CbmWiki |
http://cbm-wiki.gsi.de/cgi-bin/view/$page |
Topic '$page' in the CBM Wiki |
CephDocs |
https://docs.ceph.com/en/latest/$page |
Ceph documentation '$page' |
$label |
ChefCookbook |
https://wiki.gsi.de/LXadmin/ChefCookbook?name=$page |
Chef cookbook '$page' |
$page |
ChefDataBag |
https://chef.hpc.gsi.de/organizations/hpc/data_bags/$page |
Chef data bag '$page' |
$label |
ChefDocs |
https://docs.chef.io/$page |
Chef documentation for '$page' |
$label |
ChefNode |
https://wiki.gsi.de/LXadmin/RedirectToMachine?fqdn=$page |
Chef node '$page' |
$page |
ChefRole |
https://wiki.gsi.de/LXadmin/ChefRole?name=$page |
Chef role '$page' |
$page |
ChefSupermarket |
https://supermarket.chef.io/cookbooks/$page |
Cookbook '$page' on Chef Supermarket |
$label |
DebBug |
https://bugs.debian.org/$page |
Debian bug #$page |
$label |
Debian |
https://www.debian.org/$page |
Debian page '$page' |
$label |
DebianBug |
https://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=$page |
Debian bug '$page' |
$label |
DebianSalsa |
https://salsa.debian.org/$page |
Salsa repository for Debian package '$page' |
$label |
DebianWiki |
https://wiki.debian.org/$page |
Topic '$page' in the Debian Wiki |
$label |
DebPkg |
https://packages.debian.org/$page |
Information about Debian package '$page' |
$label |
DockerHub |
https://hub.docker.com/$page |
Hub of Docker images for '$page' |
FaiConfig |
https://git.gsi.de/hpc/fai/fai_config/-/tree/stretch/$page |
FAI config file '$page' |
$label |
Git |
https://git.gsi.de/$page |
Git repo '$page' on git.gsi.de |
$label |
GitHub |
https://github.com/$page |
'$page' on Github |
$label |
GitLab |
https://git.gsi.de/$page |
Git repo '$page' on git.gsi.de |
$label |
GitOrious |
https://git.gsi.de/$page |
Git repo '$page on git.gsi.de (lagacy gitorious reference) |
$label |
GitProject |
https://git.gsi.de/$page |
Git repo '$page' on git.gsi.de |
$label |
GsiDbDetail |
https://ona.gsi.de/?search=$page |
Info about '$page' in GSI's device database |
GsiDbPerson |
http://www-oracle.gsi.de/pls/gsi/G_QUERY_V2.geraeteliste?p_Verantwortlicher=%25$page%25 |
Information about the devices in GSI's device database for which '$page' is responsible. |
GsiDe |
https://www.gsi.de/$page |
Page '$page' on GSI's homepage |
$label |
GsiDeFile |
https://www.gsi.de/fileadmin/$page |
File '$page' from GSI's homepage |
$label |
HadesWiki |
http://hades-wiki.gsi.de/cgi-bin/view/$page |
Topic '$page' in the Hades Wiki |
HeiseIX |
https://www.heise.de/ix/meldung/$page |
Heise IX-Meldung '$page' |
$label |
HeiseNews |
https://www.heise.de/newsticker/meldung/$page |
Heise-News-Meldung '$page' |
$label |
HeiseSec |
https://www.heise.de/security/meldung/$page |
Heise-Security-Meldung '$page' |
$label |
Indico |
https://indico.gsi.de/$page |
GSI/FAIR Indico page '$page' |
$label |
Jitsi |
https://jitsi.gsi.de/$page |
Meeting '$page' on Jitsi@GSI |
$page |
LinuxKernel |
https://git.kernel.org/cgit/linux/kernel/git/torvalds/linux.git/tree/ |
File '$page' in the Linux kernel source tree |
LinuxQuestion |
https://www.linuxquestions.org/questions/$page/ |
Linux question '$page' |
$label |
LustreWiki |
http://wiki.lustre.org/index.php?title=$page |
Topic '$page' in the Lustre Wiki |
Man |
http://manpages.debian.org/cgi-bin/man.cgi?query=$page |
'$page' manpage |
$page |
MariaDB |
https://mariadb.com/$page |
Page '$page' from MariaDB |
$label |
MariaDBJira |
https://jira.mariadb.org/browse/$page |
Jira ticket '$page' for MariaDB |
$label |
MariaDBOrg |
https://mariadb.org/$page |
Page '$page' from MariaDB |
$label |
Mattermost |
https://mattermost.gsi.de/$page |
Mattermost page '$page' |
$label |
MattermostChannel |
https://mattermost.gsi.de/gsi/channels/$page |
Mattermost channel '$page' |
$label |
NustarWiki |
http://nustar-wiki.gsi.de/cgi-bin/view/$page |
Topic '$page' in the Nustar Wiki |
OnaHost |
https://ona.gsi.de/?search=$page |
Info about host '$page' from GSI's IPAM database |
OnaSubnet |
https://ona.gsi.de/?work_space=display_subnet&subnet=$page |
Info about subnet '$page' from GSI's IPAM database |
OpenDev |
https://opendev.org/$page |
OpenDev page '$page' |
$label |
OpenStackDocs |
https://docs.openstack.org/$page |
OpenStack documentation '$page' |
$label |
Oreilly |
https://www.oreilly.de/$page |
O'Reilly page '$page' |
$label |
https://it-tts.gsi.de/otrs/index.pl?Action=AgentTicketZoom&TicketNumber=$page |
GSI TTS Ticket '$page' |
$label |
PandaWiki |
http://panda-wiki.gsi.de/cgi-bin/view/$page |
Topic '$page' in the Panda Wiki |
RedmineIssue |
https://redmine.hpc.gsi.de/issues/$page |
Issue '$page' on redmine.hpc.gsi.de |
$label |
RedmineMilestone |
https://redmine.hpc.gsi.de/versions/$page |
Milestone '$page' on redmine.hpc.gsi.de |
$label |
RedmineProject |
https://redmine.hpc.gsi.de/projects/$page |
Project '$page' on redmine.hpc.gsi.de |
$label |
Seafile |
https://sf.gsi.de/$page/ |
Seafile '$page' |
$label |
SeafileGroup |
https://sf.gsi.de/group/$page/ |
Seafile group '$page' |
$label |
SeafileLibrary |
https://sf.gsi.de/library/$page/ |
Seafile library '$page' |
$label |
SvnAdmin |
https://redmine.hpc.gsi.de/projects/hpc/repository/gsi-admin/show/trunk/$page |
'$page' in the gsi-admin SVN repository |
SvnAdminRev |
https://redmine.hpc.gsi.de/projects/hpc/repository/revisions/$page/diff |
Changeset of revision '$page' in the gsi-admin subversion repository |
SvnOracleAcc |
https://subversion.gsi.de/oracle/trunk/db-test/GSIACCOUNTS/GSIACCOUNTS.$page |
Oracle Subversion repository for GSIACCOUNTS (db-test). Do not forget extension (.VW,. .FNC, .PBS,...) |
SvnOracleAdb |
https://subversion.gsi.de/oracle/trunk/scripts+Doc/Benutzerdatenbank/$page |
Oracle Subversion repository for scripts and Docs for Benutzerdatenbank |
SvnOracleCAFM |
https://subversion.gsi.de/oracle/trunk/db-test/GSI_CAFM/GSI_CAFM.$page |
Oracle Subversion repository for GSI_CAFM(db-test). Do not forget extension (.VW,. .FNC, .PBS,...) |
SvnOracleCDB |
https://subversion.gsi.de/cdb/oracle/cdbdev/$page |
Oracle Subversion repository for Component Database |
SvnOracleGdb |
https://subversion.gsi.de/oracle/trunk/scripts+Doc/Ger%c3%a4tedatenbank/$page |
Oracle Subversion repository for scripts and Docs for Gerätedatebank |
SvnOracleGsiAdmin |
https://subversion.gsi.de/oracle/trunk/db-test/GSIADMIN/GSIADMIN.$page |
Oracle Subversion repository for GSIADMIN (db-test) (Gerätedatenbank). Do not forget extension (.VW,. .FNC, .PBS,...) |
SvnOracleUtl |
https://subversion.gsi.de/oracle/trunk/db-test/GSI_UTILS/GSI_UTILS.$page |
Oracle Subversion repository for GSI_UTILS (db-test) Do not forget extension (.VW,. .FNC, .PBS,...) |
SvnOracleWeb |
https://subversion.gsi.de/oracle/trunk/db-test/GSI_WEB_ADMIN/GSI_WEB_ADMIN.$page |
Oracle Subversion repository for GSI_WEB_ADMIN (db-test) Do not forget extension (.VW,. .FNC, .PBS,...) |
ThomasKrenn |
https://www.thomas-krenn.com/$page |
Page '$page' on thomas-krenn.com |
$label |
TTSQueue |
https://it-tts.gsi.de/otrs/index.pl?Action=AgentTicketQueue;QueueID=$page;View=Preview |
TTS Queue '$page' |
$label |
Twitter |
http://twitter.com/$page |
Twitter messages from '$page' |
$label |
Tel |
http://www-aix.gsi.de/tel/index.php?wiki=$page |
GSI phone book |
Trac |
http://trac.edgewall.org/wiki/$page |
Topic '$page' in the Trac documentation Wiki |
Wictionary |
https://en.wiktionary.org/wiki/$page |
Topic '$page' on Wictionary |
$label |
WictionaryDE |
https://de.wiktionary.org/wiki/$page |
Topic '$page' on Wictionary (german) |
$label |
Wikipedia |
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/$page |
Topic '$page' on Wikipedia |
$label |
WikipediaDe |
https://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/$page |
Topic '$page' on Wikipedia (german) |
$label |
WikipediaEn |
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/$page |
Topic '$page' on Wikipedia (english) |
$label |
YouTubeWatch |
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=$page |
A video on YouTube |
$label |