__ Introduction Command descriptions of command == SPI Api Basic Operation Principle * General Operation The SPI command set allows to operate the Se...
__ Introduction Command description of the API command RGWR for HadCon2 . With the help of the RGWR command, you could set every register on the mcu AT90CAN128 ...
__ Introduction Command description of the API command RGRE for HadCon2. With the help of the RGRE command, you could get the current status of every register ...
HadCon Protocol Protocol General CPU Controller The communication consists of short command keywords, e.g. HELP, SEND, SPI, etc, followed by (optiona...
__ Introduction skipped Objective: Install podman on lxhaddcs10 running only debian 9 * skipped, due to upgrade of debian on some lxhaddcsxy to debian 10 ...
step by step EPICS installations at GSI GSI Prerequisites Things you have to prepare and conditions you have to fulfill before being able to start any inst...
OWADC1 1 wire 8 channel ADC board Introduction OWADC1 is a small, compact board designed by M.Traxler and S.Voltz (GSI/EE) to provide an 8 channel, max. 1...
__ Introduction serial device settings switch off every possible hidden manipulation feature usbdev dynamic device symlink and proper access rights udev/u...
__ Introduction Using dhclient exit hooks scripts allows to force an update of the system date using ntp/ntpd. Similar to dhclient and its scripting capabilit...
__ Introduction Code section to be included directly in front of a section to be hidden at beginning. Can be included via %INCLUDE{"ToolsHiddenSection" section="...
__ Introduction * since SD card sizes of the "same" size but different vendors vary, up to "full ~256MByte" * do it by hand, using fdisk and resize2f...
EPICS at GSI Welcome to the home of Epics at GSI. This is a web based collaboration area for documentation on EPICS infrastructure and projects at GSI. What i...
How to read this HowTo The entrance point (the point with which to start) depends of course on your system installation which may already have the EPICS base inst...
Hardware Platforms Introduction ... (to be included) Introduction In contrast to the standard EPICS installations, cross compiler and several other things are ...
HADES DAQ Monitor Introduction The HADES data acquisition system is based on the trbnet architecture. Its status and controls are accessed via the command (shell...
GSI Installations (This section is cut out from the main website, since it is going to replaced) GSI installations EPICS is installed on serveral group servers. ...
EPICS Example IOC Applicaton This page documents the first steps to an example IOC Application Following the example given in chapter 2 section 2.2 of the EPI...
EPICS Links EPICS main hompage EPICS Wiki EPICS Lecture Series EPICS 2005 workshop V4 plans Medm Manual Record Manual EPICS documents on my own homepage M...
__ use of msi with multiple template files To produce a single db file from multiple template files it is sufficient to include in the Makefile in the app/Db d...
__ new IOC command The general way how to add a new IOC command, which can be used inside the IOC Shell is described in Chapter 18.3 IOC Shell IOC Shell Pr...
Links and Documentations * This topic is intended to collect (mostly external) links in general and links to tutorials, manuals and HOW TOs ... feel free to ad...
It turned out that it's not working as described in the HowTo mentioned above... next try: There are examples under Examples Download. Next try ono of those... I ...
WhyTwoExtensions This is due to the history of EPICS and the change of directory stucture. See here and there for more details! PICS R3.14 extensions directory st...
__ Introduction EPICS web pages The center of gravity of EPICS is at APS, the Advanced Photon Source of the Argonne National Lab. The EPICS Home Page at APS bu...
step by step EPICS installations at GSI ... on user account epics on Linux sarge system On the Linux system at GSI there are: * an user account epics to ...
DABC extension to the EPICS DIM interface Introduction Based upon the existing EPICS DIM interface several data structures provided by DABC (Data Acquisition ...
Connecting LabVIEW and EPICS Introduction Up to know we know about those existing solutions (you are free to add more and document it, you might have to regis...
__ Introduction The command line to change silence usb communication settings to the minimum stty stty F opost onlcr isig icanon iexten echo echoe ech...
EPICS Installation @ GSI: global Environment Variables During Setup Check Just the code \ Check installation environment variables\ echo n '%$env_DUMMY%: %$e...
EPICS DIM Interface Introduction The basic idea of this device support module for EPICS is to provide an interface to the DIM protocol in order to read/write EPI...
__ Introduction This projects objective is the control of the slow control parameters of an APFEL ASIC with the HadCon2 controller board, which itself could b...