MOTIF_INC=/usr/include</td> <td> into </td> <td>%CODE{"makefile"}%
#MOTIF_INC=/usr/include</td> </tr></table></span>
<div style="background-color:#f8f8f8;padding:0.5ex;border:thin solid #808080;margin:1.0ex;margin-left:2.5ex;padding-left:1ex;padding-right:1ex"> <code style="color:#008000;font-weight:bold">
if [ ! -z $EDITOR ];
<br /> then
<br /> $EDITOR $EPICS_EXTENSIONS/configure/os/CONFIG_SITE.linux-x86.linux-x86 <br /> else
<br /> echo '$EDITOR' undefined ... exiting;
<br /> fi
<div style="text-align:right">-- Main.PeterZumbruch - 24 November 2008</div>
<div style="text-align:right;"><span style="font-weight:bold;font-size:smaller;padding:0.2ex 1ex 0.1ex 1ex;background-color:#d0d0d0">[[#PageTop][Back to top]]</span></div>
<a name="MEDM"></a> <!-- Anchor -->
---++++ <nop><nop>MEDM - Motif Editor and Display Manager -- Version: (09 September 2008)
* Set MEDM_LAST_CHANGE_ON = 09 September 2008
* Set MEDM_LAST_CHANGE_BY = Main.PeterZumbruch
* Set MEDM_TITLE = <nop>MEDM - Motif Editor and Display Manager
* Set MEDM_SRCNAME = MEDM - Motif Editor and Display Manager
* Set MEDM_VERSIONDATE = May 7th, 2008
* Set MEDM_DOWNLOADADRESS = https://epics-controls.org/extensions/medm/index.php
* Set MEDM_DIRECTDOWNLOADADRESS = https://epics-controls.org/download/extensions
* Set MEDM_TARFILENAME = medm3_1_2_2.tar.gz
* Set MEDM_FILESTOEDIT_1 = $EPICS_EXTENSIONS/configure/os/CONFIG_SITE.linux-x86.linux-x86
* Set MEDM_FILESTOEDIT_1_BEFORE = %CODE{"makefile"}%
- Set MEDM_FILESTOEDIT_2 = $EPICS_EXTENSIONS/src/medm3_1_2_2/xc/WheelSwitch.c
Widget _XmGetTabGroup();
/*Widget _XmGetTabGroup();*/
#define _XmGetTabGroup !XmGetTabGroup
- Set MEDM_FILESTOEDIT_3 = $EPICS_EXTENSIONS/src/medm3_1_2_2/xc/Matrix.c
void _XmDrawShadow();
- Set MEDM_FILESTOEDIT_3_AFTER = commenting out:
/*void _XmDrawShadow();*/
- Set MEDM_DOCS = https://epics-controls.org/EpicsDocumentation/ExtensionsManuals/MEDM/MEDM.html
- Set MEDM_DOCS_TITLE = MEDM Reference Manual
- Set MEDM_ID = MEDM - Motif Editor and Display Manager Version: (09 September 2008)
Extension Top Conform
(Click to expand detailed description)
(Click to retract)
- Set EPICS variables, if not yet done:
(e.g. assuming the <EPICS home dir> to be ~epics/EPICS-3.14.10 , and running version 3.14.10 ) $> export MYEPICS_VERSION=3.14.10 $> . epicslogin.sh -v -H ~epics/EPICS-${MYEPICS_VERSION} ${MYEPICS_VERSION}
- To make things easier, first export the environment variable
EPICS_DOWNLOAD_DIR containing the path to the download directory: $> export EPICS_DOWNLOAD_DIR=<Download Directory> Then create download directory, if not yet existing: $> mkdir -p $EPICS_DOWNLOAD_DIR/extensions/medm
- Download the latest version of MEDM - Motif Editor and Display Manager (version as of May 7th, 2008 is
from: https://epics-controls.org/extensions/medm/index.php to the directory $EPICS_DOWNLOAD_DIR/extensions/medm
- To avoid further problems, set the correct group (if you are a member of it (GSI specific)):
epicsadm $> groups | grep -q -w epicsadm && chgrp -R epicsadm $EPICS_DOWNLOAD_DIR/extensions/medm
- and also set the correct rights:
$> find $EPICS_DOWNLOAD_DIR/extensions/medm -user $(id -n -u) -exec chmod ug+rw {} \;
- Having followed the instructions for the Prerequisites for Extensions you should have in your
<Extensions Directory> (= $EPICS_EXTENSIONS ) a subdirectory src .
- Untar and unpack the file to
$EPICS_EXTENSIONS/src $> cd $EPICS_EXTENSIONS/src && tar -xzvf $EPICS_DOWNLOAD_DIR/extensions/medm/medm3_1_2_2.tar.gz
- Adopt make settings in
$EPICS_EXTENSIONS/src/Makefile== Edit the assignment statement so the right hand side of the assignment exactly matches the name of the subdirectory containing that extension. Change ==EXTENSION_MEDM = medm to EXTENSION_MEDM = medm3_1_2_2 if [ ! -z $EDITOR ]; then $EDITOR $EPICS_EXTENSIONS/src/Makefile else echo '$EDITOR' undefined ... exiting; fi
- now edit the file(s)
$EPICS_EXTENSIONS/configure/os/CONFIG_SITE.linux-x86.linux-x86 Change the block X11_LIB=/usr/lib
MOTIF_INC=/usr/include</td> <td> into </td> <td>%CODE{"makefile"}%
#MOTIF_INC=/usr/include</td> </tr></table></span>
<div style="background-color:#f8f8f8;padding:0.5ex;border:thin solid #808080;margin:1.0ex;margin-left:2.5ex;padding-left:1ex;padding-right:1ex"> <code style="color:#008000;font-weight:bold"> if [ ! -z $EDITOR ];
<br /> then
<br /> $EDITOR $EPICS_EXTENSIONS/configure/os/CONFIG_SITE.linux-x86.linux-x86 <br /> else
<br /> echo '$EDITOR' undefined ... exiting;
<br /> fi </code></div>
1. Following the suggestion in [[https://epics-controls.org/tech-talk/2007/msg01065.php][tech-talk]]
now edit the file(s) ==$EPICS_EXTENSIONS/src/medm3_1_2_2/xc/WheelSwitch.c== Change *line 232*: %CODE{"cpp"}%
Widget _XmGetTabGroup(); into /*Widget _XmGetTabGroup();*/
#define _XmGetTabGroup !XmGetTabGroup if [ ! -z $EDITOR ]; then $EDITOR $EPICS_EXTENSIONS/src/medm3_1_2_2/xc/WheelSwitch.c else echo '$EDITOR' undefined ... exiting; fi
- Following the suggestion in the same tech-talk now edit the file(s)
$EPICS_EXTENSIONS/src/medm3_1_2_2/xc/Matrix.c Change line 44 : void _XmDrawShadow(); into commenting out: /*void _XmDrawShadow();*/ if [ ! -z $EDITOR ]; then $EDITOR $EPICS_EXTENSIONS/src/medm3_1_2_2/xc/Matrix.c else echo '$EDITOR' undefined ... exiting; fi
- Run
make in the top-level directory: $> cd $EPICS_EXTENSIONS/src && make
export MYEPICS_VERSION=3.14.10
export EPICS_DOWNLOAD_DIR=<Download Directory>
. epicslogin.sh -v -H ~epics/EPICS-${MYEPICS_VERSION} ${MYEPICS_VERSION}
mkdir -p $EPICS_DOWNLOAD_DIR/extensions/medm
cd $EPICS_DOWNLOAD_DIR/extensions/medm
wget -N https://epics-controls.org/download/extensions/medm3_1_2_2.tar.gz
groups | grep -q -w epicsadm && chgrp -R epicsadm $EPICS_DOWNLOAD_DIR/extensions/medm
find $EPICS_DOWNLOAD_DIR/extensions/medm -user $(id -n -u) -exec chmod ug+rw {} \;
&& tar -xzvf $EPICS_DOWNLOAD_DIR/extensions/medm/medm3_1_2_2.tar.gz
if [ ! -z $EDITOR ];
echo '$EDITOR' undefined ... exiting;
if [ ! -z $EDITOR ];
$EDITOR $EPICS_EXTENSIONS/configure/os/CONFIG_SITE.linux-x86.linux-x86 else
echo '$EDITOR' undefined ... exiting;
if [ ! -z $EDITOR ];
$EDITOR $EPICS_EXTENSIONS/src/medm3_1_2_2/xc/WheelSwitch.c else
echo '$EDITOR' undefined ... exiting;
if [ ! -z $EDITOR ];
$EDITOR $EPICS_EXTENSIONS/src/medm3_1_2_2/xc/Matrix.c else
echo '$EDITOR' undefined ... exiting;
cd $EPICS_EXTENSIONS/src && make
MEDM Reference Manual.
EDM - Extensible Display Manager
- Set EPICS variables, if not yet done:
(e.g. assuming the <EPICS home dir> to be ~epics/EPICS-3.14.10 , and running version 3.14.10 ) $> export MYEPICS_VERSION=3.14.10 $> . epicslogin.sh -v -H ~epics/EPICS-${MYEPICS_VERSION} ${MYEPICS_VERSION}
- Download the latest distribution of VDCT here http://www.cosylab.com/visualdct/builds/VisualDCT/ .
- Unzip the file and move the created directory to
- Now you have to include the path of the VisualDCT.jar file into the CLASSPATH variable. You can also set a variable with the search path for .db and .dbd files, or for storing configuration data. For more information on environment variables see chapter 3 in the manual. It is brought with the distribution at vdct/2.5.1271/doc/MAN-VisualDCT_Users_Manual.html .
- Download VisualDCT here and move file to
- Change the file permissions of VisualDCT. Type
chmod a+x VisualDCT .
- Run the program by calling
VisualDCT or type java -jar VisualDCT.jar in the EPICS/extensions/src/ directory.
- Needs SDDS to be installed first
CASR - Host-based Save/Restore
Channel Archiver -- Version: 2.9.2 (12 September 2008)
Extension Top Conform
(Click to expand detailed description)
(Click to retract)
- Set EPICS variables, if not yet done:
(e.g. assuming the <EPICS home dir> to be ~epics/EPICS-3.14.10 , and running version 3.14.10 ) $> export MYEPICS_VERSION=3.14.10 $> . epicslogin.sh -v -H ~epics/EPICS-${MYEPICS_VERSION} ${MYEPICS_VERSION}
- To make things easier, first export the environment variable
EPICS_DOWNLOAD_DIR containing the path to the download directory: $> export EPICS_DOWNLOAD_DIR=<Download Directory> Then create download directory, if not yet existing: $> mkdir -p $EPICS_DOWNLOAD_DIR/extensions/ChannelArchiver
- Download the latest version of Channel Archiver (version as of August 29th, 2006 is 2.9.2)
from: http://ics-web.sns.ornl.gov/kasemir/archiver to the directory $EPICS_DOWNLOAD_DIR/extensions/ChannelArchiver
- To avoid further problems, set the correct group (if you are a member of it (GSI specific)):
epicsadm $> groups | grep -q -w epicsadm && chgrp -R epicsadm $EPICS_DOWNLOAD_DIR/extensions/ChannelArchiver
- and also set the correct rights:
$> find $EPICS_DOWNLOAD_DIR/extensions/ChannelArchiver -user $(id -n -u) -exec chmod ug+rw {} \;
- Having followed the instructions for the Prerequisites for Extensions you should have in your
<Extensions Directory> (= $EPICS_EXTENSIONS ) a subdirectory src .
- Untar and unpack the file to
$EPICS_EXTENSIONS/src $> cd $EPICS_EXTENSIONS/src && tar -xzvf $EPICS_DOWNLOAD_DIR/extensions/ChannelArchiver/archiver.tgz
- Run
make in the top-level directory: $> cd $EPICS_EXTENSIONS/src && make
- Finally (at GSI) you may have to extend the
LD_LIBRARY_PATH by /usr/local/bin to run the executables $> export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=$LD_LIBRARY_PATH:/usr/local/bin
export MYEPICS_VERSION=3.14.10
export EPICS_DOWNLOAD_DIR=<Download Directory>
. epicslogin.sh -v -H ~epics/EPICS-${MYEPICS_VERSION} ${MYEPICS_VERSION}
mkdir -p $EPICS_DOWNLOAD_DIR/extensions/ChannelArchiver
cd $EPICS_DOWNLOAD_DIR/extensions/ChannelArchiver
wget -N http://ics-web.sns.ornl.gov/kasemir/archiver/archiver.tgz
groups | grep -q -w epicsadm && chgrp -R epicsadm $EPICS_DOWNLOAD_DIR/extensions/ChannelArchiver
find $EPICS_DOWNLOAD_DIR/extensions/ChannelArchiver -user $(id -n -u) -exec chmod ug+rw {} \;
&& tar -xzvf $EPICS_DOWNLOAD_DIR/extensions/ChannelArchiver/archiver.tgz
cd $EPICS_EXTENSIONS/src && make
export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=$LD_LIBRARY_PATH:/usr/local/bin
Channel Archiver Manual.
Xerces -- Version: 2.7 (27 Jan 2009)
Channel Archiver 2.9.2 explicitly requires libxerces-c.so.27 :
Test after installing Channel Archiver e.g. ArchiveEngine
$> ArchiveEngine
If you receive an error similar to:
ArchiveEngine: error while loading shared libraries: libxerces-c.so.27: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory
Then you might have to install yourself xerces-c_2_7_0:
- To make things easier, first export the environment variable
EPICS_DOWNLOAD_DIR containing the path to the download directory: $> export EPICS_DOWNLOAD_DIR=<Download Directory> Then create download directory, if not yet existing: $> mkdir -p $EPICS_DOWNLOAD_DIR/lib/xerces
- Download the matching version 2.7 of Xerces-C
from: http://xerces.apache.org/xerces-c/download.cgi to the directory $EPICS_DOWNLOAD_DIR/lib/xerces
- To avoid further problems, set the correct group (if you are a member of it (GSI specific)):
epicsadm $> groups | grep -q -w epicsadm && chgrp -R epicsadm $EPICS_DOWNLOAD_DIR/lib/xerces
- and also set the correct rights:
$> find $EPICS_DOWNLOAD_DIR/lib/xerces -user $(id -n -u) -exec chmod ug+rw {} \;
- Depending whether you have root privileges or not you now either install to the standard library paths of your system or to you private path. (All possible caveats and pitfalls of private libraries included)
Anyhow assuming the private version the install path will be $EPICS_HOME/programs .
- Create install directory, if necessary:
$> mkdir -p $EPICS_HOME/programs
- Change to new directory:
$> cd $EPICS_DOWNLOAD_DIR/lib/xerces/Xerces-C_2_7_0
- Set necessary exports:
$> export XERCESCROOT=$EPICS_DOWNLOAD_DIR/lib/xerces/Xerces-C_2_7_0
- Run
runConfigure $> ./runConfigure -plinux -cgcc -xg++ -minmem -nsocket -tnative -rpthread -P$EPICS_HOME/programs
- Make
$> make
- Make
$> make install
- Attach
Probe - Motif Channel Monitoring program
ALH - Alarm Handler -- Version: 1.2.24 (10 November 2008)
Extension Top Conform
(Click to expand detailed description)
(Click to retract)
- Set EPICS variables, if not yet done:
(e.g. assuming the <EPICS home dir> to be ~epics/EPICS-3.14.10 , and running version 3.14.10 ) $> export MYEPICS_VERSION=3.14.10 $> . epicslogin.sh -v -H ~epics/EPICS-${MYEPICS_VERSION} ${MYEPICS_VERSION}
- To make things easier, first export the environment variable
EPICS_DOWNLOAD_DIR containing the path to the download directory: $> export EPICS_DOWNLOAD_DIR=<Download Directory> Then create download directory, if not yet existing: $> mkdir -p $EPICS_DOWNLOAD_DIR/extensions/alh
- Download the latest version of ALH (version as of Feb 5th, 2008 is 1.2.24)
from: https://epics-controls.org/extensions/alh/index.php to the directory $EPICS_DOWNLOAD_DIR/extensions/alh
- To avoid further problems, set the correct group (if you are a member of it (GSI specific)):
epicsadm $> groups | grep -q -w epicsadm && chgrp -R epicsadm $EPICS_DOWNLOAD_DIR/extensions/alh
- and also set the correct rights:
$> find $EPICS_DOWNLOAD_DIR/extensions/alh -user $(id -n -u) -exec chmod ug+rw {} \;
- Having followed the instructions for the Prerequisites for Extensions you should have in your
<Extensions Directory> (= $EPICS_EXTENSIONS ) a subdirectory src .
- Untar and unpack the file to
$EPICS_EXTENSIONS/src $> cd $EPICS_EXTENSIONS/src && tar -xzvf $EPICS_DOWNLOAD_DIR/extensions/alh/alh1_2_24.tar.gz
- Adopt make settings in
$EPICS_EXTENSIONS/src/Makefile== Edit the assignment statement so the right hand side of the assignment exactly matches the name of the subdirectory containing that extension. Change ==EXTENSION_ALH = alh to EXTENSION_ALH = alh1_2_24 if [ ! -z $EDITOR ]; then $EDITOR $EPICS_EXTENSIONS/src/Makefile else echo '$EDITOR' undefined ... exiting; fi
- now edit the file(s)
$EPICS_EXTENSIONS/configure/os/CONFIG_SITE.linux-x86.linux-x86 (if not already done) Change the block %CODE{"makefile"}% X11_LIB=/usr/lib X11_INC=/usr/include/X11 MOTIF_LIB=/usr/lib MOTIF_INC=/usr/include | into | %CODE{"makefile"}% #X11_LIB=/usr/lib #X11_INC=/usr/include/X11 #MOTIF_LIB=/usr/lib #MOTIF_INC=/usr/include | if [ ! -z $EDITOR ]; then $EDITOR $EPICS_EXTENSIONS/configure/os/CONFIG_SITE.linux-x86.linux-x86 else echo '$EDITOR' undefined ... exiting; fi
- Run
make in the top-level directory: $> cd $EPICS_EXTENSIONS/src && make
export MYEPICS_VERSION=3.14.10
export EPICS_DOWNLOAD_DIR=<Download Directory>
. epicslogin.sh -v -H ~epics/EPICS-${MYEPICS_VERSION} ${MYEPICS_VERSION}
mkdir -p $EPICS_DOWNLOAD_DIR/extensions/alh
cd $EPICS_DOWNLOAD_DIR/extensions/alh
wget -N https://epics-controls.org/download/extensions/alh1_2_24.tar.gz
groups | grep -q -w epicsadm && chgrp -R epicsadm $EPICS_DOWNLOAD_DIR/extensions/alh
find $EPICS_DOWNLOAD_DIR/extensions/alh -user $(id -n -u) -exec chmod ug+rw {} \;
&& tar -xzvf $EPICS_DOWNLOAD_DIR/extensions/alh/alh1_2_24.tar.gz
if [ ! -z $EDITOR ];
echo '$EDITOR' undefined ... exiting;
if [ ! -z $EDITOR ];
$EDITOR $EPICS_EXTENSIONS/configure/os/CONFIG_SITE.linux-x86.linux-x86 else
echo '$EDITOR' undefined ... exiting;
cd $EPICS_EXTENSIONS/src && make
ALH User Guide.
Extension Top Conform
(Click to expand detailed description)
(Click to retract)
export MYEPICS_VERSION=3.14.10
export EPICS_DOWNLOAD_DIR=<Download Directory>
. epicslogin.sh -v -H ~epics/EPICS-${MYEPICS_VERSION} ${MYEPICS_VERSION}
mkdir -p $EPICS_DOWNLOAD_DIR/extensions/caSnooper
cd $EPICS_DOWNLOAD_DIR/extensions/caSnooper
wget -N https://epics-controls.org/download/extensions/caSnooper2_1_2_1.tar.gz
groups | grep -q -w epicsadm && chgrp -R epicsadm $EPICS_DOWNLOAD_DIR/extensions/caSnooper
find $EPICS_DOWNLOAD_DIR/extensions/caSnooper -user $(id -n -u) -exec chmod ug+rw {} \;
&& tar -xzvf $EPICS_DOWNLOAD_DIR/extensions/caSnooper/caSnooper2_1_2_1.tar.gz
if [ ! -z $EDITOR ];
echo '$EDITOR' undefined ... exiting;
cd $EPICS_EXTENSIONS/src && make
SDDS - The Self-Describing data sets analysis package
- Set EPICS variables, if not yet done:
(e.g. assuming the <EPICS home dir> to be ~epics/EPICS-3.14.10 , and running version 3.14.10 ) $> export MYEPICS_VERSION=3.14.10 $> . epicslogin.sh -v -H ~epics/EPICS-${MYEPICS_VERSION} ${MYEPICS_VERSION}
- Download SDDS and SDDSepics under Epics/extensions/src/ in the Software Trees on http://www.aps.anl.gov/Accelerator_Systems_Division/Operations_Analysis/software.shtml to your epics/download/extensions/SDDS/ and epics/download/extensions/SDDSepics/ directorys.
- Extract the files with
tar -xvzf FILENAME and move the corresponding directorys to $EPICS_EXTENSIONS/src/ .
- Change to
$EPICS_EXTENSIONS/src/SDDS and type make . Do the same for SDDSepics.
- Change to
$EPICS_EXTENSIONS/bin/$EPICS_HOST_ARCH and run your new programs.
- Set EPICS variables, if not yet done:
(e.g. assuming the <EPICS home dir> to be ~epics/EPICS-3.14.10 , and running version 3.14.10 ) $> export MYEPICS_VERSION=3.14.10 $> . epicslogin.sh -v -H ~epics/EPICS-${MYEPICS_VERSION} ${MYEPICS_VERSION}
- You can download Strip Tool from here https://epics-controls.org/extensions/StripTool/index.php and extract it by using
tar -xvzf StripToolVersion.tar .
- Move the resulting directory to
- Before you can make Strip Tool you have to make SDDS.
- After making Strip Tool, you can change to
$EPICS_EXTENSIONS/bin/$EPICS_HOST_ARCH and run it by typing StripTool . For more information on configuration or environment variables, see the users guide at https://epics-controls.org/EpicsDocumentation/ExtensionsManuals/StripTool/StripTool.html .
Extension Top Conform
(Click to expand detailed description)
(Click to retract)
export MYEPICS_VERSION=3.14.10
export EPICS_DOWNLOAD_DIR=<Download Directory>
. epicslogin.sh -v -H ~epics/EPICS-${MYEPICS_VERSION} ${MYEPICS_VERSION}
mkdir -p $EPICS_DOWNLOAD_DIR/Extensions/msi
cd $EPICS_DOWNLOAD_DIR/Extensions/msi &&
wget -N https://epics-controls.org/download/extensions/msi1-5.tar.gz
groups | grep -q -w epicsadm && chgrp -R epicsadm $EPICS_DOWNLOAD_DIR/Extensions/msi
find $EPICS_DOWNLOAD_DIR/Extensions/msi -user $(id -n -u) -exec chmod ug+rw {} \;
&& tar -xzvf $EPICS_DOWNLOAD_DIR/Extensions/msi/msi1-5.tar.gz
if [ ! -z $EDITOR ];
echo '$EDITOR' undefined ... exiting;
cd $EPICS_EXTENSIONS/src && make
MSI: Macro Substitution and Include Tool .
Archive Viewer - Java-based archive data viewer (SNS)
CaOctave - CA interface for Octave
WebCA - Channel Access web browser plug-in (CosyLab)
more Extensions: To check whether to be installed
Standalone CA Clients
- ADT: Array Display Tool
- ALH: Alarm Handler
- BURT: Backup and Restore Tool
- CAEX: Channel Access Examples
- CASR: Host-based Save/Restore
- CAU: Channel Access Utility
- Channel Archiver (SNS)
- Channel Watcher (SLAC)
- EDM: Extensible Display Manager (ORNL)
- HistTool: Data Histogramming Tool
- JoiMint: Java Operator Interface and Management INtegration Toolkit (DESY)
- Jprobe: Java version of Probe, a channel monitoring program
- Knobs: Knob Manager and KnobConfig, interface to SunDials
- MEDM: Motif Editor and Display Manager
- NAL: Nagios ALarm Handler (INFN)
- Probe: Motif Channel Monitoring program
- StripTool: Strip-chart plotting tool
- Yviewer: Data Visualization tool
- CAS: Channel Access Server Library
- CaSnooper: Channel Access Broadcast Monitoring Tool
- JCAS: Pure Java Channel Access Server (Cosylab)
- Gateway: Process Variable Gateway
- C/C++
- CDEV: Common Device application framework and API (JLAB)
- EZCA: Easy Channel Access interface library for C programs
- EzcaScan: Easy Channel Access for arrays of channels
- SCA: Simple Channel Access (LBL/ALS)
- XCAS: A class library on top of the Portable CAS (BESSY)
- Java
- CAJ: Pure Java Channel Access Client (Cosylab)
- JCA: Channel Access client for Java using JNI (Cosylab) (APS/BCDA)
- Matlab/Octave/Scilab
- MCA: Channel Access client library for Matlab (SNS)
- LabCA: Matlab & Scilab interface to Channel Access (SLAC)
- Perl
- CAP5: Channel Access for Perl5
- EZCA.pm: EZCA library module for Perl programs
- PEZCA: Another CA interface to Perl using EZCA (BESSY)
- Python
- Other
- CAML: Channel Access Markup Language (ORNL)
- IDL: CA client libraries and scripts for IDL via EZCA
- LabVIEW: CA Client and Shared Memory interface to IOC (SNS)
- PHP_EPICS: CA interface for PHP-based web applications (SLS)
- SDDS: The Self-Describing Data Sets analysis package
- Tcl Interfaces: ET and IT
- WebCA: Channel Access web browser plug-in (CosyLab)
- YCA: Channel Access client library for Yorick
- dbVerbose: Verbose database filter
- DCT: Database Configuration Tool written in tcl/tk (deprecated)
- GDCT: Graphical Database Configuration Tool (deprecated)
- JDCT: Database Configuration Tool written in Java
- MSI: Macro Substitution and Include tool
- VDCT: Visual Database Configuration Tool
- CAPutLog: Facility for logging CA puts to an IOC (DESY)
- CMLOG: Common Message Logging System (JLAB)
- EdlBuild: Create EDM screens in Perl scripts (TRIUMF)
- gnuregex: The GNU regex library built with EPICS Makefiles
- mButton: General Purpose Motif Button
- Namecapture: Motif Drag & drop support
- ParseCASW: CA Beacon anomaly diagnostic tool
- PViewer: Python 1D and 2D data viewer
- SGA: Simple GIF Animator
- TS: The R3.13 timestamp library for use with R3.14
- WiresharkCA: CA plug-in for Wireshark (KEK)
procServ - Process Server with Telnet Console and Log Access -- Version: 2.4.0 (17 Mar 2009)
(Click to expand detailed description)
(Click to retract)
- To make things easier, first export the environment variable
EPICS_DOWNLOAD_DIR containing the path to the download directory: $> export EPICS_DOWNLOAD_DIR=<Download Directory> Then create download directory, if not yet existing: $> mkdir -p $EPICS_DOWNLOAD_DIR/programs/procServ
- Download the latest version of procServ (version as of July 22, 2008 is 2.4.0)
from: http://www-csr.bessy.de/control/SoftDist/procServ to the directory $EPICS_DOWNLOAD_DIR/programs/procServ
- To avoid further problems, set the correct group (if you are a member of it (GSI specific)):
epicsadm $> groups | grep -q -w epicsadm && chgrp -R epicsadm $EPICS_DOWNLOAD_DIR/programs/procServ
- and also set the correct rights:
$> find $EPICS_DOWNLOAD_DIR/programs/procServ -user $(id -n -u) -exec chmod ug+rw {} \;
- Create installation directory:
$> mkdir -p ${HOME}/programs/procServ
- Untar and unpack the file to
${HOME}/programs/procServ $> cd ${HOME}/programs/procServ && tar -xzvf $EPICS_DOWNLOAD_DIR/programs/procServ/procServer-2.4.0.tar.gz
- Run
make in the top-level directory: $> cd ${HOME}/programs/procServ/procServ-2.4.0 && make
export EPICS_DOWNLOAD_DIR=<Download Directory>
mkdir -p $EPICS_DOWNLOAD_DIR/programs/procServ
cd $EPICS_DOWNLOAD_DIR/programs/procServ
wget -N http://www-csr.bessy.de/control/SoftDist/procServ/procServer-2.4.0.tar.gz
groups | grep -q -w epicsadm && chgrp -R epicsadm $EPICS_DOWNLOAD_DIR/programs/procServ
find $EPICS_DOWNLOAD_DIR/programs/procServ -user $(id -n -u) -exec chmod ug+rw {} \;
mkdir -p ${HOME}/programs/procServ
cd ${HOME}/programs/procServ
&& tar -xzvf $EPICS_DOWNLOAD_DIR/programs/procServ/procServer-2.4.0.tar.gz
cd ${HOME}/programs/procServ/procServ-2.4.0 && make
Prerequisites for Modules
Modules directory structure
My personal idea (IMHO) is to have all modules belonging to one branch assigned to the base version, if you object tell me the convincing reasons.
Therefore before installing any kind of module:
- Set EPICS variables, if not yet done:
(e.g. assuming the <EPICS home dir> to be ~epics/EPICS-3.14.10 , and running version 3.14.10 ) $> export MYEPICS_VERSION=3.14.10 $> . epicslogin.sh -v -H ~epics/EPICS-${MYEPICS_VERSION} ${MYEPICS_VERSION}
- Create
modules directory, if not yet existing: $> mkdir -p $EPICS_MODULES
export MYEPICS_VERSION=3.14.10
. epicslogin.sh -v -H ~epics/EPICS-${MYEPICS_VERSION} ${MYEPICS_VERSION}
EPICS Sequencer - State Notation Language: Compiler (snc) and run-time (seq) support Module -- Version: 2.0.12 (11 Dec 2008)
The following holds for version EPICS R3.14.x (see 3.13.x for differences)
(Click to expand detailed description)
(Click to retract)
- Set EPICS variables, if not yet done:
(e.g. assuming the <EPICS home dir> to be ~epics/EPICS-3.14.10 , and running version 3.14.10 ) $> export MYEPICS_VERSION=3.14.10 $> . epicslogin.sh -v -H ~epics/EPICS-${MYEPICS_VERSION} ${MYEPICS_VERSION}
- To make things easier, first export the environment variable
EPICS_DOWNLOAD_DIR containing the path to the download directory: $> export EPICS_DOWNLOAD_DIR=<Download Directory> Then create download directory, if not yet existing: $> mkdir -p $EPICS_DOWNLOAD_DIR/Modules/soft/seq
- Download the latest version of EPICS Sequencer (snc/seq) Module (version as of 16 Sep 2008 is 2.0.12)
from: http://epics.web.psi.ch/software/sequencer to the directory $EPICS_DOWNLOAD_DIR/Modules/soft/seq
- To avoid further problems, set the correct group (if you are a member of it (GSI specific)):
epicsadm $> groups | grep -q -w epicsadm && chgrp -R epicsadm $EPICS_DOWNLOAD_DIR/Modules/soft/seq
- and also set the correct rights:
$> find $EPICS_DOWNLOAD_DIR/Modules/soft/seq -user $(id -n -u) -exec chmod ug+rw {} \;
- Create installation directory:
$> mkdir -p $EPICS_MODULES/soft/seq
- Untar and unpack the file to
$EPICS_MODULES/soft/seq $> cd $EPICS_MODULES/soft/seq && tar -xzvf $EPICS_DOWNLOAD_DIR/Modules/soft/seq/seq-2.0.12.tar.gz <br /> (valid for R3.14.8 or later)
$> cd $EPICS_MODULES/soft/seq/sncseq-2.0.12
- Following the instructions
now edit the file(s) configure/RELEASE configure/CONFIG and set the paths to a valid $EPICS_BASE on your site: - either absolutely to
EPICS_BASE=<Epics Base> - or relatively to
EPICS_BASE=$(TOP)/../base-3.14.10 In CONFIG , either modify CROSS_COMPILER_TARGET_ARCHS or remove it to default to all architectures. Note: Using external variables or advanced make variable rules doesn't work: - neither
EPICS_BASE:= $(<environment Variable>) - nor
EPICS_BASE= $(<environment Variable>) - nor
EPICS_BASE= $(<environment Variable>)/base-3.14.10 $> echo ${EPICS_BASE} if [ ! -z $EDITOR ]; then $EDITOR configure/RELEASE configure/CONFIG else echo '$EDITOR' undefined ... exiting; fi
- Finally: Run
make in the top-level directory: $> cd $EPICS_MODULES/soft/seq/sncseq-2.0.12 && make realclean uninstall install
export MYEPICS_VERSION=3.14.10
export EPICS_DOWNLOAD_DIR=<Download Directory>
. epicslogin.sh -v -H ~epics/EPICS-${MYEPICS_VERSION} ${MYEPICS_VERSION}
mkdir -p $EPICS_DOWNLOAD_DIR/Modules/soft/seq
cd $EPICS_DOWNLOAD_DIR/Modules/soft/seq
wget -N http://epics.web.psi.ch/software/sequencer/download/seq-2.0.12.tar.gz
groups | grep -q -w epicsadm && chgrp -R epicsadm $EPICS_DOWNLOAD_DIR/Modules/soft/seq
find $EPICS_DOWNLOAD_DIR/Modules/soft/seq -user $(id -n -u) -exec chmod ug+rw {} \;
mkdir -p $EPICS_MODULES/soft/seq
cd $EPICS_MODULES/soft/seq
&& tar -xzvf $EPICS_DOWNLOAD_DIR/Modules/soft/seq/seq-2.0.12.tar.gz
cd $EPICS_MODULES/soft/seq/sncseq-2.0.12
echo ${EPICS_BASE}
if [ ! -z $EDITOR ];
$EDITOR configure/RELEASE configure/CONFIG else
echo '$EDITOR' undefined ... exiting;
cd $EPICS_MODULES/soft/seq/sncseq-2.0.12 && make realclean uninstall install
IPAC Module -- Version: 2.9 (02 Jul 2008)
(Click to expand detailed description)
(Click to retract)
- Set EPICS variables, if not yet done:
(e.g. assuming the <EPICS home dir> to be ~epics/EPICS-3.14.10 , and running version 3.14.10 ) $> export MYEPICS_VERSION=3.14.10 $> . epicslogin.sh -v -H ~epics/EPICS-${MYEPICS_VERSION} ${MYEPICS_VERSION}
- To make things easier, first export the environment variable
EPICS_DOWNLOAD_DIR containing the path to the download directory: $> export EPICS_DOWNLOAD_DIR=<Download Directory> Then create download directory, if not yet existing: $> mkdir -p $EPICS_DOWNLOAD_DIR/Modules/bus/ipac
- Download the latest version of EPICS Ipac Module (version as of Oct 22nd, 2007 is 2.9)
from: https://epics-controls.org/modules/bus/ipac to the directory $EPICS_DOWNLOAD_DIR/Modules/bus/ipac
- To avoid further problems, set the correct group (if you are a member of it (GSI specific)):
epicsadm $> groups | grep -q -w epicsadm && chgrp -R epicsadm $EPICS_DOWNLOAD_DIR/Modules/bus/ipac
- and also set the correct rights:
$> find $EPICS_DOWNLOAD_DIR/Modules/bus/ipac -user $(id -n -u) -exec chmod ug+rw {} \;
- Create installation directory:
$> mkdir -p $EPICS_MODULES/bus/ipac
- Untar and unpack the file to
$EPICS_MODULES/bus/ipac $> cd $EPICS_MODULES/bus/ipac && tar -xzvf $EPICS_DOWNLOAD_DIR/Modules/bus/ipac/ipac-2.9.tar.gz <br /> (valid for R3.14.9 or later)
$> cd $EPICS_MODULES/bus/ipac/ipac-2.9
- Following the instructions https://epics-controls.org/modules/bus/ipac/R2.9/drvIpac.html especially the section Installation
now edit the file(s) configure/RELEASE and set the paths to a valid $EPICS_BASE on your site: - either absolutely to
EPICS_BASE=<Epics Base> - or relatively to
EPICS_BASE=$(TOP)/../base-3.14.10 Note: Using external variables or advanced make variable rules doesn't work: - neither
EPICS_BASE:= $(<environment Variable>) - nor
EPICS_BASE= $(<environment Variable>) - nor
EPICS_BASE= $(<environment Variable>)/base-3.14.10 $> echo ${EPICS_BASE} if [ ! -z $EDITOR ]; then $EDITOR configure/RELEASE else echo '$EDITOR' undefined ... exiting; fi
- Finally: Run
make in the top-level directory: $> cd $EPICS_MODULES/bus/ipac/ipac-2.9 && make realclean uninstall install
- really optionally:
If you don't need all of the module drivers included with the distribution, edit the top level $EPICS_MODULES/bus/ipac/ipac-2.9/Makefile and comment out the lines mentioning driver directories you don't need.
- really optionally:
Edit the $EPICS_MODULES/bus/ipac/ipac-2.9/drvIpac/drvIpac.dbd file to include the set of IPAC Carrier drivers that you will be using at your site. This step can also be performed later by copying the drvIpac.dbd file to an IOC application and modifying it there instead.
export MYEPICS_VERSION=3.14.10
export EPICS_DOWNLOAD_DIR=<Download Directory>
. epicslogin.sh -v -H ~epics/EPICS-${MYEPICS_VERSION} ${MYEPICS_VERSION}
mkdir -p $EPICS_DOWNLOAD_DIR/Modules/bus/ipac
cd $EPICS_DOWNLOAD_DIR/Modules/bus/ipac
wget -N https://epics-controls.org/download/modules/ipac-2.9.tar.gz
groups | grep -q -w epicsadm && chgrp -R epicsadm $EPICS_DOWNLOAD_DIR/Modules/bus/ipac
find $EPICS_DOWNLOAD_DIR/Modules/bus/ipac -user $(id -n -u) -exec chmod ug+rw {} \;
mkdir -p $EPICS_MODULES/bus/ipac
cd $EPICS_MODULES/bus/ipac
&& tar -xzvf $EPICS_DOWNLOAD_DIR/Modules/bus/ipac/ipac-2.9.tar.gz
cd $EPICS_MODULES/bus/ipac/ipac-2.9
$> echo ${EPICS_BASE}
if [ ! -z $EDITOR ];
$EDITOR configure/RELEASE else
echo '$EDITOR' undefined ... exiting;
cd $EPICS_MODULES/bus/ipac/ipac-2.9 && make realclean uninstall install
asynDriver: Asynchronous Driver Support -- Version: 4.10 (12 Dec 2008)
- Modules Required:
asynDriver provides a driver for the GreenSprings Industry Pack IP488 module and the octalUART. If this support is desired then IPAC support is required when building asynDriver. The configure/RELEASE file has a comment about how to include IPAC support. See IPAC for installing IPAC before, if not yet done.
(Click to expand detailed description)
(Click to retract)
- Set EPICS variables, if not yet done:
(e.g. assuming the <EPICS home dir> to be ~epics/EPICS-3.14.10 , and running version 3.14.10 ) $> export MYEPICS_VERSION=3.14.10 $> . epicslogin.sh -v -H ~epics/EPICS-${MYEPICS_VERSION} ${MYEPICS_VERSION}
- To make things easier, first export the environment variable
EPICS_DOWNLOAD_DIR containing the path to the download directory: $> export EPICS_DOWNLOAD_DIR=<Download Directory> Then create download directory, if not yet existing: $> mkdir -p $EPICS_DOWNLOAD_DIR/Modules/soft/asyn
- Download the latest version of asynDriver (version as of September 2, 2008 is 4.10)
from: https://epics-controls.org/modules/soft/asyn to the directory $EPICS_DOWNLOAD_DIR/Modules/soft/asyn
- To avoid further problems, set the correct group (if you are a member of it (GSI specific)):
epicsadm $> groups | grep -q -w epicsadm && chgrp -R epicsadm $EPICS_DOWNLOAD_DIR/Modules/soft/asyn
- and also set the correct rights:
$> find $EPICS_DOWNLOAD_DIR/Modules/soft/asyn -user $(id -n -u) -exec chmod ug+rw {} \;
- Create installation directory:
$> mkdir -p $EPICS_MODULES/soft/asyn
- Untar and unpack the file to
$EPICS_MODULES/soft/asyn $> cd $EPICS_MODULES/soft/asyn && tar -xzvf $EPICS_DOWNLOAD_DIR/Modules/soft/asyn/asyn4-10.tar.gz </code></div> <br /> (valid for R3.14.8 or later)
$> cd $EPICS_MODULES/soft/asyn/asyn-4.10
- Following the instructions https://epics-controls.org/modules/soft/asyn
now edit the file(s) configure/RELEASE and set the paths to a valid $EPICS_BASE on your site: - either absolutely to
EPICS_BASE=<Epics Base> - or relatively to
EPICS_BASE=$(TOP)/../base-3.14.10 In CONFIG , either modify CROSS_COMPILER_TARGET_ARCHS or remove it to default to all architectures. Note: Using external variables or advanced make variable rules doesn't work: - neither
EPICS_BASE:= $(<environment Variable>) - nor
EPICS_BASE= $(<environment Variable>) - nor
EPICS_BASE= $(<environment Variable>)/base-3.14.10 If installed and needed also set IPAC to the installation directory of IPAC: $EPICS_MODULES/bus/ipac : Set the paths to a valid <IPAC base Directory> on your site: -
IPAC=$EPICS_MODULES/bus/ipac/ipac-2.9 Set the paths to a valid <SEQ base Directory> on your site: -
SNCSEQ=$EPICS_MODULES/soft/seq/sncseq-2.0.12 $> echo ${EPICS_BASE} if [ ! -z $EDITOR ]; then $EDITOR configure/RELEASE else echo '$EDITOR' undefined ... exiting; fi
- Finally: Run
make in the top-level directory: $> cd $EPICS_MODULES/soft/asyn/asyn-4.10 && make realclean uninstall install
export MYEPICS_VERSION=3.14.10
export EPICS_DOWNLOAD_DIR=<Download Directory>
. epicslogin.sh -v -H ~epics/EPICS-${MYEPICS_VERSION} ${MYEPICS_VERSION}
mkdir -p $EPICS_DOWNLOAD_DIR/Modules/soft/asyn
cd $EPICS_DOWNLOAD_DIR/Modules/soft/asyn
wget -N https://epics-controls.org/download/modules/asyn4-10.tar.gz
groups | grep -q -w epicsadm && chgrp -R epicsadm $EPICS_DOWNLOAD_DIR/Modules/soft/asyn
find $EPICS_DOWNLOAD_DIR/Modules/soft/asyn -user $(id -n -u) -exec chmod ug+rw {} \;
mkdir -p $EPICS_MODULES/soft/asyn
cd $EPICS_MODULES/soft/asyn
&& tar -xzvf $EPICS_DOWNLOAD_DIR/Modules/soft/asyn/asyn4-10.tar.gz
cd $EPICS_MODULES/soft/asyn/asyn-4.10
echo ${EPICS_BASE}
if [ ! -z $EDITOR ];
$EDITOR configure/RELEASE else
echo '$EDITOR' undefined ... exiting;
cd $EPICS_MODULES/soft/asyn/asyn-4.10 && make realclean uninstall install
StreamDevice 2 -- Version: 2.4 (12 Dec 2008)
- EPICS base: EPICS base R3.14.6 or higher or EPICS base R3.13.7 or higher from http://epics.web.psi.ch/software/streamdevice/doc/setup.html
- Modules Required:
- Make sure that the asyn library and the calc module can be found,
e.g. by adding ASYN and (if installed) CALC or SYNAPPS to your /configure/RELEASE file:
- Have a look at http://epics.web.psi.ch/software/streamdevice/doc/setup.html for more Details.
- If you want to enable regular expression matching, you need the PCRE package. For most Linux systems, it is already installed. In that case add the locations of the PCRE header and library to your RELEASE file:
(Click to expand detailed description)
(Click to retract)
- Set EPICS variables, if not yet done:
(e.g. assuming the <EPICS home dir> to be ~epics/EPICS-3.14.10 , and running version 3.14.10 ) $> export MYEPICS_VERSION=3.14.10 $> . epicslogin.sh -v -H ~epics/EPICS-${MYEPICS_VERSION} ${MYEPICS_VERSION}
- To make things easier, first export the environment variable
EPICS_DOWNLOAD_DIR containing the path to the download directory: $> export EPICS_DOWNLOAD_DIR=<Download Directory> Then create download directory, if not yet existing: $> mkdir -p $EPICS_DOWNLOAD_DIR/Modules/soft/StreamDevice
- Download the latest version of StreamDevice (version as of October 1, 2008 is 2.4)
from: http://epics.web.psi.ch/software/streamdevice to the directory $EPICS_DOWNLOAD_DIR/Modules/soft/StreamDevice
- Download patch files for StreamDevice retrieved via the
index.html file of http://epics.web.psi.ch/software/streamdevice $> cd $EPICS_DOWNLOAD_DIR/Modules/soft/StreamDevice && wget -N http://epics.web.psi.ch/software/streamdevice && perl -n -e 'if (s&.*(StreamDevice-2-4-patch20[0-9]{6,7}).*&\1&g) {system " wget -N http://epics.web.psi.ch/software/streamdevice/$_";}' index.html
- To avoid further problems, set the correct group (if you are a member of it (GSI specific)):
epicsadm $> groups | grep -q -w epicsadm && chgrp -R epicsadm $EPICS_DOWNLOAD_DIR/Modules/soft/StreamDevice
- and also set the correct rights:
$> find $EPICS_DOWNLOAD_DIR/Modules/soft/StreamDevice -user $(id -n -u) -exec chmod ug+rw {} \;
- Create installation directory:
$> mkdir -p $EPICS_MODULES/soft/StreamDevice
- Create the necessary infrastructure for a level directory by using
makeBaseApp.pl $> cd $EPICS_MODULES/soft/StreamDevice && : | makeBaseApp.pl -b $EPICS_BASE -t ioc 1>/dev/null
- Add asyn (
ASYN ) path: $EPICS_MODULES/soft/asyn/asyn-4.10 to configure/RELEASE $> cd $EPICS_MODULES/soft/StreamDevice && echo -e ASYN=$EPICS_MODULES/soft/asyn/asyn-4.10 \\n >> configure/RELEASE
- Set sequencer (
SNCSEQ ) path: $EPICS_MODULES/soft/seq/sncseq-2.0.12 in configure/RELEASE $> cd $EPICS_MODULES/soft/StreamDevice && perl -pi -e "s&^\#*(SNCSEQ=).*$&\1$EPICS_MODULES/soft/seq/sncseq-2.0.12&" configure/RELEASE
- Call make for the level structures in the directory $EPICS_MODULES/soft/StreamDevice
$> cd $EPICS_MODULES/soft/StreamDevice && make realclean uninstall install
- Now continue ...
Untar and unpack the file to $EPICS_MODULES/soft/StreamDevice $> cd $EPICS_MODULES/soft/StreamDevice && tar -xzvf $EPICS_DOWNLOAD_DIR/Modules/soft/StreamDevice/StreamDevice-2-4.tgz
- Apply all available patches and if applying patches, always apply older patches of the same version first.
$> cd $EPICS_MODULES/soft/StreamDevice/StreamDevice-2-4 && ALIAS_BACKUP_LS=$(alias ls) alias ls=ls for item in $(ls $EPICS_DOWNLOAD_DIR/Modules/soft/StreamDevice/StreamDevice-2-4-patch20* | grep StreamDevice-2-4-patch20 | sort) ; do patch --strip=0 --input=$item; done; eval $ALIAS_BACKUP_LS unset ALIAS_BACKUP_LS
- Finally: Run
make in the top-level directory: $> cd $EPICS_MODULES/soft/StreamDevice/StreamDevice-2-4 && make
export MYEPICS_VERSION=3.14.10
export EPICS_DOWNLOAD_DIR=<Download Directory>
. epicslogin.sh -v -H ~epics/EPICS-${MYEPICS_VERSION} ${MYEPICS_VERSION}
mkdir -p $EPICS_DOWNLOAD_DIR/Modules/soft/StreamDevice
cd $EPICS_DOWNLOAD_DIR/Modules/soft/StreamDevice
wget -N http://epics.web.psi.ch/software/streamdevice/StreamDevice-2-4.tgz
wget -N http://epics.web.psi.ch/software/streamdevice
perl -n -e 'if (s&.*(StreamDevice-2-4-patch20[0-9]{6,7}).*&\1&g) {system " wget -N http://epics.web.psi.ch/software/streamdevice/$_";}' index.html
groups | grep -q -w epicsadm && chgrp -R epicsadm $EPICS_DOWNLOAD_DIR/Modules/soft/StreamDevice
find $EPICS_DOWNLOAD_DIR/Modules/soft/StreamDevice -user $(id -n -u) -exec chmod ug+rw {} \;
mkdir -p $EPICS_MODULES/soft/StreamDevice
cd $EPICS_MODULES/soft/StreamDevice && : | makeBaseApp.pl -b $EPICS_BASE -t ioc 1>/dev/null
cd $EPICS_MODULES/soft/StreamDevice && echo -e ASYN=$EPICS_MODULES/soft/asyn/asyn-4.10 \\n >> configure/RELEASE
cd $EPICS_MODULES/soft/StreamDevice && perl -pi -e "s&^\#*(SNCSEQ=).*$&\1$EPICS_MODULES/soft/seq/sncseq-2.0.12&" configure/RELEASE
cd $EPICS_MODULES/soft/StreamDevice && make realclean uninstall install
cd $EPICS_MODULES/soft/StreamDevice
&& tar -xzvf $EPICS_DOWNLOAD_DIR/Modules/soft/StreamDevice/StreamDevice-2-4.tgz
cd $EPICS_MODULES/soft/StreamDevice/StreamDevice-2-4
ALIAS_BACKUP_LS=$(alias ls)
alias ls=ls
for item in $(ls $EPICS_DOWNLOAD_DIR/Modules/soft/StreamDevice/StreamDevice-2-4-patch20* | grep StreamDevice-2-4-patch20 | sort) ;
patch --strip=0 --input=$item;
cd $EPICS_MODULES/soft/StreamDevice/StreamDevice-2-4 && make
genSub (synApps)
allenBradley (synApps)
vxStats (synApps)
calc (synApps)
Contained within synApps.
DLI Ethernet Power Controller II
PV List Server
Packages / Distributions
synApps -- Version: 5.3 (10 Dec 2008)
(Click to expand detailed description)
(Click to retract)
- Set EPICS variables, if not yet done:
(e.g. assuming the <EPICS home dir> to be ~epics/EPICS-3.14.10 , and running version 3.14.10 ) $> export MYEPICS_VERSION=3.14.10 $> . epicslogin.sh -v -H ~epics/EPICS-${MYEPICS_VERSION} ${MYEPICS_VERSION}
- To make things easier, first export the environment variable
EPICS_DOWNLOAD_DIR containing the path to the download directory: $> export EPICS_DOWNLOAD_DIR=<Download Directory> Then create download directory, if not yet existing: $> mkdir -p $EPICS_DOWNLOAD_DIR/Distributions/synApps
- Download the latest version of synApps (version as of 09 Oct 2008 is 5.3)
from: http://www.aps.anl.gov/bcda/synApps/index.php to the directory $EPICS_DOWNLOAD_DIR/Distributions/synApps
- Download the up-to-now private RULES_DIRS patch file to
$EPICS_DOWNLOAD_DIR/Distributions/synApps in order to care for path names containing periods `.' (The original version fails to compile if the path of SUPPORT contains periods).
- To avoid further problems, set the correct group (if you are a member of it (GSI specific)):
epicsadm $> groups | grep -q -w epicsadm && chgrp -R epicsadm $EPICS_DOWNLOAD_DIR/Distributions/synApps
- and also set the correct rights:
$> find $EPICS_DOWNLOAD_DIR/Distributions/synApps -user $(id -n -u) -exec chmod ug+rw {} \;
- Create installation directory:
$> mkdir -p $EPICS_MODULES/synApps
- Untar and unpack the file to
$EPICS_MODULES/synApps $> cd $EPICS_MODULES/synApps && tar -xzvf $EPICS_DOWNLOAD_DIR/Distributions/synApps/synApps_5_3.tar.gz
- Following the instructions http://www.aps.anl.gov/bcda/synApps/index.php ...
- ... set <Epics Base directory> (
EPICS_BASE ) path -
$EPICS_BASE in support/config/MASTER_RELEASE cd $EPICS_MODULES/synApps/synApps_5_3 && perl -pi -e "s&^\#*(SUPPORT=).*$&\1$EPICS_MODULES/synApps/synApps_5_3/support&" support/config/MASTER_RELEASE - ... set <Support Directory> (
SUPPORT ) path -
$EPICS_MODULES/synApps/synApps_5_3/support in support/config/MASTER_RELEASE cd $EPICS_MODULES/synApps/synApps_5_3 && perl -pi -e "s&^\#*(EPICS_BASE=).*$&\1$EPICS_BASE&" support/config/MASTER_RELEASE
- Apply private period patch to distribution:
cd $EPICS_MODULES/synApps && patch --strip=0 --input=$EPICS_DOWNLOAD_DIR/Distributions/synApps/RULES_DIRS_5_3.patch
- Run
make release in the $EPICS_MODULES/synApps/synApps_5_3/support/config directory to propagate the content of MASTER_RELEASE to all modules. $> cd $EPICS_MODULES/synApps/synApps_5_3/support/config && make release
- Finally: Run
make in the top-level directory: in the directory $EPICS_MODULES/synApps/synApps_5_3/support/config $> cd $EPICS_MODULES/synApps/synApps_5_3/support/config && make
export MYEPICS_VERSION=3.14.10
export EPICS_DOWNLOAD_DIR=<Download Directory>
. epicslogin.sh -v -H ~epics/EPICS-${MYEPICS_VERSION} ${MYEPICS_VERSION}
mkdir -p $EPICS_DOWNLOAD_DIR/Distributions/synApps
cd $EPICS_DOWNLOAD_DIR/Distributions/synApps
wget -N http://www.aps.anl.gov/bcda/synApps/tar/synApps_5_3.tar.gz
cd $EPICS_DOWNLOAD_DIR/Distributions/synApps
wget -N https://wiki.gsi.de/pub/Epics/Copy198EpicsInstallationsAtGsi/RULES_DIRS_5_3.patch
groups | grep -q -w epicsadm && chgrp -R epicsadm $EPICS_DOWNLOAD_DIR/Distributions/synApps
find $EPICS_DOWNLOAD_DIR/Distributions/synApps -user $(id -n -u) -exec chmod ug+rw {} \;
mkdir -p $EPICS_MODULES/synApps
&& tar -xzvf $EPICS_DOWNLOAD_DIR/Distributions/synApps/synApps_5_3.tar.gz
cd $EPICS_MODULES/synApps/synApps_5_3
perl -pi -e "s&^\#*(SUPPORT=).*$&\1$EPICS_MODULES/synApps/synApps_5_3/support&" support/config/MASTER_RELEASE
cd $EPICS_MODULES/synApps/synApps_5_3
perl -pi -e "s&^\#*(EPICS_BASE=).*$&\1$EPICS_BASE&" support/config/MASTER_RELEASE
patch --strip=0 --input=$EPICS_DOWNLOAD_DIR/Distributions/synApps/RULES_DIRS_5_3.patch
cd $EPICS_MODULES/synApps/synApps_5_3/support/config && make release
cd $EPICS_MODULES/synApps/synApps_5_3/support/config && make
An GSI wide installation of the Eclipse SDK is available.
To be able to extend with plug-ins specially needed for EPICS an EPICS local version of eclipse has been installed.
Eclipse IDE
For the eclipse SDK an IDE plug-in for EPICS is provided.
- To install follow the instructions given.
- It happened to our local installations of eclipse that we had to deactivate another plug-in before being able to install the EPICS plug-in.
Therefore goto Help ⇒ Software Updates ⇒ Manage Configuration choose the plug-in from the list a try to disable it (in our case it was the "Virtual UML" module)
CSS - control system suite
virtual Linac
-- PeterZumbruch - 17 Mar 2009
Topic revision: r2 - 2018-01-08, PeterZumbruch
- This page was cached on 2024-09-17 - 11:06.
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