LVOOP Workshop June 2010

I would like to invite to a workshop concerning object-oriented programming with LabVIEW.

Date: 21.6. - 23.6.2010
Time: 9:00 - 17:00
Place: Schulungsraum DVEE, SB3 1.239a


  • Good knowledge of the LabVIEW development environment
  • Contents of the LabVIEW Basis I & II multimadia course
  • At least some experience in programming LabVIEW, multithreading, event mechanisms and networking
  • Knowledge of object oriented programming and design patterns is not bad, but not really necessary

Please, refer to LabVIEWObjectOrientedProgramming for more informations on LVOOP and good starting points. It would be a good preparation to read the diploma thesis: Prototype for a mobile agent system in LVOOP.

Please register via eMail to HolgerBrand.

-- HolgerBrand - 10 Jun 2010
Topic revision: r1 - 2010-06-10, HolgerBrand
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