Rotating Multi Analyzer

This wiki-web contains the project specific documentation for the Rotating Multi Analyzer.

Kickoff / Project

On August 26th, 2009 it was decided to start the development ot the Rotating Multi Analyzer based on Bosch/Rexroth hardware and software components. The graphical user interface will be based on LabVIEW.

It is a good idea to follow the Siemens standard System Development Methode, stdSEM. Please request permission from HolgerBrand.

(You can have a look at the initialization phase at stdSEM Demo Version. This Web is accessable from within GSI only.)


Following links are pointing to the current configurations


Manuals of most used devices can be found on the netstorage: to be defined.

-- EgonJaeger - 09 Sep 2009
Topic revision: r1 - 2009-09-09, HolgerBrand - This page was cached on 2025-02-16 - 15:03.

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