50 recent changes in CRY_EXP Web retrieved at 14:50 (Local)

%IF{"$WEBSUMMARY = ''" then=" "}% This page is dedicated to experiments at CRYRING@ESR. Here you can find information and ressources that will hopefully be hel...
Main.EstherBabetteMenz 2022 03 09 Experiment Control and Data Acquisition System This is a short guide the the control and data acquisition (DAQ) system used fo...
Main.EstherBabetteMenz 2021 04 29 Vacuum at the CRYRING@ESR Particle Detectors There are currently several particle detector setups in operation at CRYRING@ESR, ...
Main.EstherBabetteMenz 2021 04 25 Manual for Particle Detector Drives at the CRYRING@ESR electron cooler There are currently two particle detector setups in oper...
Main.EstherBabetteMenz 2021 05 03 Procedure for Aborted Shifts/Standby If a shift has to be arborted for any reason (e.g. technical problems) please follow the f...
Main.EstherBabetteMenz 2021 04 23 Dielectronic Recombination Experiments at CRYRING@ESR This page is intended to give you an overview of techniques and applicati...
FC20 Voltage Divider The FC20 is a fast, frequency compensated high voltage divider and was developed at the University of Münster as experimental infrastructure ...
G35 Voltage Divider The G35 precision voltage divider is a contributed device from Münster University. It can be connected to the HV platform of the ElectronCoole...
Particle Detectors at CRYRING@ESR There are currently several particle detector setups in operation at CRYRING@ESR, located downstream from the ElectronCooler (YR...
YR09DD1AS YR09DD1AS is one of the ParticleDetectors and installed at the outside position of the dipole chamber YR09MH, downstream of the `experimental' section. ...
YR09DD1IS RoCryDet Detector head contributed by Bucharest group, as project RoCryDet. This is a revision of the Jena YAP:Ce detector. Photomultiplier: Hamamatsu R...
YR10DD3AS Channeltron detector head. See also * YR04DS2HA (Twin detector) * ParticleDetectors Main.MichaelLestinsky 2025 03 05
* .AryaKrishnan * .ClaudeKrantz * .ElenaOanaHanu * .EstherBabetteMenz * .KonstantinMohr: ElectronCooler, G35VoltageDivider, FC20VoltageDivider * .M...
Electron Target TBD. See also * Technical Design Report: "Experimental instrumentation of CRYRING@ESR", 2015 * Experiment proposals: * G 22 00072 ...
Patch Panel Black This patch panel connects the experiment electronics room (TH2.033) with CRYRING YR04MH. Channel assignment is semi flexible, but some are commo...
Electron Cooler This article is still a stub. Please expand is as appropriate. Measurements * Electron current: * EcoolCurrentMeasurement * Electron ...
Machine Signals The following shall give an overview of the electronic interfaces at the machine to specific signals, e.g. for data acquisition. Timing system s...
IntegratingCurrentTransformer The integrating current transformer (ICT, and sometimes also nicknamed the 'AC Trafo') has two measurement ranges with either 10 or ...
In a distributed computing settings, one should make sure to synchronize to clocks to the same reference and the gold standard is White Rabbit . However, in cert...
Preparing Experiments A few formalities need to be met when preparing an experimental setup for a beamtime at CRYRING: Prior to delivery of components For any ne...
*.cryring.lan For experimental instrumentation at CRYRING@ESR, a small high speed ethernet network has been created. Accessing devices in this network is convenie...
Rules for Access to the CRYRING Cave Main.EstherBabetteMenz 2022 03 10 This page is intended to give an quick overview of the rules that regulate access to th...
Main.EstherBabetteMenz 2021 04 30 Important Phone Numbers for CRYRING@ESR experiments The following list contains some important phone numbers inside of GSI. If ...
The Arnold HV Divider The Arnold HV Divider is a high voltage measurement unit at the electron cooler of CRYRING. It is connected between the HV platform of the E...
Electron cooler current The current measurement for the collector in the ElectronCooler is capable to operate in HV conditions. The signals can be read out either...
Main.EstherBabetteMenz 2021 04 30 Nomenclature at CRYRING@ESR This is an (incomplete) list of nomenclature used at CRYRING@ESR. General All CRYRING@ESR nomencla...
Main.EstherBabetteMenz 2022 03 09 Neutral Imaging The neutral imaging setup at CRYRING is used for beam imaging of singly charged ion beams. It utilizes the intr...
yrlx.cryring.lan yrlx.cryring.lan is a pool of interactive Debian based computers inside the Network at the CRYRING cave and its electronics containers. The n...
Flexible Atomic Code Flexible Atomic Code is a software package written by Ming Feng Gu. We maintain our own installation at the yrlx pool, parallel processing th...
Cluster computing The clustering at the yrlx is a small scale setup for educational purposes and to distribute small or medium sized computational tasks onto all ...
Parametric Current Transformer The parametric current tranformer (PCT, also known as DC Trafo) is a device to measure stored beam intensity in CRYRING@ESR. It has...
CRY_EXP Web Preferences Appearance * Set WEBBGCOLOR = #9ebad0 * web specific background color, current color * Set SITEMAPLIST = on * set to ...
Main.EstherBabetteMenz 2021 05 03 Controls system applications A guide to some control system applications that might be useful during experiments. App Launcher...
" else="GSI Wiki's CRY_EXP web"}% /CRY_EXP
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GSI Wiki's CRY_EXP web
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Topic revision: r1 - 2021-04-30, AndreKerkhoff
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