Epics@GSI Webhome


    HADES Magnet Control System - MCS

    No permission to view HadesMcs ... more see Project Page for details
    Status: ~50%
    No permission to view Epics

    Docker based EPICS IOC for ADC readout on Odroid / RPI to readout 4-20mA

    %FOREACH{"project" in="DockerBasedIocAdcReadoutOf4To20mAonOdroidOrRaspi"}% $percntINCLUDE{"$project" section="abstract" plus="++"}$percnt ... more see Project Page for details
    Status: development/configuration: finished, Testing by client/uer: 95%
    $percntREVINFO{topic="$project" "-- $wikiusername - $date"}$percnt

    Docker based Caen DT1470 IOC Archiver GUI Setup

    %FOREACH{"project" in="DockerCaenDT1470IocArchiverGuiSetup"}% $percntINCLUDE{"$project" section="abstract" plus="++"}$percnt ... more see Project Page for details
    Status: development/configuration: finished, Testing by client/uer: 95%
    $percntREVINFO{topic="$project" "-- $wikiusername - $date"}$percnt

    HadCon2 General I/O Register Controls

    EPICS IOC based on StreamDevice to access HadCon2's Registers via the commands RGRE and RGWR for read and write.

    ... more see Project Page for details
    Status: out of the drawer, already prepared project: 95%
    -- PeterZumbruch - 2015-06-26

    HadCon2 APFEL Controls

    This projects objective is the control of the slow control parameters of an APFEL ASIC with the HadCon2 controller board, which itself could be connected to a computer (here a Raspberry Pi (1) Model B) running an EPICS IOC. The EPICS IOCs data are visualized using the Control System Studio CSS.

    Thus the project comprises
    • The implementation of the APFEL specific procotol on HadCon2's AVR
    • The implementation of an APFEL specific API command on HadCon2's AVR
    • The implementation of the EPICS IOC able to access the HadCon2's APFEL API command
    • The implementation of an CSS based GUI set to operate the APFEL
    • optional: the preparation of a Raspberry Pi Image

    ... more see Project Page for details
    Status: running system, deployed, documentation: 95%
    -- PeterZumbruch - 2017-05-29

    HADES MDC CAEN1527 Network and Status Watchdog

    On Request of the HADES MDC group a local EPICS based watchdog unit is built to
    1. set and get via network as EPICS client the values of an extra measurement channel of the CAEN Crate (low Voltage)
    2. measures via an ADC ( HadCon2) the output voltage
    3. compares the results, settings, and the status
    4. in case of failures
      1. issue a "soft CPU reset" via the external, activated RESET input
      2. redo checks
      3. if still in case of failure:
        1. issue a RAMPDOWN cmd via the modified external "KILL" input of the special MDC CAEN1527LC version.
        2. wait the maximal rampdown time
        3. issue a "soft CPU reset"
        4. check output Voltage:
          1. . if still not Zero escalate Alarming
        5. remain in "safe shutdown"

    ... more see Project Page for details
    Status: development: 30%

    HADES MDC Gas Monitor

    The large scale HADES Experiment at GSI uses drift chambers for particle tracking purposes. In order to monitor the gas pressure of the filling gas the MDC Gas Monitor NIM module has been developed. It serves primarily as an interlock for the high voltage in case the pressure is out of its working range. For the remote controlling and monitoring of the pressure, of the interlocks thresholds and of several temperatures of critical electronic components the general purpose board HADControl (aka HADSHOPOMO) is used. This board, designed and developed by the EE department of GSI (M.Traxler) is based on the ETRAX single chip computer by AXIS running Linux.

    This projects tasks is
    • to monitor via EPICS
      • the temperatures which are read out via single-wire bus protocol
      • the voltage, representing the gas pressure
    • to control and monitor via EPICS
      • lower and upper threshold settings for the interlock for the HV supply, which reacts on the gas pressure.

    For this purpose the results of several projects of the EPICS and HADES groups at GSI are used.

    ... more see Project Page for details
    Status: running system, documentation: 80%
    -- PeterZumbruch - 2011-02-25

    HADES RICH Current Monitor

      The large scale HADES Experiment at GSI uses a RICH (ring imaging cherenkov detector) for particle discrimination and (basic) tracking purposes. In order to monitor the currents on the detection plane in each of the six sectors, an ADC board has been developed by the Munic RICH team. It communicates via CANbus. Currently it is connected to a VME CPU via an IPAC carrier module. The VME CPU is running the EPICS IOC accessing the ADC board.

      The projects objective is to gradually replace this system with a HadCon2 based Ansatz.
      1. Collect status, documentation and requirements
        • physical location
        • available documentation
        • scan rates
      2. Keep the ADC board, but replace the VME based CANbus controller by the HadCon2 and communicate via HadCon2's CAN commands with the existing ADC port
      3. replace the ADC board by
        1. HadCon2 and its internal 10bit ADC b. HadCon2 and its internal FPGA based ADC c. HadCon2 connected to an external ADC, e.g. OwAdc1

    ... more see Project Page for details
    Status: stopped: 100%
    -- PeterZumbruch - 2015-03-03

    HADES RICH Gas Transmission Monitor

    The large scale HADES Experiment at GSI uses a RICH (ring imaging cherenkov detector) for particle discrimination and (basic) tracking purposes. In order to monitor the gas quality concering UV transmission, an ADC board has been developed by the Munic RICH team. It communicates via CANbus. Currently it is connected to a VME CPU via an IPAC carrier module. The VME CPU is running the EPICS IOC accessing the ADC board.

    The projects objective is to gradually replace this system with a HadCon2 based Ansatz.
    1. Collect status, documentation and requirements
      • physical location
      • available documentation
      • scan rates
    2. Keep the ADC board, but replace the VME based CANbus controller by the HadCon2 and communicate via HadCon2's CAN commands with the existing ADC port
    3. replace the ADC board by
      1. HadCon2 and its internal 10bit ADC b. HadCon2 and its internal FPGA based ADC c. HadCon2 connected to an external ADC, e.g. OwAdc1

    ... more see Project Page for details

    Status: kickoff: 27 Jan 2015, documentation 5%

    -- PeterZumbruch - 2011-07-19 r2 - 2015-02-04 - 10:14:11 - PeterZumbruch

    HADES RPC Threshold setting and Temperature/Voltage/Current Monitoring

    The large scale HADES Experiment at GSI upgrades the new RPC (resistive plate chamber) detector of HADES.
    The readout is based upon the TRBv2: General Purpose Trigger and Readout Board (pdf)
    Therefore the RPC setup requires control and monitoring elements to set and read two threshold settings for each RPC channel.
    In addition 1-Wire© bus based temperature sensors on DAQ boards have to be monitored.
    These data are collected via the AXIS' ETRAX FS chip on the TRBv2 board responsible for the DAQ. Since EPICS can be run on ETRAX's cris architectures, EPICS will be used to provide this functionality.
    As a further device the proposed Low Voltage Supply Board's temperature, voltages and currents have to be monitored via the ETRAX LX based HADcon(trol) general purpose board module (a.k.a. HADShoPoMo).

    ... more see Project page for details.
    Status: currently developed
    -- PeterZumbruch - 2011-02-24

    HADES RPC Gas System Monitor

    Besides the Threshold setting and Temperature/Voltage/Current Monitoring the RPC (resistive plate chamber) detector of HADES requires EPICS based monitoring of their gas system parameters.
    The data of the gas system are retrieved by a proprietary hardware controller controlling/monitoring flow (set/get), and (differential) pressure (get). It is accessible via CANbus. This CANbus is connected to a HADcon(trol) general purpose board, where an EPICS Server is running. This IOC collects the data provided by the HADcon's microcontroller via the streamDevice protocol and provides them to EPICS clients such as a CSS based BOY GUI build for this purpose.

    boy gui

    ... more see Project page for details.
    Status: running remote setup (Coimbra), documentation: 110%, project finished, extended on request
    -- PeterZumbruch - 2011-07-19

    HADES Magnet Hall Sensor - Magnetic Field Monitor

    Using the port folio of HadCon based applications the objective of this project is to realize a reading of several hall sensor values to be available inside HADES EPICS based control system.

    The major components are:

    • For this application 2 sensors are planned which feed separate 1-wire buses.

    ... more see Project page for details.
    Status:design started, documentation: 10%
    -- PeterZumbruch - 2013-03-21

    HADES DAQ Monitor

    The HADES data acquisition system is based on the trbnet architecture. Its status and controls are accessed via the command (shell,library) trbnet. Up to now its (ASCII) output is efficiently parsed by perl routines and displayed in an ASCII view or forwarded to gnu-plot. Those plots are dynamically created depending on the data return of trbnet and its dynamic configuration.
    In view of an integration of at least the monitoring features into the already used EPICS system at HADES this data flow should be extended/replaced.
    Possible problems might occur due to missing features for dynamic behavior of the gui (maybe solved by JavaScript scripts, using BOY GUIs of CSS (SNS)), insufficient performance, and/or complex data structures to transport.

    ... more see Project page for details.
    Status: first dummy implementation for playground, documentation: 50%
    -- PeterZumbruch - 2018-01-08

    HADES DAQ Event Builders

    HADES data acquisition's event builders have dedicated IOCs which:

    • - by methods of memory mapping -
      provides information about the status,
    • AND
      - by a master and slave mechanism -
      provides an efficient method to synchronize and load balance up to 16 event builder cores each of it having up to 25 input streams.

    This EPICS based design has been originally develloped and maintained by Sergey Yurevich, HADES, GSI. Since he left GSI, the HADES collaboration, and science at all, I (PZ) have been asked to take over maintenance and further requests.

    Event Builder IOC concept Event Builder Database design Event Builder Main GUI

    The objective of this project is therefore to provide an additional documentation of the system and a collection of links to the existing documentation of the HADES collaboration's wiki.

    ... more see Project page for details.
    Status: in principle a summary and collection of links for maintainance an existing system, documentation: 5%
    -- PeterZumbruch - 2011-07-06

    trbnet 2 EPICS implementation (Documentation)

    EPICS trbnet Applicatons

    ... more see Project page for details.
    Status: , documentation: 10%
    -- PeterZumbruch - 2020-11-09

    FOPI mbsMonitor

    MBS status IOC.
    • In order to connect to the MBS status port an IOC was programmed by Jörn Adamczewski.
    • A medm user interface is available from Hans Essel.

    The FOPI experiment at GSI is/was(?) using this interface to monitor the status of its MBS experiment.
    ... more on FOPI's usage of the MBS monitor
    Status: running system
    -- PeterZumbruch - 2007-09-14
    -- PeterZumbruch - 06 Sep 2007

-- -- PeterZumbruch - 2020-08-05
-- PeterZumbruch - 2021-05-26
Topic revision: r19 - 2021-05-26, PeterZumbruch - This page was cached on 2024-10-06 - 13:51.

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