Exploder5a Commissioning Guide
Note: This test is functional. It is not intended to cover verification & validation tests of the design!
Note: Software/Version of bel_projects used in this tutorial: fbe6e696e3c5c6c2402b6b86a169b2c63939e4fe @ proposed_master
Note: JTAG Settings for PROMO5 ->
- CPLD: SEL1=2, SEL2=8
- FPGA: SEL1=1, SEL2=4
Needed components for each Exploder5a device
- SFP (green/purple)
- LC cable and a white rabbit switch
- USB cable (micro)
- WREX2a board (THIS SHOULD BE A WREX2a BOARD!) Important: Add Sticker to the case (200MHz plug), if the device has no WREX2a)
- Power supply (if you don't use the PCIe cable with power delivery)
- Xilinx programmer (Platform Cable USB II, DLC10)
- Altera usb blaster
- OLE display module (UG-2864ASYDT03)
- Speaker + housing
- Addon board (DB2)
- LEMO cable(s) + 2 pin cable(s) (need for LVDSo/i 10 pin boxed header)
- PCIe cable (male to male, there are two kinds of cables: red/green = with power delivery, red/blau = without power delivery)
- Null modem cable
- 3,5mm audio cable (optional)
Important Steps
Programming the CPLD
Remark: Inspect the top-most (green) LED next to CPLD. If it is
on, then it is more likely that CPLD is already programmed. In this case you can jump to a next section, unless you are not sure.
- Check out bel_projects (git commit https://github.com/GSI-CS-CO/bel_projects.git --recursive; git checkout proposed_master)
- Turn on power
- Use Xilinx Platform Cable USB II and the promo5 adapter. Set the promo5 to SEL1=2, SEL2=8 and connect to the JTAG1 port
- Run ISE
- Load project bel_projects/syn/gsi_exploder5/cpld/exploder5_prog.xise
- Process Menu => Implement Top Module
- Tools Menu => Impact
- Double-click Boundary Scan
- Control-I => exploder5_prog.jed
- Operations Menu => Program
- Turn power off
Programming the FPGA
- Attach the WREX2a board
- Use Altera USB Blaster and the promo11 adapter (JTAG2USB). If the promo5 adapter is used, then set it to SEL1=1, SEL2=4
- Turn power on
- Open Quartus and program the FPGA (or use the command line: quartus_pgm -c 1 -m jtag -o 'p;exploder5_csco_tr.sof')
- (optional) In case of an error "Error (213019): Can't scan JTAG chain. Error code 87." try again by unplugging and re-plugging Altera USB Blaster
- (optional) Write this bit-stream into the SPI flash: eb-flash dev/ttyUSBx exploder5_csco_tr.rpd (in case USB is already programmed)
- Once FPGA is programmed, connect an USB cable to the USBCON1 port and verify that the on-board USB controller is available: lsusb | grep -e "EZ-USB" -e "OpenMoko"
Programming the USB Chip
- Run 'make' in bel_projects/ip_cores/etherbone-core/hdl/eb_usb_core
- Make sure, that no other timing receiver is attached by USB
- Erase the USB controller (as root): ./flash-fx2lp.sh -E
- Program the USB controller (as root): ./flash-fx2lp.sh
- Turn power off and on
Configuring (and programming) the SPI Flash Chip
- Program the FPGA again: quartus_pgm -c 1 -m jtag -o 'p;exploder5_csco_tr.sof'
- Verify again that the USB controller is available
- Configure the SPI flash chip: eb-config-nv dev/ttyUSBx 10 4
- Write the bit-stream into the SPI flash: eb-flash dev/ttyUSBx exploder5_csco_tr.rpd (in case FPGA is not programmed)
- In case of trouble refer to TimingSystemHowFlashFTRNUser
- Go to bel_projects/ip_cores/wrpc-sw/tools
- Run "make"
- ./eb-w1-write dev/ttyUSBx -i 1 0 320 < sdb-wrpc.bin
Check White Rabbit
- eb-console dev/ttyUSBx
- Type in "gui", white rabbit status should be: locked and calibrated
Synchronization status should be: + Servo state: TRACK_PHASE + Phase tracking: ON You should also see 4 leds at the front panel: + red = traffic/no-link + blue = link + green = timing valid + white = PPS |
- Press ESC to quit
- Type in "mode master", node should be able to lock the PLL and become a master
Quit console
- Turn power off and on
Check EEPROM and set MAC
- Run eb-console dev/ttyUSBx
- Set MAC address for the device #xy: <<mac setp 00:26:7b:00:02:XX>>, Control-C
- Turn power off and on
- Run eb-console dev/ttyUSBn
- Type in "mac", you should see the previously entered MAC address
- If you don't have a DHCP server, you can set an ip address by "ip set 192.168.100.xyz"
Check IOs
- Go to the tools directory
- Make io-test
- Connect IOx and IOy (check that every IO works as input and output)
- ./io-test dev/ttyUSBx
Check PCIe
- Try the following tools (WITH DEV/WBM{n}):
- eb-console dev/wbmn
- eb-info dev/wbmn
- eb-ls dev/wbmn
Write to internal shared ram and read it back:
- Get the LM32 shared ram address by eb-ls dev/wbmn
- Example output: 3.2 0000000000000651:81111444 84000 LM32-RAM-Shared
- Create a dummy file (which will be written into the ram): dd if=/dev/urandom of=foo bs=4k count=1;
- Write dummy file to the lm32 shared ram: eb-put dev/wbmn 0x84000 foo
- Get the data from the shared ram: eb-get dev/wbmn 0x84000/4096 bar
- Compare both files: cmp foo bar
- Both files should contain the same data
- Repeat this test in a loop... (optional)
Check PCIe interrupts
- The device must be connected with PCI(e) (dev/wbm)
- Get the Altera-PCIe-MSI-Tgt address (eb-ls dev/wbm0) => "0000000000000651:8a670e73 30000 Altera-PCIe-MSI-Tgt"
- Run the eca snoop application at the tools directory: ./eca-snoop dev/wbs0 0x30000-0x3ffff
- Issue an interrupt: eb-write dev/ttyUSB0 0x30000/4 0x1
- You should see an interrupt in your console now
Optional Steps
Check LEDs
- Configure everything bidirectional IO as output
- ./eca-pps dev/ttyUSBx (this tool will output a PPS on every chancel,
according to your OE setup)
- You can change the OE setup by eb-write
- Get the IODIR_HACK slave address by using eb-ls dev/ttyUSBx (Example output: 27.1 0000000000000651:4d78adfd 800 GSI:IODIR_HACK
- Enable LVDS output: eb-write dev/ttyUSBx 0x800/4 0xff
- Go to bel_projects/tools
- make
- ./button-game dev/ttyUSBn
- Press every button, make sure that you saw one event for every button at least. Be aware, that the buttons are not debounced
Check Audio Chip
- Attack the speaker
- Make sure that WR is locked
- Go to bel_projects/modules/nau8811/demo/host-pps-config
- make
- Enable the PPS to audio mode: ./eb-pps-config dev/ttyUSB0 -l 30 (-l = loudness; 0 to 100)
- (Optional) MIC-IN: (turn power on and off if you did the test above)
- Go to bel_projects/modules/nau8811/demo/lm32-mic-to-spk
- make all
- make test
- Connect an audio cable to "MIC" and Speaker Out at a PC
- Play some music (youtube, whatever)
- The Exploder5a should act like an external speaker now
Check Display
- Connect via JTAG USB
- Attach the display
- Go to bel_projects/modules/ssd1325/demo/exploder5_demo
- make all
- Upload the demo to lm32: make test
- Display should show the device status now
Check RAM
- Create a test file with dd: dd if=/dev/urandom of=put_file bs=33554432 count=1 (32MB; 32*1024*1024)
- Get the address of the pseudo ram controller by eb-ls dev/ttyUSBx (26 0000000000000651:169edcb7 4000000 Pseudo SRAM)
- Put the file into the ram by eb-put dev/ttyUSBx 0x4000000 put_file
- Read back the file from ram by eb-get dev/ttyUSBx 0x4000000/33554432 get_file
- Compare the files: cmp put_file get_file
- Go to: tools/commissioning/onewire-scanner
- make
- run application: ./onewire-scanner dev/ttyUSB0
- There should be 2 controllers and 4 devices (and no unknown devices)
Check Serial Port
- Connect to RS232
- Example configuration: (sudo) setserial -g /dev/ttyS0
- Open with minicom: (sudo) minicom -D /dev/ttyS0
- Setup should be: Bps/Par/Bits 115200 8N1; Hardware Flow Control : No; Software Flow Control : No
- You should see the White Rabbit console now
Check 200MHz EE clock
- Only for WREX2a: Measure the 200MHz clock at the "200MHz" Output pins
- White Rabbit/Ethernet
- JTAG (board)
- JTAG (usb)
- USB connection
- LEDs (4xWR, 4xUSER, 1xBASE Power (green), 1xADDON Power (white), 6xLVDSi/o), 8xIO OE, 8xIO ACT)
- Buttons
- IOs
- LVDSi/o
- Display
- Audio
- RS232
- OneWire devices
- PCIe + Interrupts
- 200 MHz Clock from WREX2