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HadCon Multipurpose Controls Protocol Cmnd Help


Command descriptions of command HELP


$ HELP : will give an overview list of available commands, e.g. :
    RECV HELP --- available commands are:
    RECV HELP --- SEND : send can message
    RECV HELP ---           SEND CAN-ID ID-Range [RTR <nBytes> D0 .. D7]
    RECV HELP --- SUBS : unsubscribe can id/mask
    RECV HELP ---           SUBS CAN-ID ID-Range
    RECV HELP --- USUB : unsubscribe can id/mask
    RECV HELP ---           USUB CAN-ID ID-Range
    RECV HELP --- RGWR : write register
    RECV HELP ---           RGWR <Register> <Value>
    RECV HELP --- RGRE : read register
    RECV HELP ---           RGRE <Register>
    RECV HELP ---           RADC [<ADC Channel>]
    RECV HELP --- OWAD : 1-wire ADC
    RECV HELP ---           OWAD [ID [flag_conv [flag_init]]]
    RECV HELP --- OWDS : 1-wire double switch
    RECV HELP ---           OWDS [ID]
    RECV HELP --- INIT : (re)init of system
    RECV HELP --- OWLS : 1-wire list devices
    RECV HELP ---           OWLS [<Family Code>]
    RECV HELP --- OWSS : 1-wire single switch ([ID] not implemented)
    RECV HELP ---           OWSS [ID]
    RECV HELP --- RSET : reset via watchdog
    RECV HELP --- PING : 
    RECV HELP --- OWTP : 1-wire temperature
    RECV HELP ---           OWTP [ID [flag_conv [flag_init]]
    RECV HELP ---           OWTP <command_keyword> [arguments]]
    RECV HELP --- OWSP : one-wire set active pins/bus mask
    RECV HELP ---           OWSP <bus mask>
    RECV HELP --- CANT : CAN send message
    RECV HELP ---           CANT CAN-ID ID-Range [RTR <nBytes> D0 .. D7]
    RECV HELP --- CANS : CAN subscribe
    RECV HELP ---           CANS CAN-ID ID-Range
    RECV HELP --- CANU : CAN unsubscribe
    RECV HELP ---           CANU CAN-ID ID-Range
    RECV HELP --- DBGL : set/get debug level
    RECV HELP ---           DBGL [level]
    RECV HELP --- DBGM : set/get debug system mask
    RECV HELP ---           DBGM [mask]
    RECV HELP --- JTAG : set/get JTAG availability, switch off/enable 4 more ADC channels
    RECV HELP ---           JTAG [0|1]
    RECV HELP --- HELP : help
    RECV HELP ---           HELP [CMND]
    RECV HELP ---           HELP <mode>
    RECV HELP --- OWRP : 1-wire read active pins/bus mask
    RECV HELP --- DEBG : set/get debug level and mask
    RECV HELP ---           DEBG [level [mask]]
    RECV HELP --- PARA : parasitic device presence test
    RECV HELP --- SHOW : show (internal) settings
    RECV HELP ---           SHOW [key_word]
    RECV HELP --- OWSA : 1-wire API settings
    RECV HELP ---           OWSA <command_key_word> [arguments] 
    RECV HELP --- TWIS : I2C access
    RECV HELP ---           TWIS <0|1> <I2C address> <data length> <byte1 ... byte8>
    RECV HELP --- I2C  : I2C access
    RECV HELP ---           I2C <0|1> <I2C address> <data length> <byte1 ... byte8>
    RECV HELP --- RLTH : relay threshold
    RECV HELP ---           RLTH [command_key_word] <value>
    RECV HELP --- SPI  : experimental SPI master (slave)
    RECV HELP ---           SPI [data]
    RECV HELP ---           SPI <cmd> <arguments>
    RECV HELP --- GNWR : waveform generator write data
    RECV HELP ---           GNWR <address> <data>
    RECV HELP --- GNRE : waveform generator read data
    RECV HELP ---           GNRE <address>
    RECV HELP --- OW8S : 1-wire octal switches
    RECV HELP ---           OW8S [ID [value]]
    RECV HELP --- VERS : code version

A more detailed command description you'll get by using the command:
HELP <command>

-- PeterZumbruch - 2020-11-09
Topic revision: r3 - 2020-11-09, PeterZumbruch - This page was cached on 2024-10-18 - 08:38.

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