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GSI Wiki's Epics web The Epics web of TWiki. TWiki is a Web-Based Collaboration Platform for the Corporate World. en-us Copyright 2025 by contributing authors GSI Wiki Administrator [] The contributing authors of GSI Wiki GSI Wiki GSI Helmholtzzentrum für Schwerionenforschung GmbH.Epics EpicsInstallationAtRaspberryPiFromScratch .strike {text decoration: line through;} __ Detailed Table of Content Installing Raspbian/Debian image see e.g. (last changed by PeterZumbruch) 2024-07-31T17:58:20+02:00 p.zumbruch EpicsInstallationAtRaspberryPiFromScratchRaspiConfigSshObstacle __ Introduction when enabling SSH in raspi_config the following error might appear ... * possible obstacle: "Invalid ssh key generation still running... (last changed by PeterZumbruch) 2024-07-31T17:56:00+02:00 p.zumbruch WebPreferences GSI Wiki.Epics Web Preferences The following settings are web preferences of the GSI Wiki.Epics web. These preferences overwrite the site level preferences in ., ... (last changed by PeterZumbruch) 2022-12-08T14:11:14+01:00 p.zumbruch ToolsModuleInstallation __ Introduction Template for module installations to be include with %INCLUDE{"ToolsModuleInstallation" MODULE=" key, e.g. SEQ " TYPE= "" for wget or " git" ... (last changed by PeterZumbruch) 2022-10-17T16:57:44+02:00 p.zumbruch EpicsInstallationAtGsiEnvironmentVariablesDuringSetupCode EPICS Installation @ GSI: global Environment Variables During Setup Just the code \ Global installation settings n ': ' n ': ' n... (last changed by PeterZumbruch) 2022-10-12T18:25:11+02:00 p.zumbruch HadesGasScales __ Introduction For some of the HADES detectors remote controlled scales are used for the measurement of the weight of the gas bottles to have a continous view o... (last changed by PeterZumbruch) 2022-02-23T21:49:19+01:00 p.zumbruch HadCon2BasedI2CControlOfCaenA7585 __ Introduction * CAEN A7585 * I²C controlled device * EPICS Control * StreamDevice based via * HadCon2 * I²C Implementation ...... (last changed by PeterZumbruch) 2021-10-19T16:56:09+02:00 p.zumbruch IndustrialControlsABBSattCon200HadesCryo EPICS accessing Industrial Controls: ABB SattCon 200 for HADES's Cryo System Introduction There is a request of HADES to be able to integrate readings from the ... (last changed by PeterZumbruch) 2021-06-23T10:25:31+02:00 p.zumbruch Project __ Introduction %\" sp=\"\" ss=\"\" web=\"Epics\"}\$per))"}% header" type="section"}% ... ENDSECTION{"_SECTION2" type="include"} \ ENDSECTIO... (last changed by PeterZumbruch) 2021-06-02T12:14:03+02:00 p.zumbruch ApplicationsGSI Applications HADES Magnet Control System MCS ... more see Project Page for details Status: ~50% Docker based EPICS IOC for ADC readout on Odroi... (last changed by PeterZumbruch) 2021-05-26T09:24:06+02:00 p.zumbruch DockerCaenDT1470IocArchiverGuiSetup __ Introduction Issue of this project is to get a docker based EPICS system with: * EPICS IOC connecting to an DT1470ET device * CAENs DT/N147x family ... (last changed by PeterZumbruch) 2021-05-12T23:18:27+02:00 p.zumbruch HadCon2Modules HadCon2 Modules Defined via unique FTDI ID: /sbin/udevadm info export db grep FTDI grep ID_SERIAL sort uniq HadCon2 Modules, first series Name... (last changed by PeterZumbruch) 2021-04-23T14:07:45+02:00 p.zumbruch HadConMultipurposeControlsProtocolCmndI2C __ Introduction Command description of the API command I2C for HadCon2 . With the help of the I2C command, we could configure, write and read all I2C peripheria... (last changed by PeterZumbruch) 2021-03-15T17:49:06+01:00 p.zumbruch HadCon2Documentation HadCon 2 Documentation Documentation Technical Documentation of HadCon2 and its components Layout * Schematic (local copy) * top view assembly of... (last changed by PeterZumbruch) 2021-03-15T17:09:25+01:00 p.zumbruch WebTopicEditTemplate __ Introduction ... \ (last changed by PeterZumbruch) 2021-01-22T11:11:30+01:00 p.zumbruch HadConAndHadCon2SoftwareRepositories HadCon / HadCon2 Software Repositories Introduction This topic is used as an insert for HadConMultipurposeControlsApi and HadCon2MultipurposeControlsApi since bo... (last changed by PeterZumbruch) 2020-12-11T13:27:11+01:00 p.zumbruch
Topic revision: r1 - 2003-01-30, PeterThoeny
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