Virtual Application Environment

For the Virgo Compute Cluster IT provides multiple container-based OS images to choose from.


The software in theses VAEs is normally provided via spack. The software provided by spack is also available on the interactive LinuxFarm but has to be initialized:

» . /cvmfs/

This will make spack available and software packages can be searched and loaded.

» spack list
3dtk                            opencarp                                  py-stevedore
3proxy                          opencascade                               py-stomp-py
7zip                            opencl-c-headers                          py-stopit
openal-soft                     py-statsmodels                            zziplib
openbabel                       py-stdlib-list
openblas                        py-stestr
==> 6754 packages
» spack find gcc
-- linux-debian10-x86_64 / gcc@8.3.0 ----------------------------
gcc@10.2.0  gcc@12.2.0
==> 2 installed packages
» spack load gcc@12.2.0
» gcc --version
gcc (Spack GCC) 12.2.0

-- Christo – 2021-2023
Topic revision: r2 - 2023-03-20, ChristopherHuhn - This page was cached on 2024-12-22 - 17:24.

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