Vacuum Control

The vacuum control application consists of to parts:
  • The server part becomes implemented using LabVIEW 8.5.0 Realtime on Compact-Fieldpoint cFP-2020. It monitors pressure, valve and beam diagnostics status. It also checks for valid conditions before performing user change requests like moving a valve or a beam diagnostic element.
  • The client part becomes implemented using LabVIEW 2011. It displays thew current status of the vacuum system, position of valves and beam diagnostics etc. It allows the user to request state changes, e.g. moving valves of beam diagnostics. Alarms, malfunctions etc. become displayed in the alarm manager and the user is guided to possible reasons and solutions.

The communication between RT-Server and Client will use Shared Variables. All relevant process variables are monitored and logged to disc using the Data Logging and Supervisory Control Module. The historical data can be reviewed or exported for further analysis using the Historical Trend Viewer.


  • Minimal cycle period for a simple one digital channel example is 10ms.
    In this example I am writing one digital output to cFP-DO-410 which is connected to a cFP-DI-304 digital input that is used to read the set value back. The set value for the digital output is read from a shared variable hosted on the cFP-2020. The digital inpout becomes pubished via shared variable.
  • Minimal cycle period for one slider driven by a FSM is 150ms.
    Status of endswitches, moving and alarm flag as well as state becomes published via DataSocket to shared variables.

Alarm Help

The following section describes reasons for alarm condition and possible solutions.

Slider Alarms

  • initializing About to start the RT-System.
  • Error Error returned by subVI.
    • DataSocket-SubVIs
    • Fieldpoint IO
  • bothOff Both endswitches are inactive.
    • Slider hangs between both endswitches.
      • Airpressure is too low.
      • Mechanical reasons.
    • Cable problems. Cable may be cut.
  • bothOn Both endswitches are active:
    • Endswitch clamps.
    • Shortcut in cable.
  • wrongES The wrong endsitch is active compared to the desired position.
    • Endswitch that was left cambs and the desired endswitch was not reached.
    • Cable problems, see above.
  • unkown Any other reason for for non-normal operation.
  • deinitializing About to shutdown the RT-System.

-- HolgerBrand - 28 Sep
Topic revision: r4 - 2011-09-28, HolgerBrand - This page was cached on 2025-02-07 - 19:38.

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