Institute Campus License Agreement (ICLA) @ GSI

With the beginning of year 2005 GSI has a Institute Campus License Agreement (ICLA)for nearly all National Instruments software, for up to 300 developers for now.

Obtaining your license

Please contact, 2123, or, 2520 to register yourself for the NI Developer Suite before 10.1. You will get the serial number and access rights to the CDROM images after signing the licence agreement. Please note, that the serial number is strictly personal and may not be given to other colleagues. This methode is depricated. In future we will use the:

NI Volume License Manager

The NI Volume License Manager (NIVLM) supports LabVIEW 7.0, LabWindows/CVI 7.0 and Diadem 9.0. It eases the management of NI Software licensing for guests of GSI, especially if concerned with FAIR accelerator or experiment developments.

I configured the NIVLM for net installation of the NI Developer Suite Fall 2009, previous releases will follow soon. Using this installer needs no further configuration of NIVLM. You are asked for user information at the end of the installation process. Please, replace the default user name, typically localadmin, with you login name. You can abort this dialog unless you need a maybe disconnected named user or home license. You can also ask for such license later on. In this case you need to run the nivlmImportUtility located here on each computer where needed, and send the resulting XML-documents to HolgerBrand. I will grant you the named user permissions.

In order to configure a computer for NIVLM that has NI software already installed, you should save the contents of E:\Program Files\National Instruments\Shared\License Manager\Licenses in a separate folder as backup and configure your local (Start->All Programs->National Instruments->)NI License Manager to use the NIVLM which is listening on (Options->Preferences...).

I am looking for volunteers!

Content of the ICLA

I would like to inform you that as a current subscriber to the National Instruments Academic Site License, we receive:

  • NI Developer Suite with most modules and add-ons included.
  • Unlimited installations of all NI software included in the NI Academic Site License for teaching or research in our department/college or on campus
  • Unlimited one-on-one technical support by NI applications engineers via phone/e-mail
  • Automatic semiannual updates with new and upgraded software and other improvements to the site license

Amendment to the ICLA

In addition to the software of the "normal" ICLA, GSI has a license for the LabVIEW DSC Runtime module. However, this license may exclusively used within GSI on the Darmstadt site. Please contact HolgerBrand or DennisNeidherr for more details.

-- HolgerBrand - 09 Nov 2006
Topic revision: r12 - 2017-11-21, HolgerBrand
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