Beam Control Requirements

This page is used to collect the requirements for the new Beam Control application based on LabVIEW 2009.

New: How to make a much better control system using "Artificial Intelligence" - please read separate document discussing this topic (added Jun2012 by JPO).

  1. Configuration parameters
  2. Counter measurements
    1. Macropulse
      1. Pulse length and period must be measured precisely for each unique pulse. The pulse length and duty cycle is necessary for the scaling of other counter measurements.
      2. The pulse frequency can be calculated: Number of pulses/Sum of period times. Update rate on GUI ~1Hz.
    2. Trafo currents and faraday cups will be measured for each pulse by counting gated signal edges. The current can be calculated: Number of edges/pulse length.
    3. Detector measurements must be configurable for several measurement scenarios:
      1. Free running rate meter
      2. Macro pulse gated rate meter
      3. Radioactive decay curve
  3. Chopper control
    1. Manual control
    2. Program controlled
      1. The chopper will be moved in in case of exceed limits of currents, detector count rates or pulse length. The chopper must be moved out manually.
      2. In special irradiation mode the chopper will be moved in and out depending on configured times.
  4. NODAL
    Data can not be uniquely assigned to a specific macro pule. So, we use it as last known information, assuming that the beam intensity varies only slowly from pulse to pulse.
    1. 4 Current values are read from NODAL
      1. Faradaycups: UX8DC2, UX8DC4, UT2DCX, UXIDC6
      2. Trafos: UXADT2 and UX8DT3
    2. Position of cups UT2DCX, UXIDC6, UX8DC2, UX8DC4
    3. Control of cups UX8DC2 and UX8DC4
  5. Data storage

-- HolgerBrand - 06 Nov 2009
Topic revision: r6 - 2012-06-20, JonPetterOmtvedt - This page was cached on 2025-02-22 - 23:10.

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