General Machine Timing System at GSI and FAIR The FAIR facility involves a long chain of accelerators which need to be tightly synchronized. This is achieved by t...
Balloon Release (OUTDATED) The Balloon Release is NOT COMPATIBLE with the snapshot "January 2016" or previous releases or snapshots. If you want to test or integr...
Cherry Release V4 (OUTDATED) The Cherry Release is partly compatible with the the Balloon release. * ECA et al should be compatible * But ... * there ...
Doomsday Release (DEPRECATED) Previous releases are Asterisk, Balloon and Cherry. This release is replaced by Enigma. New features and bug fixes in Doomsday Rel...
How To: Building and Deployment for Linux Boxes and SCU Most of the code has been developed in the context of the White Rabbit Project and is hosted by the Open H...
How To: Flash a Timing Receiver with a Gateware/Firmware Image TL;DR * disable all software on the host (FESA, saftd, ...) * SCU only: disable the watchdog...
Main.EnkhboldOchirsuren 17 Oct 2024 How To: Burst generation this functionality is under development and not available in any release A simple solution for gener...
How To: saft clk gen Introduction This tool is intended to generate clock trains for fixed frequencies. It uses a simple DDS embedded in the timing receivers gat...
How To: saft io ctl Introduction Use this tool to configure I/Os and setup rules for I/Os in the ECA. Usage IO CTL for SAFTlib Usage: saft io ctl OPTIONS Ar...
How To: Connecting a Timing Receiver to the White Rabbit Network A timing receiver MUST NOT be connected to a White Rabbit network without authorization. Authori...
How To: Poor Humans TIF An Ugly Temporary TIF Workaround for the 2021, 2022, 2023, 2024 and 2025 Beam Times Introduction As there is currently no replacement f...
How To: Gateway Data Master UNILAC Pulszentrale Betrieb Kurzversion * das Gateway ist primitiv * am Gateway kann man nichts einstellen * das Gateway w...
Groups and Machines Figure: Overview on GSI accelerators. Click here for a larger image. Overview Accelerator equipment relevant for the control system is organi...
GSI Timing Team Core members of the GSI Timing Team are: F. Ameil: team leader D. Beck: operation, tools and docs, legacy stuff for UNILAC, bunch 2 bucket transfe...
HOW TOs This is just a unrevised collection. The purpose is to write down some things, before we forget them... Timing System The recommended official interface ...
How To: Monitoring via Web Pages DEPRECATED Introduction This How To describes how to do monitoring via web pages. Access Some web pages are only accessible on ...
How To: UNILAC Chopper Firmware and Monitoring Introduction The main documentation about the (new) UNILAC chopper can be found here. This how to describes th...
MIL Event Telegram Format Introduction The 'old' GSI control system used a field bus that is an extension of the MIL STD 1553 field bus 1 . At GSI, this 'MIL bu...
How To: Gateway Data Master UNILAC Pulszentrale Konfiguration und Rufbereitschaft Hinweis Ein How To zur Diagnose der UNILAC Pulszentrale gibt es hier. Hintergr...
White Rabbit Switch 802.1X MAC Authentication Introduction This is a standard feature of 'normal' network switches from Cisco, HP, ... and involves a remote Radi...
GPSDO The GPSDO serves as a primary reference time source for the timing system. Amongst the interfaces, there are three Gigabit Ethernet ports for NTP servers. ...
Simple API For Timing (SaftLib) Simple API For Timing (SAFT). The design and implementation of SaftLib is a major project. Introduction The key features SaftLib ...
How To: White Rabbit to MIL Gateway Introduction This is How To about the White Rabbit to MIL Gateway, wr mil. The how to of the 50 Hz synchronization of UNILAC ...
"wr unipz" is a component of the MIL based UNILAC 'Pulszentrale' (UNIPZ). As a field bus, it does not use the MIL 'Event' bus but a White Rabbit network. Logicall...
Acronyms These acronyms are focused on the timing system, but may contain other acronyms of the accelerator complex as well. Unclear Acronyms acronyms to be clar...
The Timing System and its Context in the Accelerator Control System What is described here has been compiled from the Common Specifications for the Accelerator Co...
Introduction to the General Machine Timing System The FAIR facility involves a long chain of accelerators which need to be tightly synchronized. An important cons...
HOW TO: Use xdot to analyze schedules Based on Graphviz dot language there is the tool xdot. A GSI fork of xdot (one of 136 forks) enhances this to analyze schedu...
UNILAC Chopper Firmware and Monitoring Introduction The main documentation about the (new) UNILAC chopper can be found here. This wiki page only describes som...
WR F50: Synchronizing the White Rabbit Data Master to 50 Hz Mains Introduction Stability of Linac RF systems are vital for a stable operation of UNILAC. As many ...
Gateway Data Master UNILAC PZ (dm unipz) Introduction dm unipz 'dm unipz' is the interface between the White Rabbit based Data Master und the MIL based UNILAC ...
WR MIL Gateway Introduction The White Rabbit to MIL gateway can work in one GID only. Its main features are. * listen to so called legacy event numbers, EvtNo...
Fallout Release Previous releases are Asterisk, Balloon, Cherry, Doomsday and Enigma New features and bug fixes in Fallout Release * 2020 Aug 31: v6.0.0 alph...
Timing Receiver: Usage For using a Timing Receiver (TR) please follow the directions here. What is Needed * TR hardware, see here what is supported by the cur...
(Some) Basics of Networking and White Rabbit The prime source for information for White Rabbit project is the Open Hardware Repository. The aim of this page is to...
Data Master, UNILAC PZ and Various Gateways An Overview Introduction Today (December 2021) there exist two Machine Timing Systems at GSI. First, the General Ma...
How To: White Rabbit UNILAC PZ (wr unipz) Coding and Deployment Introduction Stack of the White Rabbit Pulszentrale Figure: Overview on the White Rabbit Pul...
Timing Messages Format of a Timing Message Timing messages is a term describing the input to a Timing Receiver (TR) that possibly leads to generation of a so cal...
Event Numbers Overview Event numbers serve as IDs for actions performed by the control system. Existing Facility Information about event numbers used by the ex...
Data Master Manuals DM Technote: DM Manual. A DM Firmware and API Documentation. WIP, about 80% complete. Still trying to keep up with all the implemented feature...
Documentation Data Master Test System Hardware SuperMicro fel0069 The data master for the test system is hosted on SuperMicro fel0069 with two PEXARIA5d (fel006...
How to run and develop tests for the Datamaster General Framework The tests for the datamaster are designed for use during development of datamaster features and...
Einleitung Das Gateway hat die Aufgabe, das zeitbasierte White Rabbit Timingsystem mit der eventbasierten UNILAC Pulszentrale (UNIPZ) zu verbinden. Bei UNIPZ wurd...