50 recent changes in CSframework Web retrieved at 08:48 (Local)

This is the list of meeting minutes concerning the CS Database project . * CsDbKickoffMeeting Main.HolgerBrand 01 Nov 2006
CS Parameter Database Main.AliBabaei starts to develop a parameter database with version control in November 2006. This wiki web contains the project specific doc...
Sept 13, 2006, 10.30 Room: Vorraum der Atomphysik, GSI Agenda * CS_30_intro.pdf: Introduction to CS, D. Beck * Meeting_controls_140906.pdf: Overview HITRAP...
r5 - 2006-10-23 - 13:27 by OliverKester
Das HITRAP Kontrollsystem umfasst zwei unterschiedliche Sektionen. Den Hochfrequenzlinearbeschleuniger un der HITRAP Niederenergiebereich mit Kühlerfalle, vertika...
Graphics of diagnostic boxes * KVI_diagnostics.pdf: Design of the diagnostics boxes at KVI Groningen Information about the diagnostic boxes * The System is...
NEW - 2006-10-13 - 02:11 by OliverKester
May 4, 2006, 13:30 Room: Vorraum der Atomphysik, GSI Agenda * Introduction * Open discussion Participants: Main.DietrichBeck, Main.HolgerBrand, Main.Fran...
r5 - 2006-10-13 - 01:52 by OliverKester
Milestones of the CS Framework Important dates and release history of the CS framework, given in reverse order. * Development Version CS V2.10d4 (August 4, 200...
Sub Projects within CS The following links are pointing to specific sub projects within CS . * Domain Management System * CS Access System * CS SQL Se...
The proposed solution was the ObjectNet, coded by "vogler automatisierungstechnik". We want to have a simmilar version for the cs framework. Mabe with some improv...
Quality assurance is given mainly by Dr. Holger Brand and Dr. Dietrich Beck. If anything is not atisfying, they will contact me. Main.AlexanderSchwinn 29 Sep ...
The ObjectNetŽs itself are working fine. At the moment the only risk is, that the connection to the PetriNetŽs could take some time. It is not sure, if thr diplom...
A ObjectNet should fulfil some primary requirements: * Within the Launch.viŽs ObjectŽs can be started * The data flow inside ObjectNetŽs the must be observa...
In front of a diploma work Alexander Schwinn will implement the ObjectNets and, if the time allows it, the PetriNets too. As Mentors Dr. Holger Brand and Dr. Diet...
September 26, 2006, 16:00 Room: Discussion room DVEE, GSI Agenda * Discussion concerning the upgrade to CS 3.0 Participants: Main.HolgerBrand, Main.PiotrKoc...
* FopiMeeting1 22. September 2005 Temperature Monitoring Maintance of CEAN Agilent power supply classes * FopiMeeting2 26. September 2006 Discussion concer...
Decisions made in the CSON Meeting 11.09.06 * no use of any CreateEvent viŽs, only optional use, to observe the Data flow //done * The only communication ...
* Wiener Crate control * AP has to provide at least two Wiener Crates in the EE/KS Vorortlabor. * AP has currently provided one Wiener NIM crate ...
Short term solution * NI PXI 1033 Chassis with integrated MXI express controller, PCIexpress card and 3m cable * NI PXI 8464 CAN Bus controller with 2 ports...
General Object GUI The General Object GUI (GOG) is a class that is designed for easy communication with the system. It can be used interactively as well a program...
Object Inspector The Object Inspector is a class for easy viewing and cleaning up the objects that have been created. At present, it's functionality is limited. A...
AP ESR Introduction There is an increasing demand for monitoring and slow control of modules, power crates, cameras etc. during the setup and actual experiments a...
Multi Threading When speaking of multithreading in LabVIEW, one must not confuse two things. First, there are the "real" threads of LabVIEW system within the oper...
Primary requirements * monitor the status Wiener NIM and VME creates via CAN bus Secondary requirements * control and monitor from outside ESR cave Future...
September 13, 2006, 15:00 Room: DVEE Diskussionsraum, GSI Agenda * Visison of the ApEsrControlSystem * Control of Wiener crate power supplies via CAN bus a...
This is the list of meeting minutes concerning the APESR control system. * ApEsrKickoffMeeting Main.HolgerBrand 14 Sep 2006
APESR Control System AP ESR will start to develop the control system. This wiki web contains the experiment specific documentation. Kickoff / Project On 13 Septe...
CSSequencer Primary Requirements The CSSeqKickoffMeeting was based on some very preliminary requirements, AllgemeineTestumgebung.ppt. They will be elaborated duri...
r24 - 2006-07-14 - 08:55 by IgorGunko
CS changes after version 1.20 This How To describes the changes for CS for versions 2.00 and newer. In version 2.00, the whole core of the CS framework has been r...
CS Communication Layer Introduction Starting with release 3.0, the communication layer of CS has been redesigned. CS prior version 3.0 Older versions of CS use...
CSSeqArchitecturalDesignSpecification The following UML diagrams should serve as documentation for the current design of the CSSequencer class package. Moreover I...
r12 - 2006-05-10 - 09:54 by MaximilianKugler
The following UML notations document the design of the first CSSequencer protottype. CSSeqExec class" width="828" height="704" / Main.Maxi...
NEW - 2006-05-07 - 14:26 by MaximilianKugler
/risingtransparent.gif Rising Autofill System The Rising Autofill System, formerly running as a Labview Application using ObjectView, was redesigned by using the...
Upgrade to V4.0 S2 There will be an additional pipline leading from the S4 to the S2 area. There will be placed one tank with 8 detectors attached. The tank fill...
Rising Autofill System : Documentation * documentation.doc * schematic hardware plan : hardware.jpg * front panel of the towers : * front panel ...
CSSequencer Proposed Solution The following class descriptions represent a first design approach for the CSSequencer package: * CSListObj * Handles hiera...
r3 - 2006-04-11 - 16:46 by MaximilianKugler
Meeting for the CSSequencer Project * Date: April 4, 2006, 1:30 am * Room: KP1 Besprechungsraum (SB2 4.140) Agenda * Discussion of first ideas Particip...
Meeting Minutes * CSSeqKickoffMeeting on February 23, 2006 * CSSeqMeeting07March2006 * CSSeqMeeting09March2006 * CSSeqMeeting04April2006 Main.Holger...
CSSequencer ToDo List Following Tasks have to be done: * Collection of CSSeqPrimaryRequirements * Collection of Use Cases * Development on a CSProxy cl...
r2 - 2006-03-23 - 15:19 by MaximilianKugler
DuT = Device under Test in general: any hardware which can be tested. Typical examples in our environment: Cable sets; PCBs of all kinds (Analog and digital I/O,...
NEW - 2006-03-20 - 20:20 by MichaelSayed
Meeting for the CSSequencer Project * Date: March 9, 2006, 8:15 am * Room: TBH 3.014 Agenda * Presentation of more CSSeqPrimaryRequirements * Discuss...
Meeting for the CSSequencer Project * Date: March 7, 2006, 2:00 pm * Room: TBH 3.014 Agenda * Presentation of more CSSeqPrimaryRequirements * Discuss...
Preconfiguration of the Rising Autofillsystem * Check wether the following attributes have the correct values. (See OPC mapping) All other settings can be done...
Twincat Setup for the Rising Autofill System First install Twincat and the Twincat OPC Server. How to configure the OPC Server and make the OPC items accessible i...
Labview Installation for the Rising Autofill System To run the System the following packages from NI have to be installed : * Labview 7.1 Professional Developm...
Kickoff Metting for the CSSequencer Project * Date: February 23, 2006, 8:15 am * Room: TBH 3.014 Agenda * Project Kickoff * History review * Curre...
CSSequencer Introduction The talk concering sequencers held by Main.HerbertPichlik, Systec, during the CsWorkshopFebruary2006, provides a good starting point as i...
NEW - 2006-02-23 - 14:57 by IgorGunko
Results of the CS Workshop in February2006 * Next CS Releases * CS Release 3.0 * Stay with LV 7.1 * include DIM * include all ...
Serial Configuration * Baud Rate: 38400 * Flow Control: None * Parity: None * Data Bits: 8 * Stop Bits: 1.0 Main.CarolWandji 13 Jan 2006
NEW - 2006-01-13 - 16:12 by CarolWandji
This apparatus consists to mix gases of some quantity.The necessary gas data for the mixture has been sent with the Computer to the Interface .It is possible to k...
NEW - 2006-01-11 - 13:29 by CarolWandji
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