeControl 76 SpartanStarterKitFPGA 75 NISoftwareInstallation 66 NIUserLabVIEW 59 LabVIEWObjectOrientedProgramming 51 WebSearch 40 NILicenseManager |
3 HolgerBrand |
Jun 2011 |
2123 |
11 |
2 |
878 NIUser 211 HGFBaseClassLibrary 191 LabVIEWInstrumentDriver 154 WebChanges 74 SourceCodeControl 70 NIUserLabVIEW 63 NISoftwareInstallation 58 LabVIEWObjectOrientedProgramming 38 WebPreferences 37 LVOOPWorkshopJune2010 36 WebNotify |
13 HolgerBrand |
Feb 2021 |
2157 |
5 |
1 |
222 NIUser 182 LabVIEWInstrumentDriver 137 HGFBaseClassLibrary 101 WebStatistics 75 SpartanStarterKitFPGA 75 NIUserLabVIEW 71 NISoftwareInstallation 70 LabVIEWObjectOrientedProgramming 68 LVMobileAgentSystem 60 LVOOPDesignPatterns 57 Obtaining and Installing NI-Software |
6 HolgerBrand |
Apr 2019 |
2168 |
0 |
0 |
418 LabVIEWInstrumentDriver 390 NIUser 214 WebStatistics 192 AFWorkshopDecember2015 160 HGFBaseClassLibrary 93 NIUserLabVIEW 90 SourceCodeControl 60 SpartanStarterKitFPGA 53 LVMobileAgentSystem 52 WebIndex 51 DiaDemDSCViewing |
Feb 2019 |
2183 |
4 |
0 |
377 WebStatistics 303 NIUser 278 LabVIEWInstrumentDriver 194 HGFBaseClassLibrary 131 LVMobileAgentSystem 129 AFWorkshopDecember2015 81 NIUserLabVIEW 71 SourceCodeControl 58 NISoftwareInstallation 56 DiaDemDSCViewing 51 SpartanStarterKitFPGA |
4 HolgerBrand |
Oct 2012 |
2185 |
5 |
0 |
1135 NIUser 337 LabVIEWInstrumentDriver 142 HGFBaseClassLibrary 56 SourceCodeControl 51 LVOOPWorkshopAugust2011 46 LabVIEWObjectOrientedProgramming 45 NIUserLabVIEW 39 WebSearch 37 WebPreferences 35 WebNotify 33 LVOOPDesignPatterns |
3 HolgerBrand 2 AlexanderWiest |
Dec 2012 |
2200 |
1 |
0 |
728 NIUser 398 LabVIEWInstrumentDriver 120 HGFBaseClassLibrary 79 SourceCodeControl 78 LVMobileAgentSystem 71 LVOOPDesignPatterns 59 LVOOPWorkshopAugust2011 57 WebStatistics 49 NIUserLabVIEW 48 LabVIEWObjectOrientedProgramming 44 NISoftwareInstallation |
1 PeterZumbruch |
Sep 2017 |
2217 |
0 |
0 |
460 LabVIEWInstrumentDriver 317 WebStatistics 203 NIUser 181 HGFBaseClassLibrary 128 NIUserLabVIEW 100 SpartanStarterKitFPGA 80 WebSearch 73 SourceCodeControl 67 WebChanges 66 LabVIEWObjectOrientedProgramming 57 NISoftwareInstallation |
Apr 2017 |
2217 |
2 |
0 |
503 WebStatistics 350 LabVIEWInstrumentDriver 292 HGFBaseClassLibrary 165 NIUser 103 SpartanStarterKitFPGA 89 SourceCodeControl 68 NIUserLabVIEW 66 NISoftwareInstallation 66 WebSearch 54 LabVIEWObjectOrientedProgramming 46 WebChanges |
2 HolgerBrand |
Feb 2022 |
2330 |
3 |
0 |
990 WebSearch 149 NIUser 76 LabVIEWInstrumentDriver 65 LVMobileAgentSystem 59 LabVIEWWebinarMay2020 51 Boolean2PB1I 49 NIUserLabVIEW 47 LVOOPDesignPatterns 44 WebChanges 40 HGFBaseClassLibrary 38 WebStatistics |
3 HolgerBrand |
Oct 2018 |
2351 |
0 |
0 |
349 NIUser 338 LVMobileAgentSystem 267 LabVIEWInstrumentDriver 232 HGFBaseClassLibrary 123 NIUserLabVIEW 111 WebStatistics 92 SpartanStarterKitFPGA 89 SourceCodeControl 85 WebSearch 84 NISoftwareInstallation 68 WebChanges |
Mar 2016 |
2454 |
11 |
0 |
405 WebStatistics 348 LabVIEWInstrumentDriver 319 NIUser 210 HGFBaseClassLibrary 166 NIUserLabVIEW 146 SourceCodeControl 138 NISoftwareInstallation 114 SpartanStarterKitFPGA 71 NILicenseManager 66 WebSearch 56 DiaDemDSCViewing |
10 HolgerBrand 1 PeterZumbruch |
Jan 2019 |
2515 |
0 |
0 |
495 WebStatistics 355 LabVIEWInstrumentDriver 301 NIUser 198 HGFBaseClassLibrary 163 LVMobileAgentSystem 123 NIUserLabVIEW 114 NISoftwareInstallation 75 SpartanStarterKitFPGA 73 SourceCodeControl 73 DiaDemDSCViewing 71 AFWorkshopDecember2015 |
Mar 2019 |
2520 |
0 |
0 |
407 NIUser 389 LabVIEWInstrumentDriver 308 WebStatistics 212 AFWorkshopDecember2015 166 HGFBaseClassLibrary 108 DiaDemDSCViewing 106 NISoftwareInstallation 92 NIUserLabVIEW 89 NILicenseManager 85 SourceCodeControl 70 SpartanStarterKitFPGA |
Oct 2016 |
2541 |
0 |
0 |
912 WebStatistics 409 LabVIEWInstrumentDriver 227 HGFBaseClassLibrary 194 NIUser 153 SpartanStarterKitFPGA 101 SourceCodeControl 84 NIUserLabVIEW 75 NISoftwareInstallation 39 DiaDemDSCViewing 36 NILicenseManager 33 LabVIEWObjectOrientedProgramming |
Jul 2011 |
2608 |
12 |
2 |
1211 NIUser 204 HGFBaseClassLibrary 191 LabVIEWInstrumentDriver 92 NIUserLabVIEW 89 LVOOPWorkshopAugust2011 68 NISoftwareInstallation 68 LabVIEWObjectOrientedProgramming 62 WebChanges 59 WebSearch 57 SourceCodeControl 56 LVOOPDesignPatterns |
14 HolgerBrand |
Jun 2018 |
2632 |
3 |
0 |
811 WebSearch 282 LabVIEWInstrumentDriver 231 LVMobileAgentSystem 206 NIUser 204 HGFBaseClassLibrary 166 WebStatistics 94 SpartanStarterKitFPGA 88 NIUserLabVIEW 71 SourceCodeControl 60 NISoftwareInstallation 59 DiaDemDSCViewing |
3 HolgerBrand |
Mar 2017 |
2666 |
3 |
0 |
469 WebStatistics 430 LabVIEWInstrumentDriver 345 WebSearch 238 HGFBaseClassLibrary 227 NIUser 178 SpartanStarterKitFPGA 110 NIUserLabVIEW 100 NISoftwareInstallation 76 DiaDemDSCViewing 73 SourceCodeControl 54 NILicenseManager |
3 HolgerBrand |
Aug 2018 |
2672 |
3 |
0 |
355 HGFBaseClassLibrary 336 LabVIEWInstrumentDriver 329 NIUser 272 LVMobileAgentSystem 166 WebStatistics 134 SpartanStarterKitFPGA 133 NIUserLabVIEW 131 SourceCodeControl 98 DiaDemDSCViewing 82 NISoftwareInstallation 63 LabVIEWObjectOrientedProgramming |
3 HolgerBrand |
Dec 2015 |
2710 |
0 |
0 |
928 WebStatistics 441 LabVIEWInstrumentDriver 210 NIUser 210 HGFBaseClassLibrary 126 NIUserLabVIEW 93 AFWorkshopDecember2015 85 SourceCodeControl 81 SpartanStarterKitFPGA 58 NILicenseManager 56 NISoftwareInstallation 38 DiaDemDSCViewing |
May 2018 |
2712 |
0 |
0 |
472 LabVIEWInstrumentDriver 346 WebStatistics 248 NIUser 234 HGFBaseClassLibrary 209 LVMobileAgentSystem 124 NIUserLabVIEW 109 LVOOPDesignPatterns 100 SpartanStarterKitFPGA 84 NISoftwareInstallation 81 SourceCodeControl 78 WebChanges |
Apr 2024 |
2762 |
0 |
0 |
333 NIUser 160 NIUserLabVIEW 157 HGFBaseClassLibrary 135 LabVIEWInstrumentDriver 108 NISoftwareInstallation 104 WebSearch 92 WebStatistics 84 NILicenseManager 84 LabVIEWWebinarMay2020 78 Obtaining and Installing NI-Software 77 WebChanges |
Feb 2025 |
2776 |
0 |
0 |
211 WebSearch 193 HGFBaseClassLibrary 153 NIUser 149 NIUserLabVIEW 149 LVMobileAgentSystem 111 LabVIEWWebinarMay2020 106 WebStatistics 103 LabVIEWInstrumentDriver 92 Obtaining and Installing NI-Software 74 LVOOPDesignPatterns 69 NISoftwareInstallation |
Apr 2018 |
2782 |
0 |
0 |
510 WebStatistics 417 LabVIEWInstrumentDriver 329 LVMobileAgentSystem 308 NIUser 301 HGFBaseClassLibrary 147 NIUserLabVIEW 100 SpartanStarterKitFPGA 60 SourceCodeControl 58 DiaDemDSCViewing 53 WebChanges 51 NISoftwareInstallation |
Aug 2011 |
2783 |
4 |
1 |
1008 NIUser 390 WebChanges 300 LabVIEWInstrumentDriver 257 HGFBaseClassLibrary 76 SourceCodeControl 73 LVOOPWorkshopAugust2011 63 LabVIEWObjectOrientedProgramming 49 WebSearch 43 WebStatistics 42 LVMobileAgentSystem 41 NIUserLabVIEW |
5 HolgerBrand |
Oct 2013 |
2784 |
2 |
0 |
1661 NIUser 389 LabVIEWInstrumentDriver 249 WebRss 110 SourceCodeControl 96 HGFBaseClassLibrary 29 LabVIEWObjectOrientedProgramming 26 NIUserLabVIEW 23 NISoftwareInstallation 23 TrendingWithHistogramm 22 NILicenseManager 16 LVMobileAgentSystem |
2 HolgerBrand |
Sep 2018 |
2798 |
2 |
0 |
324 LabVIEWInstrumentDriver 312 SpartanStarterKitFPGA 297 HGFBaseClassLibrary 289 NIUser 243 WebStatistics 205 DiaDemDSCViewing 197 LVMobileAgentSystem 159 NIUserLabVIEW 157 NISoftwareInstallation 103 SourceCodeControl 75 NILicenseManager |
2 HolgerBrand |
Apr 2013 |
2799 |
0 |
0 |
1871 NIUser 353 LabVIEWInstrumentDriver 61 HGFBaseClassLibrary 55 LabVIEWObjectOrientedProgramming 51 GSICampusLicenseAgreement 45 NIUserLabVIEW 36 WebChanges 32 SourceCodeControl 31 WebSearch 31 WebNotify 30 WebTopicList |
Nov 2018 |
2837 |
0 |
0 |
406 LabVIEWInstrumentDriver 376 NIUser 292 LVMobileAgentSystem 274 HGFBaseClassLibrary 182 WebStatistics 139 NIUserLabVIEW 136 NISoftwareInstallation 118 SpartanStarterKitFPGA 103 SourceCodeControl 91 NILicenseManager 80 DiaDemDSCViewing |
Aug 2016 |
2905 |
3 |
0 |
417 LabVIEWInstrumentDriver 365 WebStatistics 299 HGFBaseClassLibrary 206 NIUser 201 SpartanStarterKitFPGA 183 WebSearch 181 SourceCodeControl 171 NIUserLabVIEW 140 AFWorkshopDecember2015 126 NILicenseManager 125 NISoftwareInstallation |
3 HolgerBrand |
May 2019 |
3032 |
6 |
0 |
543 NIUser 467 LabVIEWInstrumentDriver 258 WebStatistics 257 AFWorkshopDecember2015 224 HGFBaseClassLibrary 172 WebSearch 127 NIUserLabVIEW 97 SpartanStarterKitFPGA 84 NISoftwareInstallation 84 SourceCodeControl 76 DiaDemDSCViewing |
6 HolgerBrand |
Mar 2018 |
3127 |
0 |
0 |
477 WebStatistics 434 LabVIEWInstrumentDriver 352 HGFBaseClassLibrary 331 NIUser 225 NIUserLabVIEW 183 LVMobileAgentSystem 114 SpartanStarterKitFPGA 88 InstituteCampusLicenseAgreement 85 LabVIEWObjectOrientedProgramming 74 DiaDemDSCViewing 72 SourceCodeControl |
Nov 2012 |
3355 |
0 |
0 |
1766 NIUser 333 LabVIEWInstrumentDriver 148 HGFBaseClassLibrary 80 LVOOPWorkshopAugust2011 73 SourceCodeControl 71 NIUserLabVIEW 67 LabVIEWObjectOrientedProgramming 59 NISoftwareInstallation 57 WebSearch 53 WebPreferences 51 WebTopicList |
Oct 2017 |
3449 |
10 |
0 |
898 LabVIEWInstrumentDriver 474 WebStatistics 274 HGFBaseClassLibrary 239 NIUser 180 NIUserLabVIEW 118 SpartanStarterKitFPGA 104 WebSearch 101 LabVIEWObjectOrientedProgramming 91 LVMobileAgentSystem 86 SourceCodeControl 80 Boolean2PB1I |
9 HolgerBrand 1 PeterZumbruch |
May 2012 |
3451 |
2 |
0 |
1301 LabVIEWInstrumentDriver 1167 NIUser 112 SourceCodeControl 101 LVOOPWorkshopAugust2011 97 HGFBaseClassLibrary 89 LabVIEWObjectOrientedProgramming 59 NIUserLabVIEW 52 SpartanStarterKitFPGA 44 NISoftwareInstallation 39 WebTopicList 34 WebChanges |
2 HolgerBrand |
Jun 2019 |
3711 |
0 |
0 |
1086 WebSearch 489 NIUser 440 LabVIEWInstrumentDriver 241 WebStatistics 227 AFWorkshopDecember2015 210 HGFBaseClassLibrary 118 NIUserLabVIEW 100 NISoftwareInstallation 99 SpartanStarterKitFPGA 93 SourceCodeControl 91 NILicenseManager |
Sep 2010 |
3758 |
55 |
5 |
3047 NIUser 110 LabVIEWInstrumentDriver 82 LabVIEWObjectOrientedProgramming 60 SourceCodeControl 54 NISoftwareInstallation 47 NIUserLabVIEW 47 NILicenseManager 47 NIExceptionalLicense 39 HGFBaseClassLibrary 34 LVOOPWorkshopJune2010 31 LVOOPWorkshopMarch2007 |
45 DietrichBeck 15 HolgerBrand |
Aug 2010 |
3816 |
3 |
0 |
3189 NIUser 108 LabVIEWInstrumentDriver 50 LabVIEWObjectOrientedProgramming 40 NILicenseManager 37 NISoftwareInstallation 37 WebChanges 34 LVOOPWorkshopJune2010 32 SourceCodeControl 31 NIUserLabVIEW 29 HGFBaseClassLibrary 27 LVOOPWorkshopMarch2007 |
3 HolgerBrand |
Feb 2008 |
3864 |
33 |
12 |
2900 NIUser 142 LabVIEWObjectOrientedProgramming 104 WebChanges 80 HGFBaseClassLibrary 64 LabVIEWInstrumentDriver 56 WebStatistics 55 WebTopicList 51 LVOOPWorkshopMarch2007 41 NIUserLabVIEW 35 WebRss 27 SourceCodeControl |
45 HolgerBrand |
Feb 2018 |
3950 |
5 |
0 |
744 WebSearch 526 LabVIEWInstrumentDriver 437 HGFBaseClassLibrary 329 WebStatistics 244 NIUser 173 NIUserLabVIEW 153 LVMobileAgentSystem 142 InstituteCampusLicenseAgreement 128 SourceCodeControl 104 SpartanStarterKitFPGA 93 LabVIEWObjectOrientedProgramming |
5 HolgerBrand |
Nov 2010 |
4047 |
35 |
18 |
3028 NIUser 150 NIUserLabVIEW 129 LabVIEWInstrumentDriver 129 SourceCodeControl 90 HGFBaseClassLibrary 81 LabVIEWObjectOrientedProgramming 48 NISoftwareInstallation 39 LVOOPWorkshopJune2010 37 LVOOPWorkshopMarch2007 28 WebNotify 27 SpartanStarterKitFPGA |
53 HolgerBrand |
Dec 2010 |
4093 |
0 |
0 |
3225 NIUser 134 HGFBaseClassLibrary 109 LabVIEWInstrumentDriver 97 WebTopicList 84 LabVIEWObjectOrientedProgramming 51 NIUserLabVIEW 48 SourceCodeControl 35 WebRss 33 LVOOPWorkshopMarch2007 31 WebSearch 30 LVOOPWorkshopJune2010 |
Oct 2010 |
4154 |
98 |
30 |
3227 NIUser 152 LabVIEWInstrumentDriver 123 NIUserLabVIEW 92 NISoftwareInstallation 75 SourceCodeControl 58 HGFBaseClassLibrary 57 LabVIEWObjectOrientedProgramming 54 DiaDemDSCViewing 51 NILicenseManager 32 LVOOPWorkshopJune2010 25 SpartanStarterKitFPGA |
80 DietrichBeck 48 HolgerBrand |
Nov 2017 |
4190 |
6 |
0 |
1015 LabVIEWInstrumentDriver 721 WebStatistics 280 HGFBaseClassLibrary 259 NIUser 215 NIUserLabVIEW 149 LabVIEWObjectOrientedProgramming 138 LVOOPDesignPatterns 135 SpartanStarterKitFPGA 100 LVMobileAgentSystem 100 Boolean2PB1I 84 WebNotify |
6 HolgerBrand |
May 2011 |
4214 |
18 |
3 |
3023 NIUser 109 LabVIEWInstrumentDriver 99 NIUserLabVIEW 69 HGFBaseClassLibrary 68 LabVIEWObjectOrientedProgramming 66 NISoftwareInstallation 65 WebChanges 59 SourceCodeControl 54 NILicenseManager 53 WebNotify 51 WebSearch |
17 HolgerBrand 4 DietrichBeck |
Nov 2007 |
4504 |
9 |
1 |
3214 NIUser 149 LabVIEWObjectOrientedProgramming 96 WebNotify 96 InstituteCampusLicenseAgreement 95 NIUserLabVIEW 89 LabVIEWInstrumentDriver 88 LVOOPDesignPatterns 88 LVOOPWorkshopMarch2007 81 WebPreferences 69 WebStatistics 57 WebSearch |
9 DietrichBeck 1 HolgerBrand |
Aug 2020 |
4661 |
0 |
0 |
1912 NIUser 455 WebStatistics 431 LabVIEWInstrumentDriver 242 HGFBaseClassLibrary 205 WebSearch 169 NIUserLabVIEW 124 LabVIEWObjectOrientedProgramming 101 SpartanStarterKitFPGA 94 SourceCodeControl 78 NISoftwareInstallation 42 InstituteCampusLicenseAgreement |
Jul 2010 |
4712 |
2 |
2 |
3327 NIUser 145 LabVIEWInstrumentDriver 128 WebTopicList 112 WebChanges 88 HGFBaseClassLibrary 87 WebSearch 84 LabVIEWObjectOrientedProgramming 62 SpartanStarterKitFPGA 56 LVOOPWorkshopJune2010 49 WebStatistics 43 WebRss |
4 DietrichBeck |
Feb 2010 |
4725 |
3 |
2 |
3176 NIUser 154 WebChanges 141 LabVIEWInstrumentDriver 114 WebTopicList 112 SpartanStarterKitFPGA 111 HGFBaseClassLibrary 110 LabVIEWObjectOrientedProgramming 91 LVOOPWorkshopMarch2007 69 WebSearch 65 SourceCodeControl 52 WebRss |
4 DietrichBeck 1 HolgerBrand |
Mar 2008 |
4915 |
9 |
2 |
3147 NIUser 277 LabVIEWObjectOrientedProgramming 245 WebChanges 119 NIUserLabVIEW 99 HGFBaseClassLibrary 99 LVOOPDesignPatterns 82 LVOOPWorkshopMarch2007 78 LabVIEWInstrumentDriver 78 NIUserMatrixX 71 InstituteCampusLicenseAgreement 69 WebStatistics |
11 HolgerBrand |
Dec 2017 |
4964 |
0 |
0 |
1138 LabVIEWInstrumentDriver 698 WebStatistics 407 HGFBaseClassLibrary 345 NIUser 342 NIUserLabVIEW 198 LabVIEWObjectOrientedProgramming 144 LVMobileAgentSystem 141 InstituteCampusLicenseAgreement 140 SpartanStarterKitFPGA 123 WebNotify 88 SourceCodeControl |
Jan 2011 |
5106 |
11 |
1 |
4157 NIUser 114 HGFBaseClassLibrary 102 NIUserLabVIEW 97 LabVIEWObjectOrientedProgramming 87 LabVIEWInstrumentDriver 68 SourceCodeControl 40 NISoftwareInstallation 40 SpartanStarterKitFPGA 37 WebSearch 34 LVOOPWorkshopJune2010 33 LVOOPWorkshopMarch2007 |
12 HolgerBrand |
Jan 2008 |
5163 |
14 |
2 |
3339 NIUser 180 LabVIEWObjectOrientedProgramming 148 WebTopicList 140 WebChanges 133 WebSearch 131 WebNotify 128 WebPreferences 121 NIUserLabVIEW 120 LVOOPWorkshopMarch2007 115 LabVIEWInstrumentDriver 95 InstituteCampusLicenseAgreement |
16 HolgerBrand |
Jan 2018 |
5258 |
2 |
0 |
1158 LabVIEWInstrumentDriver 612 WebStatistics 519 HGFBaseClassLibrary 396 NIUser 328 NIUserLabVIEW 215 LVMobileAgentSystem 201 LabVIEWObjectOrientedProgramming 186 InstituteCampusLicenseAgreement 144 WebSearch 129 SpartanStarterKitFPGA 104 NILicenseManager |
2 HolgerBrand |
Jan 2010 |
5353 |
2 |
0 |
3606 NIUser 200 HGFBaseClassLibrary 187 WebChanges 180 LabVIEWInstrumentDriver 124 LabVIEWObjectOrientedProgramming 120 WebTopicList 103 LVOOPWorkshopMarch2007 95 WebSearch 76 WebNotify 72 SourceCodeControl 70 LVOOPDesignPatterns |
2 HolgerBrand |
Aug 2007 |
5471 |
0 |
0 |
3501 NIUser 1570 WebStatistics 81 LabVIEWInstrumentDriver 57 LabVIEWObjectOrientedProgramming 47 LVOOPWorkshopMarch2007 27 WebPreferences 26 LVOOPDesignPatterns 22 InstituteCampusLicenseAgreement 21 WebNotify 21 NIUserLabVIEW 20 WebChanges |
Dec 2009 |
5493 |
0 |
0 |
3458 NIUser 230 HGFBaseClassLibrary 216 LabVIEWInstrumentDriver 138 LabVIEWObjectOrientedProgramming 130 NIUserLabVIEW 126 ObtainNISoftwareAtGSI 122 InstituteCampusLicenseAgreement 112 WebPreferences 106 SourceCodeControl 97 WebChanges 97 LVOOPWorkshopMarch2007 |
Feb 2020 |
5535 |
5 |
1 |
3003 WebSearch 1114 NIUser 260 HGFBaseClassLibrary 236 WebStatistics 185 LabVIEWInstrumentDriver 136 NIUserLabVIEW 68 NISoftwareInstallation 53 SpartanStarterKitFPGA 46 SourceCodeControl 40 NILicenseManager 35 NIExceptionalLicense |
6 HolgerBrand |
Dec 2007 |
5547 |
6 |
0 |
3372 NIUser 279 WebChanges 208 WebTopicList 207 LabVIEWObjectOrientedProgramming 151 LVOOPDesignPatterns 146 WebNotify 143 NIUserLabVIEW 122 InstituteCampusLicenseAgreement 116 WebPreferences 114 LVOOPWorkshopMarch2007 107 LabVIEWInstrumentDriver |
3 DietrichBeck 3 HolgerBrand |
Jul 2020 |
5734 |
4 |
0 |
2639 NIUser 600 LabVIEWInstrumentDriver 413 WebStatistics 398 HGFBaseClassLibrary 221 WebSearch 170 SourceCodeControl 110 NIUserLabVIEW 87 NISoftwareInstallation 80 SpartanStarterKitFPGA 57 LVMobileAgentSystem 56 LabVIEWObjectOrientedProgramming |
4 HolgerBrand |
Mar 2010 |
5800 |
24 |
0 |
4012 NIUser 180 HGFBaseClassLibrary 158 LabVIEWObjectOrientedProgramming 154 LabVIEWInstrumentDriver 149 WebChanges 107 SpartanStarterKitFPGA 96 ObtainNISoftwareAtGSI 96 InstituteCampusLicenseAgreement 94 LVOOPWorkshopMarch2007 92 NIUserLabVIEW 76 SourceCodeControl |
24 HolgerBrand |
Jul 2019 |
5925 |
0 |
0 |
2961 WebSearch 659 NIUser 459 LabVIEWInstrumentDriver 297 WebStatistics 246 AFWorkshopDecember2015 221 HGFBaseClassLibrary 113 NISoftwareInstallation 109 NIUserLabVIEW 103 NILicenseManager 75 SourceCodeControl 62 DiaDemDSCViewing |
Jan 2020 |
5988 |
2 |
0 |
3926 WebSearch 733 NIUser 172 LabVIEWInstrumentDriver 168 WebStatistics 150 HGFBaseClassLibrary 135 NIUserLabVIEW 95 SpartanStarterKitFPGA 66 SourceCodeControl 64 NISoftwareInstallation 43 LabVIEWObjectOrientedProgramming 39 NILicenseManager |
2 HolgerBrand |
Sep 2020 |
6080 |
0 |
0 |
2957 WebSearch 1224 NIUser 267 LabVIEWInstrumentDriver 222 WebStatistics 156 HGFBaseClassLibrary 150 NIUserLabVIEW 111 LabVIEWObjectOrientedProgramming 100 SpartanStarterKitFPGA 79 NISoftwareInstallation 51 SourceCodeControl 49 NILicenseManager |
Apr 2020 |
6094 |
27 |
1 |
2985 NIUser 1614 WebSearch 211 LabVIEWInstrumentDriver 200 WebStatistics 200 HGFBaseClassLibrary 130 NIUserLabVIEW 71 SpartanStarterKitFPGA 66 NISoftwareInstallation 49 SourceCodeControl 41 LabVIEWObjectOrientedProgramming 41 NILicenseManager |
28 HolgerBrand |
Jun 2010 |
6164 |
7 |
0 |
3630 NIUser 205 LabVIEWObjectOrientedProgramming 182 WebChanges 180 LVOOPWorkshopJune2010 168 HGFBaseClassLibrary 164 LVMobileAgentSystem 150 SpartanStarterKitFPGA 138 LabVIEWInstrumentDriver 116 WebRss 102 NIUserLabVIEW 98 WebTopicList |
6 HolgerBrand 1 DietrichBeck |
May 2020 |
6173 |
30 |
1 |
2927 NIUser 1227 WebSearch 363 LabVIEWInstrumentDriver 234 NIUserLabVIEW 227 LabVIEWWebinarMay2020 211 WebStatistics 181 HGFBaseClassLibrary 83 NILicenseManager 66 SourceCodeControl 60 SpartanStarterKitFPGA 57 NIExceptionalLicense |
27 HolgerBrand 4 DennisNeidherr |
May 2010 |
6328 |
10 |
2 |
3827 NIUser 235 LabVIEWInstrumentDriver 216 SpartanStarterKitFPGA 209 WebChanges 206 WebNotify 194 HGFBaseClassLibrary 139 LabVIEWObjectOrientedProgramming 103 SourceCodeControl 100 NIUserLabVIEW 100 LVOOPWorkshopMarch2007 95 WebTopicList |
8 FrederikBerck 4 DietrichBeck |
Jun 2020 |
6508 |
4 |
0 |
3026 NIUser 1770 WebSearch 292 LabVIEWInstrumentDriver 198 HGFBaseClassLibrary 143 WebStatistics 97 NIUserLabVIEW 80 NISoftwareInstallation 75 SourceCodeControl 69 SpartanStarterKitFPGA 52 LabVIEWWebinarMay2020 48 LabVIEWObjectOrientedProgramming |
4 HolgerBrand |
Aug 2019 |
6553 |
2 |
0 |
3389 WebSearch 698 NIUser 522 WebStatistics 492 LabVIEWInstrumentDriver 256 AFWorkshopDecember2015 200 HGFBaseClassLibrary 116 NISoftwareInstallation 103 NIUserLabVIEW 82 SpartanStarterKitFPGA 80 NILicenseManager 72 DiaDemDSCViewing |
2 HolgerBrand |
Sep 2007 |
6642 |
8 |
4 |
3902 NIUser 355 NIUserLabVIEW 291 LVOOPDesignPatterns 268 WebNotify 247 InstituteCampusLicenseAgreement 227 LabVIEWInstrumentDriver 225 LabVIEWObjectOrientedProgramming 174 WebPreferences 163 WebStatistics 142 LVOOPWorkshopMarch2007 131 WebSearch |
6 DietrichBeck 6 HolgerBrand |
Nov 2009 |
6767 |
3 |
1 |
3683 NIUser 385 [[HGFBaseClassLibrary] /> 178 NIUserLabVIEW 133 LabVIEWInstrumentDriver 108 LVOOPDesignPatterns 107 WebRss 106 LVOOPWorkshopMarch2007 101 SourceCodeControl 98 WebNotify |
3 HolgerBrand |
Sep 2019 |
6801 |
1 |
0 |
4228 WebSearch 425 NIUser 409 WebStatistics 406 LabVIEWInstrumentDriver 212 HGFBaseClassLibrary 151 NIUserLabVIEW 114 NISoftwareInstallation 110 SourceCodeControl 84 AFWorkshopDecember2015 84 DiaDemDSCViewing 75 LVMobileAgentSystem |
1 HolgerBrand |
Mar 2020 |
7076 |
2 |
0 |
2612 WebSearch 2459 NIUser 298 NIUserLabVIEW 297 HGFBaseClassLibrary 219 LabVIEWInstrumentDriver 214 WebStatistics 88 SpartanStarterKitFPGA 72 SourceCodeControl 71 NISoftwareInstallation 51 LabVIEWObjectOrientedProgramming 49 NIExceptionalLicense |
2 HolgerBrand |
Oct 2019 |
7397 |
0 |
0 |
5160 WebSearch 428 NIUser 343 LabVIEWInstrumentDriver 243 WebStatistics 193 HGFBaseClassLibrary 140 NIUserLabVIEW 96 NISoftwareInstallation 88 SourceCodeControl 69 SpartanStarterKitFPGA 69 DiaDemDSCViewing 65 NILicenseManager |
Feb 2011 |
7520 |
6 |
5 |
5889 NIUser 127 NIUserLabVIEW 120 LabVIEWObjectOrientedProgramming 102 WebNotify 102 LabVIEWInstrumentDriver 92 NISoftwareInstallation 90 WebTopicList 90 WebChanges 84 WebPreferences 83 WebSearch 80 HGFBaseClassLibrary |
6 DietrichBeck 5 HolgerBrand |
Nov 2019 |
7655 |
10 |
0 |
5055 WebSearch 456 NIUser 361 LabVIEWInstrumentDriver 282 HGFBaseClassLibrary 239 WebStatistics 166 NIUserLabVIEW 121 NISoftwareInstallation 110 SourceCodeControl 93 SpartanStarterKitFPGA 87 AFWorkshopDecember2015 83 NILicenseManager |
10 HolgerBrand |
Sep 2011 |
7822 |
5 |
0 |
4960 NIUser 489 WebChanges 355 HGFBaseClassLibrary 309 LabVIEWInstrumentDriver 215 NIUserLabVIEW 194 SourceCodeControl 193 WebSearch 173 WebTopicList 110 NISoftwareInstallation 90 LabVIEWObjectOrientedProgramming 73 LVOOPWorkshopAugust2011 |
5 HolgerBrand |
Oct 2007 |
8122 |
4 |
1 |
3899 NIUser 450 LabVIEWObjectOrientedProgramming 439 LVOOPDesignPatterns 408 WebNotify 401 InstituteCampusLicenseAgreement 389 NIUserLabVIEW 288 WebPreferences 288 LVOOPWorkshopMarch2007 239 LabVIEWInstrumentDriver 212 WebTopicList 145 ObtainNISoftwareAtGSI |
3 HolgerBrand 2 DietrichBeck |
Dec 2019 |
8244 |
1 |
0 |
5517 WebSearch 772 NIUser 410 LabVIEWInstrumentDriver 232 HGFBaseClassLibrary 215 WebStatistics 198 NIUserLabVIEW 122 SourceCodeControl 119 SpartanStarterKitFPGA 90 NISoftwareInstallation 50 DiaDemDSCViewing 42 NILicenseManager |
1 HolgerBrand |
Apr 2011 |
8319 |
0 |
0 |
6019 NIUser 186 WebNotify 174 WebPreferences 161 WebTopicList 160 NIUserLabVIEW 147 LabVIEWObjectOrientedProgramming 138 WebChanges 124 WebSearch 120 NISoftwareInstallation 96 NILicenseManager 92 NIUserDiadem |
Apr 2010 |
8590 |
86 |
7 |
4151 NIUser 401 WebChanges 366 HGFBaseClassLibrary 295 LVOOPDesignPatterns 269 SpartanStarterKitFPGA 269 NIUserLabVIEW 266 LabVIEWObjectOrientedProgramming 241 WebPreferences 201 LVOOPWorkshopMarch2007 196 SourceCodeControl 195 InstituteCampusLicenseAgreement |
87 DietrichBeck 4 HolgerBrand 2 FrederikBerck |
Mar 2011 |
10133 |
0 |
0 |
5935 NIUser 310 WebPreferences 301 LabVIEWObjectOrientedProgramming 292 WebNotify 274 WebChanges 265 WebSearch 262 WebTopicList 245 LabVIEWInstrumentDriver 230 NIUserLabVIEW 209 HGFBaseClassLibrary 192 LVOOPDesignPatterns |
Oct 2011 |
10365 |
2 |
0 |
7832 NIUser 383 WebSearch 271 NIUserLabVIEW 267 WebTopicList 160 LabVIEWInstrumentDriver 145 HGFBaseClassLibrary 140 WebChanges 138 NISoftwareInstallation 114 SourceCodeControl 101 WebPreferences 84 WebNotify |
2 HolgerBrand |
Feb 2012 |
10902 |
8 |
0 |
8140 NIUser 336 WebStatistics 229 LabVIEWInstrumentDriver 157 WebTopicList 148 WebSearch 143 NIUserLabVIEW 138 HGFBaseClassLibrary 130 NISoftwareInstallation 125 LabVIEWObjectOrientedProgramming 102 NILicenseManager 102 SourceCodeControl |
8 HolgerBrand |
Oct 2020 |
13748 |
3 |
0 |
11689 WebSearch 524 NIUser 211 LabVIEWInstrumentDriver 193 WebStatistics 137 HGFBaseClassLibrary 108 NIUserLabVIEW 97 SpartanStarterKitFPGA 94 LabVIEWObjectOrientedProgramming 64 SourceCodeControl 56 NISoftwareInstallation 35 LVMobileAgentSystem |
3 HolgerBrand |
Jan 2012 |
17272 |
0 |
0 |
13627 NIUser 404 WebStatistics 289 WebTopicList 287 WebSearch 237 HGFBaseClassLibrary 220 NIUserLabVIEW 216 LabVIEWInstrumentDriver 156 WebChanges 129 LabVIEWObjectOrientedProgramming 129 SourceCodeControl 121 SpartanStarterKitFPGA |
Dec 2011 |
17684 |
0 |
0 |
13686 NIUser 421 WebTopicList 332 NIUserLabVIEW 325 WebSearch 320 WebChanges 258 HGFBaseClassLibrary 221 SourceCodeControl 181 LabVIEWInstrumentDriver 158 WebRss 153 WebStatistics 140 LabVIEWObjectOrientedProgramming |
Apr 2012 |
19017 |
1 |
0 |
8710 NIUser 4445 LabVIEWInstrumentDriver 3504 WebStatistics 186 WebTopicList 186 HGFBaseClassLibrary 166 NIUserLabVIEW 140 WebSearch 109 NISoftwareInstallation 104 SpartanStarterKitFPGA 103 NILicenseManager 101 LabVIEWObjectOrientedProgramming |
1 HolgerBrand |
Mar 2012 |
19310 |
4 |
0 |
11518 NIUser 4458 LabVIEWInstrumentDriver 908 WebStatistics 227 HGFBaseClassLibrary 187 WebSearch 177 WebTopicList 165 NIUserLabVIEW 116 NISoftwareInstallation 88 SourceCodeControl 86 LabVIEWObjectOrientedProgramming 84 SpartanStarterKitFPGA |
4 HolgerBrand |
Nov 2011 |
39772 |
1 |
0 |
34598 NIUser 877 WebSearch 569 WebTopicList 522 NIUserLabVIEW 402 WebPreferences 361 WebNotify 277 HGFBaseClassLibrary 254 WebStatistics 219 SourceCodeControl 205 LabVIEWInstrumentDriver 186 WebChanges |
1 HolgerBrand |