GSI Linux filesystems

Home file systems

For personal data like source code, analysis tools ...
  • All home file systems are backed up daily
  • Space is limited: Do not store mass data (e.g. output of simulations, experiment data) in the home file system
  • A graphical tool for displaying the biggest files and directories is filelight (see TipsTrash also).


  • Central user home file system on dedicated file servers with fast disks and RAID protection
  • Capacity of 80 GB per user
  • This system is shared among all users.
  • Misuse is a kind of a denial of service attack! The following conditions will be regarded as misuse:
    • Your data occupies more than 80 GByte for more than 7 days or
    • Your data occupies more than 86 GByte
  • If your account causes a denial of service attack:
    • The volume of your user home directory will be write protected by an automatic procedure
    • To reenable you account after a denial of service attack you have to guarantee that you are able to avoid such a situation

info When write access has been blocked, you cannot start a graphical session any more. To delete files and regain access by KDE or XFCE you have to
  • login via SSH or su if you still have access to another computer
  • or login to a text console (switch by pressing [Ctrl]+[Alt]+[F1] and back with [Ctrl]+[Alt]+[F7])

info Get information about your disk quota on the command line with "df -h ~".

Software file systems

Here, software is installed centrally to make it available to all users. This software is not available or distributed by DebianPackageManagement.


Starting from 2012, CVMFS is replacing /usr/local-Installations throughout the Linux farm.

Please check the web page for more information about it (installed software, usage, etc.).

Data file systems

Volumes for the mass data with a capacity of about 100 TB up to some PB
  • output of simulations
  • experiment data


  • HPC file system /lustre/
  • For experiment and simulation data
  • There is no automatic backup for data on Lustre. It is recommended to archive important data to the tape library manually.
  • For more information take a look at LustreFs.


  • Linux global scratch file system
  • files are not permanent but will be deleted periodically (see cleanup policy below)


  • local partition for storing temporary data
  • used by system processes, also available for local users
  • files are not permanent but will be deleted periodically (see cleanup policy below)


  • local partition for storing user data
  • not distributed to other hosts
  • no backup of content (will be lost in case of hard drive crashes)

Cleanup policy for files on /tmp and /s

Host File system Removal of files
all hosts /s 30 days after last access to file. A minimum of 20 % free space will be kept free (files with a timestamp smaller than 30 days (29, 28, ...) are removed
lxb..., lxi... /tmp 30 days after last access to file. A minimum of 20 % free space will be kept free (files with a timestamp smaller than 30 days (29, 28, ...) are removed
all other hosts /tmp A minimum of 20 % free space will be kept free (oldest files are removed)
all hosts /data.local none

Deprecated file systems

Data file systems /d/ (being phased out)

  • Linux data file systems on RAID systems on dedicated file servers
  • Large volumes able to handle experiment - and simulation data
  • Fileservers are bought by experiment collaborations, administration is done by the LinuxGroup, volumes are typically accessible as /d/groupnamesomenumber
  • No automatic backup of the data is organised. Of course, you can archive data on the tape library manually.
  • You share a volume with up to 100 users of your group. Parallel and concurrent read/write acesss will significantly slow down the I/O performance. Optimise your analysis to avoid parallel I/O with a high number of batch jobs writing on the same volume. Your colleagues will not be happy, if you bring down the I/O speed on your groups file server by writing to it with 500 batch jobs in parallel ...

Home file systems /misc/ (being phased out)

  • Distributed home file system on local computer
  • Your /misc/ home will be exported via NFS to the whole linux farm
  • Only people with linux desktop computer can participate in the distributed home file system
  • Space is limited to 20 GByte due to the limited capacity of the backup system.
  • Main advantage compared to the /u/system:
    • You are the only user on the disk. No other user can block you or share the disk access
    • Use the full speed of your disk without network bottleneck or concurrent access of other users.
  • Disadvantage
    • If the local disk fails, all data since the last backup are lost. You cannot continue to work until a new disk is built in and your data are restored from the backup.
    • You will not be able to login to any cluster node if your desktop PC is turned off/unavailable.

ALERT! Usage of this file system is deprecated, we will not create any new /misc file system. Existing /misc file systems will be moved to the central /u file servers.

Historical file systems

Software file systems /usr/local (decommissioned)

Contrary to its naming /usr/local/ is a volume mounted via NFS from a central server all over the LinuxFarm.

For an incomplete software list see SoftwareInUsrLocal.

-- Christo, ThomasRoth, WalterSchoen -- 2004 - 2022
Topic revision: r55 - 2022-08-03, ChristopherHuhn - This page was cached on 2024-10-15 - 13:48.

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