How-To: Connecting a Timing Receiver to the White Rabbit Network

A timing receiver MUST NOT be connected to a White Rabbit network without authorization.

Authorization requires a REGISTRATION REQUEST!

Registration Request

We don't require a special form or paper. Just send a mail to including the following information.
  • identifier of timing receiver; please provide us at least with one of the three options below
    • preferred: MAC of timing receiver (try 'eb-mon dev/wbm0 -m'); example '70:b3:d5:63:50:8b', or
    • SCU only: name of SCU; example 'scuxl0815', or
    • CID of timing receiver: example 'CID 55 0108 0189-5'
  • contact name of person to be contacted in case we identify issues with the timing receiver
  • location and purpose; example 'TH.17.234, Rack42, CRYRING Kicker'
  • non-SCU only: name of host system; example 'sdlibera4711'

Authorization Verification

Quick test: Just query the GSI name server
# nslookup      // example SCU
# nslookup      // example non-SCU
                    |    |----------------   // note the 'timing'  
                    |---------------------   // note the 't'    
If the name server is unable to resolve the name, the timing receiver MUST NOT be connected.


Timing receivers not following the policies will be disconnected.

-- DietrichBeck - 12 March 2025
Topic revision: r16 - 2025-03-12, DietrichBeck
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