
The integrating current transformer (ICT, and sometimes also nicknamed the 'AC-Trafo') has two measurement ranges with either 10 or 100 μA maximum. The beam current is transformed into a voltage signal, which itself is transformed to a frequency with the following calibration:
Range μA Calibration
0-10 4.255e-13 A/Hz
0-100 4.255e-12 A/Hz
The frequency at the maximum is 23.5 MHz.

Please note: Clarify with the machine experts, which range is in use, if you record only the frequency signals. The range is available as LSA parameter.

Calibration history

  • Prior to Summer 2021, a different electronics has been in use, where 1MHz = 1uA.

See also

-- MichaelLestinsky - 2022-04-25
Topic revision: r2 - 2024-05-14, MichaelLestinsky
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