Machine Signals

The following shall give an overview of the electronic interfaces at the machine to specific signals, e.g. for data acquisition.

Timing system


Screenshot_2024-03-06_12-52-01.pngThe timing receiver Sddsc204 (replaces Scuxl0319) is located in the electronics hutch of CRYRING (TH2.033). It is equipped with two five-channel timing receiver cards (tr0 and tr1) and can be programmed through Genesys. Outputs are Low-Voltage TTL (+3.3V) and are accessible on a nearby patch panel. The tentative channel assignment is given below.

Channel type Function
tr0:1 Pulse (1μs) Ring injection (#283)
tr0:2 Gate Enable Experiment DAQ (#528 -> #529)
tr0:3 Gate Enable Detector (#530 -> #531)
tr0:4 Gate Enable Target (#526 -> #527)
tr0:5 Gate Enable E-beam (#522 -> #523)
tr1:1 Pulse (1μs) Ring extraction kicker start (#1027)
tr1:2   TBA
tr1:3   TBA
tr1:4   TBA
tr1:5   TBA


Screenshot_2024-03-06_11-47-19.pngA second timing receiver is scuxl0006 and is located inside the HV cage of the ElectronCooler and also running the Genesys class. There are only two channels available, the B1/B2 channels on the SCU card. Their assignment is as follows:
Channel Level Function
B1 TTL Genesys: Hi-Level from CMD_EXP_DAQ_START arrowright CMD_EXP_DAQ_STOP
B2 TTL Genesys: TBA
See also Timing System Event Numbers in the Wiki of the Timing group.

Programming timing receivers

Please first make sure that the events are actually being played by WhiteRabbit: Open ParamModi and see if they are enabled in the "Target Exp" tab. If they are enabled, please use Genesys for programming the Receivers (see also Genesys UserManual.pdf and Timing Wiki: Timing System Event Numbers)

Beam diagnostics

IMG_4417.jpgA patch panel at the top of rack EX3 in the electronics hutch (TH2.033) is interfacing with signals from the BeamDiagnostics electronics room (connectors: BNC-50Ω) The assignment of the channels is semi-permanent and as follows:

Channel Signal Direction Signal type Description
1 Exp MOVED TO... NIM Lassie ch: YR00DA1ZA (Particle detector count rate from experiment)
2 Exp arrowright NIM Lassie ch: YR00DA1ZB
3 Exp arrowright NIM Lassie ch: YR00DA1ZC (Cooler collector current)
4 Exp arrowright NIM Lassie ch: YR00DA1ZD (Cooler platform voltage)
5     reserved
6     reserved
7     reserved
8     reserved
9 MOVED TO... Exp NIM horizontal IonizationProfileMonitor MCP count rate (IPM)
10 MOVED TO... Exp NIM vertical IPM count rate
11 MOVED TO... Exp NIM ParametricCurrentTransformer
12 MOVED TO... Exp NIM IntegratingCurrentTransformer integral
13 MOVED TO... Exp NIM BeamPositionMonitor integral
14 MOVED TO... Exp NIM Schottky "Span-0"
15 MOVED TO... Exp NIM CryRadio
16 MOVED TO... Exp NIM RingRF
Please note that NIM signals use a current-based logic with negative pulse for "true" (at −16 mA into 50 ohms = −0.8 volts) and 0 mA for "false" (see also Nuclear Instrumentation Modulewikipedia.)

Detailed information on the beam diagnostics system can be found in the documents folder of CRYRING Sharepoint at Technical Documents and Literature/Diagnostics/ReferenceDocuments.

Experiment Signals


I Attachment Action Size Date Who Comment
Genesys <a class="foswikiNewLink" href="/edit/CRY_EXP/UserManual?topicparent=CRY_EXP.MachineSignals" rel="nofollow" title="Create this topic">UserManual</a>.pdfpdf Genesys UserManual.pdf manage 119 K 2024-02-26 - 19:11 MichaelLestinsky Genesys UserManual
Screenshot_2024-03-06_11-47-19.pngpng Screenshot_2024-03-06_11-47-19.png manage 76 K 2024-03-06 - 11:48 MichaelLestinsky scuxl0006 Genesys screenshot
Screenshot_2024-03-06_12-52-01.pngpng Screenshot_2024-03-06_12-52-01.png manage 142 K 2024-03-06 - 12:52 MichaelLestinsky sddsc204 Genesys screenshot
Topic revision: r28 - 2024-05-14, MichaelLestinsky
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