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rc script: (re)start hadcon at reboot - EPICS section

%begin bash% #start EPICS IOC script in background #P.Zumbruch, GSI, 28-05-2009

myHostname=$(hostname) #mylist='etrax046 etrax047 etrax048' mylist='etrax047 etrax048' startBackgroundEpicsIOCScript=/home/hadaq/startBackgroundEpicsIOC.sh for item in $mylist do if [ "$item" = "$myHostname" ] then [ ! -f ${startBackgroundEpicsIOCScript} ] && break;

export HOSTNAME=${HOSTNAME:=${myHostname}} ${startBackgroundEpicsIOCScript}

break; fi done %end%

-- PeterZumbruch - 13 Jan 2010
Topic revision: r1 - 2010-01-13, PeterZumbruch - This page was cached on 2025-02-07 - 06:11.

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