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EPICS installations at GSI - Base installation:
epics script installation script - Compact - Just the code

# epics script installation
# ----------------------------------------

# Create Directory

[ -d ${%EPICS_ALL_EPICS_TOP_DIR_NAME%:?"undefined"} ] && %MKDIR_CMD% -p ${%EPICS_ALL_EPICS_TOP_DIR_NAME%}/bin || %DIE_CMD%

# Allow use of EPICS installations (to deny: comment out with leading '#')

# Definitions:

# Change to directory ${%EPICS_ALL_EPICS_TOP_DIR_NAME%}/bin

# define list of scripts to be looked for
# Process for each item in list
%FOR_CMD% item in ${list}
    # Does a valid item already exist in ${%EPICS_ALL_EPICS_TOP_DIR_NAME%}/bin ?
    #     if yes, do nothing
    #     if no then
    #        1) check if there is an invalid symbolic link
    #           yes) remove it
    #        2) download it to %EPICS_DOWNLOAD_DIR%/bin
    #        3) check if you can already resolve it via '%WHICH_CMD%'
    #           yes) compare this with     %IF_CMD% [ ! -e ${%EPICS_ALL_EPICS_TOP_DIR_NAME%}/bin/${item} ];
       # Does item is an invalid symbolic link in ${%EPICS_ALL_EPICS_TOP_DIR_NAME%}/bin?
       %IF_CMD% [ -L ${%EPICS_ALL_EPICS_TOP_DIR_NAME%}/bin/${item} ]
          echo removing invalid link ${%EPICS_ALL_EPICS_TOP_DIR_NAME%}/bin/${item}:
          echo " "$(%LS_CMD% -l ${%EPICS_ALL_EPICS_TOP_DIR_NAME%}/bin/${item})
          %RM_CMD% ${%EPICS_ALL_EPICS_TOP_DIR_NAME%}/bin/${item}
       # Allow use of GSI EPICS tools ?
       # true) create symbolic links to gsi epics installations
       %IF_CMD% [ 'true' = "$ALLOW_USE_OF_EPICS_GSI_INSTALL" ]
          %IF_CMD% [ -f %GSI_EPICS_INSTALLATIONS_TOP_DIRECTORY_VAR%/bin/${item} ];
    # check once again:
    # Does a valid item already exist in ${%EPICS_ALL_EPICS_TOP_DIR_NAME%}/bin ?
    #     if not then
    #        1) download it to %EPICS_DOWNLOAD_DIR%/bin
    #        2) check if you can already resolve it via '%WHICH_CMD%'
    #           yes) compare this with the download:
    #              identical) create another symbolic link to it
    #              else) copy download to ${%EPICS_ALL_EPICS_TOP_DIR_NAME%}/bin
    %IF_CMD% [ ! -e ${%EPICS_ALL_EPICS_TOP_DIR_NAME%}/bin/${item} ];
       %CD_CMD% %EPICS_DOWNLOAD_DIR%/bin &&
       %WGET_CMD% https://wiki.gsi.de/pub/Epics/EpicsInstallationsAtGsiBaseEpicsScriptInstallationScriptMainCode/${item} || die "something went wrong"
       lookup=$(%WHICH_CMD% ${item})
       %IF_CMD% [ ! -z "${lookup}" ]
          %DIFF_CMD% %EPICS_DOWNLOAD_DIR%/bin/${item} ${lookup} > /dev/null
          %IF_CMD% [ 0 -eq $? ]
             %LN_CMD% ${lookup}
       %IF_CMD% [ "true" = "$doLocalCopy" ]
          %CP_CMD% %EPICS_DOWNLOAD_DIR%/bin/${item} ${%EPICS_ALL_EPICS_TOP_DIR_NAME%}/bin
%UNSET_CMD% item lookup list doLocalCopy

-- PeterZumbruch - 24 Jun 2009
Topic revision: r2 - 2009-06-24, PeterZumbruch - This page was cached on 2025-02-14 - 14:01.

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