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Results from TOS/Timing web retrieved at 05:35 (Local)

Main.MathiasKreider 07 May 2015 Getting Information about the Firmware on a device Firmware IDs The eb info tool was used to read out the build id ROM, providin...
r3 - 2015-05-11 - 11:06 by mkreider
GHDL coupling to C via VHPI Motivation It is often useful to call into c libraries from within a VHDL simulation/testbench * because VHDL standard library is ...
r2 - 2022-10-20 - 11:04 by mreese
Monitor local system time of a WRS via SNMP 1. Introduction WRS synchronises its local time with an external NTP server, if one is specified in CONFIG_NTP_SERVER...
NEW - 2021-09-24 - 13:09 by eochirs
Use port mirroring on a WR switch (WRS) 1. Introduction Although port mirroring is supported by WRSs a corresponding command option is not documented in the user...
r3 - 2022-03-24 - 13:28 by eochirs
Installing Quartus 18.1 on Linux Mint 19.2 Introduction Below steps are described to solve some trouble during and after installation of Quartus Prime Standard ...
r6 - 2019-11-01 - 11:06 by mskorsky
Run the ordinary and boundary clocks using linuxptp The linuxptp package is a PTPv2 implementation according to the IEEE 1588 standard for Linux. It includes the ...
r5 - 2022-12-16 - 17:19 by eochirs
Main.MichaelReese 07 Feb 2019 In response to user requests for lower latency communication and fewer library dependencies in saftlib, API breaking changes are int...
r30 - 2019-11-12 - 09:42 by mreese
Synchronize the clock of non WR devices in the WR network 1. Introduction This document presents specific configurations of White Rabbit (WR) switches, which are...
NEW - 2022-06-02 - 15:22 by eochirs
Test the interoperability of the IEEE 1588 capable network adapters with the White Rabbit switches Introduction This report presents the interoperability between...
r2 - 2022-10-28 - 10:54 by eochirs
Deprecated HOW TOs This is just a unrevised collection of outdated or deprecated HOW TOs. Timing Receivers * Building and Installation * HOW TO: Instal...
r6 - 2022-01-14 - 15:16 by dbeck
Documentation Some documentation is given here. This is not structured but just a collection of various things. * Documents * HOW TOs * Releases * Cur...
r5 - 2018-11-18 - 08:09 by dbeck
How To: Etherbone with Wireshark Introduction Wireshark might be useful when you need to inspect Etherbone packages sent via Ethernet, see here. Here are a few h...
r3 - 2019-10-11 - 15:41 by dbeck
How To: WB_FEC This wiki provides information about * WB FEC VHDL module and integration in Bel_Projects * Synthesis of Timing Receiver Gateware with the WB...
r14 - 2018-04-05 - 09:16 by dbeck
How To: Accessing ACO Frontends Using ACO Tools Introduction This how to is just intended as a primer for non specialists. Disclaimer: There are many, many possi...
r5 - 2022-03-23 - 11:39 by dbeck
How To: Building and Deployment for Linux Boxes and SCU Most of the code has been developed in the context of the White Rabbit Project and is hosted by the Open H...
Data Master: How To Configure and Operate There are different versions of the data master depending on the release of the control system. * Release R12 "Cherr...
r9 - 2018-03-12 - 10:57 by mkreider
Ohps! You are looking for an old wiki page that has been renamed. Try this wiki page Main.DietrichBeck 19 Jun 2019
NEW - 2019-06-19 - 15:58 by dbeck
How To: Command Line Tools for Timing Receiver (including SCU) Introduction A set of command line tools is deployed and available on Front End Computers (FECs). ...
r25 - 2022-02-25 - 12:45 by dbeck
Gateway Data Master UNILAC Pulszentrale (DM UNIPZ) DM UNIPZ * Betrieb * Configuration and Rufbereitschaft * (for editing the basics, click) Further...
Remote debugging of a running saft daemon with GDB It is possible to connect GDB to a running SCU, set breakpoints, step through the code, print variables, etc. T...
r2 - 2021-10-13 - 14:19 by mreese
Timing Messages: How To Snoop the Timing System News FEC for FESA class is now scuxl0143. Introduction This is a first simple solution to view what is going on ...
r10 - 2021-01-22 - 11:28 by schwinn
How To: Check a FEC Introduction This How To describes how to check a FEC works properly with respect to features provided by the GMT. Test Plan This is just a ...
r11 - 2023-11-08 - 14:43 by dbeck
How To: Flash a Timing Receiver with a Gateware/Firmware Image TL;DR * disable all software on the host (FESA, saftd, ...) * SCU only: disable the watchdog...
Main.EnkhboldOchirsuren 17 Oct 2024 How To: Burst generation this functionality is under development and not available in any release A simple solution for gener...
How To: eb console Set a static IP Timing receivers not connected to a bootp server require a static IP for full operation. This is to be set via the eb console ...
r2 - 2022-03-24 - 16:47 by mkreider
Install etherbone library on tsl101 server * login on acc8 dev cluster (e.g. asl751) and clone repo and checkout correct branch git clone
NEW - 2022-09-07 - 11:07 by mreese
Clock Master: How To Operate Introduction This How To is intended for the members of the timing team. The clock master is the White Rabbit Grandmaster Clock of t...
r4 - 2017-12-23 - 10:27 by dbeck
How To: Setting Up a Linux Box Intended usage: E Release For older releases please check out the history of this Wiki page. Introduction This how to describes se...
r5 - 2020-12-22 - 10:00 by dbeck
How To: Poor Humans TIF An Ugly Temporary TIF Workaround for the 2021, 2022, 2023, 2024 and 2025 Beam Times Introduction As there is currently no replacement f...
How To: saft uni Introduction This tool is intended to diagnose UNILAC operation. This tool is experimental! The standard tool saft ctl can of course be used. Ho...
r4 - 2023-10-27 - 10:21 by dbeck
How To: snoopy spy Introduction This is a simple command line tool and provided by one of our colleagues from FEC and available on the ASL 7 cluster. Altho...
NEW - 2019-09-06 - 10:18 by dbeck
How To: LM32 Soft CPU Introduction Soft CPUs are a VDHL implementation of a CPU in a FPGA. With FAIR Timing Receivers, Soft CPUs are directly embedded in the Wis...
r13 - 2020-01-23 - 13:39 by mskorsky
How To: LM32 Soft CPU Accessing a LM32 Soft CPU via shared memory and Wishbone Introduction This how to demonstrates how to access the LM32 Soft CPU via Shared...
r2 - 2017-03-28 - 10:48 by dbeck
How To: LM32 Soft CPU Compiler Introduction This how to describes the status and how to build the compiler for the lm32 soft cpu. Links * on github (for be...
r5 - 2020-09-02 - 11:46 by dbeck
How To: LM32 Soft CPU Handle the ECA message signaled interrupts (MSIs) Introduction The ECA unit is capable to send MSI on certain conditions, such as: * p...
r4 - 2019-04-15 - 15:31 by dbeck
How To: LM32 Soft CPU Send a Command to a LM32 Soft CPU Introduction This how to demonstrates how to send a command to LM32 Soft CPU. This how to demonstrates ...
r2 - 2017-03-28 - 10:50 by dbeck
How To: LM32 Soft CPU Simple Stack Check Introduction This how to demonstrates how a simple check for possible stack violation has been implemented. Principle...
r4 - 2019-07-04 - 15:59 by dbeck
How To: LM32 Soft CPU Using MIL Devicebus Introduction This how to demonstrates how to access a device on a MIL Devicebus connected to the SCU ("MIL piggy"). A...
r2 - 2017-03-28 - 10:49 by dbeck
How To: Connecting a Timing Receiver to the White Rabbit Network A timing receiver MUST NOT be connected to a White Rabbit network without authorization. Authori...
Timing Messages: How To test the ECA queue from LM32 Soft CPU and PC Introduction The specified ECA queue is used to storage timing events filtered by eventID. T...
r17 - 2019-06-19 - 15:55 by dbeck
How To: UNILAC Chopper Firmware and Monitoring Introduction The main documentation about the (new) UNILAC chopper can be found here. This how to describes th...
"wr unipz" is a component of the MIL based UNILAC 'Pulszentrale' (UNIPZ). As a field bus, it does not use the MIL 'Event' bus but a White Rabbit network. Logicall...
How To: Monitoring via Web Pages DEPRECATED Introduction This How To describes how to do monitoring via web pages. Access Some web pages are only accessible on ...
How To: White Rabbit to MIL Gateway Introduction This is How To about the White Rabbit to MIL Gateway, wr mil. The how to of the 50 Hz synchronization of UNILAC ...
White Rabbit Switch 802.1X MAC Authentication Introduction This is a standard feature of 'normal' network switches from Cisco, HP, ... and involves a remote Radi...
Exploder5a Commissioning Guide Note: This test is functional. It is not intended to cover verification validation tests of the design! Note: Software/Version ...
r25 - 2019-09-06 - 16:04 by eochirs
Vetar2a Commissioning Guide Note: This test is functional. It is not intended to cover verification validation tests of the design! Needed components for each...
r11 - 2015-10-22 - 16:44 by ahahn
Main.MichaelReese 15 Feb 2018 PCIe WB bridge direct access mode PCIe timing hardware where the PCIe bridge has been modified to support the "direct access mode" ...
r9 - 2023-06-12 - 09:28 by mreese
Main.MichaelReese 14 Aug 2023 Device Driver Tutorial EB slave WB master over PCIe The goal is to write an Etherbone slave that controls a wishbone master on the ...
r2 - 2023-08-14 - 16:23 by mreese
PEXP Testing and Commissioning Guide Attention: This guide does not check the whole PCIe standard! Attention: This is NOT for FAT Required component...
r14 - 2021-03-26 - 10:40 by ahahn
Testing and Commissioning Guide for Pexaria5 Required components * Pexaria5 under test (named as P5UT in this guide) * PC with Intel Quartus (version 18...
NEW - 2020-10-07 - 11:56 by eochirs
How To: TMIS Introduction TMIS (Timing Message Information Service) is a quick evaluation on distribution of timing messages via the ACC controls network. The ma...
r3 - 2021-01-25 - 20:27 by dbeck
Main.MichaelReese 22 Aug 2017 Vetar2a: VME WB bridge direct access mode The normal mode of operation (after reset) of the Vetar2a card uses a VME wishbone bridge...
r7 - 2019-04-11 - 11:35 by mreese
HOW TO: Use xdot to analyze schedules Based on Graphviz dot language there is the tool xdot. A GSI fork of xdot (one of 136 forks) enhances this to analyze schedu...
WR Simulation How To This How To guide you in the simulation of the WR Core and WR Switch. Setup the Simulation environment You need a ModelSim runnig in your sy...
r5 - 2018-01-24 - 16:40 by cprados
General Machine Timing System at GSI and FAIR The FAIR facility involves a long chain of accelerators which need to be tightly synchronized. This is achieved by t...
Statistics for TOS/Timing Web Month: Topic views: Topic saves: File uploads: Most popular topic views: Top contributors for topic save and upload...
How To: WR LLDP This how to describes how to use LLDP in WR Devices. It is not meant to clarify what is LLDP. Info (November 2017): The development is already in...
r4 - 2017-11-15 - 10:38 by dbeck
Number of topics: 58

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