Configure mailreaders on Linux These instructions are explaining how to access your mailbox on the GSI MS Exchange server. Actually they are not specific to Excha...
How to print with CUPS Starting with Debian Squeeze we migrated to a new printserver using the Common Unix Print System (CUPS). CUPS offer...
Introduction Git is a version control system (VCS) similar to Subversion and CVS. The major difference compared to SubVersion (and the like) is its distributed ap...
CernVM FS The distribution of custom software for user groups on the HPC infrastructure is provided using the Cern Virtual Machine File System (CernVM FS). CernV...
GSI Wiki.Linux Web Preferences The following settings are web preferences of the GSI Wiki.Linux web. These preferences overwrite the site level preferences in ., ...
Since older versions of Debian Linux are supported for a limited time only, we are forced to update all Linux systems at regular intervals. Debian Releases (→ Deb...
Debian@GSI We are running Debian GNU/Linux, primarily DebianBullseye and DebianBookworm at the moment. For further information on our road map take a look at the ...
Notification service GSI Wiki provides you with a facility to be automatically notified by e mail when topics change in this Linux web. This is a convenient servi...
Status as of 2024 05 * Core OS: production * Desktops: preliminary production – reinstallation at the IT workshop required * Central login pool: lxbullse...
Status (as of 2024 05): * Core systems: preparations have finished * BookwormUpgrade phase started for evaluation * Desktop Support: in preparation * ...
Linux at GSI Contact * The Linux group announces operational issues on status * Important issues are also communicated via the GSI LIN...
OpenSSL OpenSSL is a cryptography toolkit implementing the Secure Sockets Layer (SSL v2/v3) and Transport Layer Security (TLS v1) network protocols and related cr...
For the VirgoCluster IT provides multiple container based OS images to choose from. See environment Th...
Software policy On a Linux system, there's technically no problem to install software in arbitrary location i. e. your HomeDirectory. On the other hand it mig...
Software wish list The software wishlist is outdated. The possibilities to request software are described in the SoftWare policy. Main.ChristopherHuhn, Main.Tho...
Software Environment The primary source of software installed on GSI IT's Linux computers are Debian packages. For other software or additional versions we utiliz...
Mounting USB devices with pmount Usually USB devices are recognized and mounted automatically. If this does not happen, you may use pmount to mount the device man...
Tips and Tricks for KDE KDE 5 (Plasma) config files While older versions of KDE put all configuration data in ~/.kde, KDE Plasma is using ~/.config for storing ...
Software in /cvmfs We do no longer maintain a list of software installed in CVMFS. You can access the old list here. The CvmFs Server and Repository organisation ...
GSI Linux filesystems Home file systems For personal data like source code, analysis tools ... * All home file systems are backed up daily * Space is limi...
Erste Schritte mit einem Linux Rechner der GSI Zahlreiche Informationen zur Verwendung eines Benutzerkontos der GSI finden sich auf der offiziellen GSI Webseite ...
First steps with Linux at GSI Numerous information about using your account at GSI is available on the official GSI web page: service # Log...
Central Revision Control System Subversion As a central version control system we are running a subversion server Repository service policy Re...
Debian mirror at GSI The HPC Department maintains a mirror of the Debian Archive for software deployment on the LinuxFarm. The archives are available for use insi...
Desktop PCs with Linux GSI IT offers desktop installations with Debian Linux. * central authentication * Central home directories and other shared FileSyste...
Browser Test mailto mailto:linux service #64; Java plugin Dieser Browser ignoriert den = applet = Tag nicht! Shockwave Flash plugin Object...
Some useful tips for the XFCE desktop Using Xfce Terminal instead of Konsole Open "Xfce Menu" "Settings" "Preferred Applications", click on tab "Utilities" a...