Statistics for NIUser Web

Month: Topic
Most popular
topic views:
Top contributors for
topic save and uploads:
Feb 2025 480 0 0  34 NIUserLabVIEW
 33 NIUser
 32 WebSearch
 30 HGFBaseClassLibrary
 29 LVMobileAgentSystem
 26 NISoftwareInstallation
 24 LabVIEWInstrumentDriver
 16 SpartanStarterKitFPGA
 14 LVOOPDesignPatterns
 14 DiaDemDSCViewing
 13 Obtaining and Installing NI-Software
Jan 2025 1762 0 0 137 NIUser
122 NIUserLabVIEW
120 WebSearch
104 LabVIEWInstrumentDriver
103 Obtaining and Installing NI-Software
 81 LVMobileAgentSystem
 79 HGFBaseClassLibrary
 75 NISoftwareInstallation
 51 DiaDemDSCViewing
 47 NIExceptionalLicense
 43 Enterprise Agreement
Dec 2024 2026 0 0 199 NIUser
111 Obtaining and Installing NI-Software
 92 WebSearch
 87 NIUserLabVIEW
 85 LabVIEWInstrumentDriver
 66 NISoftwareInstallation
 59 HGFBaseClassLibrary
 59 LVOOPDesignPatterns
 56 SpartanStarterKitFPGA
 53 DiaDemDSCViewing
 53 LVMobileAgentSystem
Nov 2024 1748 0 0 165 NIUser
 99 NIUserLabVIEW
 95 LabVIEWInstrumentDriver
 68 WebSearch
 67 Obtaining and Installing NI-Software
 67 NISoftwareInstallation
 59 HGFBaseClassLibrary
 58 DiaDemDSCViewing
 55 Enterprise Agreement
 54 LabVIEWWebinarMay2020
 48 NILicenseManager
Oct 2024 1825 0 0 154 NIUser
119 LabVIEWInstrumentDriver
 89 NISoftwareInstallation
 88 Obtaining and Installing NI-Software
 82 HGFBaseClassLibrary
 79 WebSearch
 70 NILicenseManager
 70 NIUserLabVIEW
 64 Enterprise Agreement
 58 DiaDemDSCViewing
 57 LVOOPDesignPatterns
Sep 2024 1744 0 0 142 NIUser
138 LabVIEWInstrumentDriver
109 Obtaining and Installing NI-Software
 98 NIUserLabVIEW
 97 NISoftwareInstallation
 78 NILicenseManager
 76 WebSearch
 75 HGFBaseClassLibrary
 64 DiaDemDSCViewing
 61 XRayBolometerReadout
 56 LVMobileAgentSystem
Aug 2024 1231 0 0 130 NIUser
 94 NIUserLabVIEW
 78 LabVIEWInstrumentDriver
 72 WebSearch
 70 NISoftwareInstallation
 68 Obtaining and Installing NI-Software
 66 NILicenseManager
 63 SpartanStarterKitFPGA
 55 HGFBaseClassLibrary
 38 LVOOPDesignPatterns
 36 DiaDemDSCViewing
Jul 2024 1941 1 0 185 NIUser
119 NIUserLabVIEW
112 LabVIEWInstrumentDriver
 99 WebSearch
 96 HGFBaseClassLibrary
 79 NISoftwareInstallation
 77 Obtaining and Installing NI-Software
 76 NILicenseManager
 71 LabVIEWWebinarMay2020
 52 DiaDemDSCViewing
 50 LVMobileAgentSystem
  1 HolgerBrand
Jun 2024 1585 0 0 171 NIUser
125 NIUserLabVIEW
116 LabVIEWInstrumentDriver
 83 WebSearch
 63 SpartanStarterKitFPGA
 63 NISoftwareInstallation
 58 WebChanges
 58 HGFBaseClassLibrary
 55 NILicenseManager
 42 Obtaining and Installing NI-Software
 37 LVOOPDesignPatterns
May 2024 1965 0 0 340 NIUser
115 LabVIEWInstrumentDriver
110 HGFBaseClassLibrary
 91 NIUserLabVIEW
 83 WebSearch
 72 WebStatistics
 65 XRayBolometerReadout
 62 LVOOPDesignPatterns
 59 NISoftwareInstallation
 59 LVMobileAgentSystem
 57 SpartanStarterKitFPGA
Apr 2024 2762 0 0 333 NIUser
160 NIUserLabVIEW
157 HGFBaseClassLibrary
135 LabVIEWInstrumentDriver
108 NISoftwareInstallation
104 WebSearch
 92 WebStatistics
 84 NILicenseManager
 84 LabVIEWWebinarMay2020
 78 Obtaining and Installing NI-Software
 77 WebChanges
Mar 2024 1316 0 0 135 NIUser
 94 LabVIEWInstrumentDriver
 71 HGFBaseClassLibrary
 67 NIUserLabVIEW
 64 NISoftwareInstallation
 60 NILicenseManager
 46 WebSearch
 41 SourceCodeControl
 38 DiaDemDSCViewing
 33 Obtaining and Installing NI-Software
 32 WebChanges
Feb 2024 834 0 0 154 NIUser
 77 LabVIEWInstrumentDriver
 52 Obtaining and Installing NI-Software
 36 WebChanges
 32 WebSearch
 32 NISoftwareInstallation
 27 HGFBaseClassLibrary
 22 DiaDemDSCViewing
 21 NIUserLabVIEW
 21 NILicenseManager
 21 SpartanStarterKitFPGA
Jan 2024 868 0 0 101 NIUser
 54 LabVIEWInstrumentDriver
 44 NISoftwareInstallation
 40 WebSearch
 33 Obtaining and Installing NI-Software
 33 LabVIEWObjectOrientedProgramming
 31 Enterprise Agreement
 30 DiaDemDSCViewing
 30 NIUserLabVIEW
 29 WebChanges
 27 NILicenseManager
Dec 2023 913 0 0  93 NIUser
 57 NIUserLabVIEW
 43 LabVIEWInstrumentDriver
 38 WebSearch
 38 NISoftwareInstallation
 37 WebChanges
 36 LVMobileAgentSystem
 31 HGFBaseClassLibrary
 31 SourceCodeControl
 31 Enterprise Agreement
 28 LabVIEWCommunityEdition
Nov 2023 1218 0 0 113 NIUser
 63 LabVIEWInstrumentDriver
 62 WebSearch
 52 WebChanges
 49 NIUserLabVIEW
 46 HGFBaseClassLibrary
 44 WebStatistics
 40 LVOOPDesignPatterns
 39 LabVIEWObjectOrientedProgramming
 34 Enterprise Agreement
 31 NISoftwareInstallation
Oct 2023 1048 0 0  90 NIUser
 71 LabVIEWInstrumentDriver
 58 HGFBaseClassLibrary
 47 WebSearch
 41 WebChanges
 40 SpartanStarterKitFPGA
 37 WebStatistics
 35 LabVIEWObjectOrientedProgramming
 33 NISoftwareInstallation
 30 Enterprise Agreement
 29 NILicenseManager
Sep 2023 759 0 0 113 NIUser
 47 HGFBaseClassLibrary
 38 LabVIEWInstrumentDriver
 33 NIUserLabVIEW
 28 WebSearch
 27 SpartanStarterKitFPGA
 25 SourceCodeControl
 24 WebStatistics
 23 DiaDemDSCViewing
 23 WebChanges
 22 Obtaining and Installing NI-Software
Aug 2023 860 0 0  88 NIUser
 43 WebSearch
 35 HGFBaseClassLibrary
 33 LabVIEWInstrumentDriver
 32 WebChanges
 29 Obtaining and Installing NI-Software
 29 SpartanStarterKitFPGA
 28 WebStatistics
 26 DiaDemDSCViewing
 26 NISoftwareInstallation
 25 NIUserLabVIEW
Jul 2023 952 0 0 107 NIUser
 88 WebSearch
 64 Enterprise Agreement
 61 WebStatistics
 59 NIUserLabVIEW
 49 Obtaining and Installing NI-Software
 39 WebChanges
 36 NISoftwareInstallation
 30 HGFBaseClassLibrary
 29 LabVIEWObjectOrientedProgramming
 26 DiaDemDSCViewing
Jun 2023 954 0 0 152 NIUserLabVIEW
 83 WebChanges
 82 WebStatistics
 70 NIUser
 57 WebSearch
 39 Obtaining and Installing NI-Software
 31 LabVIEWInstrumentDriver
 27 DiaDemDSCViewing
 26 HGFBaseClassLibrary
 23 XRayBolometerReadout
 23 NISoftwareInstallation
May 2023 945 0 0  91 NIUser
 62 LabVIEWInstrumentDriver
 55 WebChanges
 49 WebStatistics
 46 NIUserLabVIEW
 44 NILicenseManager
 40 Obtaining and Installing NI-Software
 39 DiaDemDSCViewing
 36 Enterprise Agreement
 31 WebSearch
 30 WebNotify
Apr 2023 1284 0 0 108 NIUser
 83 WebChanges
 75 HGFBaseClassLibrary
 70 LVMobileAgentSystem
 68 WebStatistics
 65 LabVIEWInstrumentDriver
 56 NIUserLabVIEW
 54 Obtaining and Installing NI-Software
 42 WebSearch
 38 LabVIEWWebinarMay2020
 37 DiaDemDSCViewing
Mar 2023 1378 0 0 623 WebSearch
132 NIUser
 53 WebStatistics
 44 Obtaining and Installing NI-Software
 41 LabVIEWInstrumentDriver
 34 HGFBaseClassLibrary
 33 WebChanges
 33 DiaDemDSCViewing
 32 NIUserLabVIEW
 25 SpartanStarterKitFPGA
 18 LabVIEWCodeReview
Feb 2023 1742 0 0 878 WebSearch
228 NIUser
 40 Obtaining and Installing NI-Software
 39 LabVIEWInstrumentDriver
 38 WebChanges
 33 NISoftwareInstallation
 30 HGFBaseClassLibrary
 27 NIUserLabVIEW
 23 LVMobileAgentSystem
 22 DiaDemDSCViewing
 21 Enterprise Agreement
Jan 2023 1942 0 0 680 WebSearch
226 NIUser
100 NIUserLabVIEW
 69 LabVIEWWebinarMay2020
 59 HGFBaseClassLibrary
 47 WebChanges
 44 LabVIEWInstrumentDriver
 43 NISoftwareInstallation
 38 NILicenseManager
 35 NIUserDiadem
 34 GSICampusLicenseAgreement
Dec 2022 1528 0 0 535 WebSearch
117 NIUser
 62 HGFBaseClassLibrary
 60 WebChanges
 56 LabVIEWInstrumentDriver
 53 NIUserLabVIEW
 32 LabVIEWWebinarMay2020
 30 SourceCodeControl
 29 SpartanStarterKitFPGA
 28 Obtaining and Installing NI-Software
 28 WebStatistics
Nov 2022 1662 0 0 601 WebSearch
133 NIUser
 91 WebChanges
 59 LabVIEWInstrumentDriver
 57 NIUserLabVIEW
 42 HGFBaseClassLibrary
 36 Obtaining and Installing NI-Software
 29 NISoftwareInstallation
 27 Enterprise Agreement
 26 LabVIEWWebinarMay2020
 23 SourceCodeControl
Oct 2022 1091 0 0 205 WebSearch
140 NIUser
 56 LabVIEWInstrumentDriver
 45 NIUserLabVIEW
 42 Obtaining and Installing NI-Software
 31 NISoftwareInstallation
 28 LabVIEWObjectOrientedProgramming
 25 SpartanStarterKitFPGA
 23 AFWorkshopDecember2015
 23 WebChanges
 23 Enterprise Agreement
Sep 2022 1752 0 0 270 WebSearch
 95 NIUser
 72 Obtaining and Installing NI-Software
 66 NIUserLabVIEW
 59 LabVIEWInstrumentDriver
 58 WebChanges
 54 HGFBaseClassLibrary
 48 LabVIEWWebinarMay2020
 41 WebStatistics
 39 Enterprise Agreement
 36 SpartanStarterKitFPGA
Aug 2022 1389 0 0 263 WebSearch
131 NIUser
 96 LabVIEWInstrumentDriver
 65 NIUserLabVIEW
 56 SpartanStarterKitFPGA
 48 WebChanges
 37 Obtaining and Installing NI-Software
 31 NISoftwareInstallation
 29 SourceCodeControl
 26 LabVIEWObjectOrientedProgramming
 26 NIUserDiadem
Jul 2022 1610 0 0 297 WebSearch
157 LabVIEWInstrumentDriver
127 NIUser
121 SpartanStarterKitFPGA
 71 NIUserLabVIEW
 38 HGFBaseClassLibrary
 36 Obtaining and Installing NI-Software
 36 Enterprise Agreement
 33 WebChanges
 32 LabVIEWObjectOrientedProgramming
 25 AFWorkshopDecember2015
Jun 2022 1430 0 0 195 WebSearch
115 NIUser
111 LabVIEWInstrumentDriver
 99 SpartanStarterKitFPGA
 50 NIUserLabVIEW
 37 HGFBaseClassLibrary
 35 Obtaining and Installing NI-Software
 35 Enterprise Agreement
 34 LabVIEWWebinarMay2020
 34 LabVIEWObjectOrientedProgramming
 27 WebChanges
May 2022 1211 0 0 112 NIUser
 74 LabVIEWInstrumentDriver
 62 NIUserLabVIEW
 55 WebSearch
 48 HGFBaseClassLibrary
 43 LVOOPDesignPatterns
 42 LVMobileAgentSystem
 33 WebChanges
 32 LabVIEWObjectOrientedProgramming
 32 SourceCodeControl
 31 XRayBolometerReadout
Apr 2022 1271 3 0 150 NIUser
 57 LabVIEWInstrumentDriver
 53 WebSearch
 52 HGFBaseClassLibrary
 50 NIUserLabVIEW
 45 WebChanges
 38 LabVIEWWebinarMay2020
 36 Obtaining and Installing NI-Software
 35 LVOOPDesignPatterns
 32 NISoftwareInstallation
 31 LabVIEWObjectOrientedProgramming
  3 HolgerBrand
Mar 2022 1271 9 0 167 NIUser
 71 WebSearch
 56 LabVIEWInstrumentDriver
 49 NIUserLabVIEW
 38 Obtaining and Installing NI-Software
 38 LabVIEWObjectOrientedProgramming
 34 WebChanges
 33 SourceCodeControl
 32 HGFBaseClassLibrary
 32 Enterprise Agreement
 31 DiaDemDSCViewing
  9 HolgerBrand
Feb 2022 2330 3 0 990 WebSearch
149 NIUser
 76 LabVIEWInstrumentDriver
 65 LVMobileAgentSystem
 59 LabVIEWWebinarMay2020
 51 Boolean2PB1I
 49 NIUserLabVIEW
 47 LVOOPDesignPatterns
 44 WebChanges
 40 HGFBaseClassLibrary
 38 WebStatistics
  3 HolgerBrand
Jan 2022 1505 0 0 163 NIUser
 79 WebSearch
 76 LabVIEWInstrumentDriver
 76 HGFBaseClassLibrary
 67 NIUserLabVIEW
 59 WebStatistics
 56 WebChanges
 53 LVOOPDesignPatterns
 48 LVMobileAgentSystem
 45 LabVIEWWebinarMay2020
 36 Obtaining and Installing NI-Software
Dec 2021 1088 0 0 117 NIUser
 73 HGFBaseClassLibrary
 68 WebSearch
 46 LabVIEWInstrumentDriver
 32 ObtainNISoftwareAtGSI
 30 NIExceptionalLicense
 30 LabVIEWObjectOrientedProgramming
 28 WebChanges
 28 NIUserLabVIEW
 27 SourceCodeControl
 24 NISoftwareInstallation
Nov 2021 1077 2 0 157 NIUser
 92 HGFBaseClassLibrary
 50 SourceCodeControl
 45 NIUserLabVIEW
 44 LVOOPDesignPatterns
 43 LabVIEWInstrumentDriver
 42 WebSearch
 36 NIExceptionalLicense
 28 Obtaining and Installing NI-Software
 27 LabVIEWObjectOrientedProgramming
 26 NISoftwareInstallation
  2 HolgerBrand
Oct 2021 1211 7 0 174 NIUser
 77 HGFBaseClassLibrary
 44 WebSearch
 43 NIUserLabVIEW
 36 LabVIEWObjectOrientedProgramming
 36 LabVIEWWebinarMay2020
 33 Obtaining and Installing NI-Software
 33 Enterprise Agreement
 31 SourceCodeControl
 31 LVMobileAgentSystem
 30 WebChanges
  7 HolgerBrand
Sep 2021 1060 1 0 275 NIUser
 65 HGFBaseClassLibrary
 40 Obtaining and Installing NI-Software
 37 NISoftwareInstallation
 37 LabVIEWInstrumentDriver
 34 Enterprise Agreement
 34 NIUserLabVIEW
 31 WebSearch
 29 Boolean2PB1I
 28 SpartanStarterKitFPGA
 26 DiaDemDSCViewing
  1 HolgerBrand
Aug 2021 1081 4 0 243 NIUser
185 WebSearch
 52 HGFBaseClassLibrary
 46 LabVIEWInstrumentDriver
 42 Obtaining and Installing NI-Software
 40 DiaDemDSCViewing
 39 SpartanStarterKitFPGA
 32 NISoftwareInstallation
 31 NIUserLabVIEW
 22 Enterprise Agreement
 21 LVOOPWorkshopMarch2007
  4 HolgerBrand
Jul 2021 1226 0 0 227 NIUser
 94 WebSearch
 87 HGFBaseClassLibrary
 74 NIUserLabVIEW
 53 LVMobileAgentSystem
 52 LabVIEWInstrumentDriver
 46 NISoftwareInstallation
 44 XRayBolometerReadout
 43 WebChanges
 41 SpartanStarterKitFPGA
 31 SourceCodeControl
Jun 2021 1918 5 0 293 NIUser
 94 HGFBaseClassLibrary
 91 LabVIEWInstrumentDriver
 75 WebStatistics
 70 WebChanges
 68 NISoftwareInstallation
 68 SpartanStarterKitFPGA
 63 WebSearch
 61 NIUserLabVIEW
 51 InstituteCampusLicenseAgreement
 50 LabVIEWWebinarMay2020
  5 HolgerBrand
May 2021 2010 0 0 270 NIUser
133 HGFBaseClassLibrary
124 LabVIEWInstrumentDriver
104 WebStatistics
 81 SpartanStarterKitFPGA
 77 NIUserLabVIEW
 75 LVMobileAgentSystem
 74 NISoftwareInstallation
 60 WebChanges
 54 Boolean2PB1I
 52 WebSearch
Apr 2021 1939 0 0 217 NIUser
120 LabVIEWInstrumentDriver
116 HGFBaseClassLibrary
110 WebStatistics
 94 NISoftwareInstallation
 93 NIUserLabVIEW
 88 SpartanStarterKitFPGA
 76 WebSearch
 68 InstituteCampusLicenseAgreement
 60 DiaDemDSCViewing
 46 LVMobileAgentSystem
Mar 2021 1471 0 0 221 NIUser
107 HGFBaseClassLibrary
106 LabVIEWInstrumentDriver
 72 SpartanStarterKitFPGA
 65 NIUserLabVIEW
 56 WebSearch
 54 WebStatistics
 47 LabVIEWObjectOrientedProgramming
 44 NISoftwareInstallation
 38 Enterprise Agreement
 35 Obtaining and Installing NI-Software
Feb 2021 2157 5 1 222 NIUser
182 LabVIEWInstrumentDriver
137 HGFBaseClassLibrary
101 WebStatistics
 75 SpartanStarterKitFPGA
 75 NIUserLabVIEW
 71 NISoftwareInstallation
 70 LabVIEWObjectOrientedProgramming
 68 LVMobileAgentSystem
 60 LVOOPDesignPatterns
 57 Obtaining and Installing NI-Software
  6 HolgerBrand
Jan 2021 1847 106 3 328 NIUser
140 HGFBaseClassLibrary
139 Enterprise Agreement
138 LabVIEWInstrumentDriver
 92 Obtaining and Installing NI-Software
 70 NISoftwareInstallation
 69 NIUserLabVIEW
 57 NISWFuture
 50 WebSearch
 48 SpartanStarterKitFPGA
 47 LabVIEWObjectOrientedProgramming
107 HolgerBrand
  2 DennisNeidherr
Dec 2020 1682 5 0 234 NIUser
113 NIUserLabVIEW
108 LabVIEWInstrumentDriver
 93 SpartanStarterKitFPGA
 83 HGFBaseClassLibrary
 70 LabVIEWObjectOrientedProgramming
 63 DiaDemDSCViewing
 61 NISoftwareInstallation
 49 WebSearch
 46 LabVIEWWebinarMay2020
 42 WebStatistics
  5 HolgerBrand
Nov 2020 848 1 0 151 NIUser
 78 LabVIEWInstrumentDriver
 64 HGFBaseClassLibrary
 64 SpartanStarterKitFPGA
 47 NISoftwareInstallation
 45 NIUserLabVIEW
 36 NILicenseManager
 32 SourceCodeControl
 24 LabVIEWWebinarMay2020
 20 NIExceptionalLicense
 19 InstituteCampusLicenseAgreement
  1 HolgerBrand
Oct 2020 13748 3 0 11689 WebSearch
524 NIUser
211 LabVIEWInstrumentDriver
193 WebStatistics
137 HGFBaseClassLibrary
108 NIUserLabVIEW
 97 SpartanStarterKitFPGA
 94 LabVIEWObjectOrientedProgramming
 64 SourceCodeControl
 56 NISoftwareInstallation
 35 LVMobileAgentSystem
  3 HolgerBrand
Sep 2020 6080 0 0 2957 WebSearch
1224 NIUser
267 LabVIEWInstrumentDriver
222 WebStatistics
156 HGFBaseClassLibrary
150 NIUserLabVIEW
111 LabVIEWObjectOrientedProgramming
100 SpartanStarterKitFPGA
 79 NISoftwareInstallation
 51 SourceCodeControl
 49 NILicenseManager
Aug 2020 4661 0 0 1912 NIUser
455 WebStatistics
431 LabVIEWInstrumentDriver
242 HGFBaseClassLibrary
205 WebSearch
169 NIUserLabVIEW
124 LabVIEWObjectOrientedProgramming
101 SpartanStarterKitFPGA
 94 SourceCodeControl
 78 NISoftwareInstallation
 42 InstituteCampusLicenseAgreement
Jul 2020 5734 4 0 2639 NIUser
600 LabVIEWInstrumentDriver
413 WebStatistics
398 HGFBaseClassLibrary
221 WebSearch
170 SourceCodeControl
110 NIUserLabVIEW
 87 NISoftwareInstallation
 80 SpartanStarterKitFPGA
 57 LVMobileAgentSystem
 56 LabVIEWObjectOrientedProgramming
  4 HolgerBrand
Jun 2020 6508 4 0 3026 NIUser
1770 WebSearch
292 LabVIEWInstrumentDriver
198 HGFBaseClassLibrary
143 WebStatistics
 97 NIUserLabVIEW
 80 NISoftwareInstallation
 75 SourceCodeControl
 69 SpartanStarterKitFPGA
 52 LabVIEWWebinarMay2020
 48 LabVIEWObjectOrientedProgramming
  4 HolgerBrand
May 2020 6173 30 1 2927 NIUser
1227 WebSearch
363 LabVIEWInstrumentDriver
234 NIUserLabVIEW
227 LabVIEWWebinarMay2020
211 WebStatistics
181 HGFBaseClassLibrary
 83 NILicenseManager
 66 SourceCodeControl
 60 SpartanStarterKitFPGA
 57 NIExceptionalLicense
 27 HolgerBrand
  4 DennisNeidherr
Apr 2020 6094 27 1 2985 NIUser
1614 WebSearch
211 LabVIEWInstrumentDriver
200 WebStatistics
200 HGFBaseClassLibrary
130 NIUserLabVIEW
 71 SpartanStarterKitFPGA
 66 NISoftwareInstallation
 49 SourceCodeControl
 41 LabVIEWObjectOrientedProgramming
 41 NILicenseManager
 28 HolgerBrand
Mar 2020 7076 2 0 2612 WebSearch
2459 NIUser
298 NIUserLabVIEW
297 HGFBaseClassLibrary
219 LabVIEWInstrumentDriver
214 WebStatistics
 88 SpartanStarterKitFPGA
 72 SourceCodeControl
 71 NISoftwareInstallation
 51 LabVIEWObjectOrientedProgramming
 49 NIExceptionalLicense
  2 HolgerBrand
Feb 2020 5535 5 1 3003 WebSearch
1114 NIUser
260 HGFBaseClassLibrary
236 WebStatistics
185 LabVIEWInstrumentDriver
136 NIUserLabVIEW
 68 NISoftwareInstallation
 53 SpartanStarterKitFPGA
 46 SourceCodeControl
 40 NILicenseManager
 35 NIExceptionalLicense
  6 HolgerBrand
Jan 2020 5988 2 0 3926 WebSearch
733 NIUser
172 LabVIEWInstrumentDriver
168 WebStatistics
150 HGFBaseClassLibrary
135 NIUserLabVIEW
 95 SpartanStarterKitFPGA
 66 SourceCodeControl
 64 NISoftwareInstallation
 43 LabVIEWObjectOrientedProgramming
 39 NILicenseManager
  2 HolgerBrand
Dec 2019 8244 1 0 5517 WebSearch
772 NIUser
410 LabVIEWInstrumentDriver
232 HGFBaseClassLibrary
215 WebStatistics
198 NIUserLabVIEW
122 SourceCodeControl
119 SpartanStarterKitFPGA
 90 NISoftwareInstallation
 50 DiaDemDSCViewing
 42 NILicenseManager
  1 HolgerBrand
Nov 2019 7655 10 0 5055 WebSearch
456 NIUser
361 LabVIEWInstrumentDriver
282 HGFBaseClassLibrary
239 WebStatistics
166 NIUserLabVIEW
121 NISoftwareInstallation
110 SourceCodeControl
 93 SpartanStarterKitFPGA
 87 AFWorkshopDecember2015
 83 NILicenseManager
 10 HolgerBrand
Oct 2019 7397 0 0 5160 WebSearch
428 NIUser
343 LabVIEWInstrumentDriver
243 WebStatistics
193 HGFBaseClassLibrary
140 NIUserLabVIEW
 96 NISoftwareInstallation
 88 SourceCodeControl
 69 SpartanStarterKitFPGA
 69 DiaDemDSCViewing
 65 NILicenseManager
Sep 2019 6801 1 0 4228 WebSearch
425 NIUser
409 WebStatistics
406 LabVIEWInstrumentDriver
212 HGFBaseClassLibrary
151 NIUserLabVIEW
114 NISoftwareInstallation
110 SourceCodeControl
 84 AFWorkshopDecember2015
 84 DiaDemDSCViewing
 75 LVMobileAgentSystem
  1 HolgerBrand
Aug 2019 6553 2 0 3389 WebSearch
698 NIUser
522 WebStatistics
492 LabVIEWInstrumentDriver
256 AFWorkshopDecember2015
200 HGFBaseClassLibrary
116 NISoftwareInstallation
103 NIUserLabVIEW
 82 SpartanStarterKitFPGA
 80 NILicenseManager
 72 DiaDemDSCViewing
  2 HolgerBrand
Jul 2019 5925 0 0 2961 WebSearch
659 NIUser
459 LabVIEWInstrumentDriver
297 WebStatistics
246 AFWorkshopDecember2015
221 HGFBaseClassLibrary
113 NISoftwareInstallation
109 NIUserLabVIEW
103 NILicenseManager
 75 SourceCodeControl
 62 DiaDemDSCViewing
Jun 2019 3711 0 0 1086 WebSearch
489 NIUser
440 LabVIEWInstrumentDriver
241 WebStatistics
227 AFWorkshopDecember2015
210 HGFBaseClassLibrary
118 NIUserLabVIEW
100 NISoftwareInstallation
 99 SpartanStarterKitFPGA
 93 SourceCodeControl
 91 NILicenseManager
May 2019 3032 6 0 543 NIUser
467 LabVIEWInstrumentDriver
258 WebStatistics
257 AFWorkshopDecember2015
224 HGFBaseClassLibrary
172 WebSearch
127 NIUserLabVIEW
 97 SpartanStarterKitFPGA
 84 NISoftwareInstallation
 84 SourceCodeControl
 76 DiaDemDSCViewing
  6 HolgerBrand
Apr 2019 2168 0 0 418 LabVIEWInstrumentDriver
390 NIUser
214 WebStatistics
192 AFWorkshopDecember2015
160 HGFBaseClassLibrary
 93 NIUserLabVIEW
 90 SourceCodeControl
 60 SpartanStarterKitFPGA
 53 LVMobileAgentSystem
 52 WebIndex
 51 DiaDemDSCViewing
Mar 2019 2520 0 0 407 NIUser
389 LabVIEWInstrumentDriver
308 WebStatistics
212 AFWorkshopDecember2015
166 HGFBaseClassLibrary
108 DiaDemDSCViewing
106 NISoftwareInstallation
 92 NIUserLabVIEW
 89 NILicenseManager
 85 SourceCodeControl
 70 SpartanStarterKitFPGA
Feb 2019 2183 4 0 377 WebStatistics
303 NIUser
278 LabVIEWInstrumentDriver
194 HGFBaseClassLibrary
131 LVMobileAgentSystem
129 AFWorkshopDecember2015
 81 NIUserLabVIEW
 71 SourceCodeControl
 58 NISoftwareInstallation
 56 DiaDemDSCViewing
 51 SpartanStarterKitFPGA
  4 HolgerBrand
Jan 2019 2515 0 0 495 WebStatistics
355 LabVIEWInstrumentDriver
301 NIUser
198 HGFBaseClassLibrary
163 LVMobileAgentSystem
123 NIUserLabVIEW
114 NISoftwareInstallation
 75 SpartanStarterKitFPGA
 73 SourceCodeControl
 73 DiaDemDSCViewing
 71 AFWorkshopDecember2015
Dec 2018 1950 0 0 278 NIUser
257 LabVIEWInstrumentDriver
220 LVMobileAgentSystem
147 HGFBaseClassLibrary
100 NIUserLabVIEW
 89 WebStatistics
 82 SourceCodeControl
 80 NISoftwareInstallation
 71 SpartanStarterKitFPGA
 70 DiaDemDSCViewing
 65 WebSearch
Nov 2018 2837 0 0 406 LabVIEWInstrumentDriver
376 NIUser
292 LVMobileAgentSystem
274 HGFBaseClassLibrary
182 WebStatistics
139 NIUserLabVIEW
136 NISoftwareInstallation
118 SpartanStarterKitFPGA
103 SourceCodeControl
 91 NILicenseManager
 80 DiaDemDSCViewing
Oct 2018 2351 0 0 349 NIUser
338 LVMobileAgentSystem
267 LabVIEWInstrumentDriver
232 HGFBaseClassLibrary
123 NIUserLabVIEW
111 WebStatistics
 92 SpartanStarterKitFPGA
 89 SourceCodeControl
 85 WebSearch
 84 NISoftwareInstallation
 68 WebChanges
Sep 2018 2798 2 0 324 LabVIEWInstrumentDriver
312 SpartanStarterKitFPGA
297 HGFBaseClassLibrary
289 NIUser
243 WebStatistics
205 DiaDemDSCViewing
197 LVMobileAgentSystem
159 NIUserLabVIEW
157 NISoftwareInstallation
103 SourceCodeControl
 75 NILicenseManager
  2 HolgerBrand
Aug 2018 2672 3 0 355 HGFBaseClassLibrary
336 LabVIEWInstrumentDriver
329 NIUser
272 LVMobileAgentSystem
166 WebStatistics
134 SpartanStarterKitFPGA
133 NIUserLabVIEW
131 SourceCodeControl
 98 DiaDemDSCViewing
 82 NISoftwareInstallation
 63 LabVIEWObjectOrientedProgramming
  3 HolgerBrand
Jul 2018 1867 0 0 266 LabVIEWInstrumentDriver
254 HGFBaseClassLibrary
237 NIUser
184 LVMobileAgentSystem
124 NIUserLabVIEW
 93 WebStatistics
 90 SourceCodeControl
 84 SpartanStarterKitFPGA
 76 NISoftwareInstallation
 68 LabVIEWObjectOrientedProgramming
 46 NILicenseManager
Jun 2018 2632 3 0 811 WebSearch
282 LabVIEWInstrumentDriver
231 LVMobileAgentSystem
206 NIUser
204 HGFBaseClassLibrary
166 WebStatistics
 94 SpartanStarterKitFPGA
 88 NIUserLabVIEW
 71 SourceCodeControl
 60 NISoftwareInstallation
 59 DiaDemDSCViewing
  3 HolgerBrand
May 2018 2712 0 0 472 LabVIEWInstrumentDriver
346 WebStatistics
248 NIUser
234 HGFBaseClassLibrary
209 LVMobileAgentSystem
124 NIUserLabVIEW
109 LVOOPDesignPatterns
100 SpartanStarterKitFPGA
 84 NISoftwareInstallation
 81 SourceCodeControl
 78 WebChanges
Apr 2018 2782 0 0 510 WebStatistics
417 LabVIEWInstrumentDriver
329 LVMobileAgentSystem
308 NIUser
301 HGFBaseClassLibrary
147 NIUserLabVIEW
100 SpartanStarterKitFPGA
 60 SourceCodeControl
 58 DiaDemDSCViewing
 53 WebChanges
 51 NISoftwareInstallation
Mar 2018 3127 0 0 477 WebStatistics
434 LabVIEWInstrumentDriver
352 HGFBaseClassLibrary
331 NIUser
225 NIUserLabVIEW
183 LVMobileAgentSystem
114 SpartanStarterKitFPGA
 88 InstituteCampusLicenseAgreement
 85 LabVIEWObjectOrientedProgramming
 74 DiaDemDSCViewing
 72 SourceCodeControl
Feb 2018 3950 5 0 744 WebSearch
526 LabVIEWInstrumentDriver
437 HGFBaseClassLibrary
329 WebStatistics
244 NIUser
173 NIUserLabVIEW
153 LVMobileAgentSystem
142 InstituteCampusLicenseAgreement
128 SourceCodeControl
104 SpartanStarterKitFPGA
 93 LabVIEWObjectOrientedProgramming
  5 HolgerBrand
Jan 2018 5258 2 0 1158 LabVIEWInstrumentDriver
612 WebStatistics
519 HGFBaseClassLibrary
396 NIUser
328 NIUserLabVIEW
215 LVMobileAgentSystem
201 LabVIEWObjectOrientedProgramming
186 InstituteCampusLicenseAgreement
144 WebSearch
129 SpartanStarterKitFPGA
104 NILicenseManager
  2 HolgerBrand
Dec 2017 4964 0 0 1138 LabVIEWInstrumentDriver
698 WebStatistics
407 HGFBaseClassLibrary
345 NIUser
342 NIUserLabVIEW
198 LabVIEWObjectOrientedProgramming
144 LVMobileAgentSystem
141 InstituteCampusLicenseAgreement
140 SpartanStarterKitFPGA
123 WebNotify
 88 SourceCodeControl
Nov 2017 4190 6 0 1015 LabVIEWInstrumentDriver
721 WebStatistics
280 HGFBaseClassLibrary
259 NIUser
215 NIUserLabVIEW
149 LabVIEWObjectOrientedProgramming
138 LVOOPDesignPatterns
135 SpartanStarterKitFPGA
100 LVMobileAgentSystem
100 Boolean2PB1I
 84 WebNotify
  6 HolgerBrand
Oct 2017 3449 10 0 898 LabVIEWInstrumentDriver
474 WebStatistics
274 HGFBaseClassLibrary
239 NIUser
180 NIUserLabVIEW
118 SpartanStarterKitFPGA
104 WebSearch
101 LabVIEWObjectOrientedProgramming
 91 LVMobileAgentSystem
 86 SourceCodeControl
 80 Boolean2PB1I
  9 HolgerBrand
  1 PeterZumbruch
Sep 2017 2217 0 0 460 LabVIEWInstrumentDriver
317 WebStatistics
203 NIUser
181 HGFBaseClassLibrary
128 NIUserLabVIEW
100 SpartanStarterKitFPGA
 80 WebSearch
 73 SourceCodeControl
 67 WebChanges
 66 LabVIEWObjectOrientedProgramming
 57 NISoftwareInstallation
Aug 2017 1935 0 0 392 WebStatistics
314 LabVIEWInstrumentDriver
160 HGFBaseClassLibrary
135 NIUserLabVIEW
107 NIUser
 81 SourceCodeControl
 80 SpartanStarterKitFPGA
 70 NISoftwareInstallation
 64 WebSearch
 63 LabVIEWObjectOrientedProgramming
 55 DiaDemDSCViewing
Jul 2017 2041 4 0 433 WebStatistics
314 LabVIEWInstrumentDriver
265 HGFBaseClassLibrary
173 NIUser
103 NIUserLabVIEW
 84 SpartanStarterKitFPGA
 82 SourceCodeControl
 77 NISoftwareInstallation
 57 LabVIEWObjectOrientedProgramming
 47 DiaDemDSCViewing
 43 WebSearch
  4 HolgerBrand
Jun 2017 2119 3 0 553 WebStatistics
324 LabVIEWInstrumentDriver
180 NIUser
167 HGFBaseClassLibrary
 85 SourceCodeControl
 76 SpartanStarterKitFPGA
 75 NISoftwareInstallation
 66 NIUserLabVIEW
 59 LabVIEWObjectOrientedProgramming
 51 WebSearch
 40 NILicenseManager
  3 HolgerBrand
May 2017 1928 0 0 511 WebStatistics
278 LabVIEWInstrumentDriver
182 NIUser
177 HGFBaseClassLibrary
103 SpartanStarterKitFPGA
 67 SourceCodeControl
 63 NISoftwareInstallation
 54 WebSearch
 50 DiaDemDSCViewing
 49 NIUserLabVIEW
 41 WebChanges
Apr 2017 2217 2 0 503 WebStatistics
350 LabVIEWInstrumentDriver
292 HGFBaseClassLibrary
165 NIUser
103 SpartanStarterKitFPGA
 89 SourceCodeControl
 68 NIUserLabVIEW
 66 NISoftwareInstallation
 66 WebSearch
 54 LabVIEWObjectOrientedProgramming
 46 WebChanges
  2 HolgerBrand
Mar 2017 2666 3 0 469 WebStatistics
430 LabVIEWInstrumentDriver
345 WebSearch
238 HGFBaseClassLibrary
227 NIUser
178 SpartanStarterKitFPGA
110 NIUserLabVIEW
100 NISoftwareInstallation
 76 DiaDemDSCViewing
 73 SourceCodeControl
 54 NILicenseManager
  3 HolgerBrand
Feb 2017 1781 0 0 273 LabVIEWInstrumentDriver
238 HGFBaseClassLibrary
201 WebStatistics
173 NIUser
114 SpartanStarterKitFPGA
 92 WebSearch
 90 NISoftwareInstallation
 82 NIUserLabVIEW
 64 DiaDemDSCViewing
 63 SourceCodeControl
 44 LabVIEWObjectOrientedProgramming
Jan 2017 1029 0 0 169 NIUser
169 LabVIEWInstrumentDriver
112 HGFBaseClassLibrary
 87 SpartanStarterKitFPGA
 81 NISoftwareInstallation
 65 NIUserLabVIEW
 51 SourceCodeControl
 39 WebStatistics
 36 WebSearch
 34 NILicenseManager
 18 GSICampusLicenseAgreement
Dec 2016 1379 0 0 255 HGFBaseClassLibrary
188 LabVIEWInstrumentDriver
127 NIUser
108 SpartanStarterKitFPGA
101 SourceCodeControl
 97 NIUserLabVIEW
 88 WebStatistics
 64 WebSearch
 52 NISoftwareInstallation
 26 DiaDemDSCViewing
 25 LVMobileAgentSystem
Nov 2016 1885 14 0 441 WebStatistics
324 LabVIEWInstrumentDriver
181 NIUser
179 HGFBaseClassLibrary
118 SpartanStarterKitFPGA
108 NIUserLabVIEW
 94 SourceCodeControl
 62 NISoftwareInstallation
 61 LabVIEWCodeReview
 58 DiaDemDSCViewing
 43 WebSearch
 14 HolgerBrand
Oct 2016 2541 0 0 912 WebStatistics
409 LabVIEWInstrumentDriver
227 HGFBaseClassLibrary
194 NIUser
153 SpartanStarterKitFPGA
101 SourceCodeControl
 84 NIUserLabVIEW
 75 NISoftwareInstallation
 39 DiaDemDSCViewing
 36 NILicenseManager
 33 LabVIEWObjectOrientedProgramming
Sep 2016 1743 0 0 320 LabVIEWInstrumentDriver
237 HGFBaseClassLibrary
186 SpartanStarterKitFPGA
131 WebStatistics
121 NIUser
100 NISoftwareInstallation
 93 NIUserLabVIEW
 91 SourceCodeControl
 71 DiaDemDSCViewing
 50 LabVIEWObjectOrientedProgramming
 49 WebSearch
Aug 2016 2905 3 0 417 LabVIEWInstrumentDriver
365 WebStatistics
299 HGFBaseClassLibrary
206 NIUser
201 SpartanStarterKitFPGA
183 WebSearch
181 SourceCodeControl
171 NIUserLabVIEW
140 AFWorkshopDecember2015
126 NILicenseManager
125 NISoftwareInstallation
  3 HolgerBrand
Jul 2016 2055 2 0 563 WebStatistics
266 LabVIEWInstrumentDriver
177 NIUser
159 HGFBaseClassLibrary
135 NIUserLabVIEW
116 SpartanStarterKitFPGA
108 NISoftwareInstallation
 92 SourceCodeControl
 62 WebSearch
 37 LabVIEWObjectOrientedProgramming
 33 DiaDemDSCViewing
  2 HolgerBrand
Jun 2016 1809 1 0 365 WebStatistics
272 LabVIEWInstrumentDriver
188 HGFBaseClassLibrary
161 NIUser
145 NIUserLabVIEW
114 SpartanStarterKitFPGA
 85 SourceCodeControl
 68 NISoftwareInstallation
 44 LabVIEWObjectOrientedProgramming
 40 NILicenseManager
 39 LVMobileAgentSystem
  1 HolgerBrand
May 2016 1757 1 0 301 LabVIEWInstrumentDriver
249 WebStatistics
205 HGFBaseClassLibrary
163 NIUser
151 NIUserLabVIEW
137 SpartanStarterKitFPGA
 87 SourceCodeControl
 67 NISoftwareInstallation
 43 LVOOPWorkshopMarch2007
 37 LabVIEWObjectOrientedProgramming
 33 WebSearch
  1 HolgerBrand
Apr 2016 1959 7 0 409 WebStatistics
251 LabVIEWInstrumentDriver
173 NIUser
158 HGFBaseClassLibrary
156 SpartanStarterKitFPGA
133 NISoftwareInstallation
117 NIUserLabVIEW
 76 SourceCodeControl
 73 WebSearch
 67 NILicenseManager
 52 DiaDemDSCViewing
  7 HolgerBrand
Mar 2016 2454 11 0 405 WebStatistics
348 LabVIEWInstrumentDriver
319 NIUser
210 HGFBaseClassLibrary
166 NIUserLabVIEW
146 SourceCodeControl
138 NISoftwareInstallation
114 SpartanStarterKitFPGA
 71 NILicenseManager
 66 WebSearch
 56 DiaDemDSCViewing
 10 HolgerBrand
  1 PeterZumbruch
Feb 2016 1031 2 0 222 WebStatistics
209 LabVIEWInstrumentDriver
106 HGFBaseClassLibrary
 98 NIUser
 53 NIUserLabVIEW
 51 SpartanStarterKitFPGA
 41 NISoftwareInstallation
 40 SourceCodeControl
 28 WebSearch
 25 NILicenseManager
 17 WebChanges
  2 HolgerBrand
Jan 2016 2045 1 0 573 WebStatistics
381 LabVIEWInstrumentDriver
193 HGFBaseClassLibrary
184 NIUser
106 NIUserLabVIEW
 85 SpartanStarterKitFPGA
 60 SourceCodeControl
 52 NISoftwareInstallation
 41 WebSearch
 38 NILicenseManager
 37 WebChanges
  1 Christo
Dec 2015 2710 0 0 928 WebStatistics
441 LabVIEWInstrumentDriver
210 NIUser
210 HGFBaseClassLibrary
126 NIUserLabVIEW
 93 AFWorkshopDecember2015
 85 SourceCodeControl
 81 SpartanStarterKitFPGA
 58 NILicenseManager
 56 NISoftwareInstallation
 38 DiaDemDSCViewing
Nov 2015 1530 17 0 388 WebStatistics
271 LabVIEWInstrumentDriver
214 HGFBaseClassLibrary
130 NIUser
 89 NIUserLabVIEW
 66 SourceCodeControl
 64 SpartanStarterKitFPGA
 43 NISoftwareInstallation
 30 AFWorkshopDecember2015
 25 WebSearch
 23 NILicenseManager
 17 HolgerBrand
Oct 2015 1405 1 0 257 LabVIEWInstrumentDriver
204 WebStatistics
154 NIUser
151 HGFBaseClassLibrary
104 NIUserLabVIEW
 91 SourceCodeControl
 71 SpartanStarterKitFPGA
 58 NISoftwareInstallation
 28 WebSearch
 28 NILicenseManager
 26 WebNotify
  1 HolgerBrand
Sep 2015 1325 0 0 373 WebStatistics
217 LabVIEWInstrumentDriver
152 HGFBaseClassLibrary
125 NIUser
 83 SourceCodeControl
 79 SpartanStarterKitFPGA
 59 NIUserLabVIEW
 25 WebSearch
 20 NISoftwareInstallation
 18 LabVIEWObjectOrientedProgramming
 13 WebNotify
Aug 2015 1691 9 0 310 WebStatistics
287 LabVIEWInstrumentDriver
157 LabVIEWObjectOrientedProgramming
139 NIUser
136 HGFBaseClassLibrary
125 NIUserLabVIEW
121 SourceCodeControl
 82 SpartanStarterKitFPGA
 45 NISoftwareInstallation
 43 LVMobileAgentSystem
 28 WebSearch
  9 HolgerBrand
Jul 2015 1439 0 0 240 LabVIEWInstrumentDriver
160 WebStatistics
149 NIUser
148 HGFBaseClassLibrary
 86 SourceCodeControl
 63 NIUserLabVIEW
 62 SpartanStarterKitFPGA
 57 InstituteCampusLicenseAgreement
 55 LabVIEWObjectOrientedProgramming
 48 LVOOProgrammingRecommendations
 44 WebSearch
Jun 2015 1333 0 0 208 LabVIEWInstrumentDriver
109 HGFBaseClassLibrary
107 NIUser
102 NIUserLabVIEW
100 WebStatistics
 91 SpartanStarterKitFPGA
 89 SourceCodeControl
 63 WebSearch
 56 InstituteCampusLicenseAgreement
 46 LabVIEWObjectOrientedProgramming
 45 LVOOProgrammingRecommendations
May 2015 1628 0 0 192 LabVIEWInstrumentDriver
176 NIUser
142 WebStatistics
128 HGFBaseClassLibrary
113 NIUserLabVIEW
108 WebSearch
 95 SourceCodeControl
 82 SpartanStarterKitFPGA
 55 NISoftwareInstallation
 39 LVOOPWorkshopMay2013
 39 LabVIEWObjectOrientedProgramming
Apr 2015 1891 6 0 382 WebStatistics
239 LabVIEWInstrumentDriver
215 HGFBaseClassLibrary
200 NIUser
117 NIUserLabVIEW
116 WebSearch
 93 SourceCodeControl
 92 SpartanStarterKitFPGA
 45 LabVIEWObjectOrientedProgramming
 38 InstituteCampusLicenseAgreement
 30 WebChanges
  6 HolgerBrand
Mar 2015 1720 0 0 306 LabVIEWInstrumentDriver
254 WebStatistics
235 HGFBaseClassLibrary
141 NIUserLabVIEW
137 NIUser
105 NISoftwareInstallation
 89 SourceCodeControl
 86 SpartanStarterKitFPGA
 69 WebSearch
 39 ObtainNISoftwareAtGSI
 39 WebPreferences
Feb 2015 1517 1 0 233 LabVIEWInstrumentDriver
215 WebStatistics
193 HGFBaseClassLibrary
181 NIUser
109 NIUserLabVIEW
 92 SourceCodeControl
 67 SpartanStarterKitFPGA
 66 NISoftwareInstallation
 39 WebSearch
 38 NILicenseManager
 33 WebPreferences
  1 HolgerBrand
Jan 2015 1974 1 0 608 WebStatistics
246 LabVIEWInstrumentDriver
229 HGFBaseClassLibrary
186 NIUser
 92 SpartanStarterKitFPGA
 82 NIUserLabVIEW
 72 WebSearch
 66 SourceCodeControl
 60 NILicenseManager
 42 NISoftwareInstallation
 39 LabVIEWObjectOrientedProgramming
  1 HolgerBrand
Dec 2014 1910 0 0 423 WebStatistics
286 LabVIEWInstrumentDriver
230 NIUser
200 HGFBaseClassLibrary
109 SpartanStarterKitFPGA
 95 NIUserLabVIEW
 83 SourceCodeControl
 79 WebSearch
 47 NILicenseManager
 46 NISoftwareInstallation
 45 LabVIEWObjectOrientedProgramming
Nov 2014 1459 0 0 211 HGFBaseClassLibrary
205 LabVIEWInstrumentDriver
159 NIUser
129 WebSearch
124 WebStatistics
 91 SpartanStarterKitFPGA
 90 SourceCodeControl
 72 NIUserLabVIEW
 57 NISoftwareInstallation
 41 LabVIEWObjectOrientedProgramming
 28 NILicenseManager
Oct 2014 1512 0 0 305 LabVIEWInstrumentDriver
243 WebStatistics
233 HGFBaseClassLibrary
166 NIUser
 97 SpartanStarterKitFPGA
 56 NIUserLabVIEW
 49 SourceCodeControl
 40 WebSearch
 36 LabVIEWObjectOrientedProgramming
 35 NISoftwareInstallation
 27 WebNotify
Sep 2014 1343 0 0 246 LabVIEWInstrumentDriver
204 NIUser
161 HGFBaseClassLibrary
116 SpartanStarterKitFPGA
 87 SourceCodeControl
 67 WebStatistics
 61 NIUserLabVIEW
 57 WebSearch
 48 LabVIEWObjectOrientedProgramming
 46 NISoftwareInstallation
 36 LVMobileAgentSystem
Aug 2014 1485 4 0 258 NIUser
212 LabVIEWInstrumentDriver
179 HGFBaseClassLibrary
138 SpartanStarterKitFPGA
 93 WebSearch
 85 SourceCodeControl
 80 NIUserLabVIEW
 69 NISoftwareInstallation
 53 LabVIEWObjectOrientedProgramming
 32 LVMobileAgentSystem
 29 WebStatistics
  4 HolgerBrand
Jul 2014 1769 2 0 265 LabVIEWInstrumentDriver
232 NIUser
225 HGFBaseClassLibrary
182 WebSearch
123 NIUserLabVIEW
121 SpartanStarterKitFPGA
 88 NISoftwareInstallation
 83 SourceCodeControl
 50 LabVIEWObjectOrientedProgramming
 48 WebStatistics
 41 LVMobileAgentSystem
  2 HolgerBrand
May 2014 1243 3 0 242 HGFBaseClassLibrary
182 LabVIEWInstrumentDriver
178 WebSearch
135 NIUser
 68 WebStatistics
 66 SourceCodeControl
 63 SpartanStarterKitFPGA
 43 NISoftwareInstallation
 42 NIUserLabVIEW
 36 LabVIEWObjectOrientedProgramming
 20 DiaDemDSCViewing
  3 HolgerBrand
Apr 2014 986 17 0 166 NIUser
153 HGFBaseClassLibrary
116 LabVIEWInstrumentDriver
 76 NIUserLabVIEW
 70 WebSearch
 64 SpartanStarterKitFPGA
 47 SourceCodeControl
 37 LabVIEWObjectOrientedProgramming
 35 NISoftwareInstallation
 35 NILicenseManager
 21 LVOOPWorkshopApril2014
 17 HolgerBrand
Feb 2014 27 0 0   9 NIUser
  6 LabVIEWInstrumentDriver
  4 NISoftwareInstallation
  2 NIUserLabVIEW
  1 LVMobileAgentSystem
  1 LabVIEWObjectOrientedProgramming
  1 NILicenseManager
  1 SourceCodeControl
  1 BioProjekts
Jan 2014 209 0 0  91 NIUser
 34 NISoftwareInstallation
 28 NILicenseManager
 26 NIUserLabVIEW
 13 LabVIEWInstrumentDriver
  7 SourceCodeControl
  3 WebSearch
  1 NIUserDiadem
  1 HGFBaseClassLibrary
  1 LVMobileAgentSystem
  1 LabVIEWObjectOrientedProgramming
Dec 2013 127 0 0  48 NIUser
 25 NISoftwareInstallation
 15 NIUserLabVIEW
 15 NILicenseManager
  6 LabVIEWObjectOrientedProgramming
  5 LabVIEWInstrumentDriver
  4 LVMobileAgentSystem
  3 SourceCodeControl
  1 NIUserDiadem
  1 LVOOProgrammingRecommendations
  1 LVOOPDesignPatterns
Nov 2013 1579 2 0 737 NIUser
169 LabVIEWInstrumentDriver
 83 SourceCodeControl
 49 HGFBaseClassLibrary
 35 ObtainNISoftwareAtGSI
 29 NISoftwareInstallation
 28 NIUserLabVIEW
 24 WebPreferences
 24 LabVIEWObjectOrientedProgramming
 22 NILicenseManager
 22 WebChanges
  2 HolgerBrand
Oct 2013 2784 2 0 1661 NIUser
389 LabVIEWInstrumentDriver
249 WebRss
110 SourceCodeControl
 96 HGFBaseClassLibrary
 29 LabVIEWObjectOrientedProgramming
 26 NIUserLabVIEW
 23 NISoftwareInstallation
 23 TrendingWithHistogramm
 22 NILicenseManager
 16 LVMobileAgentSystem
  2 HolgerBrand
Sep 2013 2023 3 0 1093 NIUser
401 LabVIEWInstrumentDriver
 94 SourceCodeControl
 77 NIUserLabVIEW
 50 HGFBaseClassLibrary
 41 NILicenseManager
 40 NISoftwareInstallation
 26 LabVIEWObjectOrientedProgramming
 23 GSICampusLicenseAgreement
 21 SpartanStarterKitFPGA
 20 WebSearch
  3 HolgerBrand
Aug 2013 1303 13 1 556 NIUser
316 LabVIEWInstrumentDriver
 65 SourceCodeControl
 61 HGFBaseClassLibrary
 49 NILicenseManager
 38 NIUserLabVIEW
 34 NISoftwareInstallation
 31 LabVIEWObjectOrientedProgramming
 15 GSICampusLicenseAgreement
 12 WebSearch
 12 WebPreferences
 14 HolgerBrand
Jul 2013 2027 0 0 1008 NIUser
358 LabVIEWInstrumentDriver
 92 SourceCodeControl
 54 HGFBaseClassLibrary
 52 WebChanges
 48 NIUserLabVIEW
 40 WebTopicList
 40 WebSearch
 39 NILicenseManager
 37 NISoftwareInstallation
 36 LabVIEWObjectOrientedProgramming
Jun 2013 958 2 0 331 LabVIEWInstrumentDriver
284 NIUser
 50 HGFBaseClassLibrary
 48 SourceCodeControl
 35 LabVIEWObjectOrientedProgramming
 32 NIUserLabVIEW
 31 NISoftwareInstallation
 23 NILicenseManager
 20 GSICampusLicenseAgreement
 14 WebTopicList
 14 SpartanStarterKitFPGA
  2 HolgerBrand
May 2013 1146 19 0 426 NIUser
332 LabVIEWInstrumentDriver
 65 LabVIEWObjectOrientedProgramming
 60 HGFBaseClassLibrary
 55 SourceCodeControl
 38 NIUserLabVIEW
 35 LVOOPWorkshopMay2013
 23 NISoftwareInstallation
 11 LVMobileAgentSystem
  9 WebSearch
  8 SpartanStarterKitFPGA
 16 HolgerBrand
  3 PeterZumbruch
Apr 2013 2799 0 0 1871 NIUser
353 LabVIEWInstrumentDriver
 61 HGFBaseClassLibrary
 55 LabVIEWObjectOrientedProgramming
 51 GSICampusLicenseAgreement
 45 NIUserLabVIEW
 36 WebChanges
 32 SourceCodeControl
 31 WebSearch
 31 WebNotify
 30 WebTopicList
Mar 2013 1406 5 0 514 NIUser
333 LabVIEWInstrumentDriver
 61 HGFBaseClassLibrary
 55 SourceCodeControl
 52 NIUserLabVIEW
 50 NISoftwareInstallation
 47 NILicenseManager
 41 LVOOPWorkshopAugust2011
 37 LabVIEWObjectOrientedProgramming
 26 LVMobileAgentSystem
 21 WebRss
  5 HolgerBrand
Feb 2013 1936 0 0 634 NIUser
320 LabVIEWInstrumentDriver
 93 NISoftwareInstallation
 89 NIUserLabVIEW
 79 LVMobileAgentSystem
 65 LabVIEWObjectOrientedProgramming
 58 HGFBaseClassLibrary
 48 WebStatistics
 48 NILicenseManager
 48 SourceCodeControl
 47 LVOOPWorkshopAugust2011
Jan 2013 1436 5 0 660 NIUser
267 LabVIEWInstrumentDriver
 52 SourceCodeControl
 50 NIUserLabVIEW
 49 HGFBaseClassLibrary
 40 LabVIEWObjectOrientedProgramming
 39 NISoftwareInstallation
 35 LVOOPWorkshopAugust2011
 28 NILicenseManager
 18 WebTopicList
 18 GSICampusLicenseAgreement
  5 HolgerBrand
Dec 2012 2200 1 0 728 NIUser
398 LabVIEWInstrumentDriver
120 HGFBaseClassLibrary
 79 SourceCodeControl
 78 LVMobileAgentSystem
 71 LVOOPDesignPatterns
 59 LVOOPWorkshopAugust2011
 57 WebStatistics
 49 NIUserLabVIEW
 48 LabVIEWObjectOrientedProgramming
 44 NISoftwareInstallation
  1 PeterZumbruch
Nov 2012 3355 0 0 1766 NIUser
333 LabVIEWInstrumentDriver
148 HGFBaseClassLibrary
 80 LVOOPWorkshopAugust2011
 73 SourceCodeControl
 71 NIUserLabVIEW
 67 LabVIEWObjectOrientedProgramming
 59 NISoftwareInstallation
 57 WebSearch
 53 WebPreferences
 51 WebTopicList
Oct 2012 2185 5 0 1135 NIUser
337 LabVIEWInstrumentDriver
142 HGFBaseClassLibrary
 56 SourceCodeControl
 51 LVOOPWorkshopAugust2011
 46 LabVIEWObjectOrientedProgramming
 45 NIUserLabVIEW
 39 WebSearch
 37 WebPreferences
 35 WebNotify
 33 LVOOPDesignPatterns
  3 HolgerBrand
  2 AlexanderWiest
Sep 2012 1563 1 0 521 NIUser
341 LabVIEWInstrumentDriver
113 HGFBaseClassLibrary
 74 LVOOPWorkshopAugust2011
 56 NISoftwareInstallation
 47 SourceCodeControl
 37 LabVIEWObjectOrientedProgramming
 36 NIUserLabVIEW
 33 WebPreferences
 32 WebSearch
 31 WebNotify
  1 HolgerBrand
Aug 2012 1078 3 0 302 LabVIEWInstrumentDriver
218 NIUser
 74 HGFBaseClassLibrary
 74 LVOOPWorkshopAugust2011
 40 LabVIEWObjectOrientedProgramming
 29 NIUserLabVIEW
 26 LVMobileAgentSystem
 25 NISoftwareInstallation
 23 WebNotify
 23 WebPreferences
 23 SourceCodeControl
  3 HolgerBrand
Jul 2012 1601 2 0 556 NIUser
357 LabVIEWInstrumentDriver
105 HGFBaseClassLibrary
100 LabVIEWObjectOrientedProgramming
 70 LVOOPWorkshopAugust2011
 41 NIUserLabVIEW
 38 SourceCodeControl
 35 LVMobileAgentSystem
 29 NISoftwareInstallation
 24 WebChanges
 22 WebPreferences
  2 HolgerBrand
Jun 2012 2084 0 0 850 NIUser
368 LabVIEWInstrumentDriver
 87 LabVIEWObjectOrientedProgramming
 79 SourceCodeControl
 72 HGFBaseClassLibrary
 64 LVOOPWorkshopAugust2011
 51 NISoftwareInstallation
 45 NIUserLabVIEW
 41 NILicenseManager
 39 SpartanStarterKitFPGA
 34 LVMobileAgentSystem
May 2012 3451 2 0 1301 LabVIEWInstrumentDriver
1167 NIUser
112 SourceCodeControl
101 LVOOPWorkshopAugust2011
 97 HGFBaseClassLibrary
 89 LabVIEWObjectOrientedProgramming
 59 NIUserLabVIEW
 52 SpartanStarterKitFPGA
 44 NISoftwareInstallation
 39 WebTopicList
 34 WebChanges
  2 HolgerBrand
Apr 2012 19017 1 0 8710 NIUser
4445 LabVIEWInstrumentDriver
3504 WebStatistics
186 WebTopicList
186 HGFBaseClassLibrary
166 NIUserLabVIEW
140 WebSearch
109 NISoftwareInstallation
104 SpartanStarterKitFPGA
103 NILicenseManager
101 LabVIEWObjectOrientedProgramming
  1 HolgerBrand
Mar 2012 19310 4 0 11518 NIUser
4458 LabVIEWInstrumentDriver
908 WebStatistics
227 HGFBaseClassLibrary
187 WebSearch
177 WebTopicList
165 NIUserLabVIEW
116 NISoftwareInstallation
 88 SourceCodeControl
 86 LabVIEWObjectOrientedProgramming
 84 SpartanStarterKitFPGA
  4 HolgerBrand
Feb 2012 10902 8 0 8140 NIUser
336 WebStatistics
229 LabVIEWInstrumentDriver
157 WebTopicList
148 WebSearch
143 NIUserLabVIEW
138 HGFBaseClassLibrary
130 NISoftwareInstallation
125 LabVIEWObjectOrientedProgramming
102 NILicenseManager
102 SourceCodeControl
  8 HolgerBrand
Jan 2012 17272 0 0 13627 NIUser
404 WebStatistics
289 WebTopicList
287 WebSearch
237 HGFBaseClassLibrary
220 NIUserLabVIEW
216 LabVIEWInstrumentDriver
156 WebChanges
129 LabVIEWObjectOrientedProgramming
129 SourceCodeControl
121 SpartanStarterKitFPGA
Dec 2011 17684 0 0 13686 NIUser
421 WebTopicList
332 NIUserLabVIEW
325 WebSearch
320 WebChanges
258 HGFBaseClassLibrary
221 SourceCodeControl
181 LabVIEWInstrumentDriver
158 WebRss
153 WebStatistics
140 LabVIEWObjectOrientedProgramming
Nov 2011 39772 1 0 34598 NIUser
877 WebSearch
569 WebTopicList
522 NIUserLabVIEW
402 WebPreferences
361 WebNotify
277 HGFBaseClassLibrary
254 WebStatistics
219 SourceCodeControl
205 LabVIEWInstrumentDriver
186 WebChanges
  1 HolgerBrand
Oct 2011 10365 2 0 7832 NIUser
383 WebSearch
271 NIUserLabVIEW
267 WebTopicList
160 LabVIEWInstrumentDriver
145 HGFBaseClassLibrary
140 WebChanges
138 NISoftwareInstallation
114 SourceCodeControl
101 WebPreferences
 84 WebNotify
  2 HolgerBrand
Sep 2011 7822 5 0 4960 NIUser
489 WebChanges
355 HGFBaseClassLibrary
309 LabVIEWInstrumentDriver
215 NIUserLabVIEW
194 SourceCodeControl
193 WebSearch
173 WebTopicList
110 NISoftwareInstallation
 90 LabVIEWObjectOrientedProgramming
 73 LVOOPWorkshopAugust2011
  5 HolgerBrand
Aug 2011 2783 4 1 1008 NIUser
390 WebChanges
300 LabVIEWInstrumentDriver
257 HGFBaseClassLibrary
 76 SourceCodeControl
 73 LVOOPWorkshopAugust2011
 63 LabVIEWObjectOrientedProgramming
 49 WebSearch
 43 WebStatistics
 42 LVMobileAgentSystem
 41 NIUserLabVIEW
  5 HolgerBrand
Jul 2011 2608 12 2 1211 NIUser
204 HGFBaseClassLibrary
191 LabVIEWInstrumentDriver
 92 NIUserLabVIEW
 89 LVOOPWorkshopAugust2011
 68 NISoftwareInstallation
 68 LabVIEWObjectOrientedProgramming
 62 WebChanges
 59 WebSearch
 57 SourceCodeControl
 56 LVOOPDesignPatterns
 14 HolgerBrand
Jun 2011 2123 11 2 878 NIUser
211 HGFBaseClassLibrary
191 LabVIEWInstrumentDriver
154 WebChanges
 74 SourceCodeControl
 70 NIUserLabVIEW
 63 NISoftwareInstallation
 58 LabVIEWObjectOrientedProgramming
 38 WebPreferences
 37 LVOOPWorkshopJune2010
 36 WebNotify
 13 HolgerBrand
May 2011 4214 18 3 3023 NIUser
109 LabVIEWInstrumentDriver
 99 NIUserLabVIEW
 69 HGFBaseClassLibrary
 68 LabVIEWObjectOrientedProgramming
 66 NISoftwareInstallation
 65 WebChanges
 59 SourceCodeControl
 54 NILicenseManager
 53 WebNotify
 51 WebSearch
 17 HolgerBrand
  4 DietrichBeck
Apr 2011 8319 0 0 6019 NIUser
186 WebNotify
174 WebPreferences
161 WebTopicList
160 NIUserLabVIEW
147 LabVIEWObjectOrientedProgramming
138 WebChanges
124 WebSearch
120 NISoftwareInstallation
 96 NILicenseManager
 92 NIUserDiadem
Mar 2011 10133 0 0 5935 NIUser
310 WebPreferences
301 LabVIEWObjectOrientedProgramming
292 WebNotify
274 WebChanges
265 WebSearch
262 WebTopicList
245 LabVIEWInstrumentDriver
230 NIUserLabVIEW
209 HGFBaseClassLibrary
192 LVOOPDesignPatterns
Feb 2011 7520 6 5 5889 NIUser
127 NIUserLabVIEW
120 LabVIEWObjectOrientedProgramming
102 WebNotify
102 LabVIEWInstrumentDriver
 92 NISoftwareInstallation
 90 WebTopicList
 90 WebChanges
 84 WebPreferences
 83 WebSearch
 80 HGFBaseClassLibrary
  6 DietrichBeck
  5 HolgerBrand
Jan 2011 5106 11 1 4157 NIUser
114 HGFBaseClassLibrary
102 NIUserLabVIEW
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 87 LabVIEWInstrumentDriver
 68 SourceCodeControl
 40 NISoftwareInstallation
 40 SpartanStarterKitFPGA
 37 WebSearch
 34 LVOOPWorkshopJune2010
 33 LVOOPWorkshopMarch2007
 12 HolgerBrand
Dec 2010 4093 0 0 3225 NIUser
134 HGFBaseClassLibrary
109 LabVIEWInstrumentDriver
 97 WebTopicList
 84 LabVIEWObjectOrientedProgramming
 51 NIUserLabVIEW
 48 SourceCodeControl
 35 WebRss
 33 LVOOPWorkshopMarch2007
 31 WebSearch
 30 LVOOPWorkshopJune2010
Nov 2010 4047 35 18 3028 NIUser
150 NIUserLabVIEW
129 LabVIEWInstrumentDriver
129 SourceCodeControl
 90 HGFBaseClassLibrary
 81 LabVIEWObjectOrientedProgramming
 48 NISoftwareInstallation
 39 LVOOPWorkshopJune2010
 37 LVOOPWorkshopMarch2007
 28 WebNotify
 27 SpartanStarterKitFPGA
 53 HolgerBrand
Oct 2010 4154 98 30 3227 NIUser
152 LabVIEWInstrumentDriver
123 NIUserLabVIEW
 92 NISoftwareInstallation
 75 SourceCodeControl
 58 HGFBaseClassLibrary
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 54 DiaDemDSCViewing
 51 NILicenseManager
 32 LVOOPWorkshopJune2010
 25 SpartanStarterKitFPGA
 80 DietrichBeck
 48 HolgerBrand
Sep 2010 3758 55 5 3047 NIUser
110 LabVIEWInstrumentDriver
 82 LabVIEWObjectOrientedProgramming
 60 SourceCodeControl
 54 NISoftwareInstallation
 47 NIUserLabVIEW
 47 NILicenseManager
 47 NIExceptionalLicense
 39 HGFBaseClassLibrary
 34 LVOOPWorkshopJune2010
 31 LVOOPWorkshopMarch2007
 45 DietrichBeck
 15 HolgerBrand
Aug 2010 3816 3 0 3189 NIUser
108 LabVIEWInstrumentDriver
 50 LabVIEWObjectOrientedProgramming
 40 NILicenseManager
 37 NISoftwareInstallation
 37 WebChanges
 34 LVOOPWorkshopJune2010
 32 SourceCodeControl
 31 NIUserLabVIEW
 29 HGFBaseClassLibrary
 27 LVOOPWorkshopMarch2007
  3 HolgerBrand
Jul 2010 4712 2 2 3327 NIUser
145 LabVIEWInstrumentDriver
128 WebTopicList
112 WebChanges
 88 HGFBaseClassLibrary
 87 WebSearch
 84 LabVIEWObjectOrientedProgramming
 62 SpartanStarterKitFPGA
 56 LVOOPWorkshopJune2010
 49 WebStatistics
 43 WebRss
  4 DietrichBeck
Jun 2010 6164 7 0 3630 NIUser
205 LabVIEWObjectOrientedProgramming
182 WebChanges
180 LVOOPWorkshopJune2010
168 HGFBaseClassLibrary
164 LVMobileAgentSystem
150 SpartanStarterKitFPGA
138 LabVIEWInstrumentDriver
116 WebRss
102 NIUserLabVIEW
 98 WebTopicList
  6 HolgerBrand
  1 DietrichBeck
May 2010 6328 10 2 3827 NIUser
235 LabVIEWInstrumentDriver
216 SpartanStarterKitFPGA
209 WebChanges
206 WebNotify
194 HGFBaseClassLibrary
139 LabVIEWObjectOrientedProgramming
103 SourceCodeControl
100 NIUserLabVIEW
100 LVOOPWorkshopMarch2007
 95 WebTopicList
  8 FrederikBerck
  4 DietrichBeck
Apr 2010 8590 86 7 4151 NIUser
401 WebChanges
366 HGFBaseClassLibrary
295 LVOOPDesignPatterns
269 SpartanStarterKitFPGA
269 NIUserLabVIEW
266 LabVIEWObjectOrientedProgramming
241 WebPreferences
201 LVOOPWorkshopMarch2007
196 SourceCodeControl
195 InstituteCampusLicenseAgreement
 87 DietrichBeck
  4 HolgerBrand
  2 FrederikBerck
Mar 2010 5800 24 0 4012 NIUser
180 HGFBaseClassLibrary
158 LabVIEWObjectOrientedProgramming
154 LabVIEWInstrumentDriver
149 WebChanges
107 SpartanStarterKitFPGA
 96 ObtainNISoftwareAtGSI
 96 InstituteCampusLicenseAgreement
 94 LVOOPWorkshopMarch2007
 92 NIUserLabVIEW
 76 SourceCodeControl
 24 HolgerBrand
Feb 2010 4725 3 2 3176 NIUser
154 WebChanges
141 LabVIEWInstrumentDriver
114 WebTopicList
112 SpartanStarterKitFPGA
111 HGFBaseClassLibrary
110 LabVIEWObjectOrientedProgramming
 91 LVOOPWorkshopMarch2007
 69 WebSearch
 65 SourceCodeControl
 52 WebRss
  4 DietrichBeck
  1 HolgerBrand
Jan 2010 5353 2 0 3606 NIUser
200 HGFBaseClassLibrary
187 WebChanges
180 LabVIEWInstrumentDriver
124 LabVIEWObjectOrientedProgramming
120 WebTopicList
103 LVOOPWorkshopMarch2007
 95 WebSearch
 76 WebNotify
 72 SourceCodeControl
 70 LVOOPDesignPatterns
  2 HolgerBrand
Dec 2009 5493 0 0 3458 NIUser
230 HGFBaseClassLibrary
216 LabVIEWInstrumentDriver
138 LabVIEWObjectOrientedProgramming
130 NIUserLabVIEW
126 ObtainNISoftwareAtGSI
122 InstituteCampusLicenseAgreement
112 WebPreferences
106 SourceCodeControl
 97 WebChanges
 97 LVOOPWorkshopMarch2007
Nov 2009 6767 3 1 3683 NIUser
385 [[HGFBaseClassLibrary] /> 178 NIUserLabVIEW
133 LabVIEWInstrumentDriver
108 LVOOPDesignPatterns
107 WebRss
106 LVOOPWorkshopMarch2007
101 SourceCodeControl
 98 WebNotify
  3 HolgerBrand
Mar 2008 4915 9 2 3147 NIUser
277 LabVIEWObjectOrientedProgramming
245 WebChanges
119 NIUserLabVIEW
 99 HGFBaseClassLibrary
 99 LVOOPDesignPatterns
 82 LVOOPWorkshopMarch2007
 78 LabVIEWInstrumentDriver
 78 NIUserMatrixX
 71 InstituteCampusLicenseAgreement
 69 WebStatistics
 11 HolgerBrand
Feb 2008 3864 33 12 2900 NIUser
142 LabVIEWObjectOrientedProgramming
104 WebChanges
 80 HGFBaseClassLibrary
 64 LabVIEWInstrumentDriver
 56 WebStatistics
 55 WebTopicList
 51 LVOOPWorkshopMarch2007
 41 NIUserLabVIEW
 35 WebRss
 27 SourceCodeControl
 45 HolgerBrand
Jan 2008 5163 14 2 3339 NIUser
180 LabVIEWObjectOrientedProgramming
148 WebTopicList
140 WebChanges
133 WebSearch
131 WebNotify
128 WebPreferences
121 NIUserLabVIEW
120 LVOOPWorkshopMarch2007
115 LabVIEWInstrumentDriver
 95 InstituteCampusLicenseAgreement
 16 HolgerBrand
Dec 2007 5547 6 0 3372 NIUser
279 WebChanges
208 WebTopicList
207 LabVIEWObjectOrientedProgramming
151 LVOOPDesignPatterns
146 WebNotify
143 NIUserLabVIEW
122 InstituteCampusLicenseAgreement
116 WebPreferences
114 LVOOPWorkshopMarch2007
107 LabVIEWInstrumentDriver
  3 DietrichBeck
  3 HolgerBrand
Nov 2007 4504 9 1 3214 NIUser
149 LabVIEWObjectOrientedProgramming
 96 WebNotify
 96 InstituteCampusLicenseAgreement
 95 NIUserLabVIEW
 89 LabVIEWInstrumentDriver
 88 LVOOPDesignPatterns
 88 LVOOPWorkshopMarch2007
 81 WebPreferences
 69 WebStatistics
 57 WebSearch
  9 DietrichBeck
  1 HolgerBrand
Oct 2007 8122 4 1 3899 NIUser
450 LabVIEWObjectOrientedProgramming
439 LVOOPDesignPatterns
408 WebNotify
401 InstituteCampusLicenseAgreement
389 NIUserLabVIEW
288 WebPreferences
288 LVOOPWorkshopMarch2007
239 LabVIEWInstrumentDriver
212 WebTopicList
145 ObtainNISoftwareAtGSI
  3 HolgerBrand
  2 DietrichBeck
Sep 2007 6642 8 4 3902 NIUser
355 NIUserLabVIEW
291 LVOOPDesignPatterns
268 WebNotify
247 InstituteCampusLicenseAgreement
227 LabVIEWInstrumentDriver
225 LabVIEWObjectOrientedProgramming
174 WebPreferences
163 WebStatistics
142 LVOOPWorkshopMarch2007
131 WebSearch
  6 DietrichBeck
  6 HolgerBrand
Aug 2007 5471 0 0 3501 NIUser
1570 WebStatistics
 81 LabVIEWInstrumentDriver
 57 LabVIEWObjectOrientedProgramming
 47 LVOOPWorkshopMarch2007
 27 WebPreferences
 26 LVOOPDesignPatterns
 22 InstituteCampusLicenseAgreement
 21 WebNotify
 21 NIUserLabVIEW
 20 WebChanges
| Jul 2007 | 4334 | 17 | 0 | 3391 NIUser
340 WebStatistics
 80 LabVIEWInstrumentDriver
 79 LabVIEWObjectOrientedProgramming
 69 LVOOPWorkshopMarch2007
Topic revision: r1558 - 2025-02-07, AdminUser - This page was cached on 2025-02-07 - 11:41.

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