TASCA Controls

This part of Tasca-WikiWeb will describe the applications to control and monitor the TASCA experiments.


This AutomaticRapidFillingAutomatus subproject will develop an LabVIEW 8.6.1 ARM7- or FPGA-based replacement for the ARFA µController. Sources can be found in our Subversion repository or most recent here.

Beam Control

LabVIEW 2009 based Beam Control application on KCPC068. It was redesigned by J.P. Omtvedt to better reflect needs during experiments in spring/summer 2011. There currently is a discussion about more compartmentalized organisation of the safety and monitoring tasks in this program and the FPGA based Beam Monitor. Subversion repository. Ask HolgerBrand or EgonJaeger for details. (BeamControlImages)

Beam Monitor

The beam intensity must be continuously monitored. An interlock will be set (to activate the beam chopper) in case the intensity exceeds a configurable limit. (BeamMonitorImages)

The application is based on LabVIEW 8.6.1 FPGA. Sources can be found in our Subversion repository. HolgerBrand ported this application to LabVIEW 2009,and repladed the intensitiy trending chart with a histogram. It has not been tested yet. Subversion repository.

Slit Control

The LabVIEW 7.1 based Slit Control application was reengineered and upgraded to LabVIEW 2009. The sources can be found in our Subversion repository. Subversion revision 5643 refers to Release Ask HolgerBrand or EgonJaeger for details. (SlitControlImages)

This subproject deprecated! It is replaced by and integrated in the Target Wheel Control.

Target Wheel Control

The TASCA target wheel must synchronized with the HEAG power frequency. The new development of this controls part is described in TargetWheelControl.


The vacuum consists of two parts.
  • Already existing is the monitoring and logging of pressures as well as configuration of thresholds etc.
  • The other part about to be deveveloped is the control of valves and beam diagnostics.

Vacuum Monitor

This LabVIEW 8.5 based application is used to monitor pressures measured with six Pfeiffer TPG300 devices. Pressure data becomes stored on disc for data and postmortem analysis. Pressure limits can be configured to switch correesponding relay contacts. Sources can be found in our Subversion repository.

HolgerBrand ported this application to LabVIEW 2009. It has not been tested yet. Subversion repository.

Vacuum Control

The VacuumControl becomes implementes using LVRT on Compact-Fieldpoint. It monitors pressure status and valve and beam diagnostics status. It also checks for valid conditions before performing user change requests like moving a valve or a beam diagnostic element.

TASCA Gas Control (MKS)

The gas or gas-mixture inside TASCA is controlled by a MKS box to which sensors and controllers are physically attached. A LabView control program, originally written by Karsten Opel (UiO), monitors the gas-flows into and pressure in TASCA. It also allows users to select control mode, gas-mixture, flow rates and pressure from a PC (KCPC071) in the Measurement station (instead of directly on the MKS box in the electronics room). See TASCAGasControlOct2011 for more information.

Rotating Multi Analyzer (ROMA)

The RotatingMultiAnalyzer project is deffered to unknown future.

-- HolgerBrand - 08 Sep 2009
Topic revision: r25 - 2012-01-09, HolgerBrand - This page was cached on 2025-02-15 - 07:35.

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