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The HADES data acquisition system is based on the trbnet architecture. Its status and controls are accessed via the command (shell,library) trbnet. Up to now its (ASCII) output is efficiently parsed by perl routines and displayed in an ASCII view or forwarded to gnu-plot. Those plots are dynamically created depending on the data return of trbnet and its dynamic configuration.
In view of an integration of at least the monitoring features into the already used EPICS system at HADES this data flow should be extended/replaced.
Possible problems might occur due to missing features for dynamic behavior of the gui (maybe solved by JavaScript scripts, using BOY GUIs of CSS (SNS)), insufficient performance, and/or complex data structures to transport.


  • Sergey Yurevich, HADES, GSI (SY)
  • Peter Zumbruch, EE, GSI (PZ)
  • Michael Traxler, EE, GSI (MT)
  • Burkhard Kolb, HADES/CBM, GSI (BK)
  • Jan Michel, HADES, IKP Frankfurt (JM)

Time scale

  • (nice) to have, tested, debugged version for late spring beamtime of HADES

Documents & Resources

Situation before

  • trbnet ...perl script ⇒ "ASCII GUI"
    • status monitor
    • scripts: (SY/JM)
  • trbnet ...perl scriptGNUplot
    • data rate
    • data rate history
    • busy time
    • busy time history

Objective / Ideas

Monitoring using PERL

The process is split up into separate parts: a continuously providing server part and the independent EPICS Client.
  • Server (host A)
    • trbnet ... ⇒ perl script ( ⇒ perl to channel access module ) ⇒ EPICS IOC defining all possible data records in its database
      • perl to channel access module,
        several different are on the market
        • PEZCA ( Perl "easy" Channel Access ),
        • alternatively CAP5 included in EPICS base since 3.14.10
        • array and waveform handling ?
  • EPICS Client (host B) (retrieves via standard channel access data from EPICS IOC)
    • any (simplier) EPICS Client

Monitoring/Controls via direct trbnet access

  • Server
    • EPICS IOC accessing trbnet via a
      • (a)sub routine record call mechanism
      • or dedicated trbnet driver
    • Already implemented by BK
  • Client
    • any EPICS client accessing the records of the IOC

Open questions

  • How to disassemble rate history data arrays?
  • ...



The process is split up into separate parts: a continuously providing server part and the independent EPICS Client.
  • Server (host A)
    • trbnet ... ⇒ perl script ( ⇒ perl to channel access module ) ⇒ EPICS IOC defining all possible data records in its database
      • perl to channel access module,
        several different are on the market
    • SY: please add documentation

Question and Answers

  1. How to display bar graph histograms in CSS?
    • → "How to display waveforms in CSS"
  2. How to display waveforms in CSS?
    • css base oep waveform plot:
      css base oep waveform plot
    • oep_temp.opi: CSS BOY OPI File for oep temperatures
    • CVS CSS project:
      • Root :ext:hadaq@lxlenny32:/misc/hadesprojects/daq/cvsroot
      • Repository: css/daqMonitor


  • feasibility
  • first implementation of perl module into existing data flow (SY)
  • display questions solved → "Question and Answers"

-- PeterZumbruch - 14 Apr 2011
I Attachment Action Size Date Who Comment
css-oep-temp.pngpng css-oep-temp.png manage 72 K 2011-04-13 - 13:32 PeterZumbruch css base oep waveform plot
hadesDaqMon_busyTimeHistory_org.pngpng hadesDaqMon_busyTimeHistory_org.png manage 8 K 2011-03-11 - 14:42 PeterZumbruch Busy Time History <nop>GnuPlot
hadesDaqMon_busyTime_org.pngpng hadesDaqMon_busyTime_org.png manage 6 K 2011-03-11 - 14:42 PeterZumbruch Busy Time <nop>GnuPlot
hadesDaqMon_dataRateHistory_org.pngpng hadesDaqMon_dataRateHistory_org.png manage 8 K 2011-03-11 - 14:42 PeterZumbruch Data Rate History <nop>GnuPlot
hadesDaqMon_dataRate_org.pngpng hadesDaqMon_dataRate_org.png manage 8 K 2011-03-11 - 14:43 PeterZumbruch Data Rate <nop>GnuPlot
oep_temp.opiopi oep_temp.opi manage 6 K 2011-04-13 - 13:40 PeterZumbruch CSS BOY OPI File for oep temperatures
Topic revision: r8 - 2018-01-08, PeterZumbruch - This page was cached on 2024-07-25 - 14:01.

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