rc script: (re)start hadcon at reboot ( ...Copy of http:///.HowToSetupHadesIOCsRestartAtRebootHadconRcScript?rev=r1.2 which cannot be included by Twiki ... ) %beg...
rc script: (re)start hadcon at reboot %begin bash% #!/bin/sh # rc # script called at system startup/reboot # # ... commented out code # # # set the time serv...
start(Background)EpicsIoc scripts: (re)start hadcon at reboot ExitIfHelperScript.sh Usage Included by other scripts to check permissions Code %begin bash% ...
rc script: (re)start hadcon at reboot Old version %begin bash% #!/bin/sh # # ... commented out code # if ! e "/etc/localtime" then ln s /home/hadaq/B...
rc EPICS script: (re)start hadcon at reboot EPICS script draft %begin bash% mylist=$(grep v '^#' EPICS IOCS .txt cut d " " f 1) for item in $mylist do ...
Architecture: ETRAX's CRIS by AXIS EPICS on ETRAX cris architecture 1. cross compiling EPICS on ETRAX architecture 2. setting up an IOC on the ETRAX prov...
Discontinuation Note on CBM Virtex Project Discontinuation * Meanwhile there seems to be no longer interest in this project from the side of CBM. Therefore ...
EPICS on CBM's Xilinx Virtex4/5 FPGAs It is the proposed idea to follow the Siemens standard System Development Methode, stdSEM (engl.) / stdSEM (deutsch) (Regis...
EPICS installations at GSI Base installation: epicslogin.sh script installation script Just the code Allow use of EPICS installations (to deny: comment ou...
EPICS installations at GSI Base installation: epics script installation script Just the code Allow use of EPICS installations (to deny: comment out with l...
EPICS related Seminars GSI IT/EE Palaver 25 May 2009 EPICS Experimental Physics and Industrial Control System Peter Zumbruch, GSI Announcement * IT/EE...
Announcement CSS Control System Studio A New Operator Toolkit GSI Helmholtzzentrum für Schwerionenforschung Darmstadt Experiment Electronics' Control Systems...
Graveyard / Attic This page stores parts which are not used (now) from WebHome : EPICS installations Installations of EPICS at GSI step by step This secti...
Personal Notes on EPICS Collaboration Meeting, October 13 17, 2008, INFN, Legnaro, Italy by Peter Zumbruch Back to ... Overview Low Level Applications redun...
Personal Notes on PCaPAC, October 20 23, 2008, Ljubljana, Slovenia by Peter Zumbruch General Notes / Questions / TODOs * Monday, 20th October Main.Peter...
Toggle Visibility Sources * hideshow.js: JavaScript for this functionality Description This JavaScript function enables you to toggle the visibility of almos...
%begin makefile% # CONFIG.linux x86.linux cris_v10 # # Definitions for linux x86 host linux cris_v10 target builds # Sites may override these definitions in CON...
%begin makefile% # CONFIG_SITE.linux x86.linux cris # # Site specific definitions for linux x86 host linux cris target builds # Main.PeterZumbruch 22 Aug 2...
%begin makefile% #************************************************************************* # Copyright (c) 2002 The University of Chicago, as Operator of Argonne...
%begin makefile% # CONFIG.Common.linux x86 # # CONFIG.Common.linux x86,v 2005/02/25 16:00:40 jba Exp # This file is maintained by the build community. # ...
%begin makefile% # CONFIG.linux x86.linux cris_v32 # # Definitions for linux x86 host linux cris_v32 target builds # Sites may override these definitions in CON...
%begin makefile% # CONFIG.linux x86.linux cris # # Definitions for linux x86 host linux cris target builds # Sites may override these definitions in CONFIG_SITE...
%begin makefile% # CONFIG.Common.linux cris # # Definitions for linux cris target builds # Sites may override these definitions in CONFIG_SITE.Common.linux cris #...
%begin makefile% # CONFIG_SITE.Common.linux cris # # Site Specific definitions for linux cris target # Only the local epics system manager should modify this file...