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trbnet to EPICS implementation using aSub records


Starting within the HADES project, an EPICS application for the readout of the CTU (central trigger unit) has been built by Burkhard Kolb. This EPICS IOC connects to the " trbnet command server" and, reads and writes array blocks of information, using the libtrbnet library into EPICS asub records. In a second step, up-to-now: integrated, but to be disentangled in future, the CTU specific information is derived by breaking the information down into single units of information by properly decoding the basic information. When writing this information has to be combined before writing again to the trbnet.

The following elements are used and/or described:


Burkhard Kolb, GSI



  • trb.7z: code tarball (1.st version not yet cleaned or analyzed)

-- PeterZumbruch - 08 Sep 2016

-- PeterZumbruch - 2016-09-08
Topic revision: r1 - 2016-09-08, PeterZumbruch
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